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10730 dmg stunlock in 7 seconds, best pvp class found


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you act like it's actually fine to kill someone from 100-0 in a stun


I understand it's launch, no game is balanced at launch but right now this game make wow pvp look good.




The ONLY people dieing in a stun are either severely outleveled or outgeared. Show me a video of a level 50 operative killing an equally geared 50 in a stun.

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As a scoundrel who has pvp gear let me dispel some rumors here. If I attack someone without expertise gear, yah its a murder. But so it should be vs a lvl 10 when i have full epics. When i attack someone who has equal gear, I still do really good burst, but its not unbeatable. That also being said, my out of stealth damage is crap. I believe that fact makes it balanced
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Yeah, the dude in the video looked really good roflstomping a level 14 while he's level 50 and decked in pvp gear. Or that level 21 he railgunned after collecting every buff on the map.


Actually, a decked level 50 would do about 50% more damage than what was reported in the OP.

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The ONLY people dieing in a stun are either severely outleveled or outgeared. Show me a video of a level 50 operative killing an equally geared 50 in a stun.


All the damage shown in the video happen at 50, i'm lvl 50 with 9% damage increase/reduction vs players and i'm being crit for 4.2k-4.6k by operative's opener all the time. Stop acting like lvl 50 pvp gear do jack****. 2 people in battlemaster gear fighting. both have 10-11% damage increase vs player both have 10-11% damage reduction vs player.


2 player in green fighting. both have no dmg increase/reduction against player.


I,ll help you do the math. 11-11 = 0 //// 0+0=0


now. if the lvl 14 he fought was a lvl 50 in batlemaster gear his 4.6k would have been a 4.2k. big *********** deal.

Edited by mastersloup
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The ONLY people dieing in a stun are either severely outleveled or outgeared. Show me a video of a level 50 operative killing an equally geared 50 in a stun.


I am fully against awful amount of CC in this game, but before calling for any Nerfs, Aramyn has a good point.


While the outcome may be the same, until the majority are 50, we do not know what balance should look like so calling for nerfs at this point is a bit premature.

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Operatives do low damage outside of their opener, compared to Shadow/Assassins that execute insane burst damage outside of stealth.


Just look up Lina/Innverse on twitch.tv. Consistent 4-6k crits on Shock/Project not to mention they have a knockback and a sprint on a 20 second cd.


Yeah, Assassins are beast.


The ONLY people dieing in a stun are either severely outleveled or outgeared. Show me a video of a level 50 operative killing an equally geared 50 in a stun.



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Last time I checked that's quite a bit better than dying in 3 seconds from icelance spam. :)


I'm not here to defend WoW because i hate this game with a passion. but in pvp gear ice lance(with no PvE trinket) crit for about 19k a human double mastery trinket can get it fo crit for about 35k when all stars allign. So yes it's worse than ice lance frost mage.

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All the damage shown in the video happen at 50, i'm lvl 50 with 9% damage increase/reduction vs players and i'm being crit for 4.2k-4.6k by operative's opener all the time. Stop acting like lvl 50 pvp gear do jack****. 2 people in battlemaster gear fighting. both have 10-11% damage increase vs player both have 10-11% damage reduction vs player.


2 player in green fighting. both have no dmg increase/reduction against player.


I,ll help you do the math. 11-11 = 0 //// 0+0=0


now. if the lvl 14 he fought was a lvl 50 in batlemaster gear his 4.6k would have been a 4.2k. big *********** deal.


So we have a strong opener, big deal. There are easy ways to counter us. Our opener gives you a FULL resolve bar making you CC immune for several seconds. So instead of laying on the ground for 3 seconds eating our backstabs use your stun break and pop a defensive cooldown. You've now survived our burst, are CC immune and in a great place to counter the Operative.


In short, learn to play.

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So we have a strong opener, big deal. There are easy ways to counter us. Our opener gives you a FULL resolve bar making you CC immune for several seconds. So instead of laying on the ground for 3 seconds eating our backstabs use your stun break and pop a defensive cooldown. You've now survived our burst, are CC immune and in a great place to counter the Operative.


In short, learn to play.


TLDR don't nerf me, bro


Remove the cooldown on my stun break and we have a deal. until then, stop acting like 4k + stun in a single move is fine.

Edited by mastersloup
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im L50 i have 17k life in pvp i have 300+ expertise. Operatives/smugglers **** me in a stun or 2.


The only way i have found to beat them is either break the stun / pop defensive before i get re-cc'ed by them (cos they have 3-4 different onces).



The majority of the time tho if i can't break the CC i get ***** and owned in the face by 4.5k chain hits/crits whatever they are i die to them rediciously easy if i start beating them most of the time they vanish run away and open on me again in a couple seconds.



Class is a better assassin than a assassin is. They even get a nice junk-o-armorpen which assassins don't get so we do 500 dmg to those tanks while ops do 4.5k.

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Nothing is balanced 1v1. Get over it. Yes, I play one. Yes, I am only level 40. Yes, it is insane damage, to one person. If there are two people we die, and fast.


A warrior can tank two people, we can't. Should we call for nerfs? The scoundrel is a burst melee class with no charge, force run, or closer of any kind except for stealth.


We are a glass cannon. There is one in every game.


Gosh, I remember making this game argument for Mages in WoW time and time again. Ah, the roller coaster that was Mage in WoW.


I'm a Jedi Sage and Snipers do amazing damage from range. When I know I am being shot by one, I back off out of line of sight, heal if possible and sneak around behind the sniper and fight at close range.


A lot of Snipers have tunnel vision and don't even realize they're being attacked until it's too late. In conclusion: Use the tools of your class to play to your class' strengths. If you stand in a prime sniping zone, expect to die just like in any FPS or MMO.

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Don't worry, his is going to get nerfed, every high level op I know agrees its way out of line.


Anyone defending the damage is an op/scoundrel that doesnt want to lose their easymode advantage.


I don't agree it's Overpowered, when there are many times that I die as an operative. If they want to change the mechanics, then don't change the damage, but change the CC abilities and curb them; CC effects all clases.


An operative can kill swiftly, but no more so than a Sniper or Assassin.


In the world (outside of warzones) Ops have the ability to stealth which allows them to choose their targets, but that is not unique to the Operative; so nerfing stealth would be a bad move as it effects a few other classes as well.


Again if any changes are made then they need to be made to the CC abilities and it needs to be made across the board. Allow players that are jumped by ops to have a chance to react, and not get stunlocked.


My solution to CC is when a CC ability is cast it automatically gives a timer where another CC ability won't be effective if cast on the player. During this timer if another CC ability is cast on the person they are not CC'd. Basically it is very similar to the current system but instead up building up resistance to the CC you are automatically granted resistance after the first CC is cast.


I get stunned for 4 seconds, but a 12 second resist timer goes into effect; once the 4 second stun is over another player tries to stun me but I still have 8 seconds left on my resist timer, so I don't get stunned and the resist timer restarts at 12 seconds.


It then takes coordination for a team to cast their stuns every 12 seconds on a player, and allowing the stunned player 8 seconds to respond. This was a great use of CC control in Shadowbane and could easily work in SWTOR. Another part of this is there should be separate timers for stuns/snares etc.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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Anyone else ever notice the people that complain most about Operatives and Scoundrels are the Sages and Sorcerers who got used to being the untouchable alpha class at low levels? There is no need for a nerf. You people were all just whining about Sorcerers 3 days ago, all the sudden Sorcerers are forgotten and you want to nerf the stealthers? Of course you do, every game people are jealous of stealthers are try to get them nerfed. Get over it.
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TLDR don't nerf me, bro


Remove the cooldown on my stun break and we have a deal. until then, stop acting like 4k + stun in a single move is fine.


How about just changing the CC rules. Please read my post above this one and tell me what you think.


Allowing for this must CC is the problem, when players can't react. My suggestion allows players 8 seconds of react time every 12 seconds (number values can always be changed for balance purposes) and allow for more interesting combat scenarios.

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How about just changing the CC rules. Please read my post above this one and tell me what you think.


Allowing for this must CC is the problem, when players can't react. My suggestion allows players 8 seconds of react time every 12 seconds (number values can always be changed for balance purposes) and allow for more interesting combat scenarios.


This would fix one of the many problem with the PvP. My solution though would be something like when your resolve bar is at 40% full, CC last 60% duration. 80% full CC last 20% full. When it's full, you are immune to CC for 10 second


10% full-> 90 % duration

20% full -> 80 % duration

30% full ->30 % duration

40% full -> 60 % duration

50% full -> 50 % duration

60% full -> 40 % duration

70% full -> 30 % duration

80% full-> 20 % duration

90% full-> 10% duration

100% full -> immune to CC for 10 second


That or do like arenanet. Make CC last not long. look at Guild wars 2. The pvp look fun and very balanced. their silence and stun last 1-2 second TOP. not some bullcrap 5-6 second. In Gw2 most attack crit for 1.5-2k when everyone has 16-24k health + a 20 second cooldown self heal so fight last more than 3 second. In guild wars 2 everyone is very mobile instead of giving everyone 50million knockback and roots pissing off the other players by screweing over their mobility.


Arenanet were right when they said pationate(spelling?) gamers make pationate/good game. No wonder they're Ranked A+ and Gw2 is the most anticipated mmo of 2009 2010 2011 and 2012. They seem to be the only gaming company who do stuff right, Both PvE and PvP. and on top of that. not only the support, balance, GM, service and gameplay, contents is better, it's also Free to play(buy to play)

Edited by mastersloup
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My typical PvP encounter.


Target Sorcerer.

Open up, dps to about 50 percent.

While attempting to close it, get targeted by one of the other 5 Sorcerers.

Get Force Lightninged.

Get Shot by the other BH


This is with competent players.


With that idiot sorcerer I can catch out there without any support, yeah I can pretty much close it.

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A good scoundrel/op should spank you in 1 v 1, throw in 2-3 more players and they're paper thin and easily beaten.


They need to be in melee range to use their CCs, and their high damage abilities, so kite them.


The game isn't balanced around 1 v 1, stay in a group in warzones, that's how you accomplish all the objectives anyhow.

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