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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can we go back to 3 pillars and make this game fun???


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GOOD, this is what ive always wanted. Do you want to listen to some young kid rattle on garbage, i certainly dont. Single player mmo with multiplayer aspects when and where i choose. FORSURE.


Im sorry if your life is so devoid of social aspects, but i talk to people everyday, and quite frankly, im sick of them, im here to play, not to socialise with them.


LOL! Then go somewhere else.

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i wouldnt know...i never played wow, but i HAVE played other mmos that are apparently identical to wow, and i got a MUCH more fulfilling experience by just accepting the objective and moving along.



Story should not be something that comes at the cost of gameplay....ESPECIALLY in such a booming and long-lasting industry like mmos. MMOs base their entire success off of gameplay, not story...not ever.

There's a reason why.....you can only tell so much story when people are logging in everyday for many many hours. And unless you can keep up story with that pace of people playing, then you're already doomed to fail.

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i wouldnt know...i never played wow, but i HAVE played other mmos that are apparently identical to wow, and i got a MUCH more fulfilling experience by just accepting the objective and moving along.



Story should not be something that comes at the cost of gameplay....ESPECIALLY in such a booming and long-lasting industry like mmos. MMOs base their entire success off of gameplay, not story...not ever.

There's a reason why.....you can only tell so much story when people are logging in everyday for many many hours. And unless you can keep up story with that pace of people playing, then you're already doomed to fail.


There is only one industry standard MMO, and you haven't played it. What do you know about MMOs? Hell, the only MMO to ever get the MMO experience right, you haven't played, so I ask again.


What do you actually know about how an MMO should play?

Edited by Bakarn
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i wouldnt know...i never played wow, but i HAVE played other mmos that are apparently identical to wow, and i got a MUCH more fulfilling experience by just accepting the objective and moving along.



Story should not be something that comes at the cost of gameplay....ESPECIALLY in such a booming and long-lasting industry like mmos. MMOs base their entire success off of gameplay, not story...not ever.

There's a reason why.....you can only tell so much story when people are logging in everyday for many many hours. And unless you can keep up story with that pace of people playing, then you're already doomed to fail.


The game has been out for 2 weeks and a day (for those with the earliest EGA). Do you think the story ends at 50? What MMOs have you played that never raised the level cap, added content, etc?

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


No they can't.


This simply isn't the type of MMO you are looking for.


Asking them to change it just for a few hard-cores is selfish.

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the game has been out for 2 weeks and a day (for those with the earliest ega). do you think the story ends at 50? What mmos have you played that never raised the level cap, added content, etc?


like like like like like like like like <3

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I can't sell Artifact quality level 49 items for more than it cost to run the missions. I know how to work AH's also heh...And that doesn't even take into account the cost of the 30 greens I had to RE for a blue, and the 70 Blues I had to RE for the Purple.


There's also very little market for that. Right now there are only a few level 50s and many of them are self-sufficient (are more likely to be GTM sellers than GTM buyers). Level 10-30 stuff sells very well. Try again in a month.

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11.784 Side quest storys featuring plots such as:

- "MR XXX betrayed us go punish him"

- "This Planet is dry go steal some water from sand people"

- "Enemys are growing stonger, take out their air support consoles"

- "Lord XXXXX holds the artifact and intends to sell in on the black market"




Whoaaa truly EPIC and amazing story telling! This totally makes up for the Dinosaur age gameplay!

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


The biggest reason that I enjoy this game is the story, and the voice acting is a big part of enjoying the story. The way I hated my inquisitors overseer or really kind of liked the older couple on hUtta were directly influenced by the voice overs. I love hearing my characters voice call the miff ugly or making other snary remarks. I love hearing my companion comment on the environment, or ask me why I do what I do.


The good news for the OP is that since this is a feature unique to this mmo, there are many other mmo games to for the OP to play.....as for me I will play this one and luxuriate in the immersion the voices offer.

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11.784 Side quest storys featuring plots such as:

- "MR XXX betrayed us go punish him"

- "This Planet is dry go steal some water from sand people"

- "Enemys are growing stonger, take out their air support consoles"

- "Lord XXXXX holds the artifact and intends to sell in on the black market"




Whoaaa truly EPIC and amazing story telling! This totally makes up for the Dinosaur age gameplay!


The writing and story plus choice happens all in between that, but yes there will still be some cookie cutter quests whats your point?


Dinosaur age gameplay compared to what?

Edited by mastorofpuppetz
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what is with all this bashing on the voice acting? and about hearing the same dialogue for side quests over and over again...its not like the same side quest text didn't pop up in other mmos....just this time you hear it rather than buzzing through the text.


I like the storyline aspect and how they did it..it has captured me, a traditionally non-mmo player, and has me gripped to stay..because as I play i am introduced to mmo stuff and learn and grasp it so when my story arc ends I still have other stuff to do. it's not changing ppl.


I'm just glad the story wasn't a let down like force unleashed and its false advertisement.


There is large community out there that smiles at the chance to be immersed in star wars with their own story to be forged, even if it isn't as changing as it appears you still feel like you are making your own way. I've sat hard and debated choices on characters even tho I know I'll never see them again.

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


So you think just going to kill some Boars and deliver pies with absolutely no storyline at all is fun? There's like several games like that go play those. Better yet just stop playing games.


As an MMOer and an RPGer the genre needed RPG to actually be present since for years they've called MMOS MMORPG but seriously lacked the fourth pillar that made them an RPG (except for what players made themselves and to be honest sometimes gets old and means your subject to X person's rules).


Boar killing, pie delivery, pokemon collecting game exit stage left please.

Edited by Kindara
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The writing and story plus choice happens all in between that, but yes there will still be some cookie cutter quests whats your point?


Dinosaur age gameplay compared to what?


his point is that the sidequests are are bland and boring and dont need to have such extensive resources wasted just to hear them spoken outloud.


Dinosaur age gameplay compared to the mmo industry's life. Other genres have evolved and successfully implemented new ideas this far into their lifespan, so why can't mmos?


Do i need to report you again for disrupting my thread? I'm sure bioware is on my side after seeing some of the comments you wrote.

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And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?


Codex-10 hours of playtime

Crew Skills-Uhh those should be maxed when you hit 50.


So you are left with learning all recipes and PvbrokenP. Enjoy.


Also I would like to finish my class quest at 50. But that has been broken for 11 days now. Which unlocks all the quests on the level 50 planet. BUT they did put the baby names in the credits with the last patch thank god.


WoW babies lol! I swear you guys could be given a million dollars and a lifetime ticket to Disneyland and you would find something to complain about. Not to mention that you crashed your way to 50 and don't understand why you have nothing to do. I can just hear it now... "Oh for God's sake, Mickey Mouse is so OP, I'm leaving this is BS" :rod_tongue_p:

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his point is that the sidequests are are bland and boring and dont need to have such extensive resources wasted just to hear them spoken outloud.


Dinosaur age gameplay compared to the mmo industry's life. Other genres have evolved and successfully implemented new ideas this far into their lifespan, so why can't mmos?


Do i need to report you again for disrupting my thread? I'm sure bioware is on my side after seeing some of the comments you wrote.


They're Side Quests....since when has a side quest in any RPG ever been epic. You don't even have to do them in order to level and move through the game.

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WoW babies lol! I swear you guys could be given a million dollars and a lifetime ticket to Disneyland and you would find something to complain about. Not to mention that you crashed your way to 50 and don't understand why you have nothing to do. I can just hear it now... "Oh for God's sake, Mickey Mouse is so OP, I'm leaving this is BS" :rod_tongue_p:


since when is a theme park equally compared to an MMO. Also, just putting the most popular disney character into a typical MMO statement doesn't give your point any validity....you just sound desperate because you're reaching for some kind of breakthrough analogy.

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his point is that the sidequests are are bland and boring and dont need to have such extensive resources wasted just to hear them spoken outloud.


Dinosaur age gameplay compared to the mmo industry's life. Other genres have evolved and successfully implemented new ideas this far into their lifespan, so why can't mmos?


Do i need to report you again for disrupting my thread? I'm sure bioware is on my side after seeing some of the comments you wrote.


For me the voice is what gives them meaning..... The quest to collect X items and dip them in Y machine becomes meaningful and interesting because of the characters and their voices.....the cool old couple that needs X the regular Joe employee begging me to betray the couple so his family will be safe......it's the plot and voices that give it meaning.

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They're Side Quests....since when has a side quest in any RPG ever been epic. You don't even have to do them in order to level and move through the game.


Which begs the question, why the hell would you waste resources doing VO for them? That is the whole point.


The Voice Acting for the side quests is more or less a huge waste of money and time that could have been far better spent.


No one is saying remove the story or the decisions, but the VA is just spacebar worthy when it comes to sidequests (yes there are a few exceptions).



For me the voice is what gives them meaning..... The quest to collect X items and dip them in Y machine becomes meaningful and interesting because of the characters and their voices.....the cool old couple that needs X the regular Joe employee begging me to betray the couple so his family will be safe......it's the plot and voices that give it meaning.


If the Voice Acting was not there (still staying with the story and choices) would you miss it a lot, a little or not at all.


You seem to like both aspects (story and VA) just want to be clear though.

Edited by Pyrolight
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Which begs the question, why the hell would you waste resources doing VO for them? That is the whole point.


The Voice Acting for the side quests is more or less a huge waste of money and time that could have been far better spent.


No one is saying remove the story or the decisions, but the VA is just spacebar worthy when it comes to sidequests (yes there are a few exceptions).


Because it would totally disrupt the flow of the game to wander through the world and find NPC's that don't talk? I mean what the hell studyg ames much? When have you ever played a game with voice hacking that has a ton of NPC's that have no voice.


The 4th pillar makes this game if you don't like it Leave.

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Which begs the question, why the hell would you waste resources doing VO for them? That is the whole point.


The Voice Acting for the side quests is more or less a huge waste of money and time that could have been far better spent.


No one is saying remove the story or the decisions, but the VA is just spacebar worthy when it comes to sidequests (yes there are a few exceptions).


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! finally a voice of reason. i cant believe it took 10 pages for someone to get it and understand it. Wow, people need to leave their emotions at the login screen. SHEESH!!!!

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And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?


Codex-10 hours of playtime

Crew Skills-Uhh those should be maxed when you hit 50.


So you are left with learning all recipes and PvbrokenP. Enjoy.


Also I would like to finish my class quest at 50. But that has been broken for 11 days now. Which unlocks all the quests on the level 50 planet. BUT they did put the baby names in the credits with the last patch thank god.


When you make an alt on wow ...do read the same crap over and over again? So spare me the drama and hit the space bar.

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