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Why do you still play SWTOR?


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I play because my raid team plays here and because my wife is GM for the guild. If they go somewhere else, so will I. I also play ESO now substantially more than I do SWTOR.


4.0 made SWTOR a lot less fun and 5.x killed it for me.

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At this point I'm playing partly because I still like SWTOR and partly because I haven't seen any other MMORPG that appeals to me at this time. (I've played GW, GW2, WoW and a few others in the past, but I'd like to start with a new MMO that doesn't have a lot of "baggage". A new SW MMO would be perfect.)


Exactly this point. I am playing because I haven't found anything better that matches my playstyle. If CoH had not been cancelled I would still be playing it because that was my favorite MMO ever.

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Well, there's liking MMOs and seeing what else is out there why not SWTOR? At least with this one I have a story I look forward to each progression of. There are still things I'd like worked on. And now that its considered a Legends property, it means it can go anywhere in regards to the story. But there are some things to fix in the game itself. And I'd also like this solo method they've been using applied to old past glories since I'm finding myself playing at weird times and leaving my keyboard at the drop of a hat for extended periods. Its starting to get harder and harder to keep up with group content because I'm becoming a terrible group mate.
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I play this game because its "Star Wars". This is a rare game that offers much more then a simple "Click something dies"; it also offers several good stories. The stories, the companions with their personalities, different locations from the Star Wars saga and yes ofcourse all the action. I've known Star Wars since it first hit the theatres long ago and this is the best representation so far. Every action game offers the shooting and such but SWTOR also offers the personalities and how each character adds differently to the adventure. Each class story offers an adventure specifically for that class and how very different each one is. No other game I know of has anything close to that. I like my strongholds and they're a big part of why I've kept my subscription. It's Star Wars.
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Why do you still play SWTOR?

For the life of me, I keep asking that same question everytime I think of logging in or I see my bank statement saying I've paid another month.

If they don't take big steps to fixing the reasons why my friends, partner and guildmates have all left, then I won't need to ask the question anymore because I won't be playing 😢


Thats sad. I am in the same situation.

I was out for a entire year, and bought a 2 months subscription to see the content and the changes (mais reason), but i am not satisfied, so in 2 days it will run out again.

I will only return when the game presents me reasons for it, not just because of habit anymore.

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Why do you still play SWTOR?

For the life of me, I keep asking that same question everytime I think of logging in or I see my bank statement saying I've paid another month.

If they don't take big steps to fixing the reasons why my friends, partner and guildmates have all left, then I won't need to ask the question anymore because I won't be playing 😢


Don't you have another thread talking about that?

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Because of these characters I've created. I've grown rather attached to them (<-- understatement of the century). They all have differing personalities, voices, motivations, backstories, likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, fears and phobias; imagining how they interact with each other, watching how they individually react to various twists the story throws at them, is a joy for me. (...then again, I was that little girl who assigned emotions to inanimate objects like rocks, pieces of string, and bits of dust. *facepalm* Think I just transferred that tendency to pixels.)


And the story. I'm probably in the minority, but I rather like the KOTFE/KOTET story so far. Maybe that'll change when I get further into it, but for now I like it.


And because there's still a plethora of things I haven't explored yet. I dabbled in flashpoints a bit, a while back, but I haven't done one for...ah, gosh, upwards of a year? Kind of want to get into that again. RP, too, I want to figure that out (...still). So even when I thoroughly exhaust the story, there's still things to do.


...and because it's Star Wars :D

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I enjoy Star Wars as its been a part of my life since i was a child. Same could be said for Star Trek, i guess, but as much as i tried, i couldnt get into STO very much. It wasnt for a lack of trying, mind you, and i had an active sub with them for a long while dating back to 2011.


When i had heard about this game i was playing WoW, SWG, and another SOE game called Infantry. I looked forward to it for three years and even built a new PC just so that i could enjoy it even more. Sadly, none of the folks that i started playing with have logged on in years and i doubt they ever will. Im still here because I have been yearning for a nice MMO in space and i have not found one that draws me in as well as this one. Had Blizzard decided to make a StarCraft MMO, im not sure i would still be here, though. :)


I dont dislike any one part of the game nor overly enjoy another. I like to PvP as well as do my own thing out and about the galaxy. i would, though, like to get involved with a guild again seeing as i have not actually joined one since my first year of playing. I have been stalking a few lately, so who knows. I cant speak about Operations because, frankly, i have never been involved with large scale operations (or guilds) since SWG.


Interestingly enough, for as long as I have been playing I seem to always have something to do that keeps me occupied. it doesnt hurt that i am altaholic which took me a long time get under control. there were periods where creating toons and deleting them a few weeks later. or creating them, get x distance and then having them sit. im down to 4 imperials and 5 republic with my "main(s)" being primarily republic. however, my sniper had an interesting journey which is "an interesting story for another time."


I wont say that there are lack of options, because that wouldnt be true. i still play SWtOR because i can still find the fun the game and even though some aspects..cough crafting cough decorations cough...get on my nerves, it is still is a pretty fun game to play. when i stop being antisocial i will probably find more enjoyment; especially since i would like to learn more about conquests.

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It's Star Wars.


I know that's flippant, but that's the root of it.


I also appreciate the creativity that went into the original class stories and planet arcs. How large the galaxy felt and how many fun characters they had written and brought to life with VA's and animations. They didn't do anything particularly innovative with the game, jumping into it from WoW was easy, but that also made it pretty boring. Wow was a superior game at the time and the only thing SWTor had on it was the Star Wars atmosphere and the more compelling story.


I don't game a lot anymore, but what keeps me subbed to this game instead of the others I've played is that I'm still interested in the characters I've created because of the writing and history that's gone into them. I have attachments to some of them here versus barely being able to remember those from Rift or Secret World or Aeon or even Wow. Plus, I always get the itch to play with a lightsaber and to hear it swing around. :o

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No to Totemdancer's question. Everything would *Probably be the same until the Zakuul part. After then when the unique Class stories and special Companions were removed I woulda quit. Everything new now just seems general (Generic). A lot of games have general. Star Wars, the unique stories and specialized character personalities are why I've stayed. Add all 3 of those together, very good.
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Came for the story, stayed for the versatility. I am someone who switches a lot between favourite things to do and this game enables that beautifully.


Meaning, sometimes I want to explore for days and I can do that, then I suddenly get the urge to decorate my houses, so I'll do that, then I want to play heroics for a few days, then I'm content to just dig in the ground for hours, then I go for the challenge of joining a group in a flashpoint (still haven't done operations though, not sure I ever will), then I stop and think about fun outfits for my characters and companions for a few hours, then I go do some dailies etc etc.


There is just so much to do in this game, that so far, every time I got bored with one type of playing, I just switch to another and then another. That way, the fun stays fresh and exciting! :p

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I actually left for a different game style for a while. However i returned cause this game offers alot of story. Granted the recent stuff isn't the same grade as before but i accept that due to a reduced dev team. It's still decent considering what they have to work with and altho there has been 2 massive downtimes since i got back......the game for me personally is still worth the fixes.
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I have always heard the words " Star wars is fantastic" "SW is a masterpiece" etc etc..never believed them..was just a young girl who couldnt care less about some flashy mashy movies...was more into the medieval fantasy style , like lotro...well..then about 2 years ago..my current bf forced me into watching the movies....that being said...i have currently rewatched them like 10 times lol :D


So a year ago i was rly bored...moved to a diff country and needed something to pass my time..so i googled "good rpg games" ...found the swtor website and played ever since. I loved the story, the implications and all the flashy swashy zvuuum zvuuum lightsabers :D


And then...i started kotfe....( before going any further i just want to say , yes, i am one of those players who actually enjoyed kotfe /kotet , so dont hold it against me lol)...and instantly fell in love with the game even more so...so now im just hungrily waiting for the next chapter even though im not a iokath/umbarra fan ...but still ! i enjoy the story and will probably play it atleast once or go through it with all my characters if its worth it *cough* Arcann *cough* :rolleyes::D:p

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