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Everything posted by Wolfman-cz

  1. Hello there! This is my very first atempt for forum! Those changes made me to write here. I must say I‘m very dissapointed from this decision. I had a huge discussion about players who cheat with my friend and back then I was very frustrated that reporting system isn‘t working well for detection abusive behave. And you came and instead of fixing the system some way you decided to ruin crafting for conquest for all players no matter if they cheat or not. From this point you completely ruin my guild‘s chances to win a planet once a time. (We are barely in top 10 almost most of the time but once a time it was nice to be first or at least so close to the first place). I don‘t know why is conquest crafting for some of you such pain in the ***. I would like to suggest you, try it. Try to throw away plenty and plenty of credits instead of buying some nice outfit or deco. Try to click missions few hours every single day for couple of weeks. Try to be 16+ hours online while invading a planet so you can play fp, wz, gsf, ops, rampages and click craft every free moment you can. Try put this effort and have this satisfaction when your no name guild, which is so minor in server, hit the top for once. If my guild would do only fp, wz, gsf, etc. we would never taste the shine of first place of conquest competition. I‘m very sorry you feel offended that my guild uses craft and wins one week from 52 weeks of invading. This decision of Bioware kills the competition for smaller guilds for good. Because if we can‘t craft and we can do only group objectives, we will never ever win. How can few players win by group activity against double amount of players with same time for both of them? Ok. I will eventually accepted your changes. Could you please bring some more changes then? For example change the conquest competition? Make it available for smaller guilds. Make achievements not only for guild which has monopol. Make awards available for no name guilds like ours. And please. Prevent cheaters from cheat more effectively. They will still make credits with macro and they will eventually find the way how to abuse other objectives. Thank you.
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