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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP On Iokath


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Welcome to our world. We are forced to do ops if we dont want to spend half our lifetime gearing up now.



Sorry, don't agree with that!


I'm CR 300 and have good gear now without doing Op's, I only run mm fp's with my guildies and do mm runs Chapter 2 Kotfe. I only need a week to reach that when I decided to focus on my Main to get her to 300.

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Is it the killing blow getting the loot or will the entire raid team get to dice for the poor sap's treasure.....?


I can't wait to spray acid everywhere for my faction. Everyone's gonna be eating my DoTs from now on.

"You can run, but you'll only die tired!"


Seriously, I think this should go to the PTS to iron out any bugs first.... BW have a history of implementing new stuff and taking several patches to get it right before abandoning it with something old buffed up and called new shiny thing....

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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If you think WZ balance applies to Open World PvP balance then you're gonna have a bad time.


Yup. Open world favors range classes even more than melee, since you can always make use of your range. Stealth is better aswell, however since both classes stand no chance against merc/sniper even when facetanking right now, their element of surprise is useless anyway.

Any open world cotent will be highly dominated by sniper, mercs, sorchealers.

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And you guys don't forsee any problems where people that get camped on just change their faction and follow the player they couldn't beat; creating a steamroll effect that eventually ends up in the server being one-sided on faction choice?


You make it way too easy to change sides as of right now.

Honestly.. the best way would probably be to not allow it to be changed at all with maybe a VERY significant time limit of multiple weeks. If even.



What could possibly go wrong?! :rolleyes:

Edited by Evolixe
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  • I am 100% certain some people will try and respawn before you can loot their corpse, is there a short delay so you have time to loot but not enough time to drive them crazy waiting for you to loot?


If this is still under development, might I suggest the following to the devs: In order to avoid the need to balance the the respawn delay to be sufficient for looting, yet not too long for the dead player, make it so that the currency is auto gained per kill, instead of having to be looted like PVE mobs are. Let this currency work just like xp and cxp does.


And another question to the list: If groups are possible, does the currency get divided between group members who kill a player, does each player get 100% gain, or do they roll for it?

[Ex: each kill grants 8 "Iokath tokens", and a group of 4 players kill another player:

A. Each group member gets 8 tokens.

B. Each group member gets 2 tokens.

C. There is a roll and the winner gets 8 tokens.

Circle the correct answer, Eric ;)]

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And you guys don't forsee any problems where people that get camped on just change their faction and follow the player they couldn't beat; creating a steamroll effect that eventually ends up in the server being one-sided on faction choice?


You make it way too easy to change sides as of right now.

Honestly.. the best way would probably be to not allow it to be changed at all with maybe a VERY significant time limit of multiple weeks. If even.



What could possibly go wrong?! :rolleyes:


The problem you mention exist, but your solution, however, is a problem too, as it would make most players who come after a certain amount of time choose the winning side and stick there, while the only players stuck on the losing side will be those who took the wrong bet when it was too early to see which side is winning (and the few who have no idea whats going on on the server). A solution, however, really better be found before release...


At least don't make the Yavin mistake and make the medcenters a sanctuary (cause I don't know if they can make it so different factions will spawn in different medcenters, and if they can create invincible base guards who are hostile/friendly according to the new factions. Both abilities are necessary if they want defensivebases instead of sanctuaries.

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Hey folks,


With the launch of 5.2 “The War for Iokath” we wanted to be sure to encourage PvP wherever possible. It is a part of the design of the Missions on Iokath that players will be running into each other fairly often. This afforded us the opportunity to make PvP more of a focus beyond just a place for open world PvP to occur. Here are some of the things that set Iokath apart as it relates to PvP:

  • In open world PvP, enemies and allies will be determined by the Faction you choose to fight for, not the faction your Class is a part of.
    • Ex: If you are Trooper who chose to fight for the Republic, you will be flagged as an enemy against a Jedi Knight who is fighting for the Empire.
    • Choosing which Faction to side with has no effect on your character outside of Iokath.

    [*]You will be able to loot Iokath specific currency from other players that you kill. You will not actually be stealing that currency from them, but it will “drop” from them similar to how it works for NPCs.

    [*]On Iokath you can spend that currency to do special things such as piloting a walker. You will be able to pilot the walker in the same area as other players and use said walker for murderous intent against enemy players.


As you can see there are some specific additions that we are making in 5.2 to really encourage open world PvP play. Let us know if you have any questions about these changes.




Why are you disrespecting two main factions? Star wars was always sith vs jedi, republic vs empire! So why jedi must kill each other whilst fighting for no-name factions? It makes no sense, and what is more important - makes players look as they are all traitors...

Secondly, are you sure that rewards will make lokath attractive and useful for players during long periods of time? Why do i fear that lokath pvp zone will be empty and no one will come here after 1-2 months since opening... Like it happened with all previouse daily zones. There must be really good rewards and incentives if we want people to participate in pvp on lokath. Something players can' t get for doing pve: unique rewards, many unassembled components etc.

Edited by omaan
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Why are you disrespecting two main factions? Star wars was always sith vs jedi, republic vs empire! So why jedi must kill each other whilst fighting for no-name factions? It makes no sense, and what is more important - makes players look as they are all traitors...

Secondly, are you sure that rewards will make lokath attractive and useful for players during long periods of time? Why do i fear that lokath pvp zone will be empty and no one will come here after 1-2 months since opening... Like it happened with all previouse daily zones. There must be really good rewards and incentives if we want people to participate in pvp on lokath. Something players can' t get for doing pve: unique rewards, many unassembled components etc.

First people can change sides and join opposite factions, its part of star wars, it has been happening long before swtor game. Changing alignment was happening too, but it does not necessary follow the faction. Both part of star wars so Eric did not do anything that was not already part of Star Wars long before this game existed. Players are given choice to chose which side to fight for, if you don't want to side change, you don't have too. Some characters will, like Elara Dorne, Juno Eclipse, Revan? Sometimes faction betrays its members, and lose them as result (Ventress).

Second, I really hope they learned from Tatooine and Illum, to not repeat same mistake with Iokath.

Edited by BoySaber
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Hey folks,


With the launch of 5.2 “The War for Iokath” we wanted to be sure to encourage PvP wherever possible. It is a part of the design of the Missions on Iokath that players will be running into each other fairly often. This afforded us the opportunity to make PvP more of a focus beyond just a place for open world PvP to occur. Here are some of the things that set Iokath apart as it relates to PvP:

  • In open world PvP, enemies and allies will be determined by the Faction you choose to fight for, not the faction your Class is a part of.
    • Ex: If you are Trooper who chose to fight for the Republic, you will be flagged as an enemy against a Jedi Knight who is fighting for the Empire.
    • Choosing which Faction to side with has no effect on your character outside of Iokath.

    [*]You will be able to loot Iokath specific currency from other players that you kill. You will not actually be stealing that currency from them, but it will “drop” from them similar to how it works for NPCs.

    [*]On Iokath you can spend that currency to do special things such as piloting a walker. You will be able to pilot the walker in the same area as other players and use said walker for murderous intent against enemy players.


As you can see there are some specific additions that we are making in 5.2 to really encourage open world PvP play. Let us know if you have any questions about these changes.



Are we gonna get Unassembled Components when we kill oppenents (players) or when we are completing pvp missions? (talking about Iokath PvP Area)

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Is Iokath going to be bolstered? If not, I can't imagine that this will be very entertaining. Just fresh 70s getting farmed by geared 70s. It's easy to catch up now, but the EXP bonus will be gone once Iokath launches and then world PVP will be about the haves vs. the have-nots because not everyone has hundreds of spare hours to grind up an alt to tier 4.
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I actually liked them too! They seemed pretty widely hated though.


Movement was clunky to put it mildly, abilities were anything but devastating. Like, for the short time you're sitting in that walker, you expect to be the ****** guy roflstomping the poor meatbags. And you almost get blown up by them.


Oh, and walker abilities defaulted to the main quickbar, which I have partly hidden on my UI, so I had to change my UI layout to a default one to actually be able to complete walker stuff.

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If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game! Never thought that day would come but as a pve player who only wants to enjoy the story and finally get her hubby back, this will be a NO GO for me!


I do like PVP, and my mains are stealthers and (current) FOTM classes, but I agree here. Not going as far as quitting, but ignoring Iokath. There are times when I play story and there are times when I PVP. They don't mesh very well.


Still, we do have PVP instances now, and it works fine for the Gree event. I'm fine with having to do some (optional) PVP dailies in the PVP instance, knowing I may have to deal with some guys camping at the objectives. But the actual story, or all the dailies? Without opt-out? No thanks. And seeing the population on the former PVP servers, after the PVPers left for servers with better queue times, I'm not alone here.

Edited by Mubrak
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Why are you disrespecting two main factions? Star wars was always sith vs jedi, republic vs empire! So why jedi must kill each other whilst fighting for no-name factions? It makes no sense, and what is more important - makes players look as they are all traitors...
Did you ever actually see Star Wars? :confused:


Episodes 1-3 are ALL about a Jedi going Sith. Episodes 4-6 are ALL about a Sith becoming a Jedi again...Episode 7 even has a Jedi who went Sith. Jedi going from good to bad or bad to good is like exactly what Star Wars is about.

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If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game! Never thought that day would come but as a pve player who only wants to enjoy the story and finally get her hubby back, this will be a NO GO for me!

Please Eric make it totally clear what kind of impact your PvP Visions for Ioktah have to all the PvE Players! For me, I can say, I would not survive a single minute on Iokath! Please Eric, don't break my heart!

If I'm not able to get my hubby back bc of those PvP actions I would hate you so much ...and I don't want to hate you at all. But this would be a Gamebreaker for me and, like I did in WoW, I would draw consequences!



Well if they are doing this, the pvp players are going to complain, again, as people stop going to the planet, that they can't find anyone to kill.

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Just leveled from a new main (sorc) 0-70 and did all the class missions in PvP areas and never saw a single enemy.


I am highly skeptical about this, especially if they don't fix class balance it will be a waste to have coded this, after two days no one will go there.


I also think the faction cross over is just a lame bandaid on the faction issue.

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If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game!
Why on earth do you think that's even a possibility? What have they ever done in the past that forced you to PvP to enjoy some new content? Is there ANY other PvP only area that you're forced to go into to complete daily reputation missions? No...there is not. Why would you think Iokath would be the first? If you don't want to PvP, stay in the PvE instance. It's common sense.
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Why on earth do you think that's even a possibility? What have they ever done in the past that forced you to PvP to enjoy some new content? Is there ANY other PvP only area that you're forced to go into to complete daily reputation missions? No...there is not. Why would you think Iokath would be the first? If you don't want to PvP, stay in the PvE instance. It's common sense.




Did you really go there?


Dark and light event you had to do pvp to get the achievements in order to progress to the next level to get to the companions.


Companion-You have to pvp in order to receive one of the companions (depending on whether you are republic and dark).


So while they haven't made a planet that way yet, and then with the changes to the gearing system, do you wonder why people are asking, when Eric hasn't answer questions regarding the separate instances as of yet.

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Did you really go there?


Dark and light event you had to do pvp to get the achievements in order to progress to the next level to get to the companions.


Companion-You have to pvp in order to receive one of the companions (depending on whether you are republic and dark).


So while they haven't made a planet that way yet, and then with the changes to the gearing system, do you wonder why people are asking, when Eric hasn't answer questions regarding the separate instances as of yet.


Companions that are not longer tied to the main story at this point are basically vanity items. PVP has never been required to progress the main story.

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Companions that are not longer tied to the main story at this point are basically vanity items. PVP has never been required to progress the main story.

EXACTLY right!!!


You've NEVER been forced Casie...EVER. Vanity items are not required and I have no issue at all with them being locked behind PvP. Things some players "want" are used as carrots to entice you to try other aspects of the game, and that's more than fine with me. You've never been forced to PvP.

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