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Forums are dragging


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35 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Yes, mostly on General Discussion though. It has most posts under it so I'm guessing that's why.

Actually  it's because of this ONE single super large/long  133  page  thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/850009-thanks-for-theron-shan-lt3-lt3-lt3-this-is-a-love-thread-haters-make-your-own-lol/

So if people would stop  needlessly 'bumping' that fluff thread,  it would eventually go down to  Page 2 of the General Discussion section  and then this main section would again start to load faster/better.

*This has happened before btw, with other similarly uber large/long ( old ) threads.

@JackieKo and  @JesseReid  , is this considered a bug/flaw in the new forums loading cache processes?  Or is this just sorta par-for-the-course on these 'Invision' type of interweb systems?

Edited by Nee-Elder
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General Discussion takes 10 seconds for me to load.  It’s the same coming from the main forum page, one of the General sub-forums, or back to General from reading a posting.  No other forum has this delay for me.

Getting in and out of messages with this much delay is painful.

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Yeah, it's only General Discussion. I did a page load test the other day and General Discussion took 13.29 seconds to load. If I remember correctly, the wait was from either content.invisioncic.com or live.invisioncic.com. I think they are using Invision's cloud hosting system, whereas before they had their own web server.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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Yup, really slow as of late. Takes ~10-15 second to load into general discussion, and the same when returning to GD from a thread, but loading a thread is not bad.

Hope this can be fixed sharpish, as a slow forum is bad, m'kay? 

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41 minutes ago, Advocatis said:

General Discussion takes 10 seconds for me to load.  It’s the same coming from the main forum page, one of the General sub-forums, or back to General from reading a posting.  No other forum has this delay for me.


36 minutes ago, ThanderSnB said:

Yeah, it's only General Discussion. I did a page load test the other day and General Discussion took 13.29 seconds to load. If I remember correctly, the wait was from either content.invisioncic.com or live.invisioncic.com.


32 minutes ago, Otowi said:

Yup, really slow as of late. Takes ~10-15 second to load into general discussion,


10 minutes ago, commanderwar said:

Also true for me, takes 10 seconds, only for general discussion.


4 minutes ago, Toraak said:

same for me. Only happens in General Discussion section.

............... As i stated above , watch how much faster things load once that particular thread i mentioned is gone.

I have tested this myself , but it might help for u guys to confirm later too. ( whenever---or if ever---that large 'Theron romance' thread goes byebye finally ) .

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: where art thou, BioWare ?
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51 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

An active long thread should be celebrated, not derided. 

uh sorta depends upon the topic of the thread.

In my OPINION, that particular thread is fluff.

I'd hardly consider my calling it fluff  to be "deriding" it though.

I'm just not personally entertained by it.  No biggie.

51 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

  If there's a problem with the page loading due to one thread then fix the problem.

Well yeah, obviously.

Hence why i *pinged*  Jackie & Jesse  earlier about it. ;)

51 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

Or are we not supposed to actually use the forums?

Nice melodramatic strawman  lol  but  yeah you (or anyone) are more than welcome to 'bump' that silly thread to your heart's content.

If i offended you (or Theron) in any way, be sure to :ph_use_the_force: as soon as possible!

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: peeps really seem to like Theron sheesh
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58 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Nice melodramatic strawman  lol  but  yeah you (or anyone) are more than welcome to 'bump' that silly thread to your heart's content.

If i offended you (or Theron) in any way, be sure to :ph_use_the_force: as soon as possible!

The character Theron Shan is an idiot and the only reason I regret leaving him to die on Nathema is that I would have much preferred to have personally Force Choked him to death like I did another traitorous companion who also had it coming.

If nothing else, it's a funny thread, it's like. -

"Ohh, it's okay Theron that you almost shot me in the head, and the only reason it didn't hit me is I ducked at the last split second and blew out the window behind me exactly where my head was and than shot Lana, and almost killed us both by intentionally trapping us on a runaway train that if we would have slipped or been delayed by even 1 split second we definitely would have died or even from the fall. But no worries, babycakes, I totally still wanna marry you."

But hey, to each their own.

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1 hour ago, xordevoreaux said:

Your choice not to read it.

You assume too much.  In point of fact, i've read each & every page of that thread....during my testing of this "forum dragging" situation.

I sacrificed my brain cells & rl time  for the greater good ( of testing ) . :cool:

1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

But hey, to each their own.


1 hour ago, xordevoreaux said:

Others may wish to.

And they are free to do so.

Neither my opinion of the thread, nor my desire for it to be shuffled down off  Page 1 General  Discussion section,  should inhibit anyone from their own personal preferences.

Furthermore, these feeble strawman attempts  spawned by one basically innocuous throwaway word ( "fluff" ) are a fun diversion but totally misguided & off-topic.

It could be ANY  super large/long  100+ page thread.

Got nothing to do with 'Theron' fans. :ph_lol:

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: the usual suspects
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5 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

An active long thread should be celebrated, not derided.  If there's a problem with the page loading due to one thread then fix the problem.


Or are we not supposed to actually use the forums?



2 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

You assume too much.  In point of fact, i've read each & every page of that thread....during my testing of this "forum dragging" situation.

I sacrificed my brain cells & rl time  for the greater good ( of testing ) . :cool:


And they are free to do so.

Neither my opinion of the thread, nor my desire for it to be shuffled down off  Page 1 General  Discussion section,  should inhibit anyone from their own personal preferences.

Furthermore, these feeble strawman attempts  spawned by one basically innocuous throwaway word ( "fluff" ) are a fun diversion but totally misguided & off-topic.

It could be ANY  super large/long  100+ page thread.

Got nothing to do with 'Theron' fans. :ph_lol:

Come on guys, I actually enjoy reading both of you. Let's not fight. Remember that bioware is the enemy, not each other. 

Let's compromise. Jackie's been tagged, so we'll ask her to please delete the Theron thread and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, great, problem solved and we can then make a new Theron thread (minus the hundreds of posts and collective efforts that went into making the original). And if it doesn't work, then...well, Nee-Elder will be happy at least :rak_01:  

Or I guess we could insist that bioware fix whatever's wrong in the fortuitously timed patch tomorrow instead of just randomly[1] deleting one of the few visible (and wholesome) signs of life on this forum.

idk I guess either option works :rak_02: 

[1] I know I know, It's not truly random because hey one guy tested it. 

Edited by Ardrossan
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2 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

I sacrificed my brain cells & rl time  for the greater good ( of testing ) . :cool:

If you really wanna lose a serious amount of braincells, go check out the "Arcann Appreciation" string.

Apparently 'space hitler' is quite the catch! heh

Nothing like mass murder on a multiple planetary scale to make some peoples hearts go all pitter patter!

George Lucas and I had no idea the Darkside was a curable disease. A little hocus pocus and you're all good.

No need to answer for those crimes or anything. Enjoy your new love affair Arcaan! 

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2 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

so we'll ask her to please delete the Theron thread and see if that fixes the problem. 

No need to delete anything, since they (BioWare) should be able to test/confirm my hypothesis  internally/administratively.  ( or they can simply hide the thread temporarily )

2 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

And if it doesn't work, then...well, Nee-Elder will be happy at least  

Just because i'm indifferent about a thread doesn't mean i want it deleted.

Besides, i'm always happy when it comes to STAR WARS. ---err, except maybe when i watch Ep. 9  Ruse of Byewalker :(

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12 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Actually  it's because of this ONE single super large/long  133  page  thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/850009-thanks-for-theron-shan-lt3-lt3-lt3-this-is-a-love-thread-haters-make-your-own-lol/

If that's what's causing it, then it should be split. Lock the first part, rename the second part as "part II". That's what I've seen done on other forums with similar issues. 

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I don't get it either it's running poorly as if before they remodeled to what it is now or something really is slowing it down.
I don't see how 1 thread with a lot of pages is doing this. (it could be adding a little weight but should not be the soul source)
It has to be  

12 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

the wait was from either content.invisioncic.com or live.invisioncic.com. I think they are using Invision's cloud hosting system, whereas before they had their own web server

 or something else on their end.


It's technically a new forum so...

Let's hope other parts don't get this slow.

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7 hours ago, DarthCasus said:

I pay my galactic taxes and this is the service I receive? A decade and some change of the forums operating normally and its undone, potentially by a thread that didn't cause any issues before an upgrade?? Say it ain't so Jackie! 

Maybe for 100 credits per person per page load, they can restore performance.  Inflation isn’t going to cure itself, amirite?

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