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Everything posted by Conundrum-NSA

  1. Be wary of zones that have storylines that end in ops. Someone else can probably tell you which of those there are.
  2. I don't know about ops, but you should be able to do most of the Flashpoints on hard mode and the later ones on story mode at worst.
  3. They are minor crossovers in the dialogue. As an example...What you become in chapter 3 in the Sith Warrior story? Ever wonder what happened to the old one? Play the Jedi Knight story
  4. Is there a good writeup anywhere that discusses the 8 original stories and how they overlap? I've played 7 of 8 of them in the last couple of months, and as you can imagine, playing them all in that short of a time period they all kinda blur together. I've caught some of the crossover points, but sure I missed quite a few of them. Is there a good lore writeup as a refresher and analysis of the crossovers?
  5. I couldn't be less interested in the Togruta, but congrats to those who are interested.
  6. You almost had a point until you turned it into a no new raids whine. Everyone knows less than 10% of players in any given MMO raid. So no, it's not going to hurt anything. Anyway, class stories aren't coming back, accept it. There just isn't enough ROI to do it. Look at it this way, if KotFE is 16 hours long with one story, with 8 it would 2 hours. That's not going to sell anything. Even with 2 stories that would cut it in half to 8 hours. So at best the only thing we are going to get in the future is a Makeb Style 2 story system or a SoR one story. It's not ideal, but we are dealing with real economics and finite resources.
  7. I'm sorry, should I be throwing a tantrum over raids that 99% of the population doesn't care about? And yes, every MMO that has ever put out numbers shows that 99% to be pretty accurate. I guess it makes me smile that no matter how many ideas from others you tear down, you aren't getting new ones. Enjoy your releveled old ones. MUHAHAHAHAHA.
  8. But that would still only be for one companion. I think a vendor is still the best bet.
  9. Goes to motive for disagreement. You aren't looking out for the game, you are looking out for you. Either way, I'm done with you. It's a simple idea that would require minimal effort to implement if it were placed on vendors.
  10. Yeah, that's like saying raids benefit me even though I never plan to do one. You are still doing exactly what I said.
  11. It's a common MMO problem on the forums. If something doesn't directly benefit THEM, they will try to shoot down suggestions. It's a very greedy and self centered mentality. (also, before someone says I do the same thing to raid content. Raids require MUCH more dev time than this would.)
  12. I said for leveling, so making it a weekly would be bad and render it useless. In fact, even making it a daily would not be good. I just needs to be purchasable.
  13. Ahh the old "It doesn't benefit me, so I will try to shoot it down philosophy".
  14. It also wouldn't hurt anything, and I doubt it would require much development time to do.
  15. Jut make it purchasable (and reasonably priced), not a weekly. A daily would be OK too, but you would need one every 10 levels or so. It would solve a few problems. 1) The "SURPRISE! You have to take this companion that you have never geared on this mission" issue. 2) People really don't experiment with companions because it's a pain to gear them, even if you do it buying cheap stuff on the GTN. Most people just decide or ask who the best companion is for a class and use them full time.
  16. OP left out the part where he bought $400 worth of packs
  17. Well most of them turn to crap...like this one. People giving all kinds of "advice" to buy things not needed or spend much more money on things not needed by most people.
  18. The funny thing is, it's not even a limitation, it's at worst a minor inconvenience to overcome.
  19. You guys are way beyond the original question. Also, not all CPUs come with a stock cooler these days.
  20. The best advice is do what you want then take diplomacy to earn LS/DS points as desired.
  21. (excluding PvP) How does someone else being godlike in any way impact you? You are perfectly free to do it the hard way if you so desire. Also, people are already moving the coms to new characters and I have seen no negative impact to the game. Hell in 3.3 they are allowing the transfer of warzone coms which will impact other players far more than basic coms.
  22. OK, allow me to be the dissenting voice on liquid cooling. You don't need that unless you are far more serious than a novice starting out. Don't waste your time or money on it. It's only needed if you are doing serious overclocking, otherwise it is a pointless expense and hastle. And yes, liquid cooling done right can get expensive fast.
  23. This too. I have dual GTX 970s and a beast CPU and I've still had to set my graphics to "Potato" on Alderan on occassion.
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