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Roadmap Update - Spring 2018


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It's been brought up and just one of many problems going on right now but you are right. Thats a big one and brings into question how many will stop cash market buying or subbing all together because of that?


That is the only question I am asking myself at this point.

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I have no issues with opposing opinions. I have issues with him/her/it discarding what Keith plainly said. But of course Trolls only see what they want.


You're doing exactly what you say trolls do and seeing what you want to see. The post was both good and bad. It was good in that the game is clearly going to have content this year. It was bad in that they are unable to fulfill a content map that was supposed to be provided in December, meaning they are, at minimum, 2 months behind on content. They also called out summer "events" and 6.0 separately, indicating you won't be hearing anything about 6.0 until after summer at a minimum.


It's good that they are saying the game will continue, it's bad that they will not be providing any meaningful content for the next 6 months. People who are happy with the game just being open still are happy and people who wanted more are still mad. But don't kid yourself, there are trolls on both sides and you blindly claiming that this post was so fantastic puts you squarely in the troll column on the pro-SWTOR side. He literally provided nothing of value aside from an allusion to 6.0 being so far out he can't comment on it.

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Wow. I usually only expect those kind of non-answers to come out of DC. I am inclined to agree with a few points brought up.


I’m not sure why some people are excited about an announcement of an announcement. It seems long on words and short on details or even a real target date. That is worrisome, especially when the 90 day roadmaps seem to come every 150 or so.


I realizing we are parsing but it does sound like 6.0 will drop after the summer reruns. That does seem to indicate that whatever they were thinking got a major rework. Call me foolish if you will, but I rather expect one more batch of returning comps before summer and then 1-2 flashpoints and the end of the Iokath op being 6.0.


It does seem worth noting that Anthem isn’t likely to drop before March 2019 at the earliest. It makes sense to push out whatever content is in the pipeline to keep people subbing until then.


I would like to believe the panic has no merit, but nothing here contradicts the rumors that this is a dead game walking.

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I don't know what everyone is excited about. He didn't say anything more than Musco said in his last tease. Everyone on both sides is hearing what they want to hear, nothing more. What no one has addressed is the fact that they are using our sub money to fund their next game, rather than supporting what we're paying for.

Sub money is for access to the current and future content, not promised to fund new content. I see where you may have gotten confused though. You arent alone.


Think of it like a cell phone subscription.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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I'm pretty happy with all the changes we made this past year for Galactic Command.


Someone has to be. It's still garbage and should be career altering for whoever signed off on it. No one could have come up with a better, faster way to kill the game.

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Aww how cute. Bunch of reprobates taking a random article as gospel. "Source's say" "my source".


Aye nae bother. My "source" says you, and anyone who believes you, definetly knows the flavour of the windows.


Get back in the same box as the doomsday'ers from vanilla wow, when BC was released "dead game", maintenance mode.


Aye, how did that turn out for you?


Single braincell organism's you lot.


See, I'm not condemning the ones who are worried. 6.0 and the roadmap could be nothing burgers.




We still have 12 (14 if Khem and/or Tanno come back...which I doubt on both ends) of companions to get. We have the Theron is a Traitor ohnoes! story, the people who Theron and maybe Lana are using to get info on, another ops boss I think(?), and a few other things...maybe to come out in 6.0 to 6.x. So I have SOME faith that SOMETHING is coming. Is it YUUUUGE? I don't know. Same if it's minor. No clue. But as of right this immediate second, something is in the works to come out. So I have some faith.

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I don't know what everyone is excited about. He didn't say anything more than Musco said in his last tease. Everyone on both sides is hearing what they want to hear, nothing more. What no one has addressed is the fact that they are using our sub money to fund their next game, rather than supporting what we're paying for.


Yeah, see, I don't care what the **** they use my money on FOR SWTOR. They know what my money needs to be used for I don't.


But if they're using my SWTOR subscription and cartel market money for some ****** copy of some game out there, I'll be pissed. I'm giving Bioware my money to give me more SWTOR ****. Not some random game EA, Bioware, Old Mother Hubbard, wants to make that has nothing to do with SWTOR.

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I understand that people don't like the fact that some of your sub money goes to supporting other EA games - but face it... this is how every company in the world works! This is how game companies finance their next big title - on the back of the profits from their last big title. Yes, there is a separate budget for each game and branch of the studio but do you really think that a single company doesn't mix and mingle the funds from ALL of it's projects to support... ALL of it's projects?


Come on now. They've been doing this for years (as have all gaming companies) and the only reason anybody is mad about it is because of the light amount of content and progress toward more new content that we're getting here.


If things were rolling, you wouldn't notice or care that it is business as usual, and some of what you pay to EA for SWTOR is being used elsewhere. It always has been!


The frustration of "hurry up and wait for more stuff we can't talk about but we assure you that we're working on - just wait you'll see" is getting real around here. There is only one solution for it: Produce content for the game so that people don't get bored enough to bicker on the forums 24/7 because they are busy playing the game.

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I understand that people don't like the fact that some of your sub money goes to supporting other EA games - but face it... this is how every company in the world works! This is how game companies finance their next big title - on the back of the profits from their last big title. Yes, there is a separate budget for each game and branch of the studio but do you really think that a single company doesn't mix and mingle the funds from ALL of it's projects to support... ALL of it's projects?


Come on now. They've been doing this for years (as have all gaming companies) and the only reason anybody is mad about it is because of the light amount of content and progress toward more new content that we're getting here.


If things were rolling, you wouldn't notice or care that it is business as usual, and some of what you pay to EA for SWTOR is being used elsewhere. It always has been!


I think the subscription model throws people.


Yes, you're absolutely right....this has always been the case with every industry that develops and sells products/services since people started making things to trade for goats, then, after eating the goats, went and made a better thing that was worth more goats.


I think what short-circuits the "well, yeah...duh" response with some folks is this is an ongoing cost and ongoing service, not a 1 time spend. Because they keep receiving the thing they paid for, somehow it all gets garbled up and they start assuming their payment is directly tied to that thing for all time.


They buy a Chevy, they're aware that GM takes that money and makes completely different, new models. Somehow, with this, they feel like its different.

Edited by ArdeliaAgain
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I pay this money just so I can play my characters without restrictions. I believe my Subscription here is worth it and if that counts towards B.W.'s impression of SWTOR then all the better. What happens with my money afterwards is something I have no control over; but I can play SWTOR. I do have one thing to add though, When SWTOR stops, so does my money. Not in the least desire to play a FPS.
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The frustration of "hurry up and wait for more stuff we can't talk about but we assure you that we're working on - just wait you'll see" is getting real around here. There is only one solution for it: Produce content for the game so that people don't get bored enough to bicker on the forums 24/7 because they are busy playing the game.


The best solution, but sadly I suspect their plans say otherwise. Lot of delusional people here. Roadmap being out february probably means its the only content for the month...lol. And it will cover things we already know - last fp for theron arc, last boss for GOTM OP and probably some returning companions and thats it. So in the span of 5-6 months this all the content for the game. Events for the summer probably mean something like the Light vs Dark event which will span till late Fall, and then 6.0 hits.....Now what will be in this we don't know and we won't for quite some time.

This is the picture whether we like it or not. All rest on individual decisions of the players after that.

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Ranged classes have the additional problem of her reflect but they can stay near the healing bubbles more easily.

"Ranged class" does not mean "only effective far away, not since they removed the min range on Mortar Volley.


It means "can be far away", not "must be far away", so you fight in the purple circle, just like everyone else.

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So, finally, 6.0 confirmed. Probably coming in fall/winter this year. Some would say, too little too late, however, from my point of view, they've done more in the past 12 months then with the Patches 4.0 and 5.0 combined: New Op, several new flashpoints, a new WZ, server merge, class balance changes, Galactic Starfighter changes, massive tweaking of GC. Keith made the best out of the game, Ben left for him. I think it's time to thank you for the good work: Bret Hofmann, Matt Pucevich, David Demaree, Charles Boyd, Eric and finally Keith and, of course, all the other unnamed members of the development team. Keep the good work going! Edited by Exocor
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Take my money is all i got to say. Yes the game could have been alot better, but it could be a ALOT worse, They might spend money and have ppl working on other games, but that's just how the world works, sorry to break anyone's illusion


Looking forward to the rest of 2018, just gimme my Kira back :mad:

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It's funny how people seem to not have any reading comprehension at all.

The Kotaku article didn't say "Omg they're shutting down SWTOR tomorrow!!1!", but people act as if it did.

It wasn't even an article about SWTOR. It says "BioWare has also discussed ending development on the multiplayer online game Star Wars: The Old Republic, those sources said, although one person familiar with the studio told me recently that plans are still up in the air."

That statement does not mean SWTOR is shutting down right now. It means, exactly as it says, that there have been talks about SWTOR's future. It means, exactly as it says, that no plans are set in stone.


Is it worrying that there are, according to the article, talks about it? Of course. But we should all expect there to be. SWTOR, much as I love it, has never lived up to its true potential. At some point, EA will decide to pull the plug, but according to the quote, no decisions to that effect have been made yet.

Either way, eventually even WoW will die. Nothing lasts forever.


And then this thread happens. Which is what a lot of worried people asked for, myself included. An announcement of an announcement is FINE. The Roadmap isn't finished yet. I may not like it, in fact I find it borderline ridiculous that future content is also "up in the air" when, end-user as I am, I'd assume things have been decided upon months ago.

Either way, what this announcement of an announcement does tell us is that there IS STILL DEVELOPMENT for SWTOR.

It may or may not be what we want. It may or may not mean more 2-minute cutscenes. It may or may not mean small content patches every two weeks - we won't know until the Roadmap comes. But what it does mean is there WILL be new content. It means that the current plans for SWTOR covers the rest of winter, spring and to at least some extent, summer. The mention of 6.0 means there's plans for an expansion.


Now, plans can change. The sky may still fall, but there's nothing in Keith's post to suggest this is likely to happen within the next six months, at least, probably all of 2018. On the contrary. He says: "I’m not ready to discuss all of the summer events and beyond that we’re planning. And, I definitely will not provide any information on what’s included in 6.0 ;) ."

Note especially "all of the summer events and beyond" and "included in 6.0."

What do you think that means? Seriously? Because I can't understand how anyone would think it means the game is already 98% dead and the grave is being dug as we speak.

It does not mean, again, that the content coming our way will be good. Maybe it will be, maybe it will even be great, and for sure some will like it more than others. But there is content being worked on. Ergo, what Keith is telling us is exactly what we asked for - the rebuttal of the quote in the Kotaku article.

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Hey all,


As Musco mentioned in the Live Stream yesterday, we’re busy working on an update to the Roadmap which should be available in mid-February. Keep in mind, we’ve just released Game Update 5.7, so expect the Roadmap to give you insight about the next 90 days or so.


I’m not ready to discuss all of the summer events and beyond that we’re planning. And, I definitely will not provide any information on what’s included in 6.0 ;). So, as always, hang in there, and we’ll provide you with what’s going on with SWTOR!


For the many of you who have asked privately, yes, I'm doing great, but December and January are typically very busy months for us with all the planning activities. Personally, I've been playing quite a bit, and am focused on crafting Superior Augments for my characters. Hopefully, I'll reach Elite Warlord on my 2nd character, very soon, and to be honest, I'm pretty happy with all the changes we made this past year for Galactic Command.


Will update you soon,




Reading your message i started to think that you were forced to write this by circumstances (which are many threads about kotaku news discussion, and "death of swtor" rumors etc.) Nevertheless, i hope you guys will solve the issues.

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6.0? Woot! I'm guessing that will come in autumn tho..


Anyhow, I would love to see an expac being a new planet, oldschool style. One planet with a story arc that I can play through in a group (I found a new love of this game since I'm playing through the class and planet stories with my girlfriend)


((tho we've hit level 70 on Tatooine..........))


So do something that steps away from the chapters and back to being multiplayer friendly please.

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I understand that people don't like the fact that some of your sub money goes to supporting other EA games - but face it... this is how every company in the world works! This is how game companies finance their next big title - on the back of the profits from their last big title. Yes, there is a separate budget for each game and branch of the studio but do you really think that a single company doesn't mix and mingle the funds from ALL of it's projects to support... ALL of it's projects?


Come on now. They've been doing this for years (as have all gaming companies) and the only reason anybody is mad about it is because of the light amount of content and progress toward more new content that we're getting here.


If things were rolling, you wouldn't notice or care that it is business as usual, and some of what you pay to EA for SWTOR is being used elsewhere. It always has been!


The frustration of "hurry up and wait for more stuff we can't talk about but we assure you that we're working on - just wait you'll see" is getting real around here. There is only one solution for it: Produce content for the game so that people don't get bored enough to bicker on the forums 24/7 because they are busy playing the game.


It’s not a matter of “some” of our money going to fund other projects, it’s a matter of how much. Without any actual data, all I can say is that it feels like it has shifted dramatically from enough of our money being used to fund our game, to no where near enough of our money being used on our game. If I buy $100 of Cartel coins and $30 gets rerouted to other projects, I’m ok with that as long as my game is doing well. However, I’m not ok with $90 getting rerouted when my game is suffering. That is essentially killing the golden goose.

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It’s not a matter of “some” of our money going to fund other projects, it’s a matter of how much. Without any actual data, all I can say is that it feels like it has shifted dramatically from enough of our money being used to fund our game, to no where near enough of our money being used on our game. If I buy $100 of Cartel coins and $30 gets rerouted to other projects, I’m ok with that as long as my game is doing well. However, I’m not ok with $90 getting rerouted when my game is suffering. That is essentially killing the golden goose.


Right, thus my statement: "...the only reason anybody is mad about it is because of the light amount of content and progress toward more new content that we're getting here.


If things were rolling, you wouldn't notice or care that it is business as usual, and some of what you pay to EA for SWTOR is being used elsewhere. It always has been!"


They are taking too long to show signs that our money is being put to good use. What can we do about that? Two things: quit or deal with it and continue playing the game (and complaining on the forums, which really does nothing productive after a certain point).


If they haven't gotten the message to get the lead out and put out some meaningful, repeatable content (and sooner than this summer or fall), then we have a decision to make, don't we? Quit. Or, deal with it.


For me, I've been saying for a month now that I'm going to wait for the road map. I expected it to come earlier than mid February. It isn't gonna. I don't like this, but complaining about it won't change that, or it would have already been published based on the fact that so many of the players posting here are frustrated, bored, and tired of waiting.

Edited by PennyAnn
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Heh, I had never heard that before. I only learned the term in a slightly different context -- one you can relate to since you said your main is a healer.


I have very, very often said...


"You can't heal stoopid."


To wit: "See that plasma grenade that exploded on top of you? Maybe you couldn't avoid the direct impact, but do you see the circlery (I know that's not a word) fire of death underneath you that persists? Perhaps you might be a good chap and MOVE OUT OF IT."





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