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Theron Shan (5.9) Request


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This. Same VA, means BW does not want to have in the same cutscene 2 characters talking in the same voice. I do not see any other reason to cut out already created content in the game so desperately in need of a content.


On the other hand, while Theron is out there, what can be a better time to bring back Zenith? This way two of them will never meet in a cutscene.


Having the same VA doesn't mean they won't have both characters in the same cutscene. Look at the scenes with the female Trooper and Satele Shan - they have the same VA. But even then it doesn't seem likely that Theron and Zenith would talk to each other much less be in the same cutscene together. Zenith would probably be an Alliance Alert. We don't see Alert people very often after the alert has been finished.

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When the Theron Traitor started the Forums were a terrible mess. Maybe Theron is considered "Old News" for BW now that there's a new male LI to *Romance. They've "*&^%$#$*()__" on other "Important at One time" comps quite a bit already. Would they try to Avoid having the Uproar rekindled again or not?



Edited by MikeCobalt
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Princess Bride!! And yes my quote below is also from the same movie...:cool:


As much as I hate to say this, to be fair they should put an option in there. If you think about lines our dark sided characters can say about hating betrayal, Theron should have known better... On the other hand, if he has a REALLY GOOD reason for his actions then it's possible to avoid killing him. But I doubt they will put that much effort into it. Look at what they did with the Ashara reunion for those who wanted to be mad with her and her statement of equality.

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I think Theron's a great character. He has regrets, conflicting wishes, and is at odds with what many would see as his "destiny." We know a lot about his background and what motivates him.


Why do you think he's a "bad character"? You don't provide any justification for your statement.


Well, he's just basically "cliche-man" and it's been played out long enough. The unwanted son of two legends, goes off on his own path to do good, builds an alliance with his long time partners and betrays them. Poor writing, at best. :eek:

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It kind of makes me wonder if any of the writers for this game are actually married or have been in any sort of a long term relationships because, honestly, they aren't writing like they are/have been. You guys are absolutely correct about how if Lana has been in on it all along, it wold be a huge breach of trust between her and the Commander, ESPECIALLY if they've been in a relationship with her. (edit: That also goes for Theron.)


And then there's the whole asinine thing about how our characters are PERFECTLY OKAY with not making finding their spouses their number one priority. In real life, if I had found out that there was galactic devastation while I was on ice for five years and now my husband was missing, you had better BELIEVE that I would do everything in my power to make sure he was at least SAFE (and let HIM know I was safe and alive) if not just outright retrieving him immediately. The fact that our characters have gone for nearly two years (and them some for a lot of people who are STILL WAITING for their love interests to return) without a single thought or question about them is so very unrealistic.


*shakes head* The bad writing, hands down, is probably the biggest thing that pisses me off about this game. KNOWING HOW PEOPLE WORK is like rule number one when it comes to writing. *long suffering sigh*


So totally agreeing with this, especially the bolded part.


You know you bring up a very good point. I feel like Lana's romance has been pretty realistic in both SoR and KOTFE/KOTET (the really slow build of trust between the two) but some of the others, I have no idea what planet they are coming at it from because the way they are set up makes no sense.


And if there's a huge breach of trust with the Commander and a romanced Theron or Lana, it will really damage or end those romances, and they don't seem to get that.


There's the thing in the class stories where almost every companion seems to expect the player's character to have kids...that's another one where I had to wonder what the heck they were thinking.


YES YES YES for the characters not looking for their spouses very actively. Theron and Lana and some of the specialists send you constant letters about looking for Arcann or other matters, but not "here's what we're doing about finding your loved one?" I have to think that the Commander would have made that a top priority and would have been asking every single recruit to the Alliance for leads.


It seems like there would have been some clues - like if you were romancing Vector why wouldn't you have contacted the Kiliks right away (especially since they help you on the Star Fortress bunker attack) since they can all talk to each other and find someone in the hive mind?! If you were romancing Raina why wouldn't you have sent word to the Chiss Ascendancy to see if she were back there? It makes no sense.


And the spouses' excuses are getting flimsier and flimsier. Like with Quinn, you're really telling me that if he were married to the Commander, and he KNEW they were on Dromund Kaas during KOTET (and he says that in Iokath), he wouldn't have run right over there or sent a message (I don't like Quinn but come on, I don't buy that, he seems devoted to the SW if they're married!)? All of the spouses have access to your email address but they don't bother sending a message or contacting Odessen once they see you all over the Holonet in KOTET? Andronikos somehow misses seeing every Holonet terminal in the galaxy and doesn't know you are in charge of the most powerful fleet in the galaxy? *headdesk*

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All of the spouses have access to your email address but they don't bother sending a message or contacting Odessen once they see you all over the Holonet in KOTET? Andronikos somehow misses seeing every Holonet terminal in the galaxy and doesn't know you are in charge of the most powerful fleet in the galaxy? *headdesk*


I agree with everything you said, and others have said, but just wanted to address this one. I see the holonet as like the internet and a tv, if you weren't tuned into that specific tv station/channel at the specific time it broadcasted, would you have seen the message? probably doubtful in my opinion so I let Andronikos' thing slide as making sense since it's possible the Commander hasn't been in control of the Fleet for long yet, if these alerts were meant to be done (in timeline) just after KotET, before Iokath, as it felt to me (no idea, doubt we'd get a specific timeframe either).

I don't let the "not bothering to send a message again" one go, why didn't they? we got one when we went missing, you'd think the player character would have replied to it, right?

Many annoying little things...

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I agree with everything you said, and others have said, but just wanted to address this one. I see the holonet as like the internet and a tv, if you weren't tuned into that specific tv station/channel at the specific time it broadcasted, would you have seen the message? probably doubtful in my opinion so I let Andronikos' thing slide as making sense since it's possible the Commander hasn't been in control of the Fleet for long yet, if these alerts were meant to be done (in timeline) just after KotET, before Iokath, as it felt to me (no idea, doubt we'd get a specific timeframe either).

I don't let the "not bothering to send a message again" one go, why didn't they? we got one when we went missing, you'd think the player character would have replied to it, right?

Many annoying little things...


I feel like the Commander would be all over the news, though, not just on that one message. Like after they get back from Iokath during KOTET the Commander can make a Holonet broadcast, they are on the Holonet at Vaylin's party and again if they kill Arcann, and I would imagine they have the equivalent of news programs where they talk about the Alliance, because they do that with the Empire and Republic in Copero - so I could see someone missing *one* Holo broadcast but not all of them.


But i guess it's possible that Andronikos was so busy pirating he just never watched TV or went online (or the equivalent) at all...


You're right! With the messages, replying to that first sad email from your loved one would be the easiest thing, wouldn't it? "Hi, got your message! I'm okay! Let me know where you are!" Arrrgh.

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YES YES YES for the characters not looking for their spouses very actively. Theron and Lana and some of the specialists send you constant letters about looking for Arcann or other matters, but not "here's what we're doing about finding your loved one?" I have to think that the Commander would have made that a top priority and would have been asking every single recruit to the Alliance for leads.


It seems like there would have been some clues - like if you were romancing Vector why wouldn't you have contacted the Kiliks right away (especially since they help you on the Star Fortress bunker attack) since they can all talk to each other and find someone in the hive mind?! If you were romancing Raina why wouldn't you have sent word to the Chiss Ascendancy to see if she were back there? It makes no sense.


And the spouses' excuses are getting flimsier and flimsier. Like with Quinn, you're really telling me that if he were married to the Commander, and he KNEW they were on Dromund Kaas during KOTET (and he says that in Iokath), he wouldn't have run right over there or sent a message (I don't like Quinn but come on, I don't buy that, he seems devoted to the SW if they're married!)? All of the spouses have access to your email address but they don't bother sending a message or contacting Odessen once they see you all over the Holonet in KOTET? Andronikos somehow misses seeing every Holonet terminal in the galaxy and doesn't know you are in charge of the most powerful fleet in the galaxy? *headdesk*

Could not agree more. I can accept the various LIs temporarily being unable to contact us at the time we happen to be thawed from carbonite and immediately after, but what I cannot accept is that our characters wouldn't make it an absolute priority to find their LIs - and that would obviously include making inquiries at the obvious places.

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So I have been at work and not able to respond, but a lot of good things have been said in my absence.


Spouses. LIs should have been the first to return. I like the Gault/Vette chapter, but I feel like it should have been Risha/Vette. Two LIs one from each faction. Besides they had history. Or leave the Gault/Vette chapter alone, and do Risha/Andronikos. Akaavi should have come back with Torian. Quinn and Dorne, I guess make sense, they are both extremely loyal to their faction, but I am still unhappy with that reunion, for both companions.


My main is my SW and there wasn't dialog where she asked about Quinn. But I wanted to know where he was, I wanted to know that he was safe, that he was still waiting for my warrior to find him. I think his fear is justified that the SW may have fallen out of love with him. From his point of view she didn't come rescue him. Of course he doesn't say that. His reunion was not what I was hoping for after the wait, since he came back as default Quinn, and not my Quinn, with green eyes and a military hair cut. A lot of his facial expressions are unique to that chapter and there are no screenshots of my Quinn and my SW being reunited. Here we are a year later, and nothing has been done to fix that, and I find that inexcusable. I don't know what would be easier, to make Iokath replayable, or to fix the customs for that scene. I have clones of my SW, and I would be more than happy to run them through KotFE/KotET for the screenshots if it were ever fixed. Until then, they won't touch that content.


My secondary character is my merc. The letter she got from Torian was less than impressive, so I decided make her move on instead, I wasn't really worried about why he was missing. So, if Theron dies, or he is the evil villian that Lana keeps trying to paint him as I don't know if I would ever enjoy playing my second loved character again. There is no one for her to romance at this point, and why would I ever choose to romance any new character they come out with in the story. The chance they wind up betraying my character is pretty high.


As for Lana, I actually liked her. She was my merc's best friend. Always there for her. Until the betrayal. Copero made her an enemy too. Now not only has Jen been hurt by Theron, betrayal or not, he has been gone for eight months. So, yeah, when he comes back there will be a long long talk, and it will take a long time to forgive. But Lana has lost her mind and is screaming for his blood, instead of showing up with ice cream and chick flicks to cheer Jen up. If Lana knows about it, and is trying to push Jen into believing the whole traitor story line...I won't kill her, but again, long long talk, and a long time to forgive her.


I have stressed way too much about this story line. Because my sub depends on it.

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So I have been at work and not able to respond, but a lot of good things have been said in my absence.


Spouses. LIs should have been the first to return. I like the Gault/Vette chapter, but I feel like it should have been Risha/Vette. Two LIs one from each faction. Besides they had history. Or leave the Gault/Vette chapter alone, and do Risha/Andronikos. Akaavi should have come back with Torian. Quinn and Dorne, I guess make sense, they are both extremely loyal to their faction, but I am still unhappy with that reunion, for both companions.


My main is my SW and there wasn't dialog where she asked about Quinn. But I wanted to know where he was, I wanted to know that he was safe, that he was still waiting for my warrior to find him. I think his fear is justified that the SW may have fallen out of love with him. From his point of view she didn't come rescue him. Of course he doesn't say that. His reunion was not what I was hoping for after the wait, since he came back as default Quinn, and not my Quinn, with green eyes and a military hair cut. A lot of his facial expressions are unique to that chapter and there are no screenshots of my Quinn and my SW being reunited. Here we are a year later, and nothing has been done to fix that, and I find that inexcusable. I don't know what would be easier, to make Iokath replayable, or to fix the customs for that scene. I have clones of my SW, and I would be more than happy to run them through KotFE/KotET for the screenshots if it were ever fixed. Until then, they won't touch that content.


My secondary character is my merc. The letter she got from Torian was less than impressive, so I decided make her move on instead, I wasn't really worried about why he was missing. So, if Theron dies, or he is the evil villian that Lana keeps trying to paint him as I don't know if I would ever enjoy playing my second loved character again. There is no one for her to romance at this point, and why would I ever choose to romance any new character they come out with in the story. The chance they wind up betraying my character is pretty high.


As for Lana, I actually liked her. She was my merc's best friend. Always there for her. Until the betrayal. Copero made her an enemy too. Now not only has Jen been hurt by Theron, betrayal or not, he has been gone for eight months. So, yeah, when he comes back there will be a long long talk, and it will take a long time to forgive. But Lana has lost her mind and is screaming for his blood, instead of showing up with ice cream and chick flicks to cheer Jen up. If Lana knows about it, and is trying to push Jen into believing the whole traitor story line...I won't kill her, but again, long long talk, and a long time to forgive her.


I have stressed way too much about this story line. Because my sub depends on it.


My sub depends on this storyline too (and also the lack of overall story content - if 2018 is just going to be 2017 again I am done). They are making Lana go off the rails psycho. It's not like her, and it's not right. I am worried they're going to do something horrible with her in the next installment. She *would* be trying to comfort the Commander, not going all edgelord.


ETA for the returns I feel like they could have done:


- Lady of Sorrows Chapter: Mako (working with SCORPIO or one of her brokers)

- Firebrand chapter: Kaliyo...anyone else a good match here?

- Asylum: Andronikos; maybe Corso (working with one of the gangs)

- Profit and Plunder: Vette; Risha; Corso; Gault. All either working together or working on Vandin

- Mandalorians: Torian, Akaavi Spar

- Disavowed: Elara Dorne and Aric Jorgan still working together

- KOTET chapter in Voss: Ashara

- KOTET chapter on Dromund Kaas: Quinn; Raina Temple

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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My sub depends on this storyline too (and also the lack of overall story content - if 2018 is just going to be 2017 again I am done). They are making Lana go off the rails psycho. It's not like her, and it's not right. I am worried they're going to do something horrible with her in the next installment. She *would* be trying to comfort the Commander, not going all edgelord.


Exactly. I hate what they have done with both Theron and Lana. For my SW it makes sense that Lana is going edgelord, because she was on that train, and Theron betrayed her too, and the whole Alliance. For my merc, she should set that aside and they could get through it together as friends, just like they have gotten through everything else. I actually intended them to make up in my fic, but then Copero happened and nope, not going to happen. Not until I know where this story is going. I do have a chapter I have written, that gives them all a happy ending, but I am saving it.


ETA for the returns I feel like they could have done:


- Lady of Sorrows Chapter: Mako (working with SCORPIO or one of her brokers)

- Firebrand chapter: Kaliyo...anyone else a good match here?

- Asylum: Andronikos; maybe Corso (working with one of the gangs)

- Profit and Plunder: Vette; Risha; Corso; Gault. All either working together or working on Vandin

- Mandalorians: Torian, Akaavi Spar

- Disavowed: Elara Dorne and Aric Jorgan still working together

- KOTET chapter in Voss: Ashara

- KOTET chapter on Dromund Kaas: Quinn; Raina Temple


I don't know that there is a good match for Kaliyo.

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I know a lot of people like to be the "Super Ultimate Big Boss" and all that. One of the class stories and later on the Zakuul story fed into that also for which we're (Finally) wrapping up. So considering Theron, his Profession and his "Traitor, Betrayal and all round "Not Heeding when we call (Beck and Call?) there are other circumstances to consider. What really is "More Important" here, getting a start on saving the Galaxy or dumping everything gained so far and coming to see what we want? He doesn't come, so what? As long as he's doing something good what's really the big deal and worth killing? Unless BW changes their procedure if they offer him a "Kill/ No Kill" option then he's already written out for everybody. They did Change Policy for Arcann so maybe or maybe not for Theron.
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My sub depends on this storyline too (and also the lack of overall story content - if 2018 is just going to be 2017 again I am done). They are making Lana go off the rails psycho. It's not like her, and it's not right. I am worried they're going to do something horrible with her in the next installment. She *would* be trying to comfort the Commander, not going all edgelord.


For me I could see Lana being like this is you were romancing her since in her eyes Theron not only betrayed you but "tried" to kill you, so she'd rightfully be pretty darn angry. I'm just hoping that if Lana catches up with Theron before you do in the next FP she doesn't go and seek out some revenge before I arrive. :eek:

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5.9 We go to Nathema, find what Theron was doing and based on his spy work have a big fight and defeat the bad guys.

The second to the last scene of 5.9....... All three of us are there and a lot of accusations fly; our options are...

1 Kill Theron

2 Kill Lana

3 Do nothing and see what happens


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I know a lot of people like to be the "Super Ultimate Big Boss" and all that. One of the class stories and later on the Zakuul story fed into that also for which we're (Finally) wrapping up. So considering Theron, his Profession and his "Traitor, Betrayal and all round "Not Heeding when we call (Beck and Call?) there are other circumstances to consider. What really is "More Important" here, getting a start on saving the Galaxy or dumping everything gained so far and coming to see what we want? He doesn't come, so what? As long as he's doing something good what's really the big deal and worth killing? Unless BW changes their procedure if they offer him a "Kill/ No Kill" option then he's already written out for everybody. They did Change Policy for Arcann so maybe or maybe not for Theron.


I am speaking for myself here, but I don't think of it as I am the Big Boss (although that is what Blizz calls me, lol). But, my merc is romanced to Theron, so...he shouldn't come running because I am the boss, but he should probably have wrapped up this story much quicker than eight months though, and as his LI he should have said something. (Not really his fault, that is the slowness of the content.) I know he is working on something big, which is why I won't kill him. But, even knowing that someone is doing something for the good of everyone around them, the fact that you were an afterthought is still painful. So no Jen isn't just going to just take him back and things go back to normal. She still has her own hurt and pain to go work through.


I have spent the last eight months standing up for him, trying to defend him from people that want a kill option. That is draining, and some days it is depressing. Jen is a character that I really enjoy playing, and losing her LI has not been fun. If he is given a kill option then he is definitely written out of any future content. I don't believe that the Arcann romance is an indication that dead companions are going to start getting new content. I think his writer really wanted it to happen and she pushed until she got her way. I am happy for those that wanted it.


Sadly, I don't believe we will see Quinn or Vette again, Broonmark can be killed as well so three of my main's companions are "dead" story wise. Three. I didn't choose to kill any of them, yet they are still written out of my story. And then to lose Theron to a death option. Which would kill three of my merc's companions, Torian, Skadge and Theron. (Not that I would miss Skadge really.) But do you see where this is going? Pretty soon we have no one to interact with because they are all turned into mute cardboard cut outs of their former selves.

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Exactly. I hate what they have done with both Theron and Lana. For my SW it makes sense that Lana is going edgelord, because she was on that train, and Theron betrayed her too, and the whole Alliance. For my merc, she should set that aside and they could get through it together as friends, just like they have gotten through everything else. I actually intended them to make up in my fic, but then Copero happened and nope, not going to happen. Not until I know where this story is going. I do have a chapter I have written, that gives them all a happy ending, but I am saving it.


I don't know that there is a good match for Kaliyo.


My SW's in a serious romance with Lana, and the two of them would destroy anyone who tried to hurt the other- from that angle, I can absolutely see how Lana would be furious and want Theron's head. Theron tried to hurt her partner and destroy their Alliance, and that won't stand. It's also why my SW put the bounty on Theron's heas. The moment he shot Lana on the train, game on. But even from that angle I just don't see Lana writing letters to my SW promising to torture Theron. It doesn't seem like her at all.


I feel like they are deliberately putting both Lana and Theron in an unsympathetic light, which makes me worry more for the next installment.


I am deliberately holding back my main SW from the post-KOTET content until I know how it will all turn out and I'm sure they won't destroy Lana. If the next flashpoint is as horrible as I fear it will be, my SW and Lana will just ride off into the sunset after KOTET and won't go any further in the endgame, ever.

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My SW's in a serious romance with Lana, and the two of them would destroy anyone who tried to hurt the other- from that angle, I can absolutely see how Lana would be furious and want Theron's head. Theron tried to hurt her partner and destroy their Alliance, and that won't stand. It's also why my SW put the bounty on Theron's heas. The moment he shot Lana on the train, game on. But even from that angle I just don't see Lana writing letters to my SW promising to torture Theron. It doesn't seem like her at all.


I feel like they are deliberately putting both Lana and Theron in an unsympathetic light, which makes me worry more for the next installment.


I am deliberately holding back my main SW from the post-KOTET content until I know how it will all turn out and I'm sure they won't destroy Lana. If the next flashpoint is as horrible as I fear it will be, my SW and Lana will just ride off into the sunset after KOTET and won't go any further in the endgame, ever.


I know, I wish LIs were never put in this position. Make a new character, someone from the outside, that can't be romanced. That won't be added as a romance in the future. (Yeah, I'm looking at you Arcann.) Have them be the bad guy, with no redemption arc. There is enough drama there. Our LIs don't need to be the ones starting the drama. Should they just blindly agree with everything we do, no. But should they be trying to kill us or making it look pretty darn convincing to an outsider? Heck to the no!


I wish that I had never taken Jen through Umbara or Copero. Then I wouldn't have lost Theron, and then gotten that nasty letter from Lana. Which I agree is totally out of character for her. I would love for my merc to ride off into the sunset with Theron, and for her and Lana to be best friends again. Guess we will find out in May.

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I just think the "Theron Kill/ No Kill" option is too drastic. Sure he wont come when we called, He's not a "Beck & Call, Manservant, "Tell me what I want to do next" type anyway and would be Incredibly "Boorinnggg" if he did. His Profession aside and Remembering the Ferver of the Forums when the Traitor Arc started simply giving him that option would "End His Character" ultimately for "Everybody". Not just those that didn't like him but Everybody. including those that understood his duties and those that chose him as a L.I.. "IF" BW did pay attn. here and make their decision based again on a niche group it would End Theron for All of us. Maybe one of the "Theronites" remembers Troy liking this story adventure?


P.S. They Broke, Changed policy's to Kill (for some) Arcann and continue writing for those that spared him (Even though not all wanted him) becoming an L.I.. Maybe this for Theron if he gets "The Option".

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Sadly, I don't believe we will see Quinn or Vette again, Broonmark can be killed as well so three of my main's companions are "dead" story wise. Three. I didn't choose to kill any of them, yet they are still written out of my story.


FOUR actually. Pierce can only be gotten by Imperial characters and if they aren't a SW they have to PvP for him, which many won't do. So because there's too many variables he might as well be considered dead.

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FOUR actually. Pierce can only be gotten by Imperial characters and if they aren't a SW they have to PvP for him, which many won't do. So because there's too many variables he might as well be considered dead.


I guess that is true too, I didn't think of that. And Jaesa isn't back yet, so we will see if she gets the option.


So I made a list of companions by class, Warrior has the most that have the kill option. Even if you don't count Pierce. Overall the Empire companions seem to get kill options more than the Republic companions. Which if you are a dark 5 character imp toon, wouldn't you want to kill all the pubs before you go all ragey on other imps? Yet they are safe.


Agent has 2 - Kaliyo and Scorpio

Bounty Hunter has 2 - Torian and Skadge

Consular is still missing 4 but the one that is returned you can't kill

Inquisitor has 1 - Xalek and is still missing Khem

Knight has 1 - Rusk and is still missing 3

Smuggler has 0 still missing Akaavi

Trooper has 1 - Jorgan and can't claim Tanno

Warrior has 3 - Quinn, Vette and Broonmark still missing Jaesa


So far that is 10 of the original companions, and 5 of them are LIs.


Then you take the KotFE and KotET LI companions.

Arcann - dead

Koth - dead

Theron - unknown

Lana - unknown


So all told 7 dead LIs, and 5 dead regular companions. 12 companions that loved or hated won't play parts in anyone's story because of a kill option. Some characters, I get it, story wise, Scorpio made her choice to become part of Iokath. That was always going to be her path. She isn't an LI so I can sort of let it slide. Same with the other non LI companions. Not everyone is going to pick them up from the alerts, so they aren't central to the story. But clearly, LIs are an important part of this game. And for one to get the death sentence to appease the edgelords means everyone has to deal with the repercussions of that. They get written out of everyone's story whether we personally choose to save them or not. I am sick of watching my favorite companions get bricked. I love Quinn, I love Vette, I love Theron.


Headcannon Theron's death if that is what you are after. Just as I have to headcannon that Vette or Quinn are still an active part of my story. BW please stop giving into the request to kill companions. If you don't have the budget to do story for those of us that keep them alive, and story for those that killed them, stop putting LIs in this position.

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I guess that is true too, I didn't think of that. And Jaesa isn't back yet, so we will see if she gets the option.


So I made a list of companions by class, Warrior has the most that have the kill option. Even if you don't count Pierce. Overall the Empire companions seem to get kill options more than the Republic companions. Which if you are a dark 5 character imp toon, wouldn't you want to kill all the pubs before you go all ragey on other imps? Yet they are safe.


Agent has 2 - Kaliyo and Scorpio

Bounty Hunter has 2 - Torian and Skadge

Consular is still missing 4 but the one that is returned you can't kill

Inquisitor has 1 - Xalek and is still missing Khem

Knight has 1 - Rusk and is still missing 3

Smuggler has 0 still missing Akaavi

Trooper has 1 - Jorgan and can't claim Tanno

Warrior has 3 - Quinn, Vette and Broonmark still missing Jaesa


So far that is 10 of the original companions, and 5 of them are LIs.


Then you take the KotFE and KotET LI companions.

Arcann - dead

Koth - dead

Theron - unknown

Lana - unknown


So all told 7 dead LIs, and 5 dead regular companions. 12 companions that loved or hated won't play parts in anyone's story because of a kill option. Some characters, I get it, story wise, Scorpio made her choice to become part of Iokath. That was always going to be her path. She isn't an LI so I can sort of let it slide. Same with the other non LI companions. Not everyone is going to pick them up from the alerts, so they aren't central to the story. But clearly, LIs are an important part of this game. And for one to get the death sentence to appease the edgelords means everyone has to deal with the repercussions of that. They get written out of everyone's story whether we personally choose to save them or not. I am sick of watching my favorite companions get bricked. I love Quinn, I love Vette, I love Theron.


Headcannon Theron's death if that is what you are after. Just as I have to headcannon that Vette or Quinn are still an active part of my story. BW please stop giving into the request to kill companions. If you don't have the budget to do story for those of us that keep them alive, and story for those that killed them, stop putting LIs in this position.


Add in:

Senya - dead

HK-55 - dead


I'd also count Khem Val as dead because the other Dashade seems to be his replacement. If you place him in a stronghold the title on him actually changes to Khem Val depending on whcih character is in the stronghold and sometimes his text captions (in yellow on the side of the screen) are just 'Dashade.' The canon storyline is that Khem cannot be separated from the SI without dying, so...


Clearly the trend seems to be killing off almost everyone and shifting them out of the story, and it makes me nervous for our remaining two.


If someone like Vette, Koth or Torian is romanced and alive in the game, the player has received ONE email from them and no cut scenes or other content for a year. They build up these characters as LIs and build attachment and then there's nothing.


Whereas during KOTFE and the class stories, those romances and character interactions were a valid and vital part of the player character's story.


None of the five LI companions that returned this year have faced kill options, even the one that some fans were screaming to kill. Arcann got a romance scene even though he's dead for many. I would like to hope that means there's hope for the future that killable LIs will still get content and that BW will STOP letting players kill everyone off to satisfy whatever need forblood they have.


However, IMHO Arcann's also his writer's pet and has been treated differently as a result (ever seem another LI who gave the player a set of armor that is worth four figures in the Cartel Market?) so I would take any content done with him as an exception and not hope for the future.


They've said that this is a "year of companions" and I'd like to think that is real content and not just two minutes here and there, but I don't trust them.

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However, IMHO Arcann's also his writer's pet and has been treated differently as a result (ever seem another LI who gave the player a set of armor that is worth four figures in the Cartel Market?) so I would take any content done with him as an exception and not hope for the future.


They've said that this is a "year of companions" and I'd like to think that is real content and not just two minutes here and there, but I don't trust them.


Last bit, I don't trust them. Year of companions to me just means tons returning the way they have already this year. First bit, yeah he was and Theron Shan is Charles' pet, he loves that character as he's stated numerous times mostly in streams/podcasts, and chose him specifically for this arc. So we could be okay with Theron (and Lana) or the end could be as I fear with Lana, who remains my main characters' closest friend especially now Theron's gone, facing a scary ending alongside Theron. We will see, I hate this 6 months wait between tiny story flashpoints.


edit: completely in sync with you for the rest of your post.

Edited by Asmodesu
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