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You Can't Change Your Advanced Class!?!?!


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I've been playing the Imperial Agent for a few days now. At level 10, after much consideration, I decided to go operative over sniper because it seemed like a cool class that snuck around and then stabbed people. However, after awhile I decided that operative was much too slow and had pitiful damage output, so I just thought to myself "well I tried out operative and didn't like it, I should probably go sniper". That's when I found out that YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE YOUR ADVANCED CLASS. Why wouldn't Bioware let players change their advanced class. At this point I was level 18 and if I wanted to go sniper I would have to repeat about 3 days of work. I have loved this game so far, but this is the first major issue that I have run into. I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.
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I've been playing the Imperial Agent for a few days now. At level 10, after much consideration, I decided to go operative over sniper because it seemed like a cool class that snuck around and then stabbed people. However, after awhile I decided that operative was much too slow and had pitiful damage output, so I just thought to myself "well I tried out operative and didn't like it, I should probably go sniper". That's when I found out that YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE YOUR ADVANCED CLASS. Why wouldn't Bioware let players change their advanced class. At this point I was level 18 and if I wanted to go sniper I would have to repeat about 3 days of work. I have loved this game so far, but this is the first major issue that I have run into. I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.


I would have thought you would have found it out when you select your advanced class and the game tells you you can't change it.

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Ac is your class.

You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

Deal with it.

Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.

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I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.




Wow let you change from a lvl 18 warrior to a lvl 18 paladin?


Pretty sure you couldn't do that in WoW, so I'm not sure why you'd make a statement like this, because that's what you are asking to do.

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That's why I say that they should change it so that people pick their class at level 1, even if the first 9 levels have the same skills. Then this sort of thing would not be an issue. EQ2 had this sort of leveling system at release, and it was eventually changed. Edited by Qoojo
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Does WOW allow you to change from Hunter to Warlock? Both classes have pets, so why not?


Think of each specialization as its own class, with three unique talent tree's. It just so happens those two "classes" share some talents, but they are totally seperate. In that light SWTOR has eight "classes" not four because of the specialization.

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This value added feature is one of the game's best kept secrets. They never tell you about it at all. They just let you find out on your own and force you to roll alts.




Or not. They may, and this unsubstantiated rumor, but they may actually make this super duper clear by explicitly explaining it the moment you take the quest before you go visit the trainer. And then let you know after you make the choice. But that's all just nasty rumor. Grain of salt and all that.

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Ac is your class.

You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

Deal with it.

Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.


In Ultima Online you can be a sword wielding plate armor person and if you wish turn into a robe wearing nox mage.

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The only problem I have with the current system is that there should be an epic quest chain to acquire your choice, rather than BOOM you're done.


...like- "To be come a sorcerer, head to the shrine of bullpiss on planet whatchamapiss, and get the ancient piss tablet of the sith. Use the tablet at the alter of urine to channel the wisdom of the ancestral sith sorcerers. "



or something like that^ with an epic cutscene

Edited by Khechari
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I've been playing the Imperial Agent for a few days now. At level 10, after much consideration, I decided to go operative over sniper because it seemed like a cool class that snuck around and then stabbed people. However, after awhile I decided that operative was much too slow and had pitiful damage output, so I just thought to myself "well I tried out operative and didn't like it, I should probably go sniper". That's when I found out that YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE YOUR ADVANCED CLASS. Why wouldn't Bioware let players change their advanced class. At this point I was level 18 and if I wanted to go sniper I would have to repeat about 3 days of work. I have loved this game so far, but this is the first major issue that I have run into. I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.


Because if you choose a "rogue" you can't suddenly "respec" it to "mage". Because this is what ACs are here-a normal, full time CLASS that shares some skills with other class.


Reroll and don't QQ.


Also, I'll just keep laughing at your "operatives pitiful damage output". It have most burst in game right now. L2P.

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Its an architectural decision. They decided to go this route early in development and now its pretty set bro.


However, Id urge you to stick it out with the operative, the damage output may not feel as good at any given level, but from what I see in warzone pvp, all of the classes can handle themselves VERY capable dependent on what level you are at, what abilities/talents you are using and in what rotations.

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My honest opinion is that they should simply remove the base classes. Pick your advanced class on creation and simply let things roll as they already do - but then there won't be any confusion. You rolled a Guardian, of course you can't respec Sentinel, you big silly.


The whole base class -> advanced class seems like designer fluff to me. It really serves no purpose in the game itself.

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Spend a couple of hours and re-roll another agent. Then you can have both! It's not like you're 40th level. I actually like my operative and I find that it's easier to team as I can heal, but Snipers do have some awesome dps!


Sorry the system isn't what you want it to be, but it was told to you (in a very well acted cut scene) that you would not be able to change it after the fact.

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I agree with the fact that we shouldn't be allowed to change a class mid way through game, as it should be. The only thing I am against is the fact that you have to go through the same storyline if you wanted to roll the other class.


Yes, you can space bar your way through the cutscenes, but it will get monotonous. In a perfect world, each class would have their own storyline.

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The only thing I am against is the fact that you have to go through the same storyline if you wanted to roll the other class.


Ok, but if you were playing say WoW, or Rifts or most any other game out there, how much variation is there between playing as a Mage and a Warrior when it comes to the quest/story line?


I mean yeah they might have more then one path to 50, but you'll still be doing a fair amount of the content again.


Not saying more story lines wouldn't be welcome.

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Ac is your class.

You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

Deal with it.

Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.


Idiotic logic.


I don't know of any MMOs where two "different" classes have 75% of the EXACT same abilities/spells.

Edited by Arkhias
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Idiotic logic.


I don't know of any MMOs where two "different" classes have 75% of the EXACT same abilities/spells.


You are aware that Bioware and Most of us all agree that the Advanced Classes are...you know...CLASSES. Not Specs, Right? Because a Jedi Shadow is Not a Jedi Sage. They simply are Two Completely Different Things.


You are not going to be able to switch Classes. It's just that simple. Sorry, but no.

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I don't know of any MMOs where two "different" classes have 75% of the EXACT same abilities/spells.


Maybe you haven't gotten much past lvl 10 or so, but for those of us who have, we know that the above statement is pure BS.


There only skills shared between AC's are the ones you get during the first 10 levels. The difference between the AC's is quite huge.

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I love self-entitled these players coming straight from WoW act.


"What do you mean I have to deal with the responsibility of my decision to not read something that showed up multiple times on my screen!?!? In WoW we never had to read anything!! I wanna do-over waahhhhh!"


Nevermind that doing no more than 2 minutes of research on http://www.google.com under "SWTOR advanced classes" brings up several dozen pages on most of which state, plain as the nose on your face, that picking an advanced class is permanent.


It's really comical.

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Ac is your class.

You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

Deal with it.

Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.


SWG let you change your class....of course it was one of the dumbest ideas ever, but still you could with no lvl penalty either.

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You Can't Change Your Advanced Class!?!?!




The game TELLS YOU THIS. The quest where you get sent to chose your AC Training warns you about it, and the AC trainer themselves tell you you cannot turn back from this choice.


At what point did that sound like "needless story fluff" and not a warning you should pay heed to? That's why I spent two hours sitting on the Republic Fleet trying to decide if I should go Guardian or Sentinel for my Jedi.

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I love self-entitled these players coming straight from WoW act.


So tired of comments like these. Ever so tired.




OP, the guy on the Fleet specifically tells you that your choice is permanent and cannot be changed.


Advanced Class is a CLASS. Not a specialization. You cannot change it.


You can, however, make another character. :)

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