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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Augments


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What is all that fuss about? This is just a carrot dangling or a bone thrown at the ranked and NIM players to keep them playing or give them a sense of reward for playing the highest level of content.


It's also not like anyone playing NIM or ranked is going to be decked out in these new augments in an instant.

With the material requirements listed someone has to earn a damn lot of those new materials just to equip one character with them. Keep in mind you need to finish the ranked weekly or kill NIM final bosses for reliable material drops. It's not like even people who successfully play that content are going to swim in those materials.


For those fearing non ranked warzones suddenly are going to become unplayable, again, how fast do you think people are going to get those augments? Someone in another thread calculated 40+ weeks of play for just one character. During those months the prices will drop eventually and anyone who is determined to need them can buy them or play for the credits to get them. (In the end a lot of regular ranked players probably would wipe the floor with most participants in the normal warzones anyway, with or without that small stat plus, simply because they usually are better at PvP).


Looking back it's very similar to the stuff from Gods Nim in 5.8, rare materials gated behind content very few players played successfully. Yet no one else but those doing Gods NIM needed it anyway and just like now, it was just the "I must have this now!" mentality that made players pay insane sums for materials or the crafted armour pieces especially while back then it was possible to get them by playing Ossus+time.


If those materials end up being only sellable through the GTN, their purpose shifts more towards credit sink or something to get the wealth longterm players have accumulated moving, most NIM players I know off sit on hundreds of billions for example. After all the higher the price the materials or augments go for in the GTN, the more credits are taken out of the game. Though for that to work, people would have to bother with the new stuff, and again next to no one is going to really need the augments.

Edited by Khaleijo
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People acting like the guy who drops a billion credits for 300 extra crit is going to smash them in regular warzones


Well, there are two broad strains of criticism in this thread. I agree with your underlying point that the stat gain is so minimal that it will be all but negligible or barely noticeable. Frankly, given the costs, I think someone would be foolish to pursue the new Augments at all. My view is further entrenched given that we have a major content update due in December. Given BW's history of lurching from one gearing system to another, I would keep my power dry on chasing these new Augments.


My concern is the way they are implementing the system. I have never been a fan of "incentivizing" (note I did not say "forcing") people to play activities they detest in order to get goodies useful in activities they do enjoy. And, as pointed out in numerous posts, the material cost is outrageous, which will translate into ridiculous prices on the GTN, as you correctly note.


More importantly, though, I'm pretty disappointed that the (what appears to be relatively new) design director felt this a priority to push out when, by BW's own admission, overall Crafting and Amplifiers systems need work. It's been exactly 11 months to the day and nada, bupkis, squat.



Edited by Jdast
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More importantly, though, I'm pretty disappointed that the (what appears to be relatively new) design director felt this a priority to push out when, by BW's own admission, overall Crafting and Amplifiers systems need work. It's been exactly 11 months to the day and nada, bupkis, squat.




Agree. Crafting in the new system is ridiculous. Below is what is needed to craft 1 single purple augment (This is pure mats needed excluding any crits during the chain process)


• 10 processed isotope stabilizer

• 5 solid resource matrix

• 5 legendary ember

• 576 Standard Veda Cloth

• 192 Premium Veda Cloth

• 96 Prototype Veda Cloth

• 450 Premium Lustrous Bondar Crystal

• 450 Premium Lustrous Artifact Fragment

• 150 Prototype Lustrous Artifact Fragment

• 150 Prototype Lustrous Bondar Crystal

• 75 Artifact Lustrous Bondar Crystal

• 75 Artifact Lustrous Artifact Fragment

• 270 Premium Woven Syntex

• 270 Premium Data Spike

• 90 Prototype Data Spike

• 90 Prototype Woven Syntex

• 45 Artifact Data Spike

• 45 Artifact Woven Syntex


That's 3,044 materials needed to craft. This system has needed change since it was launched, and not much if anything has been done since it was introduced. I don't expect any different on the new augs. I'll just ignore and wait for the new gear treadmill. It will prob come out before people are able to collect the mats needed to craft a full set of these anyways

Edited by Jamtas
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"New Augments nobody asked for"

Stop this madness immediately!

Nobody wants to do this. Nobody asked for it. Nobody can afford the effort in time to succeed.


Concentrate instead on new content, new strongholds, new events, new FPs and OPs, and new companions.


It did not work for WOW and it won't for SWtoR!


Instead of 6.1.4 we want 6.2!

Thank you!

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If thats a joke its not a funny one, who came up with this? what were you thinking guys? you know people who are on the level of nim farm or high elo ranked pvp doesnt play with only 1 toon right? by the time you augment your mains patch 8.0 would come..


Whats the intention here?, bump up the Chinese gold seller businesses? give a reasonable grind with guarantied drops make it challenging but not imposible. ranked reward? never even go there buddy, nobody doing ranked because of toxicity, this wont make a difference for revitalisation, as long as you give slap n the wrist for the existing toxic kiddos

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"New Augments nobody asked for"

Stop this madness immediately!

Nobody wants to do this. Nobody asked for it. Nobody can afford the effort in time to succeed.


Concentrate instead on new content, new strongholds, new events, new FPs and OPs, and new companions.


It did not work for WOW and it won't for SWtoR!


Instead of 6.1.4 we want 6.2!

Thank you!


THIS!! It about covers it all.


I think at this point it's very clear that almost everyone is against this change. No one asked for it, no one want it! You did this crap in the past, where we had to farm PVP and PVE and everyone hated at the time, and you are doing it again, and for no valid reason at all.

The question is, will you actually listen to the community this time and call it off or you just gonna ignore it and go ahead anyway? I guess everyone knows the answer for this one.

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I have no idea why the argument over activities that drop the soon to be new augment mats is here, not in the other thread with the same argument, or the new augment thread itself, but just because i want to make the same argument in one of the places its taking place and this is the most appropriate:


Since the changes to cq and before they nerf it again, I don't even know how you avoid doing cq. Last time I logged in, I did one cz and boom toon at cq cap.


Secondly, obviously the current tier crafting mats are wildly more accessible than "NiM or granked only". I think that is obvious, because Mr Schmidt quite literally stated:


We also want to refresh interest in our prestige modes by adding a very clear incentive while we work on the next batch of new content.


So I think, frankly, these items are in fact more restricted than the current tier; furthermore, that increased restriction is by design.


Now we can split all the peas we want over whether this is good or bad. Obviously these things are going to be very minor. That is why, when i mentioned regs PvP in the other thread, I said "hypothetical advantage". BW refuses to admit that either something has a statistically significant difference in, say dps, or there's absolutely zero point releasing it at all. That is the very definition of optimization, as anyone who's taken calc 1 should know. (I think optimization problems were calc 1? Its been a while).


Which leads me back to my true protest against these things: its obvious that its going to be a while before we get any new content (otherwise why would Mr Schmidt have mentioned it?). If I extrapolate or read between the lines a bit, perhaps also people playing say NiM Dxun and granked are diminishing. Thus they are using these as an attempt to get more people to do those 2 specific things. (I would point out also, that for literally any other, even NiM, Op these things are even less useful because of the idiotic BW method of recycling old content without raising it to 75).


So, to my mind the only areas that stand to notice an even hypothetical impact are: Dxun (all modes), the new FP (all modes), and PvP (all modes). Literally everything else is downscaled.


So we're back to my true point, and what has been my point for literal years: GEAR IS NOT A TRUE SUBSTITUTE FOR CONTENT i have literally gotten so bored with gear grinding I went and found other games. That, in conjunction with BWs continued poor decision making, means that unless something dramatically changes i will stop paying BW when my current sub ends. And Mr Schmidt, Mr Kanneg, and whoever else at BW may read "feedback", I have utterly lost faith in your organization. I did not buy anthem; as a long time fan of mass effect, I will likely reconsider my potential purchase of a remastered ME trilogy; and frankly, even if you made a KOTOR 3, my experience here has deeply routed my excitement for the franchise. I have serious doubts BW could pull off a successful follow up to the series that brought me into PC gaming when I was younger. Please prove me wrong.


I was here for the long game, one of a select few who was happy with what we got as a KOTOR 3-10. And you have slowly, beaten away every reason I had for playing your game I was once so happy enjoying.

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Can we just admit that Bioware has run out of steam trying to improve the game and its poorly planned features that have been a mainstay since 3.0?


Apparently they don't know how to listen to customer complaints about WHY no one is playing their endgame realms of PvP and PvE, so they think exclusive augments will do the trick. They'll probably subtly tweak all the stats too so the content becomes just a little too hard without that little stat boost. :D


I'm just lucky I'm currently part of a MM group so we can do some Ops besides Dxun and farm these mats so I have an extra stream of credits coming in, but just about none of us want to get sucked into this ripoff for the gearing, it might not even be worth it for the sales if the Ops drops work how I fear they're going to and one insignificant mat is rolled for by the entire group.


And no, this isn't even going to be used by all ranked players and MM raiders, it's going to be used for the even smaller subset that are legends in the game and/or are lucky enough to have a committed team with a well-connected, guilded, and material-stocked leader who trades in half a billion credits every day. For every famous youtuber team bragging about their clears, there's 5 more that don't belong in the content that suck players in but have months of difficulty focusing and memorizing strategies, and have players go AWOL for months because of real life, fatigue, rudeness or some other reason. The former is going to become even more insufferable and exclusive; forget a class becoming taboo, these new augments will become required before you can even join. While the content can be done without them, it's going to be easier with these and elites are going to pounce on demanding them of all their team members; it'll be a nightmare for endgamers all around.

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What is all that fuss about? This is just a carrot dangling or a bone thrown at the ranked and NIM players to keep them playing or give them a sense of reward for playing the highest level of content.


It's because the devs could have spent their very limited time nowadays maybe fixing countless bugs, removing features nobody asked for and hated, or expanding on that trickle of content about the Emperor's far-too-rotting corpse infecting Satele Shan, but they decide to make a couple new shinys that will take months to grind for most teams that already know they don't need it to clear the content they're grinding, which is going to force out more NiM raiders than bring in.


People are just going to stop playing at this point if the only things the devs can think of to "fix" is to add another gear grind.

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Hi friends,





Terrible idea, for all the reasons everyone else has stated. I'll also add, that, not only is that content totally inaccessible for most, it also gives me no reason to run unranked matches. At least if there were a small chance, I might step into warzones again. Did you even think about this at all, before posting? sure feels like you didn't.

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Agree. Crafting in the new system is ridiculous. Below is what is needed to craft 1 single purple augment (This is pure mats needed excluding any crits during the chain process)


• 10 processed isotope stabilizer

• 5 solid resource matrix

• 5 legendary ember

• 576 Standard Veda Cloth

• 192 Premium Veda Cloth

• 96 Prototype Veda Cloth

• 450 Premium Lustrous Bondar Crystal

• 450 Premium Lustrous Artifact Fragment

• 150 Prototype Lustrous Artifact Fragment

• 150 Prototype Lustrous Bondar Crystal

• 75 Artifact Lustrous Bondar Crystal

• 75 Artifact Lustrous Artifact Fragment

• 270 Premium Woven Syntex

• 270 Premium Data Spike

• 90 Prototype Data Spike

• 90 Prototype Woven Syntex

• 45 Artifact Data Spike

• 45 Artifact Woven Syntex


That's 3,044 materials needed to craft. This system has needed change since it was launched, and not much if anything has been done since it was introduced. I don't expect any different on the new augs. I'll just ignore and wait for the new gear treadmill. It will prob come out before people are able to collect the mats needed to craft a full set of these anyways


That's why this is a bad idea, the crafting system behind the new augments (materials and sources aside) is already broken badly and is still to be addressed properly by BioWare.

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so i tried playing ranked, and so far im really disappointed with the ammount of ppl who play it, i thought "hey server mergers, steam release, ppl coming back, streamers saying its good, lets go play it! i bet hundreds of ppl will be doing pvp all the time, specially ranked!"

nope, literally 8-10 ppl playing ranked at all times. its always the same *********** faces so, sometimes (most of the times...) you already know if you are going to win or lose, because you already know each player skill level and such... thats a slippery slope because ppl will just add the bad players to their friends list and if they are on, they won't play because they are too afraid to lose their precious rank. and so, ranked dies for the day.


this game needs huge incentives to play ranked, so now i totally agree with these augs, in fact, make new gear ratings only avaiable trough ranked, **** it, make those casuals sweat and learn.


And if the "pros" keep being too toxic, *********** mute them for days or straight up ban for months. idfc

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so i tried playing ranked, and so far im really disappointed with the ammount of ppl who play it, i thought "hey server mergers, steam release, ppl coming back, streamers saying its good, lets go play it! i bet hundreds of ppl will be doing pvp all the time, specially ranked!"

nope, literally 8-10 ppl playing ranked at all times. its always the same *********** faces so, sometimes (most of the times...) you already know if you are going to win or lose, because you already know each player skill level and such... thats a slippery slope because ppl will just add the bad players to their friends list and if they are on, they won't play because they are too afraid to lose their precious rank. and so, ranked dies for the day.


this game needs huge incentives to play ranked, so now i totally agree with these augs, in fact, make new gear ratings only avaiable trough ranked, **** it, make those casuals sweat and learn.


And if the "pros" keep being too toxic, *********** mute them for days or straight up ban for months. idfc

Server merges etc. won't fix the train wreck that is PvP. There are plenty of people on the servers, but PvP is niche content these days because BW basically didn't give it the attention it deserved over the years. These augments also won't fix that as far as I'm concerned.

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The one thing you got right with the current generation of top tier augments was not tying their resources to PvP like you did in 5.9... Now you're going back to damn PvP being required for augment mats meaning those of us who do not do PvP will only be able to buy these mats from the GTN which is bull****!
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What happened the "play as you want"?

But wait, when new augments will come, I will be preff and 2nd, even as sub I will not be able to buy them, because they will be expensive.


In game life have become very expensive. On the other hand it's a way to keep players.. playing.

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I usually do not post in forums but I join the sentiment of many others to let BW know this is a wrong change to make this grind of augments be limited to those who do PVP or OPS.


I do not PvP nor do OPS even though I have a great guild. Most of the time these two events are filled with toxic players and unsafe environment for most people who can't afford the time to invest in elite team play.

BW has recognized the need to improve the toxic system in PVP so why ask the playerbase to be more involved in a broken system. FIX PvP environment first. I, like many others tend to avoid both PVP and OPS. It was mentioned before "play your way". This contradicts that meaning by forcing us to put up with the polluted and toxic environment in PvP/OPs.


Please make this truly more inclusive and really a way to "play your way" rather than to gate us like cattle. Thanks!

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