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Game Update 5.4a


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In the words of Rowan Freemaker........"BORRED BORED BORED BORED BORED......BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED" That being said i couldn't even get into the game when the servers came back online. It stopped me at the server selection screen and kept saying my connection sucked. Which considering i'm on lightstream, i doubt that my connection was faulty since i could connect to other things perfectly fine.
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Ugh. Downloading the entire game for a patch is terrible. But, will the game still need to be downloaded again if there's a patch 5.4a.1? Sincere question because I'm not familiar with the causes of triggering a redownload of the game.


At this point, I'm not even going to speculate. I'm not normally one to say things like "if that happens, I'm done" but in that case (having to re-DL the entire game), I might well be. We just don't have the fast connects where I live...yet. Next month we are supposed to, finally, get decent bandwidth.

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Really now people, could you please cut the devs and coders some slack?

You know, I could imagine that some of them had some reallife related issues the last few days besides their job, maybe some little thing that starts with 'H' and ends with 'arvey'. Check your maps if you will, Austin is not that far from Houston.

And now, today, they have to spend their time possibly until late in the night to find some bugs potentially resulting from some lines of code someone two years back and no longer part of their team wrote.

Turn the vitriol down a notch, will you?

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Sounds like it is business as usual at BW ... another round of BOCHIC for the players. I agree with everyone here on the codes. fighting over them sucks and there will always be people screwed out of it. If you really mean what you say. Every player should get an in game message with compensation.
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Really now people, could you please cut the devs and coders some slack?

You know, I could imagine that some of them had some reallife related issues the last few days besides their job, maybe some little thing that starts with 'H' and ends with 'arvey'. Check your maps if you will, Austin is not that far from Houston.

And now, today, they have to spend their time possibly until late in the night to find some bugs potentially resulting from some lines of code someone two years back and no longer part of their team wrote.

Turn the vitriol down a notch, will you?


I hate to say it, but at this point they've asked for it. This patch was supposedly tested yesterday. Obviously that didn't really happen in spite of yesterday's claims that it had. I've said it before and I'll say it again, mistakes like this where I work are career altering. EA is a business, it's not just a game, so the paying customers have every right to complain and EA really needs to address those complaints and change how some things are done in Austin.

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I would have accepted this if this was not in a Double XP/CXP week. This is unacceptable.

I assume we'll be compensated with an extra day of Double XP/CXP now.


Also why is the European playerbase always screwed? Are we not important enough to you???? Unfair Bioware.

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thank you for the clarification - fair enough. I for myself as well as probably most European players can and do actually understand that things can go awkward.


Do me a favor and stop trying to speak for "most" Europeans, thanks.


There is huge difference between something "awkward" happening and utter incompetence.

if they weren't in such a rush to fix something beneficial to their customers this wouldn't have happened.

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I would have accepted this if this was not in a Double XP/CXP week. This is unacceptable.

I assume we'll be compensated with an extra day of Double XP/CXP now.


Also why is the European playerbase always screwed? Are we not important enough to you???? Unfair Bioware.


Yes, we are not.

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Well, while it is fun to read the various creative and funny posts here this will most likely need a long time to fix, at least I sense that as an experienced IT pro and also dev. Looks like a major f1ck up, first class. even worse than last week. You wouldn't have expected that this is even possible. It also looks like the issues won't go away without pain for the players, not speaking about the downtime itself. But we will see.

Have a nice evening, I'm going to the gym instead. :-)

Edited by Khaleg
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Sure, but im just sick from this, they always ruins it for EU players and they dont even care.


Am European too, but also IT-architect. And I know pretty well that things can go awlward even if you are 100% sure beforehand...


Talk about patching 100+ servers for a bank in the whole world - onsite and on the last server I made things go awkward. Had a whole bank down.... so yes, I feel with them.

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Unfortunately, a rollback is not simple. It is not out of the realm of possibility, but it would have some pretty serious impact to some players. Including the need to redownload the entire game if they patched 5.4a. That would certainly not be optimal.


Oh please don't do this. I was one of those with a *ton* of things borked and the last time I had to re-download the game it took me DAYS on my crappy limited connection. If I started right now I could maybe enjoy some double cxp on Sunday evening. I realise not everyone is going to have that big a problem with downloading again and might just prefer a couple of hours downtime while you rollback, but for those people in similar situations to mine, I am *SO* glad you're looking into other options.

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I would have accepted this if this was not in a Double XP/CXP week. This is unacceptable.

I assume we'll be compensated with an extra day of Double XP/CXP now.


Also why is the European playerbase always screwed? Are we not important enough to you???? Unfair Bioware.


Well, take heart. From what Eric said, this is going to be a long downtime so hey! The folks in the US will get screwed too.


You're screwed, they're screwed, everybody is screwed! Wheee.

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if they weren't in such a rush to fix something beneficial to their customers this wouldn't have happened.
That's a pretty good point...I hope people recognize that THIS is exactly why we had the patch that broke the game...
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Real talk, when we have long downtime, we have a SWTOR national past-time here of giving away codes for things. I wouldn't dream of disappointing you in this endeavor. I wanna get a little more clarity on the situation and if it will be a while, the codes shall rain.




So ten random people employing bots to scrape the forums getting codes for more CCs doesn't really feel like a fair trade off.


Haven't seen the post yet where someone was upset about downtime and then pointed that player XYZ got 200CCs and been like "oh, he did? ok, nevermind, all good now"

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Well, take heart. From what Eric said, this is going to be a long downtime so hey! The folks in the US will get screwed too.


You're screwed, they're screwed, everybody is screwed! Wheee.


They will prob get game back online b4 they will get home from work, so not really.

Edited by Alderonek
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Well, while it is fun to read the various creative and funny posts here this will most likely need a long time to fix, at least I sense that as an experienced IT pro and also dev. Looks like a major f1ck up, first class.

Have a nice eveing, I'm going to the gym instead. :-)


Yeah, this sounds like a real bugger of a mess. No gym for me but I've a good book that I might just go read. It's seven in the evening here and I doubt they'll have it sorted before it's time for me to fall over.

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Honestly, PLEASE, and I know for some strange reason this is a longshot, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give a permanent option to keep the XP boosts! One week isn't enough for "casual" players who can rarely play.


The 5.0 changes have made the vanilla story seem totally disconnected from everything else (i.e. we can't earn endgame comms/crystals, etc. anymore while leveling and we can't earn CXP under new system until 70). So now leveling - which used to be great fun - is tedious.


I have many alts and don't have a favorite play style but am missing out on so much because CXP is locked behind level 70.


So I'm asking, please make permanent at least the 2XP boost (give option to disable for those that want). But even better is the 12XP. I will happily pay for a 12XP boost consumable (at least XP, but frankly also this mysterious thing called CXP that I've still never seen).


You will not lose a SINGLE sub over this. You will not cut short a SINGLE sub duration over this. You will gain new players. And you will make the current subs much happier if you simply boost the rate of XP (and CXP, which I still know nothing about...)


I too have many alts, and no favorite style of play, and I feel, and understand your pain. The current system has killed Pre 70 PvP, no incentive to play without the comms, and the grind is so tedious as to be almost mind numbing. I figured out that using PvP as your only source of gearing, you would have to play nearly 100 PvP matches to earn enough unassembled components to purchase a single piece of Tier 4 gear. That is weeks of PvP matches. That is ridiculous. They need to up the number of unassembled comps received from PvP, and add them to completed FP and Ops missions, and have them randomly drop from bosses. In addition, I would like to see unassembled comps be given out for PvP regardless of level. Let us accumulate them in our inventories the way we used to be able to accumulate comms. At least then pre 70 PvP might become viable again.

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