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10 Good
  1. Do you guys remember the medium armor you get from tython for 8 commendations? Thatone can be crafted with 3 slots, one of my guildmates found it. The name is aspiring knight's vest. Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/screenshot2012011722570.jpg/ You can use it at any level you like, depending on the modules you insert. Hope this helps anyone looking for hoodless armors.
  2. Hoods are ruining the gaming experience. They must be removed. Either way is goood for me. I spent almost 2 hours on the character generator. Please do not undo what has been done.
  3. Kira Carsen has +1 Treasure Hunting Critical instead of +1 Research. Since every page on the internet tells the same, its either a different Kira I have, or they changed it on release day. Thanks for the good overview!
  4. Auf Darth Andeddu hab ich von den c.a. 30 Spielen auf Seiten der Republik vielleicht gerade mal 3 gewonnen. Wenn ich mir die Rep/Imp Liste anschaue liegt der Imp Level Schnitt immer mindestens 5 bis 10 Level höher. Hinzu kommt, dass die meisten Reps noch nie was von Ball passen gehört haben. Und ziellos vereinzelt über die Karte rennen, während der mächtige 10 Mann Imp Blob alle Einzelgänger nach und nach wie ein Fleischwolf auseinander nimmt. Noch nichtmal die Tagesquest ist so zu schaffen. Ich sags euch.. es mach echt KEINEN Spass mehr.
  5. From the estimated 30 pvp games I played so far, i have seen victory in 3(!!!) games on the light side. Either I have to fight level 25s with my level 15, or my people just run around aimlessly, so here are my questions: Is this only happening to us on the light side? Is this only happening to me because I don't go out in a well organized guild group? How cant it be, that the enemy side always has the higher level guys? Im not a noob, I know how to properly affect the enemy on the battlefield, yet dark side always wins. Joining a Warzone is pretty much a guaranteed lose right now. What The F***?!
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