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Upcoming Guild Conquest Updates


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At this stage, what's the point in arguing? They opened the other thread on a friday, and let it fester, then closed it, they haven't bothered replying to this thread. Only response so far is to do things we can't talk about :rolleyes:


The arguments are all going circular, and we are getting no where. At the end of the day, this thread is about


New Character Grace Period .


I know it will affect new guilds starting up, but does one week of forming and setting yourself straight, to do CQ properly really matter. Will it stop ninja invites, we can hope, but no one is 100% sure. And remember, it's by ACCOUNT, not char, so it doesn't affect bringing chars in.




It is important to note that this Grace Period is per character, and not account. If a player already has a character in a Guild, and is bringing an alternate character into the Guild, the Grace Period only applies to that alternate character, and not all characters from that Legacy. Equally as important to note is that this Grace Period will also apply to all new Guilds being formed.

Edited by Voriik
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Actually my math works out just fine. I just ran a low level character through Tython and started Coruscant. In about 6 hours of play (over three days) I ended the week with over 400,000 CQ points. Gaining 5 levels alone is worth 40,000 plus (and daily at that) and on Tython that takes less than an hour. At 7,000 points per story mission (there at least a dozen of those on Tython alone), plus the infinitely repeatable gain a level (6,000 for each level). it adds up very fast. It's your math that seems suspect there. I get more than 100,000 CQ points sneezing and I don't even do crafting for conquest any more.


Well... No, your math doesn't work because you're looking at your personal experience, not base experience. Gaining 5 levels is worth 45k... IF you have all the strongholds perks unlocked, and the added conquest points perk in guild, etc. Higher legacy levels, unlocks and etc also help - leveling AND making conquest faster; having access to better gear, knowing what you're doing when playing, where you're going, etc -- all of these things maximize xp gain, conquest points; early unlocks, companions, sprint, mount, etc.


If you get a REAL noob, f2p, first roll... Tython can take hours and hours. Even doing only purple quests. EVEN doing purple quests and having someone who knows it inside out "guiding" you ahead, it can be hours and hours, and not that many conquest points. They also get reduced xp gain after level 20, so, it gets even slower... No Sprint till level 10 (15?), no mount till level 25, and every single mission takes SO MUCH LONGER to get done.


Even as a subscriber, it's a hassle to get conquest in a server where you don't have a legacy set up - hell, I managed to get underleveled when playing and doing ONLY story on a server that isn't my original one; it took me a whole Story Chapter (like, vanilla chapter, not KOTFE, so, Balmorra/Quesh/Hoth/InvadingEmperorBase) to get conquest in ONE toon.


Meanwhile, I reached conquest yesterday on a new toon at around level 13, on the server where I have a whole set up. The difference is HUGE.


So, your math is heavily biased to what is "normal" low level conquest gain; it represents only a slice of it, that probably isn't the norm (A LOT of the heavey-altholics don't engage in cq heavy activities either and are so deep into rp-realm that they don't have full unlocks... but that's another subtopic).

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Yup, read it wrong, thought if you had a char in there, it wouldn't matter,

I don't know who you think is shooting the messenger, but my post was about trying to keep the thread on topic, before it gets closed too, but some people are just to <redacted> and act like <redacted> to see that. :rolleyes:

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Yup, read it wrong, thought if you had a char in there, it wouldn't matter,

I don't know who you think is shooting the messenger, but my post was about trying to keep the thread on topic, before it gets closed too, but some people are just to <redacted> and act like <redacted> to see that. :rolleyes:


Hey Finally something we can agree on Tergo :)


As per the topic. Devs, please consider tweaking the grace period, quite frankly all that was really needed was removing conquest from gkicks.

Edited by Voriik
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Your reality. Thats all.


@Dwho, your math doesn't check out for the fact that it is based off the assumption any one mass recruit performs to the same degree in terms of conquest. I assure you, they do not all play 6 hours a day and earn 400k conquest before being kicked. The people botting easily defeat any mass recruit effort. Crafting trash mats for conquest isn't that expensive, but thats relative to people who've held more than a billion. Like I said, these people aren't small time.


Yes, I think we've already established you have your separate one. Nothing new there either.

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The solution is right in front of us this week, open up more planets.
Sure, that should work, it is actually the "poor man's implementation of guild-individual conquering", as it does not solve the root cause, just make it less likely for guilds actually competing.

But if it will make people happy, I am all for it.

So instead of having guilds organize a lot of group activities, you would have the game encourage a few select individuals clicking one button a million times?
I don't see it as so black and white. One guild prepares for a specific conquest for weeks, gathers material and most likely also coordinates and has "guild acitivities" in the game. Then supports the crafters with additional points during the week, obviously. That is pretty solid in my book.

Others try to focus on heavy activities during the week of conquest they are after, also perfectly fine (and definitely worth supporting).

In x out of x+1 weeks the latter will win. Only problem is if it clashes. That would be tough luck then.

Do you know how disheartening it is to organize tons of events a week for a hundred active members, only to lose to a guild a quarter of your size that relies on crafting alts cranking out war supplies 24/7?
Yes, I can feel that, have been on the losing end of such a battle myself. Still the fun we had during the time was well worth it, and we also did win lots of weeks.


Maybe I am too disenchanted, but I gave up to believe in "fair" conquest battles long time ago. Activities are fun, but if I lose, so be it. I don't really care.

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Going to stop you there and direct you back to our shared reality. And please, enough with the *** for tat stuff, it's childish, at least when I'm attacked or Henpecked I throw in relevant points or re-address the topic. Less thinking and more doing some of that.


As far as the conquest update More variation of the planets and or additional yields would be appreciated as well.


You're the one doing the attacking here with your toxic posts such as this. So if you want to discuss about the topic, how about doing just that and drop the personal attacks. It's really that simple.

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You're the one doing the attacking here with your toxic posts such as this. So if you want to discuss about the topic, how about doing just that and drop the personal attacks. It's really that simple.

Again, you do the exact same thing you accuse others of, Deanna, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, just this once.


The Grace period as Tergon said should be Account versus character, do you agree or disagree? At any rate that is the only complaint I have about this coming update.

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That's nice, but you do realize a crafter can prep for a few weeks and get 500k an hour an entire week just by crafting war supplies on multiple characters at once?


I'm trying to understand why is that a problem, because every guild can do the same, and a guild with more members/characters can craft more than a small guild with less members/characters. It's a fair game, only the smaller guilds will have to work a bit harder with less people doing it.

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The Grace period as Tergon said should be Account versus character, do you agree or disagree? At any rate that is the only complaint I have about this coming update.




I really couldn't care less because I don't do guild hopping myself. I already have toons in all big conquest guilds and some on small guilds who are not even trying to win a planet. However it would be unfair for people with less character slots, when they can't put alts in to different guilds in advance to wait, or guilds with a lot of members, because they won't have room for people waiting for the grace period to be over before they can actually contribute. But it's just one more unfair change among other unfair changes and too low on my priority list to have a strong enough opinion. It's a shame though that it's being done because some guilds have been abusing the system and using players as some disposable trash, but everyone else will pay the price. Nothing we haven't seen before though.

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Quoted from another thread:



It's been said that this was possibly done as deliberate attempt to destroy crafting. On that point I disagree. I DO believe that if the "original" solution is over the top. It will hurt crafting (though I'm quite confident that it was not intended to destroy it). It will unquestionably discourage a lot of players who have been doing a lot of crafting.


I also believe that there are other opportunities where we can collectively pull together and seek a 3rd solution that will close off a large part of the opportunities for the exploitations that MAY have been used. None of us who care about this game approve of cheating. It's just that simple.


We have many different styles of players .. from all over the world (well .. just about it) and all come from different backgrounds. That said ... surely we can find common ground to solve a common problem that none of us want ... cheating !!


Change is inevitable .. change that grows the game is welcomed. Hurting each other for the sake of our own pride is seldom of lasting benefit !


In addition:


** What difference does it make what size guild is involved? ALL GUILDS should play the game the way they see fit. If that "style" is played with integrity and not abusive in any way to the established rules of conduct each group should be permitted the freedom to enjoy the game as they see fit.


RP ??

PvP ??

PvE?? (crafting / raiding / OPs ... )


Really shouldn't this be about having fun ?? Seems like that's been swept aside these days !!


** Large guilds, medium , small ?? Achievements ?? BW should be the one making the determination as to how each of those are impacted ( NOT my personal view on what is "appropriate" style of playing the game.)


Deal with those that are cheating and ultimately dividing this community.


Find common ground to take a stand against cheating ... but stop the rest .. other wise the old man's [redacted] then we'll [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]


(notices smoke rising from keyboard)


[censored ] [redacted] [ ... additional censored]


see I can do that too !! And it makes just about as much sense !!

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I'm trying to understand why is that a problem, because every guild can do the same, and a guild with more members/characters can craft more than a small guild with less members/characters. It's a fair game, only the smaller guilds will have to work a bit harder with less people doing it.


The game is basically telling you "Don't wanna click a button a million times? Don't bother organizing events for your guild, you can't win."


If you don't think that's a problem I don't know what to tell you.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Well... No, your math doesn't work because you're looking at your personal experience, not base experience. Gaining 5 levels is worth 45k... IF you have all the strongholds perks unlocked, and the added conquest points perk in guild, etc. Higher legacy levels, unlocks and etc also help - leveling AND making conquest faster; having access to better gear, knowing what you're doing when playing, where you're going, etc -- all of these things maximize xp gain, conquest points; early unlocks, companions, sprint, mount, etc.


If you get a REAL noob, f2p, first roll... Tython can take hours and hours. Even doing only purple quests. EVEN doing purple quests and having someone who knows it inside out "guiding" you ahead, it can be hours and hours, and not that many conquest points. They also get reduced xp gain after level 20, so, it gets even slower... No Sprint till level 10 (15?), no mount till level 25, and every single mission takes SO MUCH LONGER to get done.


Even as a subscriber, it's a hassle to get conquest in a server where you don't have a legacy set up - hell, I managed to get underleveled when playing and doing ONLY story on a server that isn't my original one; it took me a whole Story Chapter (like, vanilla chapter, not KOTFE, so, Balmorra/Quesh/Hoth/InvadingEmperorBase) to get conquest in ONE toon.


Meanwhile, I reached conquest yesterday on a new toon at around level 13, on the server where I have a whole set up. The difference is HUGE.


So, your math is heavily biased to what is "normal" low level conquest gain; it represents only a slice of it, that probably isn't the norm (A LOT of the heavey-altholics don't engage in cq heavy activities either and are so deep into rp-realm that they don't have full unlocks... but that's another subtopic).


Just to clarify, that particular character was not in a guild so no guild conquest boost. Also no purchased legacy xp boosts or conquest boosts. The total is due entirely to base plus stronghold bonus. Removing the Stronghold bonus makes it 160,000 for 6 hours total play time (or 216,000 for the guild).


So this morning I went to Darth Malgus and played a level 10 character I have there (a significant amount of Tython was left to do). It's the only character there and doesn't have a stronghold so no stronghold benefit or guild benefit. This is what I scored for Conquest in about 90 minutes.


Gain 5 lvls = 17,000

Gain a level (x5) = 12750

Increase Companion influence (just from the missions) = 6800

Sell Junk: 765

Hail a Taxi: 765

Defeat Enemies 1: 1600

Assign a utility point: 14,000

Tython Mission Completion: 2000

Storytime (x3): 9000


for right around 64,500. Adding in the Flagship bonus (15%) and the Conquerer II bonus (20%) which any conquest guild would have, the total gained by the guild is at least 87,000 for just about 2 hours of play. All of that is repeatable on the second day (and any subsequent days). Still a massive amount of points for the guild for really no effort at all from the guild (the entirety of the effort would be spam inviting the player to start with - which could easily be botted)

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The game is basically telling you "Don't wanna click a button a million times? Don't bother organizing events for your guild, you can't win."


If you don't think that's a problem I don't know what to tell you.


Except that they did a lot more for those points than "just click a button". All of the mats used and all of the credits spent to obtain them are play time that was expended to gain those points. Also the only ones clicking that button a million times (if it is happening at all) are the top three or four conquest guilds on each planet. They are the only ones it makes any sense for, No 5 or 6 person guild is going to routinely compete for a top slot when the top slots are now breaking 100 million conquest points. The cost in materials it way too high for a guild of that size to absorb. If they save for months, they might be able to get close but I doubt that even.


If one wants to look for bots and punish botters, the place to look is the big conquest guilds, they are the only ones that would profit from botting because they have the personnel and the resources to do it. 99.9% of the guilds in the game don't.

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So on to addressing the proposed changes to conquest (from both threads)


1) Grace Period - a very good idea as it prevents guilds from using the recruit for CQ points then drop before conquest rewards abuse. Also cuts down on the benefit of spam invites since the guild would have to wait to the next CQ event to gain a benefit from the new recruit.


2) CQ points stay with character - also a very good idea and for the reasons above. Additionally it prevents guild from using the drop and replace abuse to effectively expand their guild roster. A 1000 person guild with players running multiple alts can switch out alts in the guild for those not in the guild to increase their effective guild size.


3) Guild Commendations - not sure exactly what this means but I assume it means that you will not gain a benefit for CQ points/boosts gained from someone you kick during the week.


All in all, 1-3 are very good/positive changes


4) Crafting inventor nerf - Pretty much this is massively unfair to 99.9% of the people crafting. Only a few people are involved in exploiting it and they and the guilds they are in should be punished for knowingly using a bot to exploit the system


5) Harvesting - kind of neutral here but once again it is something that only benefits the top couple conquest guilds (particularly the ones using the Crafting Inventor bot) and harms 99.9% of the population. Nodes do not respawn all that frequently so there is a very limited benefit to bot gatherers. That there are not massive amounts of mats on the GTN for sale is an indication that this is not that big of an issue.


6) Crafting War Supplies/Dark Project and Aid the War Effort - These are massively expensive requiring multiple grade 11 mats (and mats of multiple other levels) as well as interim crafts of the components needed. If anything, the points given for them were low compared to the costs.


All in all, 4-6 are very bad for 99.9% of the people crafting in the game. To slow down a couple of bad apples, the entire community is being punished. People have talked about how all gameplay styles should reward equally. Now crafting is massively inferior to any other (and being inferior to other modes has been used in the past to drive for nerfs of other objectives)


1-3 should be implemented, 5 & 6, should be scrapped, and 4 should be changed to just eliminating the crafting stack bonus for certain recipies.

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The game is basically telling you "Don't wanna click a button a million times? Don't bother organizing events for your guild, you can't win."


If you don't think that's a problem I don't know what to tell you.


But no-one is stopping you from organizing events as soon as you've put your other toons to craft something, right? So you can craft AND run events at the same time. Small guilds can't run events with huge amount of points/hour because they have less players. If your people don't want to start crafting with alts before joining an event, it's their choice to not gain those extra points. Maybe they are just not motivated enough to win (if winning the planet is what you're looking for).


So yeah, I still don't see the problem. Everyone can craft the same amount in the same time, it's about how many people are willing to. As someone posted earlier, those small guilds prepare for it for a long time. It's not like they are even trying to win every week.

Edited by DeannaVoyager
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There are lots of medium sized guilds, forcing them to craft in order to conquer a planet is bad game design.


When a guild with 100 active members gets beaten by a guild with 200 active members it's one thing, but why should that guild lose to a 5 active members guild just because those 5 active members click the "Craft" button a lot?


That’s a kind of a false narrative because my family of four guild with only 2 active people is able to get the large yield if we push and that’s not from crafting. Of course we will never win any planet because there aren’t enough of us.


In the last 24 hours I’ve personally accumulated 2 million points and the only crafting I did was 3 x the repeatable across 2 characters so they could hit 50k. One of my other characters is 103 million this week. And the only content I did on that character was uprisings, heroics, star fortresses, pve space mission and 2 planetary rampages and no crafting. And I would say that took about 6 hours to do with my wife,


If I was more dedicated, I’m sure I could have added another few hundred thousand before I logged off. And if I can do it, don’t you think dedicated conquest guild members can each get a million per character, per day, every day if they tried. If a guild has a 1,000 members and each got 1 million a week, that’s a billion conquest points from playing content alone and not crafting. It would be impossible to do that using the repeatable crafting, the amount of mats required would be astronomical.


I can’t understand why someone would waste so many credits and so much time to only do crafting for conquest. If someone is cheating, they still need the mats and they would need an extraordinary amount of mats to craft the repeatable over and over to get 1 million conquest points. You can not even restock the mats solo as fast as you can craft them, so you would need an army of guildies to continually farm to support one person. It’s not realistic unless they can magically make mats out of thin air. And if that’s possible then the games got much bigger issues than the repeatable crafting achievement.


If anything, the last 24 hours has shown me that any guild who wants to compete in conquest wouldn’t be cheating with crafting, they would run content and organise guild activities because that would be the fastest and most lucrative way to make points. And any unscrupulous guilds who were going to cheat would need to run similar content or they wouldn’t be able to keep up. Which means if someone is cheating, it’s not repeatable crafting that’s being abused for those really high numbers, its repeatable content.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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So on to addressing the proposed changes to conquest (from both threads)


1) Grace Period - a very good idea as it prevents guilds from using the recruit for CQ points then drop before conquest rewards abuse. Also cuts down on the benefit of spam invites since the guild would have to wait to the next CQ event to gain a benefit from the new recruit.


2) CQ points stay with character - also a very good idea and for the reasons above. Additionally it prevents guild from using the drop and replace abuse to effectively expand their guild roster. A 1000 person guild with players running multiple alts can switch out alts in the guild for those not in the guild to increase their effective guild size.


3) Guild Commendations - not sure exactly what this means but I assume it means that you will not gain a benefit for CQ points/boosts gained from someone you kick during the week.


All in all, 1-3 are very good/positive changes


4) Crafting inventor nerf - Pretty much this is massively unfair to 99.9% of the people crafting. Only a few people are involved in exploiting it and they and the guilds they are in should be punished for knowingly using a bot to exploit the system


5) Harvesting - kind of neutral here but once again it is something that only benefits the top couple conquest guilds (particularly the ones using the Crafting Inventor bot) and harms 99.9% of the population. Nodes do not respawn all that frequently so there is a very limited benefit to bot gatherers. That there are not massive amounts of mats on the GTN for sale is an indication that this is not that big of an issue.


6) Crafting War Supplies/Dark Project and Aid the War Effort - These are massively expensive requiring multiple grade 11 mats (and mats of multiple other levels) as well as interim crafts of the components needed. If anything, the points given for them were low compared to the costs.


All in all, 4-6 are very bad for 99.9% of the people crafting in the game. To slow down a couple of bad apples, the entire community is being punished. People have talked about how all gameplay styles should reward equally. Now crafting is massively inferior to any other (and being inferior to other modes has been used in the past to drive for nerfs of other objectives)


1-3 should be implemented, 5 & 6, should be scrapped, and 4 should be changed to just eliminating the crafting stack bonus for certain recipies.


That's a pretty accurate summary, thanks for posting it!

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So on to addressing the proposed changes to conquest (from both threads)


1) Grace Period - a very good idea as it prevents guilds from using the recruit for CQ points then drop before conquest rewards abuse. Also cuts down on the benefit of spam invites since the guild would have to wait to the next CQ event to gain a benefit from the new recruit.


2) CQ points stay with character - also a very good idea and for the reasons above. Additionally it prevents guild from using the drop and replace abuse to effectively expand their guild roster. A 1000 person guild with players running multiple alts can switch out alts in the guild for those not in the guild to increase their effective guild size.


3) Guild Commendations - not sure exactly what this means but I assume it means that you will not gain a benefit for CQ points/boosts gained from someone you kick during the week.


All in all, 1-3 are very good/positive changes


4) Crafting inventor nerf - Pretty much this is massively unfair to 99.9% of the people crafting. Only a few people are involved in exploiting it and they and the guilds they are in should be punished for knowingly using a bot to exploit the system


5) Harvesting - kind of neutral here but once again it is something that only benefits the top couple conquest guilds (particularly the ones using the Crafting Inventor bot) and harms 99.9% of the population. Nodes do not respawn all that frequently so there is a very limited benefit to bot gatherers. That there are not massive amounts of mats on the GTN for sale is an indication that this is not that big of an issue.


6) Crafting War Supplies/Dark Project and Aid the War Effort - These are massively expensive requiring multiple grade 11 mats (and mats of multiple other levels) as well as interim crafts of the components needed. If anything, the points given for them were low compared to the costs.


All in all, 4-6 are very bad for 99.9% of the people crafting in the game. To slow down a couple of bad apples, the entire community is being punished. People have talked about how all gameplay styles should reward equally. Now crafting is massively inferior to any other (and being inferior to other modes has been used in the past to drive for nerfs of other objectives)


1-3 should be implemented, 5 & 6, should be scrapped, and 4 should be changed to just eliminating the crafting stack bonus for certain recipies.


Excellent post .. a positive step in the right direction !!

[two thumbs up]

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In the last 24 hours I’ve personally accumulated 2 million points and the only crafting I did was 3 x the repeatable across 2 characters so they could hit 50k. One of my other characters is 103 million this week. And the only content I did on that character was uprisings, heroics, star fortresses, pve space mission and 2 planetary rampages and no crafting. And I would say that took about 6 hours to do with my wife,


That's nice. In the last 24 hours I accumulated 5 million points, ran 5 events (one of them with 30 people) and we still can't beat a small guild because one of their guys has an army of alts crafting war supplies.

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That's nice. In the last 24 hours I accumulated 5 million points, ran 5 events (one of them with 30 people) and we still can't beat a small guild because one of their guys has an army of alts crafting war supplies.


Omg, do you know how many mats you need to make war supplies? Have you ever actually tried to collect all the mats and setup for a crafting burst in conquest? Then you have to actually craft all those bonded mats prior to the week across at least 3 different crafting professions.


We are talking weeks, if not months to set up for one conquest and even then, it’s not sustainable through the whole week.


Honestly, if you can’t keep up with this guys guild, it’s not because of crafting, its because they are doing content as well. So maybe you need to plan ahead to to do crafting too.

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Omg, do you know how many mats you need to make war supplies? Have you ever actually tried to collect all the mats and setup for a crafting burst in conquest? Then you have to actually craft all those bonded mats prior to the week across at least 3 different crafting professions.


We are talking weeks, if not months to set up for one conquest and even then, it’s not sustainable through the whole week.


Honestly, if you can’t keep up with this guys guild, it’s not because of crafting, its because they are doing content as well. So maybe you need to plan ahead to to do crafting too.


Yes I know how long it takes, I do some crafting too. I however don't want to spend months clicking a button just so my guild has a shot, and I'd like it if the game didn't tell me to do this or stop bothering with organizing events. And I know it's one guy crafting because I did a /who on the guild and they had 1/4 of our numbers while taking the lead, and they got 10 million points overnight.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Yes I know how long it takes, I do some crafting too. I however don't want to spend months clicking a button just so my guild has a shot, and I'd like it if the game didn't tell me to do this or stop bothering with organizing events. And I know it's one guy because I did a /who on the guild and they had 1/4 of our numbers while taking the lead.


I don’t get your argument. It sounds like you are complaining they are better organised than you.


And it seems like you don’t want to try hard as the other guild to win, so why should they get nerfed so you can win if they are organising and planning ahead and you are not?


Isnt it fair that the best organised and well run guilds are going to win conquest if their members participate and are dedicated enough to plan ahead for a push like this.

It’s no small effort on their part to acquire all the mats or precraft the bonded attachments, let alone the costs involved too.


I get you don’t like to craft, but other people do. What makes your way of playing the only way Bioware should let people participate and win conquest?


What if I complained that I can’t win conquest with 2 players in my guild because it’s not fair the other guild has more people that can do more content like operations that my 2 man guild can’t. Should I be demanding Bioware remove operations from conquest because I don’t like them or play them?


Of course the answer is no, I have no right to demand Bioware remove operations because I don’t like them to make conquest more fair for me.

Everyone plays the game the way they enjoy playing it and everyone is entitled to play the game how ever they want as long as they aren’t breaking any rules or the tos.

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I don’t get your argument. It sounds like you are complaining they are better organised than you.

I'm not gonna bother replying to you anymore if you're not willing to address what I said again and again. It's not about being "better organized", it's that I find the idea of clicking the same button a million times just to have a shot as a medium-large sized guild ridiculous.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Yes I know how long it takes, I do some crafting too. I however don't want to spend months clicking a button just so my guild has a shot, and I'd like it if the game didn't tell me to do this or stop bothering with organizing events. And I know it's one guy crafting because I did a /who on the guild and they had 1/4 of our numbers while taking the lead, and they got 10 million points overnight.


So because they can beat you one week out of 20, you think it isn't worthwhile for you to organize events to get points. Honestly, that doesn't make any sense. They have put all their eggs in one basket to beat you one week out of 20. Kind of a tortoise and the hare situation (slow and steady wins the race). They'll burn out this week, if not in the next day, and you'll probably still end up passing them up in the end and you'll beat them the other 19 weeks as well while they restock for another push. They probably aren't competitive at all outside of the Galactic War event that has so many planets available.


10 million points overnight would be nothing for a decent sized guild that has a presence in all time zones. 10 million points in an hour might be suspicious, but even that is not beyond the realm of possibility depending on which objectives (other than crafting) that you focus on.

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