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Theron Shan (5.9) Request


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If Theron's hair were to stay like the new hair they gave him for all eternity without you being able to change him. How would you Theron lovers feel?:rak_02::rak_03:


I love the character, not his looks. While I may dislike the hair immensely, I'm far more worried about the character being changed unrecognisable in personality and actions, or not coming back for anyone.


I love the new clothes though, my agent still wears them as a secondary outfit xD

Edited by Asmodesu
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I find myself wondering about the significance of some of the things on the clothes. There seem to be a few pieces that might symbolize something, like the epaulet.


It was weird seeing him in that outfit after so long with his red jacket, but since he's had that for like 9 years now, maybe he needs a change. :) I do like his new threads.

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Forgive me if someone already pointed this out (I haven't read the entire thread yet) but that can't possibly be the case seeing as the Female Trooper and Satele Shan are both voiced by Jennifer Hale and they had no issues having those to talk to each other.


Seeing as Zenith would just be an Alliance Alert, why would Theron ever even need to talk to him anyway?


According to datamining (with dialog lines and everything) Zenith's alert was "old style" - a more-then-1 min- quest with fighting and cut-scenes. You know, like KOTET way. At that time you could bring Theron with you there.


Yes, with all the "additional voices" every actor does in the game it's a very weak excuse, but I truly can not explain otherwise that piece of cut content. Someone flipped the coin and decided to go with Sargent Rusk? Thinking he is more popular? (Because he belongs to JK crew?) No, even in that case they could work together with Zenith, both are hard military no-nonsense type of men.


I do not want to kill Theron to bring Zenith, I just want Zenith back. But I also think the option to kill Theron should be there - after all, there is a treason (and by now we free from "you can not kill a healer" meta-explanation, that saved Quinn during SW story ark). I do not understand the objections - Arcann is dead for many players, yet, we have his romance. Pretty sure killing option is not a death sentence for the character.


BTW, the idea from someone here about grand battle between Lana and Theron with one survivor who remains (with the same dialog lines) for the rest of the game sounds very interesting.

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. I do not understand the objections - Arcann is dead for many players, yet, we have his romance. Pretty sure killing option is not a death sentence for the character.


But it is - the characters that have been able to be killed in the game, such as Aric Jorgan, Koth, Vette, etc. have no part in the main story and are not heard from anymore. So it's essentially as though they are dead for everyone.


Arcann is a special case because he is a special little pet of one of the writers who had apparently been pushing for a romance for a long time. Also, he's not in the main story either; his romance fans got a cut scene that was two minutes and that was it.


People who romanced any of the killable characters from KOTFE/returned companions have received one email from them in a year, and no other interaction. They're dead for all intents and purposes.


So if Theron or Lana face a kill choice, they will be removed from the main story altogether and their fans will never get to interact with them again. That is the issue. The only possible exception would be if they did to a parallel storylines where you have one of Lana or Theron, with the other dead, but then that forces a choice between two companions you might be very fond of. Also BW is on a shoestring budget right now with this game and they haven't shown much respect or concern for companions in the past so it's unlikely they will do this IMHO.


If Bioware could do parallel storylines where killed characters would still be a part of every player's story, it would be different. But unfortunately if you kill off Theron or Lana in *your* game it also affects mine.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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If Theron's hair were to stay like the new hair they gave him for all eternity without you being able to change him. How would you Theron lovers feel?:rak_02::rak_03:


This is going to sound snarky, and I am sorry. I am sure you meant this as a joke, but really? You love Arcann, scarred, and with one arm. And I am supposed to give up my love for the character because his hair? I mean I guess if both of us were shallow and only cared about looks, then yeah. Clearly, you can look passed all the scars and the awful things that Arcann has done, and love the man beneath, so you are not a shallow person. But if all I have to overcome is some hairstyle choice, meh, I think I am good.


According to datamining (with dialog lines and everything) Zenith's alert was "old style" - a more-then-1 min- quest with fighting and cut-scenes. You know, like KOTET way. At that time you could bring Theron with you there.


Yes, with all the "additional voices" every actor does in the game it's a very weak excuse, but I truly can not explain otherwise that piece of cut content. Someone flipped the coin and decided to go with Sargent Rusk? Thinking he is more popular? (Because he belongs to JK crew?) No, even in that case they could work together with Zenith, both are hard military no-nonsense type of men.


I do not want to kill Theron to bring Zenith, I just want Zenith back. But I also think the option to kill Theron should be there - after all, there is a treason (and by now we free from "you can not kill a healer" meta-explanation, that saved Quinn during SW story ark). I do not understand the objections - Arcann is dead for many players, yet, we have his romance. Pretty sure killing option is not a death sentence for the character.


BTW, the idea from someone here about grand battle between Lana and Theron with one survivor who remains (with the same dialog lines) for the rest of the game sounds very interesting.


Because Arcann is the exception to the rule. Not one of the other companions that has had a kill option has gotten content after being killed off. The only one that has come back from the dead is Arcann. So no, stop with the kill options if there isn't a way to do content for both groups of people who saved the companion, and for those that killed them.


And please no, I don't want to choose between Lana or Theron. I hated that choice between Torian or Vette.

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But it is - the characters that have been able to be killed in the game, such as Aric Jorgan, Koth, Vette, etc. have no part in the main story and are not heard from anymore. So it's essentially as though they are dead for everyone.


I see your point and was in the same crowd myself but Arcann romance convinced me that it can be done.


Yes, I understand that Arcann is out of the story and his romance was an unexpected gift to the community. But look at the facts:

a) we almost have no more story anymore,

b) companions become class specific again (and again, with practically no dialogs),

c) that hole thing about "game as a service" on EA part, where multiplayer is everything and story is not even secondary,

d) Old Republic has nothing to do with modern movies, hence, less attractive to the new potential players,

e) in 2019 the will be a dispute about license continuation for the whole franchise between Disney and EA, and for Disney Old Republic does not exist.


I do not say the game will be closed, but it well can be the story part is over. Theron and Lana will both become just a regular companions. Hence, Theron's death might be not such a big deal.


And please no, I don't want to choose between Lana or Theron. I hated that choice between Torian or Vette.


Deeply hate that kind of artificial drama myself but it's a common way for BW to cud down budget. I would not be surprised if they go this way again.

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I see your point and was in the same crowd myself but Arcann romance convinced me that it can be done.


Yes, I understand that Arcann is out of the story and his romance was an unexpected gift to the community. But look at the facts:

a) we almost have no more story anymore,

b) companions become class specific again (and again, with practically no dialogs),

c) that hole thing about "game as a service" on EA part, where multiplayer is everything and story is not even secondary,

d) Old Republic has nothing to do with modern movies, hence, less attractive to the new potential players,

e) in 2019 the will be a dispute about license continuation for the whole franchise between Disney and EA, and for Disney Old Republic does not exist.


I do not say the game will be closed, but it well can be the story part is over. Theron and Lana will both become just a regular companions. Hence, Theron's death might be not such a big deal.




Deeply hate that kind of artificial drama myself but it's a common way for BW to cud down budget. I would not be surprised if they go this way again.


Arcann was an exception because his writer wanted it. She pushed for it. I am not sure that many, if any, of the writers for our original companions are around. Which is why their returns have been so disappointing. Because what is being done with them, is out of character, since they are being written by someone who doesn't have intimate knowledge of the characters background. So no, I don't think we will be getting any new content from our original LIs.


And if you are right, which, at this point, story is just a trickle anyway, I will have nothing to stay subbed for. Giving us a raid boss piece by piece, my raiding guild gave up, and moved on to other games. One new reskinned war zone, any pvpers found other games too. So I am now here for story, and because it is Star Wars. If story is done, I have nothing keeping me here.

Edited by rachetsw
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This is going to sound snarky, and I am sorry. I am sure you meant this as a joke, but really? You love Arcann, scarred, and with one arm. And I am supposed to give up my love for the character because his hair? I mean I guess if both of us were shallow and only cared about looks, then yeah. Clearly, you can look passed all the scars and the awful things that Arcann has done, and love the man beneath, so you are not a shallow person. But if all I have to overcome is some hairstyle choice, meh, I think I am good.

I'm asking a question about a hairstyle, we're not talking about Arcann here. I've stated numerous times that I actually like Theron's hairstyle. Why does this have to turn into a your companion vs mine? Come on now.

Edited by Eshvara
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And if you are right, which, at this point, story is just a trickle anyway, I will have nothing to stay subbed for. Giving us a raid boss piece by piece, my raiding guild gave up, and moved on to other games. One new reskinned war zone, any pvpers found other games too. So I am now here for story, and because it is Star Wars. If story is done, I have nothing keeping me here.


Same here, minus PvP and raids interest. Story is the only game feature I am here for. But it truly looks like it's done. I do not know if they can focus on multiplayer aspects enough to compete with other MMORPGs that were designed with only multiplayer in mind. There are games that managed both - MP and story (to a degree) - LOTRO, GW2, even ESO but SWTOR was the most story heavy out of all of them (out of all MMO out there, actually). It was the main feature. Can game survive without it? Do not know.

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No. NO. No way. Never. Nope.


No more killing companions.


Dark side options I will accept:


  • Imprisonment
  • Shock collar
  • Exile


I'd even be hesitant about imprisonment and exile, since having those options could also result in a companion being removed from future story. I'm 100% with you on the no killing though.

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I'd even be hesitant about imprisonment and exile, since having those options could also result in a companion being removed from future story. I'm 100% with you on the no killing though.


Not necessarily. Depends on how you do it.


Light side scenario: Theron gives the information you need/he has discovered of his own free will and so on.


Dark side scenario: You visit him in his cell, where you can get the information from him and use the shock collar (yes, I'm looking at your evil "kill"-companion types :p ). You can even bring him on missions, when necessary - and torture him.


I'm thinking this could satisfy those who hate him.


Exile: he could still pop up in holo-form.


Just an idea at least :)

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Not necessarily. Depends on how you do it.


Light side scenario: Theron gives the information you need/he has discovered of his own free will and so on.


Dark side scenario: You visit him in his cell, where you can get the information from him and use the shock collar (yes, I'm looking at your evil "kill"-companion types :p ). You can even bring him on missions, when necessary - and torture him.


I'm thinking this could satisfy those who hate him.


Exile: he could still pop up in holo-form.


Just an idea at least :)


True, these could be implemented, but would the dev team actually do it? I'd be fine with the options if that was the case. I just don't know that it is, don't know that it isn't either. I think they just need to stop writing themselves into these corners with companions. Clearly, there are some pretty drastic divisions on what players are okay with when it comes to their companions.

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I think, in any case, the story of Theron and Lana will soon end.

The story returns to the theme "Imp vs Resp", the Alliance will be destroyed (as our old friend Valky predicted), and the old characters will no longer have a place in the new story.

Some of them, and maybe both, will get the option to "kill / not kill" and go to the background, like other characters.

And in the new expansion, most likely, there will be new characters and LI.

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True, these could be implemented, but would the dev team actually do it?


Now, that is an entirely different issue and no one but BioWare can answer that one. My only point was, that death is not the only (or most vile) dark side option. People seem to forget that.

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And in the new expansion, most likely, there will be new characters and LI.


Aaaawww, damn it! Like I don't have enough alts already?! (because I am too big a softy to dump anyone). :D

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I'm asking a question about a hairstyle, we're not talking about Arcann here. I've stated numerous times that I actually like Theron's hairstyle. Why does this have to turn into a your companion vs mine? Come on now.


I apologize. I have had my morning caffeine and am more rational. I didn't sleep well last night, health reasons. I should have phrased my reply differently.


My point was that there is more to Theron than his hairstyle. I love his character. His humor, and how friendly he is with everyone you bring into the Alliance. When you choose between Torian or Vette his is genuinely upset about their death.


I chose Arcann because he is your preferred LI. And you have your reasons for loving him. That go beyond his scars. I may not understand your reasons. But I can respect that you have your reasons.


That same courtesy should be extended to everyone. Yes I find Theron attractive. But he is much more than just one feature.

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I apologize. I have had my morning caffeine and am more rational. I didn't sleep well last night, health reasons. I should have phrased my reply differently.


My point was that there is more to Theron than his hairstyle. I love his character. His humor, and how friendly he is with everyone you bring into the Alliance. When you choose between Torian or Vette his is genuinely upset about their death.


I chose Arcann because he is your preferred LI. And you have your reasons for loving him. That go beyond his scars. I may not understand your reasons. But I can respect that you have your reasons.


That same courtesy should be extended to everyone. Yes I find Theron attractive. But he is much more than just one feature.


That's fine, I don't question why someone finds whoever attractive or interesting really. :)

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There is no good exit strategy for this story. None whatsoever.


Personally, I was hoping that this story would lead to the end of the Outlander story line. Maybe Lana and Theron were in on it and that leads to the outlander walking out -- but I also dislike what the FEET story and it's aftermath had become. This, however, leads to a probable loss of Lana and Theron and a return to Pub vs Imp and two storylines (along with the problems of still missing companions) and the increased costs related to that should BW ever decide to do something resembling a story again.


Other problems are just as bad. Eliminate Theron and you eliminate the only currently guaranteed m-m LI. And Lana is the only F-F LI in the game.


Don't allow a way to get rid of Theron? You alienate a large percentage of the remaining players. Kill Theron off or eliminate him from the story? Same result with another large portion of remaining players.


Really, part of the goal in FEET was, imo, to have only one storyline and only two scripted companions (Lana and Theron). Lowering costs and accounts for how most used companions pre FEET (1 or 2 and the others are ship "decorations"), but that ignored the realities of what the players felt.


In the end, no matter the outcome of the storyline, the player base did not create this problem -- BW did. I've already voted my lack of faith in the producers and what's becoming second year of maintenance mode. My subscription expires in June. There's little BW can do at this point to change my mind. Another 9 month subscriber reward program or yet another token won't cut it. But successfully satisfying everyone (or nearly so) in this storyline might show they still have that edge.

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