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Devs, please add the following already completed hood down armors to the game.


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I almost cried when I saw all those amazing concept arts. Because I remembered that from all those beautiful pieces, they decided to make a new one, for the ultimate Jedi outfit. That : http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/9418/looksfail.png


Thanks Bioware, awesome move to give us the ugliest ones. At least guardians get a beautiful armor at level 40. Sents get nothing but hoods and fat butts =) .


(the "butt feature" was already there in the video though :/ I don't think they even care)

Edited by Strayth
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I almost cried when I saw all those amazing concept arts. Because I remembered that from all those beautiful pieces, they decided to make a new one, for the ultimate Jedi outfit. That : http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/9418/looksfail.png


Thanks Bioware, awesome move to give us the ugliest ones. At least guardians get a beautiful armor at level 40. Sents get nothing but hoods and fat butts =) .


(the "butt feature" was already there in the video though :/ I don't think they even care)


OMG, watching this video again.. crazy. And full of lies. Would love to play if all that were true.

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18 pages over a look. seriously? JK and SW lines both have dps issues and you all are worried about how we look? You wanna look real good, go play sims or the barbie doll game.


The issue is that fixing this would take very little dev time.


Which is why its worth it to raise it as an issue, you have a good chance of getting it fixed.


On the other hand, crying about how you're not strong enough or other classes need to get nerfed is pointless, because game balances take a very long time to implement properly, and very few people bring a proper perspective to the table (EVERYONE wants their class to be a little bit stronger).

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The issue is that fixing this would take very little dev time.


Which is why its worth it to raise it as an issue, you have a good chance of getting it fixed.


On the other hand, crying about how you're not strong enough or other classes need to get nerfed is pointless, because game balances take a very long time to implement properly, and very few people bring a proper perspective to the table (EVERYONE wants their class to be a little bit stronger).


Just because a fix may not require a lot of dev time doesn't mean it's easy or 'quick'. There's also test.. which can take quite a while. Not only do you have to test the fix when you build it into the test build, you also have to test each time it RI's up into the production build to make sure you don't hit regressions. This process can take a long time so there's no such thing as quick fixes.


Also, each issue must be prioritized by the devs so they can get the most bang for their buck. Issues like not being able to put your hood up or down.. an aesthetic issue that has no impact on actual gameplay, will get a super low priority and probably will never be changed/fixed.

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The issue is that fixing this would take very little dev time.


Which is why its worth it to raise it as an issue, you have a good chance of getting it fixed.


On the other hand, crying about how you're not strong enough or other classes need to get nerfed is pointless, because game balances take a very long time to implement properly, and very few people bring a proper perspective to the table (EVERYONE wants their class to be a little bit stronger).


Well your assertion that it would take very little dev time was off, because the design team has stated its undoable already.


Yes, everyone wants their class stronger. However, I did not state anything about other classes because I feel their are balanced. The JK line is not, has been stated by the devs it is not and requires some work. It was rushed at the end, as stated by the devs.

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a) you need to stop calling Mr. Reid a liar. He is not. Our complaint wasnt clear. Now, I think, it is.


b) Strayth you need to get over the fact that your "hood down" graphic option on every robe IS a huge art department deal, and it will NOT be done any time soon.


c) Most of us simply want the our heads and faces to be visible wearing our class designed armour (and preferably with hair visible underneath hood, and non-huge butts and **** for males... but again that goes to art/physics. The head stuff does not.)


Thats all there is to it. The fact is that C is easily doable, and everyone knows it. Presumably the bio team is back from vacay and MAYBE someone could take a lunch break and fix this.


The game is FILLED with graphical issues, but for such a huge game, it's not that surprising. But this one is a basic point. However, the JEDI KNIGHT, as shown, advertised, iconic, etc., should NOT have been skimped on. The quest, the story, the companion, the BUGS, the graphics... epic fail.


RPG = you identify with the character you are controlling. You need to see his/her face. You DONT want every minute of play time, every thousand dollar closeup cutscene, spent with 3/4 of the face and animation OBSCURED by a bogus last minute design decision.


Fix it. Soonish.

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this is a simple fix in my eyes. the hood is a separate entity to the robe, sometime you can see the whole thing glitch out of your characters chest.

also when you try-on/equip a helmet that takes up the space there, the hood vanishes completely. meaning it IS separate, and should be easy to make toggle. (if they can do sith corruption then they could do this)

so maybe having that folded down there would be hard, but id be happy to just have the hood vanish like it would i were to hypothetically equip a trooper helmet

Edited by TareshKin
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I like the idea of more heavy Robes with the hood down.


I got so sick of being bald under the hood that I actually walked around for a while with light armor on just so i could remember I had hair

Edited by dargor-
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I like the idea of more heavy Robes with the hood down.


I got so sick of being bald under the hood that I actually walked around for a while with light armor on just so i could remember I had hair


I actually am using a set of light armor right now...that has the hood down. >.>

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Well your assertion that it would take very little dev time was off, because the design team has stated its undoable already.


Yes, everyone wants their class stronger. However, I did not state anything about other classes because I feel their are balanced. The JK line is not, has been stated by the devs it is not and requires some work. It was rushed at the end, as stated by the devs.


The design team has not stated that it is undoable. The hood toggle was difficult to do, that was stated, but there has been no Dev comment on putting the hood down armors that are already finished into the game.

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18 pages over a look. seriously? JK and SW lines both have dps issues and you all are worried about how we look? You wanna look real good, go play sims or the barbie doll game.


A look is very important to MMO's, and to many MMO players, as an 18 page thread would suggest. And I would suggest that being permanently bald with a hood on no matter what you wanted your character to look like is a bit bigger deal than you are making it out to be.


If looks were only important to Sims games, why not just have all of us look like Gumby? Why bother making gear at all, just give us better stats after each level. Coming from games like City of Heroes and Champions Online, I know that looks are indeed a big part of an MMO, and in a game with very few customization options as it is, seeing your face and hair should is the least they can do.


You shouldn't have to have a hood that makes you look bald to wear your classes' gear, not when all that gear is already finished with the hood down.

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I don't see what the big deal is. I wish my Shadow had a hood but she doesn't. I can't find any hooded gear for her, but she is only level 24 so I am sure I just haven't progressed enough to get one yet.

My knight however does have a hood (at level 17) and I love that about him. Real Jedi should have their hoods up. It looks noble and stoic. Like a Jedi should be.

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I can understand a hood toggle being hard to do if it meant having to make alternate skins for all the robes, however how hard can it be for them to add moddable chest pieces they showed in the trailers that all have the hood down? Or as others have pointed out, the gear they show in the character creation screen! We all know its there and exists, so where is it? I would love to hear a valid reason why they didn't include those chest pieces as at least end-game items.


I blieve most of us understand if its too much to do what is needed for a hood toggle, but it is simply ridiculous and frankly unacceptable that there is clear proof of existing armor with the hood down that wasn't included as a usable item in the game.

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Some of us figured some of that armor we saw in trailers would be high level and ultimately stuff we had to wait until end-game or close to it to get, but as it stands now its not even in the game at all which is beyond frustrating. I believe if all of us had known there was no hood down robes or option to put the hood down, we would have never spent the time to play with the character customization screen to find a look we wanted. We would have either gone with whatever defaulted or hit the random button a couple of times.


Ultimately, I think most of us are just in utter disbelief at an oversight this obvious.

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I don't see what the big deal is. I wish my Shadow had a hood but she doesn't. I can't find any hooded gear for her, but she is only level 24 so I am sure I just haven't progressed enough to get one yet.

My knight however does have a hood (at level 17) and I love that about him. Real Jedi should have their hoods up. It looks noble and stoic. Like a Jedi should be.[/quote



Except that "real Jedi" don't wear their hoods up, if you count nearly every Jedi shown in any Star Wars movie or television show, in fact, the only Jedi ever seen ever, as real Jedi.


You know who does wear his hood up throughout the movies, almost alone except for a couple brief shots of Obi Wan and Luke with their hoods up? Darth Sidious.


I'm happy you have options in the game that you like. People playing knights that don't want to see their characters bald and hooded don't. At least not without having to wear goggles or put on trooper armor. That's why this is a big deal. Because people want to be as satisfied with their choices as you are. But right now those choices aren't in the game, even though BW sure suggested they would be for three years, and they are all here on this web site.

Edited by JohnRoy
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I don't see what the big deal is. I wish my Shadow had a hood but she doesn't. I can't find any hooded gear for her, but she is only level 24 so I am sure I just haven't progressed enough to get one yet.

My knight however does have a hood (at level 17) and I love that about him. Real Jedi should have their hoods up. It looks noble and stoic. Like a Jedi should be.[/quote



Except that "real Jedi" don't wear their hoods up, if you count nearly every Jedi shown in any Star Wars movie or television show, in fact, the only Jedi ever seen ever, as real Jedi.


You know who does wear his hood up throughout the movies, almost alone except for a couple brief shots of Obi Wan and Luke with their hoods up? Darth Sidious.


And the only times Anakin wore his, was... when he became a sith.

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There is already a hood toggle in the game. Some head pieces force the hood to disappear - there's a moddable one on Alderaan which you can purchase for commendations which does this (even if it does look a little odd).


If helms can toggle the hood off, I don't see why it's so hard to do with a command or preference.

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Adding my vote here.


We need a fix for this and fast.


I am considering to stop playing my Jedi Knight till they fix this, freaking hoods are a pain in the a..


Well, Stephen Reid said he would ask the Devs about this, so, hopefully, now that they have been back to work, we will hear some information soon about when we might see the completed hood down armors finally put into the game.


The next major patch sounds like a great opportunity to me.

Edited by JohnRoy
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