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  1. This post is clueless I dont even know where to begin. Death is essential to any game, without it the game becomes pointless........ If you fear death a game can be tension filled and intense, without it its careless and boring.
  2. If done right it easily would, your underestimating the hard core gaming fanbase.
  3. That is a BAD thing, gamers today are the biggest loser panzies I have ever seen. Death in WOW and SWTOR are a joke, its meaningless.... Lack of death penalty = less tension while playing. The dumbing down of gaming is in full force. Thank God for Dark Souls.
  4. What's next weeks lotto numbers? Sottu you're wrong.
  5. Agreed, and sad thing is people try and defend this, I mean, I like the game it has one of the most boring static game worlds I have ever seen, and yes it takes me out of the game, immersion is a big part of a games enjoyment. It feels so dated in areas. Also learn comprehension i was not the one who was arguing against Day/night.
  6. except it is...................... And yes its very noticeable and goes a long way towards immersion. it's 2011, up your standards. Amazing how people try and justify never improving, Bioware ha a long ways to go in world building.
  7. OP, why do you think we even care? Cool stroy bro, i guess. Why does everyone think people care what your doing? Life that empty?
  8. Again, this is something bioware are garbage at, ME, Dragon age all boring bland static worlds where NPC's dont move, zero weather, day night....... compare That to The Witcher 2 and it puts anything bioware has done to shame. They SUCk at world building and atmosphere.
  9. PC games never sell well at retail, yet SWTOR broke records, second week always is a steep drop. Not really news.
  10. Age of Conan has Day ngith cycles, no reason a game like this not to have it.
  11. Yeah AOC had potential, looked amazing and best combat in an MMO, too bad they were incompetent at everything else.
  12. There is more RP then any other MMO on the market.................................... If you want to be immersed MMO's are the worst.. Only Sp games offer real RP, dynamic worlds with weather, day/night, NPC's that go about their lives. Bioware in Particular are horrid at this.
  13. LMAo people will leave because there is no speech bubbles? What is this Kindergarten MMO?
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