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Everything posted by Jagaimee

  1. Welcome, Silverofdreams! Glad you came back to this game, and so glad you've enjoyed reading this thread! Always lovely to hear from a fellow Quinnmancer. Quinn: Welcome, my lord. *bows*
  2. I hear ya. Naked Lana, Senya, Gault, Jorgan, and Dr. Lokin once all showed up together in a single room. I don't even want to know what the heck they were doing. ...and also we promise to recall all naked Quinn's. Please send your unwanted Quinn's to the Quinn Shelter (AKA this thread), where they will be loved and cared for.
  3. Happy New Year's, Quinnmancers! ...guys, on January 27th we will hit the one-year anniversary for this thread. So happy (very early) anniversary, too!! Quinn: Happy New Ye--[gets swarmed by Quinnmancers hoping for a kiss]--MMPHGRGH!? [has to admit he doesn't really mind too much...] Theron: [standing nearby and selling tickets] One at a time, ladies, form an orderly line please. Wait, selling tickets? What's the admission price? Theron: [glances upwards at mistletoe hanging above his head] What do you think? ...oh you're hopeless.
  4. Anuli, from the bounty hunter's Nar Shaddaa story. I promised the kid I'd take him with me, because a) my BH wanted to rescue him from his obviously miserable life (he's just a boy, mid-teens at the oldest, he deserved so much better), and b) Mako turned those huge brown puppy-dog eyes on me. Obviously I couldn't say no. ...I...I promised... The Eidolon, as punishment for what happened to Anuli, On another note-- - Alilia from the smuggler's story on Hoth. Trick, too. My male smuggler fell completely, hopelessly in love with Alilia...the [flirt] options were just so sweet. - Zylixx from the warrior's story. Whatever happened to that guy, anyway? He just...disappears, if you let him live. Not even a letter from him later saying how he's doing/what happened to him. Hmph. He might've been an interesting replacement for Jaesa, truth be told, even a romance option for female warriors (like Jaesa's a romance option for male warriors) - another Jedi fallen to the dark side, puzzling out what that means to him and how he can live with the choices he's made. - Bengal Morr. I miss him! I want to know how he's been doing, in the seven+ years since KOTFE began. (Back in the vanilla Knight's story, it probably wouldn't have made much sense to have Bengal trailing around as your companion...unless he'd been redeemed, in which case maybe he could've taken Rusk's place. Or joined on Corellia, but that would've been pretty late in the story...hmm.) And someone mentioned this on the other page, but alts as companions. Yes. I'd be over the moon with joy if that would happen.
  5. Oh gosh, this. I do this all the time. >_< Which has led to me accidentally attacking CC'ed targets and/or other groups of enemies...and that in turn has led to my repeated death and a lot of flustered apologies in chat.
  6. One year, two months, and one day after I started playing. I wrote down the day I finished the last class story (the trooper's). By that time I'd already finished Ziost on a few other characters...the trooper's story just dragged. The smuggler's story was the first one I started, and the first to finish.
  7. Theron: Somewhere else to-- Quinn: Anywhere. But. Here. Theron: ...aaaand with that world-class death glare, I am out of here. Bebacklaterbye! *hightails it out the door* Quinn: *turning his attention back to the...current situation* With your presence alone, all is forgiven, my love. All is forgiven.
  8. Quinn: *cOUGH!?!* Theron: ...I am NOT performing CPR. Quinn: *gasp* No need *cough* I'm all right *choke* *finally recovers* ...it has rapidly become apparent that my dignity is nonexistent. For the record, my lord, I have no wish to have ANYONE sit on my lap save my wife [the Sith Warrior], and if that-- Theron: *sits on his lap anyway* Quinn: ..............Shan, what are-- Theron: Hi, Darth Quinnclaus, I have something I want for Christm--err, Wintersda--um, Life Day. Quinn: *seething* I have something I want, and that's your immediate extermination... Theron: Quinn: I hate that look. That means you're planning payback for that Jingle Bells song-- Theron: *sings at the top of his lungs* Quinn: *deadly calm* Do you recall that old myth about Santa Claus giving lumps of coal to naughty children? Theron: *grinning* I'm getting a lump of coal, aren't I? Quinn: For that stunt? You're getting an entire coal mine. All of it. Shoved. Down. Your. Throat. Theron: *sweat drop* Worth it...! (That song is probably stuck in your head now. I'm sorry. )
  9. Quinn: *chokes on sparkling cider* MY LORD--! Theron: *snicker* And a Merry Christmas to you, as well. *raises glass in a toast* Quinn: *cough* Yes...to those who have made this thread possible... and to the undesirable elements present in this thread-- Theron: I heard "desirable." Quinn: Merry Christmas, my lords. *salute* ...ahem. Merry Christmas, Quinnmancers! May your day be full of love and joy and hope. ...and snow. *glares at the sky* Rain. A lot of rain. Sigh...
  10. Dance party! This video was made by an amazing Quinnmancer named Mils; she's sadly unable to post on the forums, but she's in our guild and she is awesome. (I have her permission to post this video here. ) That's her in the middle in the lovely blue and white dress - I'm to the right (the Sith pureblood woman), and Nightfrogger with her amazing Quinn clone is on the left. Much silliness and rocking out ensues. Quinn: [tapping his foot to the beat] Theron: [ROCKING OUT] Quinn: [disapproving frown] Theron: MERRY LIFE DAY--*pff* ACK *falls over* Quinn: [surreptitiously returns tranquilizer dart gun to its secret hiding space] Theron: [paralyzed on the floor] ...ah as aw ice. (That was not nice.) Quinn: Wait until we get back to Taris. Theron:
  11. Nope, you don't need to worry that you messed up. Your story will still advance no matter what you choose. Just keep playing, you'll see what happens.
  12. Nice necro. AND spoilers for the class stories. Mind editing that? (Yes, I know, the game has been out for six years. There are still new players and people who haven't played through all stories yet.)
  13. I want the original colors back. I want the original textures back. What would be optimal is if they released the new colors/textures as separate appearances, so people who like them could choose to have them. People who don't like them could choose the old colors/textures. I actually do like the neon green/new texture eyes on one of my characters...but for *every other character* I have, I think their eyes look hideous. I'd love to be able to CHOOSE to have these new intense colors/textures for the character(s) I want them on.
  14. We were warned, actually. Can't find the exact post now, but it definitely did have a date - 12/12 - and the price of transfers being raised again. Edit: Aha, found it. From November 28th.
  15. Jagaimee


    Adding to that list: Zabrak (Republic side) - "brown" eyes #5 is now a golden hazel color. It used to be dark, muddy brown. Zabrak (Republic side) - green eyes #3 look yellow in many lights. Before, it was a soft, light green. Now it's just yellow. Sith Pureblood - "pale" eyes are now a dull, medium/dark gray. Not the piercing light gray they used to be, and hardly "pale."
  16. Jagaimee


    Thank you for even acknowledging this!
  17. Wait, they were up all this time? ...oh there was a dev post about...it...that I remember seeing... ARGGGHHHH [facepalm] Well, that's what I get for being forgetful and lazy. My bad... drat.
  18. Boo cme'as t'u o'anso'is! Gan salek koa si'kr ir a'an rid! (Give twi'leks more options! We deserve no less than other races!)
  19. Well, the new eyes are Sith eyes - yellow/gold/red/orange mixed together. They're dark-side eyes, not natural colors. So it's not really going against canon in that case (for rattataki, at least! For chiss...ick, no; chiss have pure/mono-colored red eyes, no exceptions). Sure beats having to toggle that idiotic dark/light button to stay at Dark I or whatever for orange/yellow eyes...
  20. I suppose if it worked for Jedi Robes Guy after five years of whining... Let's hope this change doesn't take another five years. I do agree, it should be done - these species should have the new eye colors - but argh, I hope it doesn't take another five years... (Also, "Sir Buzzkillington"? I so want that title in-game... Let's see, for my collection of titles, so far I have "Jagaimee the Mini-Mod," "Sir Buzzkillington," "Grammar Police," "Grand Admiral"...I'm acquiring quite the repertoire. ) Thank you.
  21. You do realize the textures weren't changed, right? The new/bugged/whatever textures from 5.6 are still there. The colors were (not fully) reverted back to what they should be. And for the record, I hate these new textures in most cases. I want the old eyes back - with the option of having these new textures for people who want them. One of my characters actually looks quite lovely with her new eyes. Everyone else looks hideous and...well, to quote you, dull and flat. They look dead.
  22. Would you kindly stop making thread after thread after thread? It's getting to the point of spam. Look - I want twi'leks (and purebloods and rattataki) to have these new eye colors. I think they would look amazing with it; can't understand why they've been left out, either. But please stop spamming it around General Discussion. We do not need a new thread every three days. Updating one of your older threads would suffice; it's not necro'ing a thread if it's barely a few days old/weeks old.
  23. Lammia Edition brown-eyed Quinn is back to his lovely brown eyes! ...default!Quinn has dead, stone-gray/blue eyes with a bad case of jaundice. BIOWAAAAAARE...!
  24. Jagaimee


    The eyes. Are still. Screwed up. (For some, at least.) They kept the textures but attempted to revert the colors. This did NOT work. Zabrak eyes are still far lighter than they should be - my zabrak with dark brown eyes still has light yellow ones. Hexid has peach-yellow eyes. "Vibrant" green eyes are an incredibly dull shade of gray-green. Hardly "vibrant." Every other "vibrant" color seems to be fixed, however.
  25. LONG POST e_e [On Taris, the boys are rightfully scared out of their wits. Er, well, Theron is. Though he doesn't show it, he keeps Quinn ahead of him at all times so if a rakghoul jumps them, he can shove Quinn to the wolves and run--] Theron: Knock it off! I can handle myself here. Quinn: *leans toward Theron and whispers, with a perfectly straight face:* OooOOOooo-- Theron: It's probably a bad idea to strangle my guide, but I am sorely tempted right now... Quinn: Hmph. A few shadows are nothing to what horrors await on Taris. Theron: I thought we were going to the Imperial base? Quinn: We are. We seem to have landed far outside of it, however, in which case-- Theron: We're legging it through the swamp. At night. With rakghouls all around. Oh joy. [Far off in the distance, an odd rumbling noise shivers through the night mists.] Theron: ...the "horrors" that await, I assume? Quinn: Don't give me that murderous look. It's not my fault we were spontaneously transported to a place far outside of what any rational person would consider "safe." Theron: *mutters something that sounds suspicously like "safe" - says the man who married a Sith Lord* Quinn: Purely because it would be near-suicidal to get into a fist-fight in the toxic swamps, I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Theron: What's that noise, anyway? It's getting louder. Quinn: It's not...biological. Theron: ...mechanical? Uh...what the heck could possibly be that loud? [As they talk, a light begins shining out of the shadows. It's obscured by fog, but as the rumbling noise gets louder and louder, the light gets closer and closer until it's distinguishable as a single searchlight...] Theron: ... GET DOWN!!! [Theron and Quinn hit the ground as a thunderous roar shakes the ground and the spotlight grows to unendurable intensity!] [...very long pause, during which the rumbling and roaring has died down considerably, and there are odd little whistling noises along with it. Choo choooooo!] Theron: [cautiously looks up] ...what. Quinn: [looks up] [A model Umbara train is circling in mid-air around their heads, merrily choo-choo'ing its little engine heart out. There is a note attached to one of the freight cars, along with a purple and silver bow. Quinn stands up and snatches it away to read.] Merry Life Day, handsome space husband/boyfriend! - Love, the Quinnmancers Quinn: ... *FACEPALM* Theron: *daring to stand up* What, don't I get a message from the Theronmancers? *gets a silver bow plastered to his face, courtesy of Quinn* Quinn: That's the UMBARA train! That's...that's where you-- Theron: Quinn: THAT'S SO VERY WRONG. Theron: *finally gets the bow untangled from his nose* I wonder what BioWare thinks I'm doing this Life Day. Quinn: *IMAGINE SPOT* Theron: . . . *staring straight ahead with a traumatized expression; the model Umbara train keeps chugging around his head in the meantime, tooting its tiny horn* . . . wow. Uh. C-can we get going to the Imperial base already? Quinn: And cut short this moment of dawning horror for you? How sad. Yet cut it short, we must. Onwards. [The Umbara train toots out a blip that sounds suspiciously like Me too?] Quinn: *facepalm* Yes, you too. Come along. [And so the boys head off into the mists...with a levitating model train weaving behind them, cheerfully playing tinny electronic versions of well-known Life Day carols.] I couldn't resist. That is utterly adorable, by the way.
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