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Maintenance: April 27, 2021


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* PvP brackets have been merged into two brackets instead of three: 1-74 and 75.

* After several performance adjustments bringing them more on-par with the classic Huttball map, Queshball and Vandin Huttball are now back in the PvP Map Rotation.


So after today, lowbie pvp will be impossible for players below lvl 50. Well done Bioware :mad:


Still no mechanism to choose what type of pvp you want to play or to limit Hutt Ball taking up 33% of all pops.


No change to the win requirement for lowbie introduction missions to even get gear. So new pvpers will be facing lvl 74s under geared (missing left side) and some how be expected to win to complete the mission to get the gear (stupid).


You might me merging the brackets cause you think it will improve pops, but it won’t. It will just stop players pre lvl 50 from bothering to be cannon fodder to lvl 70+. Way to kill pvp quicker and reduce player skills for lvl 75 pvp.


Bioware, you are totally incapable of understanding your own game or the player base for that matter.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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If you think i will play this - Galactic Season 1: The Stranger from Kubindi then you are out of your mind. I have story to play and i don't care about pointless login, dailys or weeklys rewards. I done everything more than 150 times over 8 years. No thanks. Now excuse me, Echoes of Oblivion waiting for me.


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

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If you think i will play this - Galactic Season 1: The Stranger from Kubindi then you are out of your mind. I have story to play and i don't care about pointless login, dailys or weeklys rewards. I done everything more than 150 times over 8 years. No thanks. Now excuse me, Echoes of Oblivion waiting for me.


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander


Thanks for your input, "Alliance Commander". :rak_03:

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I would wait. It seems like the changes to SOV will make it super easy compared to now.


I don't mind the changes in solo mode, hopefully it'll be less of a grind :)


15 min warning just hit the servers....anyone taking bets on what will be broken when we get back ;)

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might aswell make it like 1.0 days, were you could be a lvl 50 player with full expertise against 1-49 lvl players lmao.




Just a few days ago, I commented on a thread about what BW did wrong when the game tanked so quickly in 2012, that one big problem was the PvP situation and fully equipped War Heroes (or whatever those sets were called back then; I don't remember) rofl'stomped newbies.


And now they go - once again - back to making the same mistakes as in the past. As if they don't have any metrics or documentation from those days of olde.


First they changed the PvP missions to WIN ONLY. Now they see that not enough lowbies play PvP anymore and their solution is to merge 1-74? I don't understand that solution at all. Or I understand it, but I don't understand how someone came to the conclusion that this will work out fine.


Why should, let's say, a level 16 toon join a warzone freshly after coming to the fleet? What are the chances that he will win and progress the Intro-mission?


Going back to (almost) 1.0 terribleness AND on top having winning requirements... I don't see how this can possibly lead to the positive, desired outcome (whatever that may be for BW).


Aside from that, the patch notes read quite alright to me.

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I don't mind the changes in solo mode, hopefully it'll be less of a grind :)


15 min warning just hit the servers....anyone taking bets on what will be broken when we get back ;)


My concern is things will melt too easy. If they want to speed it up and make it less grindy, just remove some mob clusters instead of making them all potentially face roll easy to kill.

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Today’s server maintenance has been extended with no ETA. We will update as soon as we have more info. Thank you for your patience.


You should entertain us with a BioWare themed stand-up comedy routine while we wait. We demand amusement!

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Today’s server maintenance has been extended with no ETA. We will update as soon as we have more info. Thank you for your patience.


At least they are professional and have an idea how long it will take to fix their updates. And never try to implement new software without a b/u plan for if things go wrong. Like a complete backup to rollback to before the update to fix the problems before trying again.

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Today’s server maintenance has been extended with no ETA. We will update as soon as we have more info. Thank you for your patience.




Same Procedure as every patch. Didn't you and your team learn nothing?

I cannot remember a greater patch in the last years without these "unexpected problems".


May be it would be a good idea to have a test before going live, wouldn't it?

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I don't know why people get bent out of shape when there is a delay with new patches not getting done inside a small number of hours. Surely at this stage we know this is just the initial patch - with the patch of the patch to follow tomorrow or more likely Thursday, with the temporary workaround patch of the patched patch next Tuesday and the fully patched patch in a month's time.


It would be far worse if we had no game to bother patching. I'm off to catch up on some Clone Wars before the Bad Batch drops next week.


...thats The Bad Batch folks....not The Bad Patch!:cool:

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Yes because flinging about thinly veiled insults and open sarcasm endears the Devs to try harder.

This should be in maintenance Dev's signature :D

Remember when the game was down in the past and the forum threads used to be hilarious entertainment rather than insults and threats? What happened to that?

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