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Jedi Sentinel Feedback


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With our next phase of PTS now live, you can help test the Combat Style for the Jedi Sentinel.


Please answer the following questions:


  • What abilities make the Sentinel unique to you?
  • Do these ability paths feel effective against enemies?
  • If you have feedback on the different disciplines and loadouts, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.
  • Does the current combat rotation make this experience feel like you are playing a Sentinel? Why or why not?
  • If you have feedback on the different discipline, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.
  • As you’re beginning from level 1, do you feel you have enough abilities that keep gameplay interesting?
  • Are you able to defeat enemies at a reasonable rate?
  • Do all your abilities feel like they’re working together?


Feel free to answer in as much detail as possible to help us understand your thought process and line of thinking.


Thank you!


EDIT: Added additional feedback questions.

Edited by JackieKo
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Today I tried Loadout A for the Watchman Sentinel. Keep in mind I didn't play around with it too much & just went around killing things on Onderon, since this is (as the devs have said repeatedly) and early look at the changes, so I'm not trying to go too in-depth.


Force Camouflage & Transcendence were missing, but I don't think this was intentional, just pointing it out.


Aside from the lack of Force Clarity, it felt about the same as it usually does. Again, I can't speak to raid performance and damage output, but the spirit of the class feels intact. I'm frustrated that the utility to remove the Centering requirement on Transcendence seems not to have made it into the Combat Style. Transcendence is an extremely handy mobility ability to have in raids, & the timing of Centering doesn't always work out (though I guess that adds to the challenge, doesn't it?) However, I'm very interested in the modifications to the Force Camouflage ability to include the cleanse and an immunity to controlling effects (is that new, or am I a *******? lol). Nice to not have to choose between a self-cleanse and another utility.


All the Sentinel defensives seem to be intact as well, which is a really good sign. It feels like you guys were hearing us RE: the Guardian, so I appreciate that a lot.


Though speaking of Force Clarity vs. Inspiration, I'm kinda worried about that tbh. As of right now, the BiS set bonus for all Sentinels in PVE content is Descent of the Fearless, so that choice... isn't really a choice. Unless there's plans for new set bonuses that would account for not having Force Clarity, I really think that choice needs some second thought. Inspiration is one of the best raid buffs in the game, and lends a lot to the Sentinel's group utility, so ideally I wouldn't want to have to choose between that and anything at all, but if I had to choose, I wouldn't want to choose between it and Force Clarity.


Overall, I think us Sentinels got dealt a better hand than Guardians (sorry Guardians...), and I hope you'll continue incorporating this feedback into your implementation of the other classes. This has given me a bit more hope for 7.0, rather than dread.


EDIT: gah, I misunderstood the forum post, disregard this 🤦*♂️

Edited by koshouu
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So I mostly just played the watchman tree right now, and overall, its feels pretty good. The A route feels almost exactly like it did in the live server and some of the new passives that I have are really nice. the damage still feels good and for the most part the rotation still feels fun, though the lose of force clarity is a bit of a downer, but I will get to that later. With B route, having force lash is great and it does change how the rotation works, but in a interesting way. honestly, just looking at the tree, I get really excited about the different combinations I can use with the passives once we get the choice of customizations. lots of different things we can play with. Also I don't think the different load outs are working correctly. No matter which build I choose, I always get inspiration and guarded by the force, and never receive force clarity.


Having said that, there are some options that do not make sense to me. Making force camo and all of the level 70 abilities a choice is not a good move. each one of those abilities are very needed in a lot of fights. having a threat drop should always be required because you never know when you will pull of someone when you don't mean to. This happens a lot more often in fp's than you would think. inspiration and force clarity are also abilities that I use in most major battles and just taking them away doesn't really changed how I think about a rotation, it really only takes away utilites to use, and in a lot of way make marauders weaker.


honestly from what I gather here, I think the mixing and matching of the passives is a great idea and there is a lot of cool concepts here that could be played with. But once you start making us chose the abilities we have to use, it doesn't become fun anymore. Please, don't not make us chose are abilities like this.

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Not sure why you ask for feedback and then delete the post I just read before replying. It was accurate.


I've mained concentration sentinel/fury marauder for years now and you've totally destroyed it. It doesn't feel or perform anything like it currently does.


Ignoring the fact that for some reason you grant Zealous leap three times (level 20/25/30).


You remove the ability to use Transcendence without having to use up centering which makes the ability pretty much pointless because building centering to use Zen is crucial to the rotation of the class. I can't count how many ops runs have only been successful because of Transcendence being popped at the right moment.


Making me choose between the ability to gain focus while dealing damage or having force camouflage means I'm never going to have force camouflage now because again gaining focus from attacking is essential to the rotations. So we're just losing that ability for any pve build.


Level 50 having to pick between passive AOE defence (on a class which is well known to be a glass cannon), extra force leap charge (which is now pretty much essential because of the transcendence nerf), or gaining focus when crowd controlled is just insane.


Level 60 having to pick between Zealous Ward and Trailblazer... what? Why are you doing this? Sentinels have so little AoE damage already even with Trailblazer and as mentioned above we're already glass cannons.


Level 70... I don't even know how to express how insane it is that I have to pick between my best defensive ability (the whopping 4 seconds of 99% damage reduction every 3 minutes)... my raid buff... or the class ability added from 6.0 Force Clarity which is needed for the current BiS armour for all Sentinels.


I'm sorry, but I truly don't know why you're doing any of this. You keep telling us that you can't increase the level of OPs or FPs from 70-75 because it would be too complex to rework them all but here you are totally destroying our classes and apparently you're somehow going to be able to rework all the content in the game right now to handle these changes?


I'm really unsure how you can't see that what you're doing is going to make the 10th anniversary the end of the game.

Edited by khamseen_air
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Today I tried Loadout A for the Watchman Sentinel. Keep in mind I didn't play around with it too much & just went around killing things on Onderon, since this is (as the devs have said repeatedly) and early look at the changes, so I'm not trying to go too in-depth.


Force Camouflage & Transcendence were missing, but I don't think this was intentional, just pointing it out.


Aside from the lack of Force Clarity, it felt about the same as it usually does. Again, I can't speak to raid performance and damage output, but the spirit of the class feels intact. I'm frustrated that the utility to remove the Centering requirement on Transcendence seems not to have made it into the Combat Style. Transcendence is an extremely handy mobility ability to have in raids, & the timing of Centering doesn't always work out (though I guess that adds to the challenge, doesn't it?) However, I'm very interested in the modifications to the Force Camouflage ability to include the cleanse and an immunity to controlling effects (is that new, or am I a *******? lol). Nice to not have to choose between a self-cleanse and another utility.


All the Sentinel defensives seem to be intact as well, which is a really good sign. It feels like you guys were hearing us RE: the Guardian, so I appreciate that a lot.


Though speaking of Force Clarity vs. Inspiration, I'm kinda worried about that tbh. As of right now, the BiS set bonus for all Sentinels in PVE content is Descent of the Fearless, so that choice... isn't really a choice. Unless there's plans for new set bonuses that would account for not having Force Clarity, I really think that choice needs some second thought. Inspiration is one of the best raid buffs in the game, and lends a lot to the Sentinel's group utility, so ideally I wouldn't want to have to choose between that and anything at all, but if I had to choose, I wouldn't want to choose between it and Force Clarity.


Overall, I think us Sentinels got dealt a better hand than Guardians (sorry Guardians...), and I hope you'll continue incorporating this feedback into your implementation of the other classes. This has given me a bit more hope for 7.0, rather than dread.


EDIT: gah, I misunderstood the forum post


What I said about the spirit of the class feeling intact & defensives not being messed with still stands, however I was wrong about Transcendence and Force Camouflage not being choices, because they are. While I would prefer not to have to choose between these or the passives at all, it's not... too terrible in my opinion? It's still much better than the Guardian where you had to choose between... what was it, Saber Reflect & Enure?


Transcendence is a pretty important mobility ability, and most players are going to choose that over the passives. But the passives for this choice, to me, sound more useful for PVP than PVE, and I don't really use Transcendence all that much in PVP (then again, I don't really PVP on my Sentinel), so I wouldn't take those passives in PVE anyway.


The Force Camouflage choices are a bit trickier, because I really like having my own cleanse & a threat drop, but I'd also like to play around with those passives that modify Zen. If I'm understanding correctly, Burning Center would increase the uptime on Zen, which sounds like very good news for Watchman damage output. But Force Camouflage is not Required for every single fight, and if I'm correct in thinking we can change these choices like how we can change utilities right now, then I don't... hate it ? I can just take Burning Center when I don't need Force Camouflage.


So still, not bad. Would prefer if Force Camo and Transcendence weren't choices, but as it is currently, it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me.

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Wow this is sad. You took all the feedback from the guardian pass and doubled down on what everyone hated about it with sentinel, which is sad because some of these new passives would be very nice IF we didnt have to choose them over losing abilities.


To recap, on all 3 specs:

Transendence must be specced into and costs centering.

You must choose at 70 which 2 defense/mobility abilities you have been using forever to lose.

Force clarity, which was just given last expansion and our set bonus is built around, must be specced into at the expense of perhaps the best new passives.


Keith, you allegedly are a longtime hardcore player. Why are you allowing this to happen to our beloved characters?

As devs, can you not foresee all the confusion and infighting this is going to cause among players about being properly specced for the content you are attempting? In 6.0 you may not have picked the right utility, in 7.0 you may not even HAVE the ability you need. Good luck to new players in PVP , they are going to die so fast+ its going to be worse for them than when expertise was still a thing.


The defensive response after the guardian changes and now this make it pretty clear you are not budging one inch on gutting the classes. This is going to be a bigger fiasco than galactic command. If you don't like the comments now from the tiny dedicated slice of the playerbase even aware these changes are coming, wait until they hit live and all the salty teenagers find out how bad their toons got neutered. We're trying to do you a service, we want this game to succeed as much as you do.


This is so bad I don't even want the expansion or level cap increase.

Edited by matthaxian
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Honest question for the devs, what is your target number for abilities?

Do you want everything to fit on 3 quickbars?

If you gave us some guidelines we would love to help you out with what our priorities are.

Edited by matthaxian
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  • Dev Post
Not sure why you ask for feedback and then delete the post I just read before replying. It was accurate.




I kept record of the original feedback of the post, but for the post in general, feedback can be provided without wishing harm to the dev team. I understand that changes like these can cause emotional responses, but if a post violates the guidelines regardless if the offending content was against another forum user or a staff member, it will be removed.


That said, thank you for providing your own feedback in this thread.

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Overall my core rotation is still the same, the only thing missing is Force Clarity. I do miss some of the mobility the class had, I recommend making either transcende or blade blitz as baseline as having only Zealous Leap is not enough in my opinion. Also, since we are meant to choose the upgraded version of the abilities I believe transcendence should not require focus and just have a cooldown, perhaps it can be reduced if we're meant to be choosing between it and Blade Blitz. I also think Force Camouflage should remain baseline, perhaps the upgrades can be relegated to a passive in level 70. A threat drop is needed, unless you'll be buffing the amount of threat and lowering cooldowns of taunts in order to make up for it. I personally would love the latter. Also what are these new abilities we'll be granted?
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I also think Force Camouflage should remain baseline, perhaps the upgrades can be relegated to a passive in level 70. A threat drop is needed, unless you'll be buffing the amount of threat and lowering cooldowns of taunts in order to make up for it. I personally would love the latter. Also what are these new abilities we'll be granted?


Oooohhh, lowering cooldowns on taunts would be a good way to alleviate the need for threat drops. When I raid with my guild, I've never really had issues regarding pulling aggro off the tank, but I don't play a burst class (and our tanks are quite talented), so usually when I use Force Camouflage, it's for the cleanse or as a defensive, but I understand the need for it for the burst Sentinel specs. iirc taunts weren't available when Guardian launched on PTS, maybe that's why?

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Oooohhh, lowering cooldowns on taunts would be a good way to alleviate the need for threat drops. When I raid with my guild, I've never really had issues regarding pulling aggro off the tank, but I don't play a burst class (and our tanks are quite talented), so usually when I use Force Camouflage, it's for the cleanse or as a defensive, but I understand the need for it for the burst Sentinel specs. iirc taunts weren't available when Guardian launched on PTS, maybe that's why?


They were available, and they worked. Its just that you had to talk with the droid twice to get all your abilities. Some players didn't and assumed taunts were missing.

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With our next phase of PTS now live, you can help test the Combat Style for the Jedi Sentinel.


Please answer the following questions:


  • What abilities make the Sentinel unique to you?
  • Do these ability paths feel effective against enemies?
  • If you have feedback on the different disciplines and loadouts, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

Feel free to answer in as much detail as possible to help us understand your thought process and line of thinking.


Thank you!


To me, the Sentinel is all about speed. You move fast, you press buttons fast. You also have some incredible utility abilities that define the class.

I'm not going to include the rotational damage abilities as part of this because it's clear that these changes are not intended to take away from current rotations on live.


Transcendence is by far one of my most favourite abilities for the Sentinel. It defines the feeling of the class for me.

Force Camouflage is another ability that defines the sentinel. No other class has in combat stealth like this.


While the Guardian is this lumbering juggernaut (mirror class pun intended), the Sentinel is an agile mix between assassin and fighter.


The Sentinel should move in and out of fights with high speed, overwhelming their opponent. Currently on PTS, only the Combat Sentinel feels like this when it has 2 force charge charges, blade blitz, force camouflage and that cool new passive which increases movement speed when you crit.


Without transcendence and at least force camouflage baseline, Sentinel does not feel like the Sentinel on live to me. Sure the damage is there, better even, especially with the Combat spec, but the lack of mobility baseline really hurts. During dailies I kept getting slowed by enemies and was getting frustrated not being able to pop any of the above movement tools - because I didn't have them.


So to sum up the first question, what abilities make the Sentinel unique to me, it's the mobility and raid wide speed buffs. Transcendence and Force Camouflage should not be a choice. I'm more ok with the Sentinel choosing between defensives than I was with the Guardian, but don't remove their speed.



For the next question, do these ability paths feel effective against enemies, this is harder to answer.


As stated above, Watchman's damage was perfectly fine, but the mobility was sorely lacking and made it frustrating to play. If I were in a pvp match, I would have not enjoyed being kited forever, forced to rely on my once per 15 seconds force charge.

Same goes for Concentration. The damage is fine, but the mobility is lacking.


Combat on the other hand, Combat felt fun. More fun than live. Combining all the buffs to blade rush and passive movement boosts while critting really brought out the true nature of Combat. Hit hard, hit fast. High speed gameplay at its finest, the way Sentinel is meant to be played.

My only issue is once again, gaining force camouflage and blade blitz back meant I couldn't get a cool passive and again, I didn't have trascendence.


On live servers, I enjoy soloing master mode Red Reaper as a Sentinel or Marauder. So, to really test if I can do the same things I do on live, I'd need to be able to play flashpoints and heroics at the current level cap. I don't think any class would struggle with dailies even without defensives, it's just more frustrating without movement tools. A real test of the classes power lies in their ability to solo the game's harder content. Another thing is that the Sentinel has no stuns anymore - I don't know if this is intentional or not but both force stasis and awe are gone. It makes sense for damage classes to not have the same amount of stuns as a tank hybrid like the Guardian, but not when there is no compensation in other places. If the Sentinel loses its stuns, it absolutely should prove group buffs and speed boosts as baseline abilities, not ABC options.



For feedback on the different disciplines though I've mostly covered it already:



Damage is good. I don't fully understand Force Lash however. It replaces Cauterise and only does the same amount of damage as slash for one less focus cost if you have the other two dots ticking. This also means your aoe is worse as you can't spread all your dots. I'm guessing the synergy is supposed to come from the fact that it does extra force energy damage, but it also makes the current best in slot single target tactical useless as it procs cauterise extra times.

Utility is almost completely gone from the class outside the raid buff.

Defensives aren't terrible but mobility is atrocious.



Honestly about the same as watchman. Damage and rotation feels the same as live.

Utilities are lacking, defensives aren't as bad as the Guardian's were.

Mobility could be better.



This spec feels the best out of all of them with the buffs to blade rush, combined with twin fanged form - which honestly should be a base passive for the spec it's so fun - and the movement speed boost when you crit a target.

Mobility is much better than the other specs, though I'd still like for camouflage and transcendence to be baseline so I can keep my speed while also trying the new passives.

Utility is also really bad due to no obfuscate, stuns or transcendence - same as the other two specs.



Overall, if these changes went live tomorrow, I wouldn't touch Watchman or Concentration. I'd go full in on Combat because it retains the feeling of Sentinel the most to me. It's actually an improvement on Combat if you excuse the ability pruning.


I really really really hope that at the very least, Transcendence (0 Centering cost version) and Force Camouflage become baseline abilities and not ABC options. Being forced to choose between those and passives really sucks. I'm glad that rebuke and saber ward are staying as base abilities.


Once again, choosing between passives is great fun! It enables new ways to play with the abilities you love.

Being forced to choose between those same abilities and new passives is not fun.

Instead, keep ability choices to a minimum in the new system and focus on the passives - that is where the fun lies.

Consider this, if I lose half my abilities but have to switch loadouts every fight, is the game really being streamlined?


Thanks for the updates and fingers crossed for the future.

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I hope so, cause you wanna know what i'm seeing in every discord channel i am? People planning to unsub like never before. Not even before 6.0 i've seen so many players talking about it and being like "i'll see how the story goes and then unsub".


This is so true. I have seen so many teams planning to migrate to FF14 come December.

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I don't have much to say, other than please do not make slash become 50% slow for 10 seconds a thing. We should move away from oppressive CC like this, no cooldown slows on a rotational ability is obnoxious.

If anything, add back deadly throw - basically like saber throw but it applied trauma, but allow us to spec into it to either slow or root, but regardless apply trauma still if that is wanted.


I will definitely give more feedback when there's more substance to test, I do like a few of the options while doing my best to maintain unbiased. However, some are just terrible decisions or so one-sided it's rough. Please do keep PvP in mind when making these selections not just PvE.

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Is this an out-of-season April's fool joke? I hope so, cause you wanna know what i'm seeing in every discord channel i am? People planning to unsub like never before. Not even before 6.0 i've seen so many players talking about it and being like "i'll see how the story goes and then unsub".


Count me among them. 1 day left on sub and I have no intention of resubbing until I see what they end up releasing on live. I am so disappointed in this pts cycle. I find it insulting to be told " we are giving you more choices ". when those choices are cutting what we have now in half and asking us to choose which half to keep. If that's my choice, then I will choose to play something else.

Edited by Death-Hammer
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Tell me about the huge succes that was Diablo Immortal, i will ask the same question that guy asked: Is this an out-of-season April's fool joke? I hope so, cause you wanna know what i'm seeing in every discord channel i am? People planning to unsub like never before. Not even before 6.0 i've seen so many players talking about it and being like "i'll see how the story goes and then unsub".


Honestly after this "announcement", the desire to play the game weakened drastically. This is such a circus.

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Count me among them. 1 day left on sub and I have no intention of resubbing until I see what they end up releasing on live. I am so disappointed in this pts cycle. I find it insulting to be told " we are giving you more choices ". when those choices are cutting what we have now in half and asking us to choose which half to keep. If that's my choice, then I will choose to play something else.


same here, sorry but the only explanation offered so far for this ability pruning were:


For the Guardian:

"There are two main goals we are aiming to achieve: Streamlining ability sets in order to enable more player choice and maintaining the unique identity of the class. We know players will be thinking about the reduced quantity of abilities and what that looks like, so here is an in-depth look into how the Jedi Guardian Combat Style is impacted by player choices."


For the Sentinel:

"As with the Jedi Guardian, we are still focused on two main goals: Streamlining ability sets in order to enable more player choice and maintaining the unique identity of the class. The following spoiler tag will house the breakdown for the ability paths that are available for the Jedi Sentinel. I have included the breakdown for all three Disciplines, so it’s easier to see the ability paths."


In the Guardian and Sentinel threads heaps of reasons are given, why this abily pruning is a bad idea. Not any reaction to these arguments has been presented.


General statement [emphasis added]:

Hi everyone,


What does this look like in both modes?

  • In PvP, our intent is balanced, more dynamic player encounters that move away from rotating defensive cooldowns and move more towards utilizing a broader set of skills in each class’s kit.
  • In PvE, our intent is to take into account these changes, and adjust NPC encounters as needed to compensate.



First emphasis: How? Since you rip several key skills away.

Second emphasis: "as needed", in other words let's see what happens and react only in case the Community complains too much?


The Community is complaining now! You do not listen now! You do not react to the long list of reasonable arguments provided by the Community! Sorry, but it appears that you just walk down a path set by someone who apparently does not play the game in a reaonable manner with blinkers on.


Although veteran-/mastermode raiders and ranked PvPers may not be the largest group of players, they are the most loyal group, which are constant subscribers. You will loose a large portion of these players by this ability pruning approach without, sorry, rhyme or reason.

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same here, sorry but the only explanation offered so far for this ability pruning were:


For the Guardian:

"There are two main goals we are aiming to achieve: Streamlining ability sets in order to enable more player choice and maintaining the unique identity of the class. We know players will be thinking about the reduced quantity of abilities and what that looks like, so here is an in-depth look into how the Jedi Guardian Combat Style is impacted by player choices."


For the Sentinel:

"As with the Jedi Guardian, we are still focused on two main goals: Streamlining ability sets in order to enable more player choice and maintaining the unique identity of the class. The following spoiler tag will house the breakdown for the ability paths that are available for the Jedi Sentinel. I have included the breakdown for all three Disciplines, so it’s easier to see the ability paths."


In the Guardian and Sentinel threads heaps of reasons are given, why this abily pruning is a bad idea. Not any reaction to these arguments has been presented.


General statement [emphasis added]:



First emphasis: How? Since you rip several key skills away.

Second emphasis: "as needed", in other words let's see what happens and react only in case the Community complains too much?


The Community is complaining now! You do not listen now! You do not react to the long list of reasonable arguments provided by the Community! Sorry, but it appears that you just walk down a path set by someone who apparently does not play the game in a reaonable manner with blinkers on.


Although veteran-/mastermode raiders and ranked PvPers may not be the largest group of players, they are the most loyal group, which are constant subscribers. You will loose a large portion of these players by this ability pruning approach without, sorry, rhyme or reason.




^^^^^This^^^^^ All of it.The Devs lack of response to the community is pretty scary. I never post on here because im not one for writing but I feel like a lot of the comments about the Jedi Guardian PTS were very valid and deserve an answer. Hoping this thread doesn't look the same as time passes :( Edit: Maybe I'm just paranoid but i just want this game to do well in the future is all.

Edited by HecticWolf
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I've been a Carnage Mara/Combat Sent main since I started playing in 2.0.


This really feels like I'm going to lose key abilities. Force camo is a huge one that should remain baseline. Force camo is a huge part of the Sentinel build imo and should remain a baseline ability, with similar speed options to what we have now with utilities.


Blade Rush is a huge mobility gain. I feel Sents fall into one of two camps, speed/movement based or more stationary options with def/atk bonuses. I personally value the movement options very highly, and Blade Rush is a huge part of that, even with transcendence.


The biggest concern is transcendence vs force clarity. Given Descent of the Fearless is the optimal set bonus right now, there's no real choice. Transcendence will simply never get used. (And this is coming from someone who wasn't a fan of force clarity originally). As someone who loves transcendence, this is going to be a massive nerf.


I have a feeling that despite your protests, you really don't take PTS feedback into consideration. I'd prefer keeping the same baseline of classes we have now, and adding/tweaking them. We shouldn't have to chose between key active abilities.

Edited by ShadzMGamez
im dumb
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I have been playing not so long and came from steam, but still its so pity to see such changes. I lost my motivation to play further, really. I just have mastered my character a little, but now as I can see we are going to lose 30% of abilities. Really you are going the easiest way, not to invent bunch of new abilities to make players chose from them (in this case players going really to say cool), but mostly to divide what we have now. You see, its not so important how we name this discipline or what, eventually player end up with lower ammount of skills and without motivation to play. Disgusting. Want more uniqueness? Add new classes and storylines. Edited by DragonsKnight_
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^^^^^This^^^^^ All of it.The Devs lack of response to the community is pretty scary. I never post on here because im not one for writing but I feel like a lot of the comments about the Jedi Guardian PTS were very valid and deserve an answer. Hoping this thread doesn't look the same as time passes :( Edit: Maybe I'm just paranoid but i just want this game to do well in the future is all.


Instead they just unpinned the guardian feedback post in hopes it just disappears.

At this point I'm just waiting for the inevitable sorc outcry when their class gets the same treatment, at least that will be interesting to watch.

Maybe we will get a reenactment of the heal to full saga :rak_04:

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This is ridiculous. Just leave the classes as is and let us choose like intelligent people what abilities and when to use them.


You are literally taking abilities that for the most part are there since 1.0 and getting rid of them for bo real reason. Actually you're not even getting rid of the off GCD button bloat on Sentinels.


And taking about abilities bloating... Remember that you Bioware added Furious Power as ANOTHER off-GCD ability. You also added the need in sub-75 content to use the clicky alacrity relic as yet ANOTHER off-GCD ability to click. If you wanna get rid of ability bloat, get rid of, first the clicky relic that we HAVE to use cause you can't seem to level sync content properly. And then don't give other abilities like Furious Power which is clearly designed as an ability to help you guys do class balance easily by adjusting the buff on this ability (class balance which failed btw...).


Regarding TTK in PvP, basically if you have top level players, the TTK is gonna be high unless a major mistake is commited by one of them. It's as simple as that. This is the same as if you pit 2 high seeded players in a chess game. Why is TTK so high? Cause they are good! And the community of people doing ranked PvP is quite small. Some have been playing for a really long time. Of course they are good and are hard to kill. If you wanna fix TTK on Assassins and Sentinels, just get rid of the abusable Tacticals like Two Cloaks and Defel Spliced Genes. Having a 5% health player vanish every 30secs is completely ridiculous. Again, YOU BW made it that way. Plus reducing the CD on Operatives' roll is also stupid and increases TTK on yet another class. And thats from a set bonus you huys inteoduxed in 6.0. Grit Teeth can also be added tonthe list caus it van be abused against mediocre players that just attsck you through it. Oh and BTW, guess what classes are most played in PvP matches? Marauders, Operatives and Assassins... Onstead of fixing TTk with a lazy remake of classes (while also breaking any feel these classes had), fix the mistakes of the past you guys have done please.


Honesty, as a lot of people have already said, PTS feels like a scam. Just like when your fast food chain changes the size of the coffee cup citing a BS survey that people like better how the new cup "feels" which also a way to reduce by X% the volume of coffee they put in each cup.


Like is feedback really taken in consideration BW? It doesn't feel like it. It's weird cause I've never seen so much of the people in the forums agree on anything ever before. And that's really telling. When the forums actually agree on something, it really scaring 😨 This means that players who never agree on anything normally now agree to the fact that the class changes coming are bad for the game and bad for how the classes feel. Please stop with this nonsense BW.

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