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7.2 PvP Feedback


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With all respect that is due, and as a long time player I started when I was 13 back in 2012 and still enjoying this game, despite the ability pruning and lack of attention to my favorite game mode. Jackie, this was possibly the worst decision ever made, to remove the competitive aspect of PVP in this game. This was going to be the first season I competed in, and now you've lost a long time subscriber, player and someone that recommended this game to his co-workers who liked Star Wars. I am utterly disappointed by the lack of care or empathy from the Developers for the Ranked Community. The ranked community from my experience as a brand new player to the scene has been nothing but whole-hearted kindness, giving me tips and advice and watching me progress to new levels. You removing all those accomplishments has greatly diminished my resolve to play this game, stopped me from recommending it to others who love Star Wars and definently have lost my Subscription. I firmly believe in the mantra "We Pay We Say" therefore I will be cancelling my subscription once 7.2 drops, which I hope to god you reconsider everything you and the team have said to do. I dislike the removal of ranked, the rest of the updates were fine, removing endgame content gives no incentives for anybody that has reached a certain skill level to continue progressing. You are not catering to your loyal fanbase, you are killing it and have done so for some time now. I will continue to fight for Ranked PvP to remain and for Season 15 to be a thing, because that was going to be the Season I competed in. I am shocked, disgusted and disappointed. As a Servicemember overseas, playing this game honestly makes me happy, although now I'm not so sure anymore, the removal of my favorite end game content seems to be the death of the game for me. Please reconsider, keep all the changes but add Season 15 and continue Ranked PvP. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

I won't queue anymore.


On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

Decos probably, yet those are not as exciting to play regular warzones.

On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

I don't play 8v8 unless I play with friends once or twice a month. Mostly because there is no competition and playerbase is low-skilled. There is literally no joy in being better than a week-old player who presses shiny buttons because those are shiny.


On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

No. People either play objectives or don't, there's no way to encourage one of the playstyles.


On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?



On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

PvP will be dead for me. It already wasn't brilliant after the expertise stat removal, and without ranked I don't see any reason to play it anymore.


On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Battlepass is a good idea, should bring more people into regs. I'd play it, if I would be a new player or a younger one. Yet I'm old enough to play old-school deathmatches only and delight in being good enough to win or... not being good enough to win, it is a thing to enjoy sometimes and to think about.


On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

Ranked removal is a disaster. I do raids with friends, so I won't unsub, but if there wouldn't be another reason for me to stay in the game, it'd be an end for me.


On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Do not remove ranked.

P.S. either implement the same season for GSF or include GSF into PvP one. We GSFers exist too.
P.P.S. I really enjoy GSF, ranked and NiM raids. Likely I'm a priviliged opressor and should be put in read-only mode according to rich-minded people with fancy signatures that adore to use DiFfERenT ColoURs and InTErestINg SiZE of LEtterS.

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On 11/10/2022 at 8:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Premades will ruin 4v4 because few teams will dominate all solo players. 4V4 MUST be solo-queue only. There is no other variant. Premades RUIN pvp for all other players 

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5 hours ago, omaan said:

Premades will ruin 4v4 because few teams will dominate all solo players. 4V4 MUST be solo-queue only. There is no other variant. Premades RUIN pvp for all other players 

Imagine telling people not to play with their friends in an mmo.

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On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

Almost certainly much less, possibly none. If the matchmaking is bad, definitely none. Role mirroring and premades vs. solos are both concerns.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

No, not at all. Not only are the rewards themselves lackluster, I see little point in rewards that literally anyone can get regardless of skill, or lack thereof.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

No. If I do play at all, I will mostly play arenas.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

I highly doubt it. The only thing that would properly incentivize objective play would be to make winning matter in warzones. It currently doesn't in regs, and it won't in this new version either.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?


On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

It will be boring compared to ranked. Dangling shoddy rewards that are easily accessible by everyone will not encourage people to win, it will merely encourage people to grind. And if people don't care about winning, there is little point in competing to the best of one's ability.

These changes will probably lead to more people queueing for pvp, so if your goal is purely to pad the numbers, you'll probably succeed. But it should go without saying that it will be a hollow victory. Pvp will be a shell of what it could be with proper care and development. It seems to me that, like many of the pve players that laud these changes, the decisionmakers at Bioware have an active disdain for pvp and do not value high level competition for its own sake.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

It's great that there is finally a casual way to practice arenas! Unfortunately, there is nothing left to practice for with ranked gone lol

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

Echoing what others have said, you have removed any incentive to win, to improve, or to compete at a high level.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Add some way to sort players. Provide a way for players to set goals and achieve them, based on skill and commitment, not just grinding. That is what made ranked fun for me and many others, along with the higher level of play that resulted from there being actual stakes involved.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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On 11/12/2022 at 7:28 PM, Illedros said:
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

SWTOR devs cutting out the dead weight and disincentivizing some of the worst people who play this game and appealing to casual players. Cheating, toxicity, gatekeeping...where are these things almost exclusively localized? The answer: to the smallest player base in the game. Therefore just get rid of them.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

The removal of ranked pvp. I really hope the hardcore ranked pvpers uninstall now. They have spent years delighting in cheating, toxicity and gatekeeping and as a result their numbers haven't grown. And now ranked is being removed all together. They brought about their own downfall and it couldn't be more hilarious watching them cry about it.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Make premades only get a match if there's another premade in queue. Fair's fair. Same with healers & tanks. They ruin matches. The best matches are 2 pug dps groups. This should also help keep ranked pvper's away who like to queue with a pocket healer while they endlessly battle flag everyone on their fotm. No one enjoys this, even when they're on the same team it makes it boring.

Note really a pvp season thing but class balance needs another look. The difference in survivability is ridiculous. Fury has the highest parse with insane survivability compared to marksmanship which has the worst parse with rubbish survivabliity.

Ironic that the worst offenders for wintrading in ranked are largely conquest and pve guilds, not even ranked players. Sure, every season there are some. But I invite you to look around you at everyone who's weak in regs, yet has ranked rewards currently, as well as all those who farmed it for mats to sell and aug with. All those 4v4 trades should have resulted in mass bans instead of punishing the community that wasn't actually involved.

As for healers and tanks, they're not unstoppable either. This kind of reaction is generally from someone who doesn't understand the game well enough to counter them and that's okay. There's a winning strat for every pvp situation, at that points it's more about your team's priorities and their personal skill level. No one expects you to know everything immediately. There are people willing to teach you. 

You say it's not a pvp thing, but mm survivability isn't an issue in pve. If you're playing mm in pvp at this point and you're not experienced enough to survive without the self-heals (it isn't easy, agreed) or you're running without support, that's just a mistake itself. It should never have had all its self-healing removed IMO, but survivability is still decent on it in *most' situations. Adapt and thrive. 

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

The same or less depending if the previous ranked rewards are being offered or not.

  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

No, I pretty much exclusively play this game for pvp. I would pvp whether or not there is a rewards track or not.

  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

No, I will mostly que for 8v8 as I enjoy it more.

  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

I do not care about medals, I care about pvping.

  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

So from what I believe there will be season objectives, daily and weekly that will progress towards the track. I am not sure if just completing a pvp match will progress the track so it is not very clear for me.

  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

The removal of ranked seasons is a sign that BioWare gave up on trying to improve it. I do think the new pvp season system is good as it gives a reason to play unranked but ranked did not need to be removed.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Actual rewards for doing unranked.

  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

Offering previous ranked rewards on the new season vendor. Please do not do this BioWare.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Currently on the PTS old ranked rewards are on the season vendor for purchase with the new season currency. I absolutely hate this. I worked so hard to grind the ranked rewards I wanted. Putting them on the new season vendor devalues those rewards as it makes them super easy to obtain with the new season. Those ranked rewards should stay exclusive to ranked and no longer be obtainable. If they remain on the vendor when the patch goes live BioWare is spitting in the face of those ranked players who put in the time and effort to get better at pvp in ranked. Typically if you see someone with ranked pvp rewards you know they are at least decently skilled pvpers. The ranked rewards are a sign of prestige and a rough indication of skill. That would be lost if everyone could now easily obtain the rewards with the new season.

I beg you BioWare please do not put the old ranked rewards on the new season vendor.

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    About the same, I play several matches a week.
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    Yes, but only because I was grinding for some ranked pvp items and now I won't have enough time to get them.
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    Yes, I enjoy both types and like the variety.
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    Probably not, some people just like going around killing. 
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    Allowing casual pvpers to make progress on a seasons track is nice, especially when you have a losing streak. 
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    Getting rid of a ranking seems like a strange choice for a competitive game. I love seeing how I have improved in my numbers in unranked, and I was looking forward to trying out ranked for the first time to see how I would do. 

    And why would you let people buy rewards by using credits to earn season levels?

    Isn't that why we have a cartel market? 

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    Combining ranked into unranked needs more work on your end. Isn't there some way of matching up people with similar skills?

    When I was new in pvp, getting creamed by the extremely skilled players was disheartening. But I kept at it because of guildmates. I don't think having top tier ranked players squashing brand new pvpers is a good way to encourage them to keep queueing.

    For the past year, our guild has been running matches against each other in the group ranked queue (because in pre-season no one else ever queued). We tried to balance out the skill levels on each team to make it equally likely we could win. It made for the best matches ever because they were close games. It was also easier to improve.

    Couldn't something like this be implemented in the whole system of pvp matchmaking
Edited by brennajoy
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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    • I'll probably queue some arenas, I enjoy that type of gameplay
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    • Not the new rewards, but I'm gonna be farming those tokens
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    • No, I hate 8v8, it gets very one-sided too quickly
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    • Probably not, since people just do damage farm in mid for fun
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
    • Yes, it is very simple, and I like it
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    • I think it solves many of the major pvp problems, but there were certainly better options. For example, a competitive pvp player (not me), doesn't really have a good goal to work towards anymore.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • Mainly just being able to do reg arenas without the risk of getting huttball. That's a nice change
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • That completing the "Season 1" achievements require me to play huttball.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    • The amount of weeklies to complete and how many matches to complete to get a weekly. I did the math and realized that you'd need to pvp to meet said requirements is obscene. A season is projected to be about four months. This means a season would be about 16 weeks. Currently, you need 25 of each weekly which is 50 total, meaning that every week you need to complete 3-4 weeklies per week to meet the objective (on top of seasons objectives and anything else we do in swtor). With the size of the weekly, this seems like a bit much. Especially since from what I heard the weekly for warzones is 24 points with wins counting for 3. You could lose huttball over and over again and have to play 24 games of huttball to clear one weekly, then do that twice to meet your requirement (48 warzones). I don't know the logic for arenas but it follows similar logic. The expectation for how much pvp we have to do is just vastly absurd.
    • My suggestion: For the season 1 achievement, lower it to like 10 weeklies so we can get by doing only one of each weekly per week.
    • Other suggestion: Make these weeklies not take 24 losses of warzones to get. At the very minimum it should be halved, so that losing 12 huttballs gets you a clear, or 4 wins.
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26 minutes ago, brennajoy said:

getting creamed by the extremely skilled players was disheartening. 

I don't think having top tier ranked players squashing brand new pvpers is a good way to encourage them to keep queueing.

Totally  agree  ^  and that's one of the many points i've been trying (but failing) to make to certain Rankers.  You said it far better than i did though,  @brennajoy !

26 minutes ago, brennajoy said:

, our guild has been running matches against each other in the group ranked queue (because in pre-season no one else ever queued).

We tried to balance out the skill levels on each team to make it equally likely we could win. It made for the best matches ever because they were close games. It was also easier to improve.  Couldn't something like this be implemented in the whole system of pvp matchmaking?

EXCELLENT points ^  and that's exactly what i try to do with our GUILD(s)  too.  ( in addition to using our designated  'guild Rishi HQ' stronghold  training areas ) -- It's very difficult to measure  human RL skill levels however.  Therein lies the quandry.

@KeithKanneg and  @EricMusco  and @ChrisDurel , @Shabir_Dhillon :  Any chance the new  'queue system'  could incorporate  some  code  algorithym  (or even a player selection)  whereby  'sides'  were split more equally  based on certain detectable (or selectable)  variables?

*Example:  In addition to all the hidden matchmaking algorithyms  that would hopefully guard against any dishonesty or exploiting,   before players  queue-up for  PVP  they can choose between  say the followng 5  'characteristics/terms'  that best define personal  'skill level' at PVP:

  • Trainee
  • Adept
  • Veteran
  • Master

(similar to how us GM's  describe what TYPE our guilds are for the chat-tab-clickable-info-link )

Just trying to offer suggestions & solutions here.

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: not even sure who to *ping* at BioWare for PVP code
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On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

at this moment 100% no and i'll stop, if ranked is finally not removed : 100% YES

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

absolutely not

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

Yes sure, but 4v4 regs will be risky when i'll be alone and face some premades, i think it must be an only solo queueing mode for regs

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

I think its not useful, regs players play already objectives and always will

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

For casual players or main pve players yes, but the fact is when you're a pure pvp player (casual pve sometimes) like me it will be uninteresting and for a simple reason : i would have the same rewards as a player who will not play often and who will not necessarily have to play hard every WZs, i mean, this man will have the same reward and be afk all the round, think about it! this is one of the things why remove ranked is nonsense

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

 Positive, it will bring more players to regs, but thats all

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Separating 8v8 and 4v4, but for 4v4 is risky for a casual player who queue alone against premades and lose again and again and again... obviously he will stop queueing 4v4 or he will go to pve and finally it would be more a disavantage for bringing people to pvp

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

Removing ranked from pvp, its removing any competition to this mode, yes i want more pvp players but i also want it to be more fun! here that's too much participation based; 4v4 once again is not secure for a single player

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

-Keep ranked, if the 8v8 is separated from the 4v4 maybe bring back the ranked 8v8 will be a solution to make the pvp community bigger and funnier with special rewards for guilds in 8v8 for example. I played ranked pvp since the season 1, i raised my skill and now you break it all, i love this game and i don't want to leave it... if ranked doesn't exist anymore, i doesn't exist anymore here, there's many solutions to make ranked fair and enjoyable, just read our feedback. Regs will reunite casual and pure pvp player and your solution to make it with a season for regs is a really good idea, but pure pvp players will leave this game if they can't play against other without serious competition, that's what ranked is designed for, please don't kill the rest of the pvp/ranked community, we need more players in all mods.

-if you keep ranked and i hope so... change the way of winning elo, for example for a win : +15 points; for a lose : +4 points and set the starting elo to 500, this way many player won't be discouraged from losing several times in a row and sure this will allow them to improve, teams AND single players

-for 4v4 apply the same rules to 8V8 : no double healer; no double tank; and please no only 1 class premades like 4 powertechs or 4 sins too, obviouly it will be too much TOXIC and many players will do it

Maybe i forgot some things to say but i think the essential is written.


we are a part of the game too.......Read us @JackieKo@EricMusco


This is the way



Edited by JunnKahnn
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Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
Probably more, the extra rewards are nice.

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
My willingness to do 4v4 will be defined by match quality. Currently, 4v4s in unranked are often quite one-sided. It's infuriating when one side gets 2 healers while the other gets none. Role match-up should be consistent like it is for solo ranked. It's also incredibly frustrating when the match starts with 3v3 (which is fine) but then halfway through, one side gets a player and then the game is ruined. Either keep both sides at an equal number that's smaller than 4 or only add 1 to each side at the same time, don't let the additional players play when they backfill until there is a replacement. Reward backfills for the full match even if they can't play.  

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
I haven't seen the new medals yet, so I'm not sure. There should be a list of medals somewhere in the game, like the PvP season window, the tutorials, or codex entry that explains what all the medals are and how to get them.

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
I see that there are objectives, but it's odd to see the point requirements differ so significantly from what Galactic Seasons does (56 weekly points vs 1000). I would highly recommend adding some weekly objectives that require more significant skill but offer double points to encourage players to improve.

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
Mostly good. I think the changes you're making are efficient and will help to revitalized unranked.

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
It's a major improvement to have more frequent seasons with rewards that feel achievable. With the ranked PvP rewards, even if you could get past the toxicity, you had to play a ton of matches to buy stuff.

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
The complete removal of the competitive environment. Your casual players will begin to complain more about sweaty tryhards as they get annihilated by the skilled players while the skilled will complain about not having enough good matches. It's the same thing in Battlefront 2 (2017). 

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
There needs to be some sort of competitive environment so that players are incentivized to improve. Clearly full-fledged ranked seasons are not viable, but what about some sort of shorter period (like 2 weeks) each year or between seasons or like as a Conquest event where there's a competitive tournament or ranked queue with a smaller selection of cosmetics. I'm saying treat ranked like an event to encourage participation and improvement.

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 I like the proposed changes. It should remove some toxicity.. Id like to see queuing as a group removed or reduced to 50% of the group size for pvp.. Anyone who solo queues just get hammered by a pre made 9 times out of 10.. Whats the point of queuing solo..? Just my opinion

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1 hour ago, DarthEndonae said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
The complete removal of the competitive environment. Your casual players will begin to complain more about sweaty tryhards as they get annihilated by the skilled players while the skilled will complain about not having enough good matches. It's the same thing in Battlefront 2 (2017). 

No, most competent players will simply leave, since globalling bads gets boring very quick. It's the same thing in Battlefront 2 (2017). 


1 hour ago, DarthEndonae said:

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
There needs to be some sort of competitive environment so that players are incentivized to improve. Clearly full-fledged ranked seasons are not viable, but what about some sort of shorter period (like 2 weeks) each year or between seasons or like as a Conquest event where there's a competitive tournament or ranked queue with a smaller selection of cosmetics. I'm saying treat ranked like an event to encourage participation and improvement.

No one is going to commit to this game for an event held 2 weeks a year. 

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On 11/13/2022 at 10:03 PM, omaan said:

1, Removing ranked will cost you numerous subscribers leaving the game because they like ranked

2.making possibility to queue 4v4 as premade will result into more skilled players teaming up and destroying solo queue players which is intolerable. 4vs4 must be only solo queue possible 

I think they did the math and its not as many players as you think.

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On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?


If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

  • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
  • What was your group composition? 
  • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 


EDIT: Added additional questions for queuing feedback. 

  1. Yeah, i think I'll play more.  I actually enjoyed being able to play arenas instead of just warzones as I'm a more casual player.
  2. Yes.  I do like earning the seasons rewards.
  3. Yeah, I do like the objective based Warzones as well as the Arenas
  4. From what I could tell, yes they do.
  5. Not really.  I was having trouble figuring out how the points were rewarded.
  6. I like it.  It feels like more people can be involved.
  7. As a casual player, I like that PVP isn't limited to only those who focus on it.
  8. While I was queued for both Warzones and Arenas I only popped for arenas.
  9. I don't know, I'd have to play more than the 3 matches I could get.

related to difficulty queuing

  1. I felt like with the amount of people queuing for PVP the pops should have been faster.
  2. I queued solo for all of my matches.
  3. I have PVP-ed in the past, but mostly unranked.
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Testing on the PTS during the timeslot:

  • Queues seemed very slow compared to the number of people I knew were queuing, it felt like they were not popping when they should. I was able to get a Warzone (Novare Coast) and the new Onderon Arena by queuing for both with a group 3 people. Eventually they just seemed to break and no one could get any more matches (the q was reset later by admin but I had already left). Our warzone was a proper 8vs8 and really great, our arena was 4vs3 never backfilled oops
  • Neither my Warzone loss or my Arena win counted towards my PvP Seasons Objects, they are all still at 0/2 wins and 0/5 played, so no progress at all was made, same with Medalist
  • Are the levels really 208 points each lol?
  • We aren't quite sure how the points per match work. We got 16-46 points each match but couldn't quite figure out how you get more or less. Would be great if that was in the forums post about how it works when it is done.
  • If you did 4 objectives per week, at 100 points each, it would take you a minimum of 13 weeks to complete the season, right, not counting any points from the actual matches or maybe the achievements? Though give or take, every 10 matches you could get a level for 208 points.
  • I still don't feel well about seeing the ranked rewards as season rewards. One of our group mates literally just purchased the track and went and picked up the red glowing holo rancor and jumped on it without even having played pvp at all yet, same with the furious weapons.
  • Medals seem kinda funky, I saw these for sure on a friends screenshot:
    • Combatant Medal awarded for dealing 0 damage!
    • Destroyer Medal awarded for dealing 0 total damage!
    • Shield Medal awarded for preventing 0 damage to your allies!
    • Guardian Medal awarded for preventing 0 damage to your allies without dying once!
    • Savior Medal awarded for delivering 0 total healing!
  • People I q'd with seemed to like the new scoreboard at the end that shows your own numbers.
  • A little sad to see MVP votes gone.
  • Thanks 1
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On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    I will queue pvp the same amount. I have never been a fan of solo ranked and 4v4 ranked has been dead for a very long time. I am however happy to be able to choose 8v8 or 4v4.
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    No, not as they currently stand. The rewards feel minimal at best and slow to gain. A seasons track only makes sense if there is a carrot early on. A few tokens which aren't enough to buy anything cool and some random bits of gear won't keep people queuing. Double the number of tokens earned early and slow them down over the duration and I think that would make people want to pvp for the rewards. Adding secondary rewards every 5 or 10 could be juicy as well.

    Increase tech frag generation by 200% so there is a silver lining even if a player loses their way to the weekly.
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    I will happily queue 8v8 solo or with friends any time and any place and will likely queue more of those than 4v4. Going forward with the changes I will only queue 4v4 with a full group.
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    I wasn't aware there are new warzone medals. They're either not advertised or we're so conditioned to not pay attention to medals that they're meaningless to the player base. Or they were part of the new warzone end screen which:
    A) Appears in the top left corner by default, not centred.
    B) Displays meaningless information with no context as "personal" stats that don't make sense. I was informed after an 8v8 as a healer that i had done 6 million damage and my healing wasn't displayed anywhere but the allies frame.
    C) Allies frame hover over menu flickers, shows too much at once and does not scale.
    D) If the goal is to push the medals as an end-of-match "congratulations" that whole interface needs a lot of work and the medals actually have to mean something.
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
    Not really other than the painfully obvious "queue for pvp and try to win". If there are specific ways to generate points they're not immediately indicated, showcased or otherwise highlighted.
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    I think the changes are in the right direction. I don't think the rewards are enough to really give incentive to more of the population to pvp. I think the removal of ranked PvP is whatever. Win trading was rampant and 4v4 solos is really just a duelling showcase. Game balance wasn't there to make 4v4 grouped really work. As I stated earlier if the goal is to get more people into pvp the rewards need to be better and more frequent. To get people to play objectives, adding bonus for playing objectively would be good.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    I am very into the split 8v8 and 4v4 queue.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    The reward pacing and the new end match UI. That needs to be redesigned or rolled back to what we currently have. The focus increased on personal play and performance will do nothing to encourage objective pvp in 8s.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    With the apparent new focus on medals, tie secondary base rewards per match to them. Tech fragments or something similar would be a great way to get people to pay attention to them.


If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

  • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
    managed to get 1 4v4 pop and 1 8v8 pop. I then sat in queue for 30minutes without a game.
  • What was your group composition? 
    4v4 was all DPS, no point in taking a healer into a solo 4v4 queue. I did not queue with a group of 4.
  • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 
    Yes. All memebers of the 4v4 either had titles or flares from pvp.


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37 minutes ago, LadyAdmiral said:

Testing on the PTS during the timeslot:

  • Queues seemed very slow compared to the number of people I knew were queuing, it felt like they were not popping when they should.

Might get fixed (or work-a-rounded) with upcoming PTS restart--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/926003-devs-on-72-pts/#comment-9729252

38 minutes ago, LadyAdmiral said:

I still don't feel well about seeing the ranked rewards as season rewards. One of our group mates literally just purchased the track and went and picked up the red glowing holo rancor and jumped on it without even having played pvp at all yet, same with the furious weapons.

Totally agree ^  and in this game full of  re-skin$ x infinity , why  BioWare couldn't have just  altered all those earned rewards to be instead some new slighlty different versions is beyond me. :confused:

However, this decision also seems to be going along with their recent trend of unlocking everything for everyone ( like with Collector's Edition stuff going to anyone who wasn't even an original collector  lol smh ) .

In my opinion, this trend is either because they figure SWTOR is gonna end soon anyways ...and/or... because of matching more with current 2022 general societal RL sentiments.

Either way,  just like i recently posted here  and also  here , i still believe  it's NOT too late for BioWare to make adjustments in the hopes of making 7.2  better (without ruining so much in the process) .

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? The same amount, which is a few times a week.
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? Yes, but I hope it goes past level 25.
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Equally, or 4v4 if time is limited. 
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? Unsure?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? Yes, though it is not clear how many you earn from winning or losing a match, so I can only guess it's based on medals as well.
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? A big improvement for casual and regular PvP players. A downgrade for ranked players.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? The Season track and the new arena.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? I think the old ranked rewards should be a bit more difficult to obtain in 7.2. 
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? Make the weekly objectives more challenging.

A few things:

- Can't track PvP Season weekly objectives.

- Did not get credit towards any weekly objectives.

- Scoreboards should break down the match a bit more on the first tab. It seems like they combine both healing and damage done.

- Right clicking the pvp icon on the tray will only allow you to queue for a single type of PvP.

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On 11/16/2022 at 11:37 AM, brennajoy said:
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
  • Combining ranked into unranked needs more work on your end. Isn't there some way of matching up people with similar skills?

    When I was new in pvp, getting creamed by the extremely skilled players was disheartening. But I kept at it because of guildmates. I don't think having top tier ranked players squashing brand new pvpers is a good way to encourage them to keep queueing.

    For the past year, our guild has been running matches against each other in the group ranked queue (because in pre-season no one else ever queued). We tried to balance out the skill levels on each team to make it equally likely we could win. It made for the best matches ever because they were close games. It was also easier to improve.

    Couldn't something like this be implemented in the whole system of pvp matchmaking

This exists, it's called guild challenges. It has zero place in an actual ranked queue, however. People can train there and queue ranked when they feel confident enough. If they're still that bad, they can always go back and practice more.

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3 hours ago, -Garmonbozia said:

This exists, it's called guild challenges. It has zero place in an actual ranked queue, however. People can train there and queue ranked when they feel confident enough. If they're still that bad, they can always go back and practice more.

Against who

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    • Same at first to see what the impact is
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    • No, not at all. The cosmetics don't look good enough, tech frags or OEM/RPM items were a great incentive before 
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    • Nope I'll be one the 4x4 train, I've been wanting to avoid Huttball for years
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    • I hope it'll stop people just going AFK to progress the track, win trading may still be an issue
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
    • Ish, I guess we'll see how that plays out
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    • I'm worried this will make the premade issue worse, and duplicate the AFK issue that GSF has. Groups who played together before will keep doing that, and anyone starting new will get obliterated before they can learn anything.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • It works basically like a long weekly I guess, the concept is ok
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • I dont know if more people will play, or having the ranked community suddenly in with gen pop will push new people away completely. It's already hard to avoid premade groups in regs, I'm somewhat experienced and they still trounce me, starting out new I'd give up hope fast. 
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    • Help new players get started without getting stomped by the sudden influx of the ranked crowd, idk, maybe scale rewards as you get more medals or something. Don't let someone with a crazy high damage rating average be in a group with newbies. People won't be able to progress through the season if they get stomped and quit. 
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