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Stop the Smack-Talking


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I am horrified by the harassment texts in the ops channel by my own team players.


Comments like "you all suck" and "you better leave because you are too low level" are unacceptable. It's bad enough I can't have any communication with opposing faction FRIENDS because of jerks like this, but now it's making pvp within my own faction completely undesirable.


The system is the way the system is. Deal with it and shut up or stop playing it. It is not OK to take your anger out for the pvp system on the other players.


I know some people who have egos too big for their brains seem to think that because it's the internet and an anonymous game, they can get away with it. Well you cannot. You WILL get ignored by other players, you WILL get yourself boycotted from pick up groups and by healers who don't like being talked to abusively, and in really bad cases, some players will indeed report you for inappropriate behavior to the customer service teams and you could face game warning and bans.


We've already had nasty and unfair consequences because of the smack talkers in beta. I blame these smack talkers for the fact that I can't talk cross-faction with my friends in the game. Now you're ruining the pvp experience for other players. Pretty soon, people won't be able to talk to each other in the ops channel, or you'll find yourself asking for heals but no one hears you because they ignored you for your smack talking. Keep in mind BioWare has already made it clear that this sort of thing is unacceptable to them. So stop it, just stop it.

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Agree with above. While we do have some really great community members and some very helpful people in-game, we also got some of the worst of the worst from that other MMO. The best community I have seen in any MMO is in LOTRO, far and away the most mature playerbase I have seen (until it went free to play, then slid away a bit). Hoping this clears up after the free 30 days is up and people have to start paying a monthly sub. There will always be idiots, just hoping the numbers lower.
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When I get in the top three placement for the match, with a golden trifecta of damage, killing, AND objectives, and call you out as a bunch of noobs for not passing the ball and just running around and dying, I'm probably right.


The guy on the bottom of the list for dmg, killing and objectives should probably be ignored however.

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When you get to the top, good for you. You don't need to gloat however, why not be constructive and tell people what they are doing wrong/right and how to improve instead of calling them noobs. If you can't handle that or don't feel like it, then just stay quiet. Calling people noobs doesn't do anything but piss people off and create threads like this. Logic and respect for the win.
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Try not to get to bent out of shape, when the next Call of Duality game comes out you'll get a nice break from those people. Besides, what they fail to realize, the trash talkers, they are not playing with realm vs realm people, its people of the same server, I've kicked and gotten people kicked from groups/flashpoints/quests groups mainly on the basis that they put other people down in the Warzones or leave when things go sour (Yet we win in the end).


People will support you if your trying to create a supportive community, that's actually something allot of us are trying to do here on the PVP forums. Battling the Negativity and Non-Constructive Feedback.

Edited by taoyinyang
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I am horrified by the harassment texts in the ops channel by my own team players.


Comments like "you all suck" and "you better leave because you are too low level" are unacceptable.


Just like being really terrible at the game is unacceptable. If people have to deal with meatbags who aren't worth the slot in the 8 man wz because we can't queue with a full 8, you have to deal with vitriol, or get better. Pick one. Alternatively convince BW to allow full premades.

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seriously? How hard are video games? The objectives are thoroughly explained before each match. Unless the team im on is all level 20s and there are premade lvl 50 groups on the other side, I'm forced to comment on poor play.


If that offends people, too bad. Do Better.

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Obviously the idiots were successful in being idiots if they got to you, either call them ******* and shrug them off or be sad at the fact that humanity is warped into a pile of crap when on the internet. It's just how MMOs are - filled with kids trolling because they're protected by a screen - and there's NOTHING you can ever do about it. It's societies problem, not this game's...
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If you get someone to smack talk you automatically wins.

Smack talk = little person with tiny ego trying to look big and bad online.


In AoC you could whisper each other. Always made my day when some scrub felt the need to tell me what a *bad word* I was and what he would do to me IRL if he could find where I lived. I'd giggle and report his *other word for donkey*. I win.

Edited by Senefera
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Obviously the idiots were successful in being idiots if they got to you, either call them ******* and shrug them off or be sad at the fact that humanity is warped into a pile of crap when on the internet. It's just how MMOs are - filled with kids trolling because they're protected by a screen - and there's NOTHING you can ever do about it. It's societies problem, not this game's...


Very very true, and it takes people who are willing to say "Stop" and "No More" to ignore that negativity and ignorance and see it for what it really is, someone who needs help but does not know how to ask for it.

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If things like "you all suck!" are serious bannable offenses, then perhaps all of the internet users should be banned from being online.


If you don't like the guy, then just put him on ignore. We're restricted to servers, so if he's acting up over and over again, he'll find himself groveling just to get into groups when he's 50.

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I don't know about Imp side, but Pub side the majority of players in WZ matches are pretty much garbage. WZs are difficult to stomach at this point simply due to the sub-par peeps I get teamed up with when I enter one. These days it's premade or nothing for my toon, if he hits a WZ at all. Someone needs to call these fools out. I personally don't do it, but it's good that someone does.
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I don't know about Imp side, but Pub side the majority of players in WZ matches are pretty much garbage. WZs are difficult to stomach at this point simply due to the sub-par peeps I get teamed up with when I enter one. These days it's premade or nothing for my toon, if he hits a WZ at all. Someone needs to call these fools out. I personally don't do it, but it's good that someone does.


When I enter, it may take a round or two for people to get warmed up, but thanks to the Re-Que system from 5PM to 7PM EST we start winning.

-Explaining The Warzone

-Giving Grats to people for defending and for Calling out

-Giving Thanks to people who Cap nodes and Ninja Cap in the heat of battle


That stuff feels good to the person behind the keyboard, Its a more rewarding feeling then any digital 101001 loot they can pick up.


Because of how I was raised I learned when dealing with team or multiple-person scenarios

Team Morale is everything.

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I find that the guys that most often yell "You guys suck" are usually pretty mediocre players themselves that are nerd raging over being killed in a match and they want to try to pin their own crappy play on everyone else.


Sure there are a lot of noobs in WFs who don't know how to pass or actually complete objectives, but raging over it in general or the OPs channel rarely changes anything. If anything it only annoys me more when some idiot makes the generalized statement that "You all suck" and I'm totally stomping the a-hole in damage, kills, medals and objectives.


Accept the fact that you will be grouped with players of all levels and skill levels. Accept that you will win some matches and you will lose some matches miserably. Raging over losses does nothing but make you look like a tool.

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It goes beyond pvp...I got called an "f'n cun...." (I think you can complete the female body part word) because my companion tapped a heroic mob on accident. Who would say that to someone in real life?? I know if someone told that to me in real life they would have a broken face.


As for the pvp, there are bound to be less experienced players, or more casual pvp'ers. That is fine...the problem is a-holes would rather ridicule them and call them bad players and all, then actually try and help.


First thing I do when going into huttball is ask if everyone knows how to pass...if not, I explain to them how to pass. It goes a long way to help someone instead of being a d-head...unfortunately most gamers seem to have some sort of superiority complex and it must make them feel better to belittle other gamers that are not as extra special as they are...

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Complaining about taunting only fuels the fire.


You aren't playing with mature adults attuned to the real life ramifications of poor behavior. The internet destroys interpersonal skills of even well balanced adults. I suggest ignoring it because it will never change.

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I know if someone told that to me in real life they would have a broken face.


E-Thug. If someone told me that in real life I'd laugh because words only have the power you give them, I learned that in grade school. Less rage bro.

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Oddly enough, this is always a two sided sword, the ones who are vulgar and name callers often times if not the vast majority of the time preform the least, and offer very little to the team, while the newer ones actually attempt to make an effort.


But there are those out of spite who will do nothing on both spectrums, but always remember this:


Proven Fact: Those who are busy calling others noobs, worthless and other expressions are they themselves damaging their own personal and own team's effort of winning that match by being too busy with their typing skills and essentually QQing more then PEWPEWing.


Fast simple easy to understand directions are more successful then insults followed by a command then spammed degrating remarks.


Nerds and Geeks believe we have to prove we are not Nerds and Geeks, by nerding and geeking out on a video game and calling others nerds and geeks.

Edited by RangKer
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