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    science, reading, swimming, gym
  1. Thanks for adding to the thread, it's appreciated. This mechanic has been such a big headache over the years.
  2. I am writing to complain about the auto guild swap mechanic. It is in my opinion it's one of the most pointless and infuriating aspects of the game right now. I am co-manager with a guildie and real-life issues mean that both of us from time to time need to take breaks from SWtoR. The issue is that unsubbing turns the guild to a F2P guild and then when someone resubs in guild the ownership swaps to whoever, which we then need to ask for it back. A guild turning to a F2P guild resets the guild ranks and this messes with the permissions on the guild bank. This had happened so many times often with unacceptable consequences, such as a random guildies getting access to the guild bank clearing out tabs of platinum and gold armor and weapon and billions of credits.. I am honestly getting to my wits end at this stupid mechanic and its long past time that it was removed so that people can safely keep hold of what they have worked so hard for. In my opinion guilds should remain with a person regardless of sub status and guilds that move from F2P and subbed and visa versa, should not suffer changes or effects that impact the existing permission parameters of guild property.
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