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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades are hurting pvp participation


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I´ve been fighting the same double premade all day long.

If BW would put premades against no premade guys, at least don put a double premade with 2 healers, tanks and so on against a group with no healer, no tank, no geared dps. its point less. Mach after mach that double premade.

I wonder how is that posible.

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Premades kill the q, discourage new players and are rarely anything to do with "playing with friends" and everything to do with trolling the matches.


Make a "solo only" and a "groups allowed" queue


If people prefer faster pops or want to q as a group then they'll q in "groups allowed"


if people prefer to avoid premades then they'll q in "solo only", the pops may take longer but they'll get matches they actually enjoy.


If solo players don't care they can q in both and take whichever pops first

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Anyone seriously suggesting two separate queues is impossible to take seriously. Group regs queue would require premades representing 16 players to queue up at the same time. This thing would never pop. It would be like queueing with two DPS for operations and expecting a pop. Don't be foolish on purpose. This game is not WoW, FF14, or even ESO. The population isn't big enough to support segregated queues. We already have group ranked and it only pops by appointment. The solo ranked queue is so depopulated that there's no rating based match making, and people with 500 rating get put up against people with 2,000 rating. Segregated queues are objectively a failure and there's no evidence showing it would be any better with a group regs queue.


This game already has up to 10 minute waits to get regs to pop. Segregating the queue is going to make it take even longer. "But if the premades are gone then more people will queue!" No, these people are bad players and they are bad even without premades. They will still rage quit matches when they die more than once and will still blame their losses on everyone else. Premades are an excuse, not the cause of any harm.


What's being proposed is that this MMO should punish two buddies for wanting to play the game together. My sister and I only play this game to PVP together. If the game didn't allow us to do that, then there is no reason for us to sub.


99% of premades are absolutely terrible and they lose most of the games they are in because they just death match. If anyone cannot beat them, then I recommend that they keep practicing.

Edited by HaoZhao
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Anyone seriously suggesting two separate queues is impossible to take seriously. Group regs queue would require premades representing 16 players to queue up at the same time. This thing would never pop. It would be like queueing with two DPS for operations and expecting a pop. Don't be foolish on purpose. This game is not WoW, FF14, or even ESO. The population isn't big enough to support segregated queues. We already have group ranked and it only pops by appointment. The solo ranked queue is so depopulated that there's no rating based match making, and people with 500 rating get put up against people with 2,000 rating. Segregated queues are objectively a failure and there's no evidence showing it would be any better with a group regs queue.


This game already has up to 10 minute waits to get regs to pop. Segregating the queue is going to make it take even longer. "But if the premades are gone then more people will queue!" No, these people are bad players and they are bad even without premades. They will still rage quit matches when they die more than once and will still blame their losses on everyone else. Premades are an excuse, not the cause of any harm.


What's being proposed is that this MMO should punish two buddies for wanting to play the game together. My sister and I only play this game to PVP together. If the game didn't allow us to do that, then there is no reason for us to sub.


99% of premades are absolutely terrible and they lose most of the games they are in because they just death match. If anyone cannot beat them, then I recommend that they keep practicing.


You were right up to the last sentence... Suggesting that people should "get gud" to beat them is disingenuous.


For a player to beat a premade three things must happen, that player must be good, have a team of similarly good players, and the premade must be brain dead... or damage farmers, basically the same thing.


That and the idea that 99% of them are that bad ... you know better come on. The entire reason most people premade is for advantage, not social. Thats fine, it is what it is now, a lot people dont seem to be able to actually PvP without a group anymore, its the state of things, but lets just not pretend its something it isnt.

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You were right up to the last sentence... Suggesting that people should "get gud" to beat them is disingenuous.


For a player to beat a premade three things must happen, that player must be good, have a team of similarly good players, and the premade must be brain dead... or damage farmers, basically the same thing.


That and the idea that 99% of them are that bad ... you know better come on. The entire reason most people premade is for advantage, not social. Thats fine, it is what it is now, a lot people dont seem to be able to actually PvP without a group anymore, its the state of things, but lets just not pretend its something it isnt.


Sorry, but this is not correct. One good player can win the game, alone. I have had Huttball games where I scored all 6 goals by myself. i have had games of Hypergates where I capped the enemy pylon, by myself, every round, and caused the enemy team to finish with 0 points.


99% of premades are absolutely useless. Powertechs and juggernauts with maximum tunnel vision who just mash attacks on the nearest red name plate and it takes them 40 games to finish a 10 game weekly. The people who complain about these premades are the red name plates who just walk into them, over and over again. Play for objectives and you will win, almost every time.

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Sorry, but this is not correct. One good player can win the game, alone. I have had Huttball games where I scored all 6 goals by myself. i have had games of Hypergates where I capped the enemy pylon, by myself, every round, and caused the enemy team to finish with 0 points.


99% of premades are absolutely useless. Powertechs and juggernauts with maximum tunnel vision who just mash attacks on the nearest red name plate and it takes them 40 games to finish a 10 game weekly. The people who complain about these premades are the red name plates who just walk into them, over and over again. Play for objectives and you will win, almost every time.


That’s subjective per map type and has absolutely nothing to do with skills or premades.


I’ve had plenty of Hutt Balls where both my team and the other team totally ignore the ball and death match. Then all I have to do is pick up the ball and walk to the line unopposed. There is zero skill involved in winning matches like that.


The same sort of thing can in Void Star where I’ve literally ran past 4 guys to get to the door and not one of them interrupts me because they are busy death matching. It doesn’t matter if they are in a premade or solo players. there is no skill in winning like that.


All that shows is the other team only cares about scoreboard preening and not winning.


You can’t win by yourself in Nova Coast, Civil war, Yavin or Odessen either, unless the other team totally ignores the nodes and let’s you run from one to the other to cap them and leave them unguarded.


So Flop is 100% correct.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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That’s subjective per map type and has absolutely nothing to do with skills or premades.


I’ve had plenty of Hutt Balls where both my team and the other team totally ignore the ball and death match. Then all I have to do is pick up the ball and walk to the line unopposed. There is zero skill involved in winning matches like that.


The same sort of thing can in Void Star where I’ve literally ran past 4 guys to get to the door and not one of them interrupts me because they are busy death matching. It doesn’t matter if they are in a premade or solo players. there is no skill in winning like that.


All that shows is the other team only cares about scoreboard preening and not winning.


You can’t win by yourself in Nova Coast, Civil war, Yavin or Odessen either, unless the other team totally ignores the nodes and let’s you run from one to the other to cap them and leave them unguarded.


So Flop is 100% correct.


No, you're both still 100% wrong. You're claiming that it takes no skill to win the game. If that is correct then the people in this topic complaining about losing to tunnel vision pre-mades must somehow have less than no skill. All you've done with this argument is humiliate the complainers. Was that your intent?

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No, you're both still 100% wrong. You're claiming that it takes no skill to win the game. If that is correct then the people in this topic complaining about losing to tunnel vision pre-mades must somehow have less than no skill. All you've done with this argument is humiliate the complainers. Was that your intent?


Absolutely nobody said that, or anything close to it.

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No, you're both still 100% wrong. You're claiming that it takes no skill to win the game. If that is correct then the people in this topic complaining about losing to tunnel vision pre-mades must somehow have less than no skill. All you've done with this argument is humiliate the complainers. Was that your intent?


It takes no skill to win an objective game when you are the only one doing objectives and being ignored by the deathmatch people. That’s not the issue, here. The problem is the premades that still do objectives. They’re the ones that cause a problem for everyone. You can pretend that it’s possible to go 1v4 against a skilled premade with no backup and win every single time, but you’re literally the only one making that argument.

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Absolutely nobody said that, or anything close to it.


She doesn't need to say it. Let's put 2 and 2 together. People are complaining that they cannot beat tunnel vision premades. She said it takes no skill to win games. Therefore, it logically follows that the people complaining somehow have less than no skill.


It takes no skill to win an objective game when you are the only one doing objectives and being ignored by the deathmatch people. That’s not the issue, here. The problem is the premades that still do objectives. They’re the ones that cause a problem for everyone. You can pretend that it’s possible to go 1v4 against a skilled premade with no backup and win every single time, but you’re literally the only one making that argument.


I see a premade attempting to run objectives in maybe like 1 in 20 games. I play almost every night on Star Forge. This isn't a real problem. It's an excuse for people who need to practice but are unwilling. The truth is that the people who complain about premades are also deathmatchers and they are angry that they are failing at deathmatching. Zero sympathy.

Edited by HaoZhao
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She doesn't need to say it. Let's put 2 and 2 together. People are complaining that they cannot beat tunnel vision premades. She said it takes no skill to win games. Therefore, it logically follows that the people complaining somehow have less than no skill


Wow, talk about misrepresenting what I said. I didn’t say any such thing.


I was replying to your points that you can win Huttball and Void Star matches single handedly. And I was explaining how that is only possible when the other teams ignore you. I also pointed out that you can’t do that in any other map.


I’m not sure wether you misunderstood or are purposely being deceptive, but I would appreciate if you would stop misrepresenting what I said to support your incorrect assumptions about premades.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Wow, talk about misrepresenting what I said. I didn’t say any such thing.


I was replying to your points that you can win Huttball and Void Star matches single handedly. And I was explaining how that is only possible when the other teams ignore you. I also pointed out that you can’t do that in any other map.


I’m not sure wether you misunderstood or are purposely being deceptive, but I would appreciate if you would stop misrepresenting what I said to support your incorrect assumptions about premades.


You didn't need to say it. That is the logical conclusion of what you did say. Denying it won't change the facts. If it takes no skill to win the game, and these people are losing to the most tunnel vision premades online, then they must have less than no skill. That is logical. You tried to insult me but you insulted them, instead. That's rough, buddy.


I can solo cap nodes in Coast. I can solo deactivate nodes in Proving Grounds. I can solo the doors in Voidstar. I can solo cap the pylon in Hypergates. I can solo cap nodes in civil war. Sorry, but you're wrong about this. Keep practising.

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You didn't need to say it. That is the logical conclusion of what you did say. Denying it won't change the facts. If it takes no skill to win the game, and these people are losing to the most tunnel vision premades online, then they must have less than no skill. That is logical. You tried to insult me but you insulted them, instead. That's rough, buddy.


I can solo cap nodes in Coast. I can solo deactivate nodes in Proving Grounds. I can solo the doors in Voidstar. I can solo cap the pylon in Hypergates. I can solo cap nodes in civil war. Sorry, but you're wrong about this. Keep practising.


I didn’t try to insult anybody. Which anyone with an understanding of the English language can plainly see. So I have to assume that English is your second language because you keep misrepresenting me.


You can keep trying to misrepresent what some of us have said, but most people can see that you’re misleading in your statements and that’s what Flop, myself and others have called you on.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I didn’t try to insult anybody. Which anyone with an understanding of the English language can plainly see. So I have to assume that English is your second language because you keep misrepresenting me.


You can keep trying to misrepresent what some of us have said, but most people can see that you’re misleading in your statements and that’s what Flop, myself and others have called you on.


You didn't try but you did. You're not even addressing what I am saying. You're just complaining about it.


You said it takes no skills to beat these premades

At the same time, the people complaining in this topic cannot beat them.

Therefore, it logically follows that they have less than no skill


Are you ever actually going to address this?

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You didn't try but you did. You're not even addressing what I am saying. You're just complaining about it.


You said it takes no skills to beat these premades

At the same time, the people complaining in this topic cannot beat them.

Therefore, it logically follows that they have less than no skill


Are you ever actually going to address this?


Actually what I said is it takes no skill to win at Hutt ball or Void Star if the other team ignores you and the objectives.

It doesn’t matter if the other team is a premade or solo.

If they are only focused on death matching and leave the objectives alone, then anyone with half a brain can carry a team solo.

At no time did I say the premades were terrible at combat and easily to kill. So please stop insinuating that’s what I implied.

If said premades actually tried to win, there is absolutely no way 1 player could single handedly win the match by themselves.

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I move to just declare this a troll argument and be done with it. Notice how Hao is literally the only one still trying to make any sort of positive point for premades in unranked. He just wants to keep stomping new people with his buddies in the name of “fun”, lol. Edited by Enticy
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I move to just declare this a troll argument and be done with it. Notice how Hao is literally the only one still trying to make any sort of positive point for premades in unranked. He just wants to keep stomping new people with his buddies in the name of “fun”, lol.


I jsut wish people would debate issues like this honestly, instead hiding behind the same old same old.

Of course playing with friends is fine, no one has ever said otherwise, but thats simply not the reality that makes entire guilds swap factions to queue sync, lol

If we cant even talk about those realities, then yeah, whats the point.

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I jsut wish people would debate issues like this honestly, instead hiding behind the same old same old.

Of course playing with friends is fine, no one has ever said otherwise, but thats simply not the reality that makes entire guilds swap factions to queue sync, lol

If we cant even talk about those realities, then yeah, whats the point.


Because the reality is that most people join premades to stomp other players in order to point to the scoreboard while stroking their e-peen. And some people do it just to actually win and get the rewards that are locked behind win-only conditions, desync, and class imbalances.


And look, I get it. I have contemplated joining a dominant premade more than once just to actually see more victory screens. I haven’t done that because I don’t want to contribute to one of the big problems that’s slowly killing PvP in this game. No one wants to talk about the reality because while it may be understandable, that doesn’t make it right or good.

Edited by Enticy
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By making the weekly require wins only to count, we have seen an increased amount of premades farming quick wins since premades are always more organized and focused, often times literally steamrolling the enemy team to the point everyone realizes it is pointless and afk.


Worse though is the fact that when people keep seeing the same names in the enemy team steamrolling them they are starting to stop quing because it is never fun to have a pug vs premade and there is no point getting destroyed.


The premades are causing such a big problem that people stop queing to avoid them


And we go from 8v8 warzones to suddenly non stop arena matches on high activity times, either let losses count or ban premades from queing together.


Make some friends, queue up, problem solves!

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Make some friends, queue up, problem solves!


Pretending that premades are anything to do with "playing with friends" is the saddest fantasy. If you could queue as a group but it randomly assigned ure group members to either team would premades be happy that they were "playing with friends"? No, because they queue as a premade to get an, often insurmountable, advantage over other players.


Premades kill qs because who wants to spend a match being stun locked to death by a facerolling PT being spam healed by a merc and guarded by a skank jugg. Even if you're on the same side as the premade; cap all the nodes you want, you won't see a heal the whole game and when you call for help you might as well save your breathe.


Split the qs, leave one as it is at the moment and make the new q solo only. If you want faster pops q in both, if you're happy to wait for an even match, q in the solo q.

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Pretending that premades are anything to do with "playing with friends" is the saddest fantasy. If you could queue as a group but it randomly assigned ure group members to either team would premades be happy that they were "playing with friends"? No, because they queue as a premade to get an, often insurmountable, advantage over other players.


I'd be all for this as an option and I think most people would. The absolute best games are when there's a large group in discord and we all get into the same match on different teams. Maybe you should try making some friends.

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I'd be all for this as an option and I think most people would.


Cool, then let's do that


Of course you could do it right now since you enjoy it so much. Pops are infrequent enough that if you're on voice you can sync your queuing and accepting to be pretty much certain you'll be in the same match.


Sounds like you don't do that with your army of online "friends"?. Can't imagine why.

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Premades only ruin the PvP experience because of the lack of population.


At prime time there are around 25-ish players consistently queueing for warzones. So the chances you run into that 4 man premade consistently are pretty high.


That pre-made continues to stomp players, thus making them leave the queue. This makes it even MORE likely you run into them, which repeats the process until eventually there is barely anyone queueing.


This isn't a problem in other MMOs because there's an actual population. Make no mistake - this problem WILL get worse in 7.0...as these ranked premades will have moddable gear and thus MUCH better allocation of stats and the imbalance will be worse than it ever has been.


Best of luck to those still remaining.

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