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Conquest Crafting Changes


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I can not see any business willingly allowing such blatant acts of harassment and cyber-terrorism, let alone in their own open forum (yet another reason I would love to see certain 'blogger laws' also passed in the US).


Either way, this whole fiasco has been mishandled from the start, and shame on BW for encouraging the flame wars (if posting this on a Friday, knowing this will run loose and un-moderated all weekend is not 'encouragement', then I'll eat Nico's hat.) and not stomping this out of the public forums and internalizing it as a security and welfare issue - let alone this reactionary extremism "response" they have announced to be coming our way because of this SNAFU.


For shame BW. Shame On You.


Wasnt me who posted those screenshots in this thread, my own post was merely quoting from the original poster, but if nothing else they clearly show malicious intent to which Biow seemingly caved and unlike the grace period changes that are coming which will target the bad behavior directly and merely slightly inconvenience other guilds that arent exploiting mass ninja ginvites to rack up number of conquest points, the broad sweeping changes to crafting cq objectives will negatively influence everyone equally which is clearly very wrong.


I can admit that Crafting: Inventor can be "automated" as biow calls it and can be exploited - which has been said ever since conquest was introduced - but, it still costs enormous amounts of materials to do so therefore its not viable even for large guilds to be using it for victory very often.

As for other crafting/crew skill cq objectives that are also being neutered thats where i have the biggest problem with it - even more mats, time and effort goes into stuff like War Supplies or Dark Projects and now theres little point to it since it wont be rewarded therefore itll not be worth all the effort.

Edited by Darittha
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This is probably the worst argument ever for not making the attempt to take them out. Your post boils down to "its hard to determine who is cheating (it's really not) so we shouldn't even try. Better to target the players playing by the rules and punish them". You arguments are pure fantasy (all the negative repercussions are easily avoided). The chance of someone inadvertently getting caught up in the punishments is vanishingly small (kind of like getting hit by lightning on a sunny day - possible, but nearly a zero chance). If you have better ideas for appropriate punishments, you could try presenting them instead of effectively giving cover to those who cheat.


Well, clearly you didn't really read what I wrote, since one of the main points is


It is so convoluted and silly, not to mention so much work, and what for? To punish *less* someone for breaking all the rules? Nah, it's stupid - either you ban the accounts, or they keep their permissions.


So, point is: if you're going to punish them PUNISH THEM - for real, no half-measures, no guild disbanding, etc. I'm in favour of precision and direct, harsh measure. Either they take a stance, find the people doing it and BAN them, or they just say "we're not working against it" and shut down the circus and say they won't do it (because they CAN. EA isn't Cousin John's Backyard Company, they've got resources IF they choose to use them). They can, if they want, find the people with suspicious behaviour, verify, ban, monitor other accounts from the same IP to make sure it isn't another of their own accounts back into irregular behaviour, etc. And the people who CAN'T be found to have done anything wrong SHOULDN'T be punished by association IF there can be no proof found against them. Punishing officers for being in a guild (or guild-group) that used exploits is like burning down a building because a drug dealer lives there - some people will probably know, while others probably are dealing with their own lives rather than spying on their neighbour's activities - and neither should be punished for the dealer's doing.


However, the way they're going about it (and these suggestions are in the same vein), means that the rest of the community IS already being punished by the proposed changes (I don't even craft, as I mentioned, but damn, there goes my income from mats!), and in trying to censor words for guild names... If you think long term rather than short term, you'll notice this is likely to curtail player's choices even when they have no idea *why* (as it obviously would've to be across all servers, and IDK about you, but I don't keep track of what's going on in, say, Leviatan).


Now, another point in my post is that IT ISN'T THE GUILD'S JOB TO DETERMINE WHO'S CHEATING - it's Bioware's. Guilds - guildmates, guild officers, guild leaders - AREN'T Bioware's police, they shouldn't be hold responsible for making sure TOS is enforced, they shouldn't be punished for other people's violations, and proposing so is transferring responsibility from the people whose REAL work is to ACTUALLY make sure these things don't happen.

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As we can see, most of the posters here are against these changes, as for most of those that are for them, if you look at their post history, it's just on this topic. So we can see they are just trolls, or worse, sycophants from the guilds who seem to have put forth this idea, and are relishing in the changes. If this change goes through, it won't change the top guilds places, or how they work, it won't stop ninja inviters, or other abuses that are taking place, it won't counter any of the hacking or botting in this game. What will it change? The small guilds that rely on crafting to help boost their totals, people who used to sell the mats to make some extra credit on the side. Crafters who sold this stuff, etc.

None of this targets the cheats, yet again they get off scot free.


i also think that You are a troll because You disagree with me according to Your logic.


Small guilds have NO problems with the changes because

a) You can easy achieve your 50k conquest, in fact the weekly reward for just logging in is 50k "personal conquest requisition"


b) i dont remember seeing any small guilds relying on crafting, but on genuine activity.

Edited by Beoknez
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... You keep saying this as if it was *hard* to make 5 mil conquest per day. Yesterday, I logged for a whole of 5 minutes in one of my characters... And made 62k conquest just from finishing "Enemies of the Republic". I don't even think I finished the bonus, and certainly I didn't hit any rampage (currently sitting in 10/25).


I have done nothing in this current conquest week on this character save finish The Works and pick up a ship (and Enemies of the Republic) and I'm over 250 in conquest.


Imagine if I decided to... IDK, play the game, follow the story, finish it up with a couple heroics to make sure I'm at level. Take a look at things like "activity finder [eternal]" and "heroic pinnacle [eternal]" and try to consider just how many points it racks up... 5 minutes on TC. 10 minutes on a Huttball (if you get arenas, much less than that). Do you know how quick it is to stealth through fps? In 15 minutes, I can stealth through 4 or 5 heroics, depending on lag. One of my toons is in a guild that I'm the only account still active... One bored Tuesday morning (before they moved the reset to midday), I pushed the guild through conquest in medium Yield. No crafting was involved... And no story. Just heroics, pvp, event. Fun times.






Look, demanding 200k conquest/week or spamming people in guildS calling them to arms "aGaInSt TyRaNnY" isn't what I'd call competitive. I'd call it bullying.


(and childish and annoying, but, hey, I'm enjoying this like the bad soap opera it is)




I'm unsure if here you're trying to pretend you want people who are in favour of this NOT to be toxic... Which is clearly in disagreement with what they're being asked to do in their guilds...


And if you're asking people who disagree with changes AND are being called cheaters for it to NOT BE TOXIC, I have to applaud the nerve to engage in such hypocrisy in public. :cool:




"It's the responsibility of the guilds to inform their members what happened and what is wrong"... I'm sorry, I think I missed the memo about guilds being The Press or The Church... Or whomever else is Preaching The Truth™ these days...


Seriously, this sounds NOTHING like free speech or player engagement, it looks exactly like peer pressure, herd behaviour and a whole lot of spam. Worse, whining spam.


Now, if you are against bots but in favour of this sort of bullying... Nope, you're not decent enough already. You're not decent at all. Being righteous and being decent are two very, very, very different things.


Well this " press or church" have done a amazing job of information. Everyone has a right to be informed and have the opportunity to read what is going on. Especially newcomers. Do You think this forum belongs only to veteran players here?


Again it is an amazing thing that the forums are posted and discussions are encouraged by enabling it trough other channels such as Discord. Why You have a problem with that is illogical. Just because You disagree with it doesnt mean other have to as well, and they didnt which is why those changes are being made.

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Lesson learned: come to the forum and whine in droves.


I am not really affected, it was ok to cycle to my crafters occasionally and over a week‘s time make the 50k that way, this does seem to be more difficult now, but we will see.

Problem is: in fact nobody should care about winning a planet, as there is no way to make the battleground even. So even if people were botting, who cares? The constant change to conquest is annoying, and listening to a bunch of whiners is pathetic.

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I think you are going the wrong way. You mde a solution to a problem that never exist but in the mind of some whiners.

Your changes will demotivate and punish more honest players then it will satisfy needless whiners. I predicted in sum you will loss more subscribers then get new one's.


the evidence, screenshots and proof in general disagrees with You. Noone calls You a whiner now, or am i allowed to call You that now as well and be immature about it too?


please treat others with respect, just because You disagree with them

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Because Biow didnt just remove the supposedly problematic Crafting: Inventor, but gutted all the other objectives that have anything to do with crafting but arent macro-exploitable due to the number of things that goes into it and the cost of doing it.


Making the other objectives daily makes the huge effort put into crafting everything that goes into them not worth it.


then you should, right now take Your time and reread carefully what the CHANGES are. You can still make plenty conquest points from crafting, BUT you will now finally make more from actually game activities that dont involve clicking a repetitive things that in the end make more then a group of 10 people doing a community activity of any other sort.


Also You didnt answer my other questions i also raised, why?

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Lesson learned: come to the forum and whine in droves.


I am not really affected, it was ok to cycle to my crafters occasionally and over a week‘s time make the 50k that way, this does seem to be more difficult now, but we will see.

Problem is: in fact nobody should care about winning a planet, as there is no way to make the battleground even. So even if people were botting, who cares? The constant change to conquest is annoying, and listening to a bunch of whiners is pathetic.


" So even if people were botting, who cares?"


interesting take, so You basically dont care about cheating? Good job, just confirms why those changes are a VERY good thing happening right now

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i also think that You are a troll because You disagree with me according to Your logic.


Small guilds have NO problems with the changes because

a) You can easy achieve your 50k conquest, in fact the weekly reward for just logging in is 50k "personal conquest requisition"


b) i dont remember seeing any small guilds relying on crafting, but on genuine activity.


I will address each of your points separately.


With respect to Point A, you are talking about one character achieving 50k for the week on a certificate that is available once every few weeks. That is a far cry from achieving the Planetary Yield. Crafting, including harvesting, was an excellent way to top off a multitude of characters thereby allowing smaller guilds to achieve the benefits. Setting aside the certificate, with the proposed crafting changes, we are still only talking about one character reaching roughly 50k by crafting.


With respect to Point B, how do you know what small guilds are doing? I can only speak for the two small guilds I'm in (same players / one Republic; one Imperial), but we engage in a multitude of activities except Operations and Galactic Star Fighter. Crafting, notably harvesting, was an integral part of our strategy to achieve Planetary Yield.


Also with respect to Point B, I don't know what you mean by "genuine activity." Well, I do know, but it reinforces my point made earlier that it is irritating that some players think there is only one way to play the game.


Setting aside the issue of ability to detect macros / botting, I think a number of players in this thread have suggested reasonable compromises. Specifically, limiting Crafting Inventor, but keeping harvesting, dark projects, etc. the same. Those activities require much more effort.


As it stands right now, Bioware is bringing a machete to the operating table when surgical instruments are warranted.





Edited by Jdast
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my 2 cents.


this is the perfect example that the update strategy is wrong for swtor. maybe go for bi-weekly updates and tweak numbers to find the right spot. because it is not, we need to think, that these changes will last for months or years.

and as it was said several times, this is a complete overreaction.


of course i understand, that it is hard to find the right person to talk to. the majority of players still think, that doing conquest points with crafting is a kind of witchcraft and that need to be burned to the ground. so i would advise you to make an account in the game, cheat them tons of mats and unlock all professions and blueprints to try it out yourself. you will see, that is not that easy to do many points, like people claiming in here.

you also need to get tons of materials and prepare them, or get help from others. so real conquest crafting is teamwork.


but of course we need to fix some stuff.


so let us find the issues!


the biggest issue in my opinion are the duplicating exploits. as long as these are not fixed, we still will have distortions in the complete crafting system. so please fix it.

for the ones who are interested in how you duplicate things: "no i won't tell you, not here not elsewhere."


archive plans are still an issue! because you can craft more stuff for less materials or in less time. nobody needs old useable stuff, so just delete them. but please not all archived plans, just the useable ones like stims, grenades and stuff.


do not count crafts as 1 click = 1 item, keep the old system -but- decrease the amount of numbers of items in lower tiers. so for example just 3 medpacks for tier 1-5. this will increase the time needed for points, but still gives guilds the chance to prepare well and use these options to attack others, so that it is not just an issue on how many accounts with 150% housing bonus you have, doing rampage stuff.


and just don't do stupid stuff with points. you do not need to increase points but make it daily. that just means, that you are capping the points for crafters and force them to do other stuff. that is not "playing swtor your way". i mean just take a look to crafting system in other games and you'll see that crafting is swtor is just a joke. you really want to make it worse?


just by doing the stuff in the linked topic (meaning that you can't buy crafter to help you on demand) and my small changes, will increase the time needed to do points extremely and also the needs for more materials. and you are not making crafting way more irrelevant as it is today.


so please follow my advise and create some testing accounts and evaluate the data you have, that you don't need to overreact and bring back crafting to irrelevance.

Edited by fabsus
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I will address each of your points separately.


With respect to Point A, you are talking about one character achieving 50k for the week on a certificate that is available once every few weeks. That is a far cry from achieving the Planetary Yield. Crafting, including harvesting, was an excellent way to top off a multitude of characters thereby allowing smaller guilds to achieve the benefits. Setting aside the certificate, with the proposed crafting changes, we are still only talking about one character reaching roughly 50k by crafting.


With respect to Point B, how do you know what small guilds are doing? I can only speak for the two small guilds I'm in (same players / one Republic; one Imperial), but we engage in a multitude of activities except Operations and Galactic Star Fighter. Crafting, notably harvesting, was an integral part of our strategy to achieve Planetary Yield.


Also with respect to Point B, I don't know what you mean by "genuine activity." Well, I do know, but it reinforces my point made earlier that it is irritating that some players think there is only one way to play the game.


Setting aside the issue of ability to detect macros / botting, I think a number of players in this thread have suggested reasonable compromises. Specifically, limiting Crafting Inventor, but keeping harvesting, dark projects, etc. the same. Those activities require much more effort.


As it stands right now, Bioware is bringing a machete to the operating table when surgical instruments are warranted.






Dasty, you saved me the trouble. You posted exactly the same thoughts I would have, so thank you. Couldn't agree with you more.

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With respect to Point A, you are talking about one character achieving 50k for the week on a certificate that is available once every few weeks. That is a far cry from achieving the Planetary Yield. Crafting, including harvesting, was an excellent way to top off a multitude of characters thereby allowing smaller guilds to achieve the benefits. Setting aside the certificate, with the proposed crafting changes, we are still only talking about one character reaching roughly 50k by crafting.


With respect to Point B, how do you know what small guilds are doing? I can only speak for the two small guilds I'm in (same players / one Republic; one Imperial), but we engage in a multitude of activities except Operations and Galactic Star Fighter. Crafting, notably harvesting, was an integral part of our strategy to achieve Planetary Yield.


Also with respect to Point B, I don't know what you mean by "genuine activity." Well, I do know, but it reinforces my point made earlier that it is irritating that some players think there is only one way to play the game.






That dude you are responding to is very likely ignoring what is written for his purposes. I've written him, crafting was possibility for small guilds to win or strategize. He repeats himself talking about conquest objectives. It seems he doesn't understand differencies between conquest objective and invading a planet. He repeats small guilds don't need crafting without any argument. Only just this statement again and again. He is clearly trolling or pushing his view of point no matter what. I haven't seen him trying to understand anyone but himself. That's not discussion, that's fight. I also can agree with small changes. I'm ok for example with nerfing "Crafting: inventor". I and many people are able to search consensus but there is no empathy at all. It seems in his world (and not only his world) it's only black and white. In his/their world there are only those who don't use craft and those who cheat. Nothing between. Pointless discussion.

Edited by ElDarksome
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Dasty, you saved me the trouble. You posted exactly the same thoughts I would have, so thank you. Couldn't agree with you more.


I now what small guild do because i work together with 4 small guilds, NONE rely on crafting, rather on activities such as FPs , heroics, OPses and WZs. And when i started my guilds and revived mine a year ago i also didnt craft as a primary source for conquest, simple as that. And back in the day conquest was even more difficult.


You STILL get crafting conquest points after the changes so Your arguments are invalid.

II wuld even go as far and say that they can highten the conquest reward on a daily basis for crafting or even weekly, BUT doing it on infinity as it was is a bad idea and its good that its changed.


But again, why do You suggest that people are trolls because they disagree with You?

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the biggest issue in my opinion are the duplicating exploits. as long as these are not fixed, we still will have distortions in the complete crafting system. so please fix it.

for the ones who are interested in how you duplicate things: "no i won't tell you, not here not elsewhere."


If there are still dupes in the game and you know them then that needs to be reported to the developers or no hope in saving this game's economy.

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I will address each of your points separately.


With respect to Point A, you are talking about one character achieving 50k for the week on a certificate that is available once every few weeks. That is a far cry from achieving the Planetary Yield. Crafting, including harvesting, was an excellent way to top off a multitude of characters thereby allowing smaller guilds to achieve the benefits. Setting aside the certificate, with the proposed crafting changes, we are still only talking about one character reaching roughly 50k by crafting.


With respect to Point B, how do you know what small guilds are doing? I can only speak for the two small guilds I'm in (same players / one Republic; one Imperial), but we engage in a multitude of activities except Operations and Galactic Star Fighter. Crafting, notably harvesting, was an integral part of our strategy to achieve Planetary Yield.


Also with respect to Point B, I don't know what you mean by "genuine activity." Well, I do know, but it reinforces my point made earlier that it is irritating that some players think there is only one way to play the game.


Setting aside the issue of ability to detect macros / botting, I think a number of players in this thread have suggested reasonable compromises. Specifically, limiting Crafting Inventor, but keeping harvesting, dark projects, etc. the same. Those activities require much more effort.


As it stands right now, Bioware is bringing a machete to the operating table when surgical instruments are warranted.






Well said Dasty. Thank you 🙏

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Hello there!


This is my very first atempt for forum! Those changes made me to write here.


I must say I‘m very dissapointed from this decision. I had a huge discussion about players who cheat with my friend and back then I was very frustrated that reporting system isn‘t working well for detection abusive behave. And you came and instead of fixing the system some way you decided to ruin crafting for conquest for all players no matter if they cheat or not.


From this point you completely ruin my guild‘s chances to win a planet once a time. (We are barely in top 10 almost most of the time but once a time it was nice to be first or at least so close to the first place). I don‘t know why is conquest crafting for some of you such pain in the ***. I would like to suggest you, try it. Try to throw away plenty and plenty of credits instead of buying some nice outfit or deco. Try to click missions few hours every single day for couple of weeks. Try to be 16+ hours online while invading a planet so you can play fp, wz, gsf, ops, rampages and click craft every free moment you can.


Try put this effort and have this satisfaction when your no name guild, which is so minor in server, hit the top for once. If my guild would do only fp, wz, gsf, etc. we would never taste the shine of first place of conquest competition. I‘m very sorry you feel offended that my guild uses craft and wins one week from 52 weeks of invading. This decision of Bioware kills the competition for smaller guilds for good. Because if we can‘t craft and we can do only group objectives, we will never ever win. How can few players win by group activity against double amount of players with same time for both of them?


Ok. I will eventually accepted your changes. Could you please bring some more changes then? For example change the conquest competition? Make it available for smaller guilds. Make achievements not only for guild which has monopol. Make awards available for no name guilds like ours. And please. Prevent cheaters from cheat more effectively. They will still make credits with macro and they will eventually find the way how to abuse other objectives.


Thank you.

Edited by Wolfman-cz
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But again, why do You suggest that people are trolls because they disagree with You?


People are suggesting it because you refuse to listen to our side of the argument or empathise with our predicament. You only see your own path or way to play the game as being valid.

On top of that, we have proof that guild masters from your guilds are telling their members to come here and disparage us and call use cheats and and talk down to us to drown out our concerns.

So if people here are defensive about your motives and consider you trolling, then maybe you should look at why that is instead of attacking us,

None of us are part of your rival guild or guild wars you have going on. Most of us don’t even give a damn about what you guys do to each other until it starts to impact the rest of us like this campaign you and your guilds have been running to remove crafting from conquest.

You aren’t even willing to compromise or look at this from our perspective and now you’ve gotten your way, you and yours are stepping up your propaganda drive to get more restrictions put in place.

If it looks like, acts like, smells like and sounds like a troll, is it not reasonable assume that it might be a troll.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I think it is pretty clear from those attachments who is the real problem (and what their ultimate goal is). Hopefully this is something Bioware watches.


Chris (BioChris) posts happy face emojis in Discord thread as a bunch of mostly Ops players thumbs up these changes with 'lol at people who think crafting or conquest is really playing the game' type posts, so I doubt they care.


And to be fair, I don't think the crowd in the Discord is the same as the crowd that has been mass spamming the forums and developers with their conquest crusades.


I'm just pointing out the developers are willing to post in Discord threads that are clearly biased to a certain way to play the game (Ops / PVP - which in full disclosure, Ops is mostly what I do - though I also engage in crafting for credits and have characters in casual / conquest guilds), but don't mind nuking other aspects of the game without comment or feedback on their own forums.


Lesson learned: come to the forum and whine in droves.


I am not really affected, it was ok to cycle to my crafters occasionally and over a week‘s time make the 50k that way, this does seem to be more difficult now, but we will see.

Problem is: in fact nobody should care about winning a planet, as there is no way to make the battleground even. So even if people were botting, who cares? The constant change to conquest is annoying, and listening to a bunch of whiners is pathetic.


Wrong lesson learned, spamming the foum won't do anything (if it did, crafting and conquest wouldn't be in the shape they are now, PVP missions would not require wins, and all content would be level 75).


The lesson to be learned is to create guilds on multiple servers, spam invite people to build size, spread nonsense to your guild members (those 'others' are cheating), then leverage all the players in your guilds to harass the developers to do what you want by spamming all communication channels (forums, Discord, PMs, Twitter, email, phone, etc).


Anyways, this change appears to be reactionary driven to appease a mob, rather than a well thought out set of changes designed to appeal to the most players, keep players engaged, and discourage botting.


And coupled with the changes to scale up uprisings (but still leaving all the FPs and Ops at 70), it just leaves me shaking my head at where the developers are prioritizing their limited resources.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Theres a vocal minority, and then a silent Majority. Guess Who is the stronger lobby? It's funny, seeing people openly complain in a discord now about how they can no longer contribute conquest while watching podcasts and youtube.


Newsflash. People Bot and Macro the conquest objectives. 8-12 people generating 20 million conquest points while they sleep is bogus, and why your exploit was taken away.


Do you think that exploit contributed to inflation? Or was it mainly to monopolize the conquest mats using multiple guilds? Also check your private messages please

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Lesson learned: come to the forum and whine in droves.


Unfortunately, this is how change...usually bad change....get accomplished. You come here to the forums; then whine, cry, and temper tantrum until you get your way.


Personally, if you're going to nerf crafting, then you need to nerf ALL the infinitely repeatables,.

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  • Dev Post

We have been keeping an eye on the thread and have removed posts that violate our Rules of Conduct and/or forum guidelines. As a reminder, please do not call out other players/guilds as that creates a wave of negativity and toxicity. Please report them accordingly.


Spamming our forums and our channels is not permitted. We can take actions against your account should you spam or brigade our forums or support lines.


If you need to report a player or a guild, please use the appropriate process to do so. https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/report-players-for-cheating-abuse-and-harassment/ and use the steps that can be found under the SWTOR platform. It is also important to include crucial info such as player name, guild name, screenshots or other media that shows Terms of Service and/or Rules of Conduct being broken.


And always, please remain civil here. Do not resort to insults, attacks, or any level of harassment. If you cannot remain civil, regardless of what your opinion on any topic is, we can move to sanction your account.

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Oh, and to the people suggesting we go over the "Botters" themselves, or add a way to eliminate Macros, this individual can explain to you why this is not possible.

First of all, I'm a full-stack security developer, also running my own company. What do you do exactly?

That's why I'm telling there is no macro detection system in place. Let me educate you how you can detect macro's which you have clearly no idea on but acting as you know it.


In general, behaviour-based game bot detection approaches require game play data in high resolution in time; however, collecting such high-resolution data for every player can overload the game servers in service. Gonna state this for simple so you can understand since you clearly lack education in this area:





It isn't enough for a game to detect a 3rd party macro program, which is really easy. Let's say I'm using a program called A. You can't just ban me running for it, which could be run for anything tbh, including stuff you do for windows/work/etc. It needs to proves that you are using for the game. Let's say let's just ban them outright running 3rd party automation software.


Solution for this: A bot detection mechanism can be evaded by running games in guest mode on an administrator account. Done


So what happens your mouse and keyboard software such as razer, Logitech etc. Which swtor razer mouse you can able to send multiple characters to crew missions.


so how can a game company detect if a person running macros?


A) The first way to do it is by collecting statistics. No person can not, will not click the same location over and over again. Let's say for the sake of the argument they do. (They don't.)


Solution for A: Random intervals timers and positons between clicks.


B) Mouse hooks (like the one used by A to implement mouse hotkeys) are able to determine whether a mouse event is caused by physical input, or artificial.

There is a workaround for that. Just search AutoHotInterception on GitHub, you will find a script that shows artificial inputs as physical ones. If you are really serious for banning you can detect Interception drive is installed, and refuse not to run the game but like only one game ever did that.


C) You can detect the script.exe which was the case for the space hack missions, and again they only got the extreme users by also confirming they are in the game at that moment in that instance. Again manpower, money.

Which you can't do with crafting unless you are running something like swtorcraftingbot.exe which like who does?


There are more technical ways which I'm happy to provide for you if you have access to research gate or something similar. Which this game does none if it. If you have proof that it does, ( which is really easy for someone who has the technical knowledge since you clearly do!) provide it here, I'm happy to admit I'm wrong.


In addition theres ways to hide the conquest points one earns from botting, including removing and re-inviting to guild, as well as spreading the conquest out over several alts. As I said in the post that sparked this debate, IT CAN NOT BE ROOTED OUT. It's like snipping a weeds leaf, and calling the problem fixed. No, no, no. We're cutting this vampires heart out so it doesn't rise again.

Edited by Voriik
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i also think that You are a troll because You disagree with me according to Your logic.


Small guilds have NO problems with the changes because

a) You can easy achieve your 50k conquest, in fact the weekly reward for just logging in is 50k "personal conquest requisition"


b) i dont remember seeing any small guilds relying on crafting, but on genuine activity.


This is the biggest Troll comment here.


It's not about getting 50k, it's about small guilds having the ability to get the medium or large yield conquest goals. Getting 50k isn't an issue, but if they want some decent conquest rewards they need to pull 2 mil or 5 mil. For a small guild that can actually be tedious without having access to crafting as it currently is.

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This is the biggest Troll comment here.


It's not about getting 50k, it's about small guilds having the ability to get the medium or large yield conquest goals. Getting 50k isn't an issue, but if they want some decent conquest rewards they need to pull 2 mil or 5 mil. For a small guild that can actually be tedious without having access to crafting as it currently is.

Small guilds shouldn't able to hit large yield, period. Which btw they can, easily, even with the changes.

Edited by lord-angelus
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