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Unassembled Component Changes in 5.4


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246 earpieces implants and relics are almost as good as the 248 - the difference is absolutely minor and probably only makes a difference in 1 out of 100 cases. And you can buy them from gtn or ask another one to craft them for you.


Yeah mod removal is expensive, but you don't do it all the time - usually you buy the gear with those little orange shields and put them into it - then you just swap it to the character you want them on.


Besides that, I hardly know a mmo where you don't need to farm your stuff. In many you actually need to farm several weeks to just get one piece. And then they are mostly soulbound or stuff like that.


You are basically saying that you want the very best gear that is out there and with minimum effort - probably best if you get a mail with a little box in it where all the 248 gear pops out once you reach 70?


Then again, I guess the only thing you can always count on is that people are always unhappy - some will always see only the bad things.


Wish you a lovely day o/


Or just return gearing for PvE to Pre 5.0 sans higlighted Ops and Seperate but cheap gear for PvP ala 3.3. Can keep GC for casuals if they so desire. NiM at this point should drop all 248 on all bosses not blue trash no one needs or purple stuff there is plenty of and no one needs anymore.


In any case those games you get it through actually challenging new content. Here you get a trickle and mostly trash for doing the hardest content that's also 2-3 years old. Or grind on faceroll content.

Edited by FerkWork
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Don't worry guys...it's clear they're listening to us...:rolleyes:


I'm actually beginning to wonder how much scope BioWare have to alter GC. Or if Ben is still lurking in the background. Either that or they're deliberately trying to get the studio merged so they can move to other projects.

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Pointless, idiotic fluff.


Your ranked system is exploited cancer so pug players dont bother with it, those who do bother with it are for the most part win traders, a group of people whos behaviour bioware do nothing about.


So we get this, traders get more stuff fast, then proceed to beat down on pugs because they wont actually risk their rating by playing ranked properly.


The only thing your cretinous ranked system does is create super twink characters, whoever is in chareg of your pvp needs to seek employment elsewhere becuase hes making a huge mess of it, its like forcing people to play coin toss arenas because you wasted your time on them and no one played them out of choice.

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Eh, if it were up to me, PvP would grant zero UCs and bolster would go up to 244, maybe even 246. Let the PVP crowd have their skill vs skill environment they so desire.


On the other hand, most PvE activities could grant some UCs -- Operations and Veteran/ Master Flashpoints Operations come to mind.




PVP shouldnt drop UC's it does simple for 1 reason so BW can say people love wz and people play it...


UC's should be droped by ALL ops boss and the finally boss of ever FP, but at rates better then WZ/GSF win/lose rates.


Forcing people in PVP/WZ that want nothing to do with PVP just makes the people that like PVP/WZ hate it, which exactly what happen in 5.0 and then they made it worse in 5.2


I use to love PVP/WZ 5.0 made me hate cause now the amount people in WZ is double that prior but extra numbers mean nothing when majority of dont give **** about and just want there CXP and UC's


but BW listens!

Edited by Kyuuu
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So we are still have to spend years to gear up in BIS gear whilst pve players getting their gear for a few months (by running ops on every alt per week)? So devs just ignored numerous threads from players to buff cxp gain, make more pvp missions for unranked so players would maintain playing warzones every day instead of running 20 games in one day and forget about queuing warzones for week? Or threads to reduce the cost of gear parts?


THIS is bad devs, you just made all this cxp system to have a force to regulate and adjust what players are doing (nerf what players like to do, buff what players dont like to do so they start doing it against their wish). Sorry devs, but such thinking will lead you only to FAIL.

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Eh, if it were up to me, PvP would grant zero UCs and bolster would go up to 244, maybe even 246. Let the PVP crowd have their skill vs skill environment they so desire.


On the other hand, most PvE activities could grant some UCs -- Operations and Veteran/ Master Flashpoints Operations come to mind.


Them everyone would spend much time for pve, no thanks. Both gearing progressions must be balanced. Dont force pvp players to run pve.

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Them everyone would spend much time for pve, no thanks. Both gearing progressions must be balanced. Dont force pvp players to run pve.


Yes, but if bolster in pvp was at or above BiS then you'd be able to keep pvp as skill vs skill and not have anywhere near as much cheating or "filthy pve-ers ruining our fun" like you do now.

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Something is wrong..... Im still in shock over these genius updates.... :eek:


* Still no UC from PVE content.

* Nerfed REG WZ dailies...

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


This change will make RANKED PVP to become a slaughter fest for 10-30 people on each server...

Good job of making PVP stand above PVE... which is another ANTI-MMO choice.




Im literally still shaking my head and it was 20 minutes ago I read that last update.... :eek:



Remember the infamous change BW did with pvp comms last year?, and the amount of discontent that it caused the community after BW suggested transferring them to a single toon before the update?


I'll say now what I was thinking then: It's only shocking if one is not expecting it. I already learned the hard way to expect anything from BW after they released the 4.0 update, and have had my guard up ever since.

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Yes, but if bolster in pvp was at or above BiS then you'd be able to keep pvp as skill vs skill and not have anywhere near as much cheating or "filthy pve-ers ruining our fun" like you do now.


Absolutely a lot of us would like to see bolster set higher to eliminate that gear gap, but some of us also use that very same gear to play PvE content. So your solution doesn't work for everyone.


ALL solo and group content should drop UC as rewards, if I could figure out how to include playing space barbie and strongholds into that mix I absolutely would (maybe some sort of timer).


Think inclusive and this would go much better for all of the players, not just the select few.

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Oops. I can see why you'd want ranked players to play ranked and not tear up the less-skilled in regs, but all this will do is push the less-skilled to jump into ranked and make the l33t d00ds lives miserable. You need to find a better incentive.


lol no, regs are still better and faster for them, why bother with ranked?

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People are already agreeing on premades for weekly team ranked farm, GG, this will definitely save the game, have groups just farm coms, ignoring ranked rating, well done!


So form your own uber leet group, win every match against the scrubby comms-chasers, and enjoy your 1750+ rating in Season 9. What's the problem here for you?

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Yes, but if bolster in pvp was at or above BiS then you'd be able to keep pvp as skill vs skill and not have anywhere near as much cheating or "filthy pve-ers ruining our fun" like you do now.


I disagree here since i know how mmo works. Without any incentives (receiving better gear, credits, outfits) even dedicated pvp players will drop playing pvp (as it was in 4.0. when much less players participated in pvp than now). There always must be something worth fighting for (at the moment it is getting better gear), without carrot on a stick - players are getting bored pretty fast.


Another question is that current UC drop rate is LOW, and the prices are HIGH. Devs are using UC as method of forcing us to do what they want (ranked, mm ops etc), and people want to gear up via unranked and these people dont want to do it for YEARS. With such stupid policy devs will fail

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I'm actually beginning to wonder how much scope BioWare have to alter GC. Or if Ben is still lurking in the background. Either that or they're deliberately trying to get the studio merged so they can move to other projects.


Nah, i bet it's like a swamp.


They get a new developer (developer, not a producer :p), he comes, starts working... and gradually becomes like the old devs or gets fired. This occurs quite often in real life and not related to gaming at all.


5 years old swamp with their own rules. Just imagine that sinking force. :hope_08:

Edited by Glower
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I disagree here since i know how mmo works. Without any incentives (receiving better gear, credits, outfits) even dedicated pvp players will drop playing pvp (as it was in 4.0. when much less players participated in pvp than now). There always must be something worth fighting for (at the moment it is getting better gear), without carrot on a stick - players are getting bored pretty fast.


That's not true. I used to be a dedicated pvp player and I played it for fun, maybe for some valor points toobut not for gear. Since they introduced gear vs gear pvp, and the gear gap got ridicilous, I pretty much quit playing it. Also having UC dropping from pvp (instead of tokens at same rate you get them from ops), has brought people who don't understand pvp into the game, which made it even worse. Pvp is not fun anymore, meaning I have no incentive to play it anymore, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. Whenever I'm stupid enough to play one or two matches, I always end up wondering why I'm putting myself through that crap.


Another question is that current UC drop rate is LOW, and the prices are HIGH. Devs are using UC as method of forcing us to do what they want (ranked, mm ops etc), and people want to gear up via unranked and these people dont want to do it for YEARS. With such stupid policy devs will fail


I agree on that one. I'm so glad they are buffing ranked UC rewards now, because arena matches are really fast, especially if you afk them through. Even better if you get into a group who wants to do the same. :D

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That's not true. I used to be a dedicated pvp player and I played it for fun, maybe for some valor points toobut not for gear.


I dunno, I mean when the old system was up people actually had both. Entry to PVP was hard due to having only PVE gear and getting wrecked. When you finnaly got your PVP 2018 experise set it was much better and people slowly worked towards the ranked gear, which took a long time due to the fact that you had to get unranked coms to convert them to ranked, you needed the gear piece to trade for the ranked one and so on. In that system you had it all. However, Bioware realized only 2% of the population actually had full ranked gear, which lead to the easy gearing in 4.0 which I think started the outcries on forums for new warzone and so on. I think PVPers would get bored (but its my oppinion only).



Since they introduced gear vs gear pvp, and the gear gap got ridicilous, I pretty much quit playing it.


This is a silly statement, you cant tell be serious about the gearing being "too hard for ya". I dont want to keep on telling my example of 12 hours of playing a week with 4 full 248 toons, but its really silly to read this. Its too easy to gear now, just play the game and you will be full 248 and wont have any gear vs gear issues.


Also having UC dropping from pvp (instead of tokens at same rate you get them from ops), has brought people who don't understand pvp into the game, which made it even worse.


This one is true, since 5.0 people only search for ways to exploit the system, elite kills in heroics, KP champion mobs, Chapter 1-2 farm etc. People will always do that, there is no point to keep on nerfing the stuff it only irritates people. Now with this people will again afk ranked and premade team ranked, which is ridicuouls.


I agree on that one. I'm so glad they are buffing ranked UC rewards now, because arena matches are really fast, especially if you afk them through. Even better if you get into a group who wants to do the same. :D


yeah, what we mentioned above.

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So form your own uber leet group, win every match against the scrubby comms-chasers, and enjoy your 1750+ rating in Season 9. What's the problem here for you?


I really dont know what to say to that :)


But I dont have friends to form such a group :(

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I still can't believe that they're STILL tinkering with this piss-poor system.


Since they probably started thinking about it last summer, why is it still not right this summer?


Is this what our sub money is going on? to break something that wasn't broken, and spend a year fixing it?



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I dunno, I mean when the old system was up people actually had both. Entry to PVP was hard due to having only PVE gear and getting wrecked. When you finnaly got your PVP 2018 experise set it was much better and people slowly worked towards the ranked gear, which took a long time due to the fact that you had to get unranked coms to convert them to ranked, you needed the gear piece to trade for the ranked one and so on. In that system you had it all. However, Bioware realized only 2% of the population actually had full ranked gear, which lead to the easy gearing in 4.0 which I think started the outcries on forums for new warzone and so on. I think PVPers would get bored (but its my oppinion only).




This is a silly statement, you cant tell be serious about the gearing being "too hard for ya". I dont want to keep on telling my example of 12 hours of playing a week with 4 full 248 toons, but its really silly to read this. Its too easy to gear now, just play the game and you will be full 248 and wont have any gear vs gear issues.




Before 4.0 it was a grind to get expertise gear, yes. But you could be competitive with some lower rating blues which still gave you almost full expertise. The gap between unranked and ranked gear was insignificant, but with 5.0 I have seen gear gaps of 15-20k in HP alone, not to mention the other stats. That's too much. Team with better gear will win, unless they are morons.


I don't mind grinding gear for pve, that's what I do, and have one full BiS gear on one character and several others on tier 4. So that's not my problem. Problem is, with this current system I have to focus on playing only a few characters to get gear and to be competitive in pvp, and I'm an altoholic. Also if the whole team doesn't have good gear, match is lost again no matter what my personal gear is, unless the enemy team is full of morons.


So basically I've been only running flashpoints and operations, but find it impossible to enjoy pvp, which was my main focus for several years before 5.1. Even 5.0 wasn't too bad, because bolster was at 250 and gear didn't matter in pvp.

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To be brutally honest I think the whole galactic command system was an utter waste of time, energy and resources. It has all but morphed into a similar system to the one that you had in place pre 5.0. The drop rate of the crates is so appalling that it is supplemental only. The time, energy and resources should have been used to create open world planets instead of the tunnel/instance planets we see more and more. There are plenty of things swtor needs desperately, and a gearing system that was a bad idea from the start is not one of them! I for one am still massively triggered over it, all the changes that needed to be made to make it viable just prove one thing to us all and that is the gearing system was fine as it was.
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This is a silly statement, you cant tell be serious about the gearing being "too hard for ya". I dont want to keep on telling my example of 12 hours of playing a week with 4 full 248 toons, but its really silly to read this. Its too easy to gear now, just play the game and you will be full 248 and wont have any gear vs gear issues.



m3-r0 seriously..u should stop this, because i can almost bet i play way more hours then you and the only way to achieve this is grinding pvp like a retard.


the time "i loose" (figuratively ofc) doing ops hm or nim im not griding UC thru pvp (so i can get the exact piece i want) - so yes this is really not in confrontation with the truth. and besides when i start to try to gear up my rep toons (5.0 started 9 months i have 4 imp toons close to 248), i realize what a drag this is.


the system is not that bad but it isnt all pretty like u so much praise.


seriously i just want to *slap you* when i see u reply gearing up is to easy. no, gearing up was easy in 4.0. now its just retarded for alts.

try to gear up 10 or more toons and u will see how it feels more like a work then the result of playing for fun. i have toons i havent touched since 5.0 started - cause i grinded for 242 - then they introduced 248 etc etc..

Edited by Threjyan
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