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  1. if people want to premade they can still premade in the group queue exactly how they do just now if people want to q solo they can in the solo queue if solo never pops then folks have to switch to the premade q or go and do something else
  2. Really the only thing that will work at this point is solo only queues 8 person premades are qing and not even pretending to do objectives. they just run around with pocket healers 8v1ing people and chatting on discord, Fine if that's what they want they do, though I really don't know why they don't just run an op they'd have the same experience and faster pops. Matches just become so boring for everyone else its not even worth qing
  3. You can't create balanced matches with premades. Leaving aside that the most experienced players are the ones most likely to premade and that the healer and tank assigned to the entire team will spend most of the game running around behind their group mates you're trying to match one random combo against another. One premade streamed themselves as 4 engineering snipers spawn camping people people and killing them in the space of half a stun. How do you create a balanced match with that? If people want to premade then let them. Just give solo players the option to queue for premade free matches.
  4. Story appears to be watching nothing much happening, slowly. The determination to stick with "gear grind is content" isn't an encouraging sign, feels like they're out of ideas and just going through the motions Cash gouging on the CM is an unpleasant new addition. Limited Time Offer! and Lootboxes! suggest they're starting to think of their customers as cash cows to be farmed I don't see anything in the update to encourage new players and its nothing existing players haven't seen before
  5. It doesn't really cost the devs anything, SWTOR is just a checkpoint on their Resumes. It's a declining game using achingly old tech. Devs will just want to have something they can use to get a better job elsewhere, hence the "improved" UI styled like a console UI for a PC only game. Companies won't care too much either. If people stop playing SWTOR they'll just go play something else so they'll get your money through a different route. In fact in an ideal world you'd all be playing one big game to reduce their overheads,
  6. Wondering if this is a troll post :). Premades have been the source of complaints for at least the last 6? months. Yes they kill warzones and arenas, yes it has stopped people queueing and even playing SWTOR and yes the dev team don't care. They've had the chance to fix it but have prioritised pointless gear grind and CM cash gouging for their latest "update" Split the queues into solo only and general for premades or folks who don't care But its probably too late now, the solo players have moved on and the rest are so addicted to their premades they wouldn't queue without them
  7. Development is grindingly slow on SWTOR so the assumption is that bringing back the old system will be faster than fixing the new one but the reality is that "going back", even if it was possible, is almost certainly more work than going forward. Plus developers don't really care what players think; they want to write cool new stuff to prep for a better job elsewhere so zero chance it will get rolled back The new GTN is less functional than the old one, partly because people were familiar with the old one, partly because making a UI "simpler" tends to mean making it less flexible. I'd agree the biggest issue is the forced purchase of the cheapest option. It encourages one credit undercutting which makes it much harder for people playing on the GTN and purchasers will often make the decision to avoid the undercutters for that reason.
  8. Solo only queue should be top of the list When regular players form up meme premades and run around in a group killing everyone in a single stun duration then its boring for experienced players, whatever side they're on, and gives new players no chance to learn so they stop qing or roll a sin and afk "in the endzone" or "guarding the node". Then the premades go "pops are slow and matches are boring" and drift off to other games leaving the queues dead and pvp with its reputation for being toxic. Solo only qs will give new players a chance to learn and more fun matches for experienced players who don't enjoy easy kills and number parsing.
  9. Or just go stealth and afk "guard" a node Premades can run around looking for people to kill, you get the medals, the match credit and no time out
  10. Premades make the already difficult task of building a balanced match impossible Premades will tend to comprise the more experienced players which means less experienced players will disproportionately end up facing premades of more experienced players and match making will try and balance the game by throwing the few remaining experienced solo players into weak teams to try and balance them out. Combine that with the fact that premades are now mostly farmers who just want a pipeline of 5v1s and chain stunned easy kills and who actively ignore objectives and the result is tedious matches for anyone queuing solo. So inexperienced people will just turn off chat and afk through warzones to get their weeklies and experienced solo players will go do something fun instead. Without solo queuers to fill the gaps created by the randomly sized premades the pops will slow down to a trickle and eventually even the farmers will get bored and leave So favouring premades will kill off warzone pvp Splitting into a solo only queue and an "anything goes" queue is the best solution
  11. yus premades exactly the same as before which means its pretty much impossible to balance teams which means boring one sided games
  12. From other peoples experiences the premades in warzones were worse. Partly lots people jumping on to try out the new patch but the "new" matchmaking process should have made at least some difference For a solo queuer the queue was popping in a few minutes and putting them into a match with farming premades so any sense of "waiting until we can make a match of solo players" is just not there.
  13. You're talking about two extremes as if there's nothing in between Noone cares if a couple of people queue up together and pretty much do their own thing but when 4+ people queue up together with memey teams and then just run around 4v1ing people and ignore all the objectives then that makes for boring matches. If they're on your team they just abandon you especially if you're trying to do objectives, if you're on the other team then its just chain stunned and 4v1ed. The problem is you cant know which is which so the simplest way is to just say separate the queues. If queue times get too long then people can queue for both, if they want one type then they just queue for that.
  14. I find premades farming each other in mid about as much fun as parsing on a target dummy But if that's your thing then you be you and queue as a premade in the general queue And give people who want to play without premades a solo queue
  15. Premades make for boring games and slow queue times Make a solo only queue. If it doesn't work then scrap it but I'm confident it will be the more popular queue and will encourage more people into pvp
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