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Everything posted by Killadrix

  1. Killadrix

    Purely amazing.

    Yep, unsubbed a week ago. It runs out on hte 21st. Unfortunately they got 1 month out of me : (
  2. S Sadly W Warcraft T Trumps O Old R Republic
  3. I'm quitting. And yes, you could have my stuff. If I had any. There weren't any in the 30 bags I opened.
  4. Yeah, this is one of the many reasons I have cancelled my sub and have gone back to WoW.
  5. The expertise stat did not destroy anything about this game.
  6. I like how people claim that "PVP stats are developer's admitance of failure to balance gear progression in all aspects of the game." PVP stats are an effective solution to a problem. Just because you don't like the solution doesn't mean it isn't effective.
  7. Do you know what the word "fallacy" means?
  8. I like how the 3 largest, most popular MMO's currently running all use a gear treadmill/PVP stat system and people try to claim that "multiplayer games everywhere" want to be skill based, not gear based.
  9. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... *falls out of chair* AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.... *gasps for air* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... *wipes tears from eyes* Good one!
  10. For just one second, think like a developer who, in his best interest, needs to keep people playing this game to keep their job and afford their livelihood: 1) This game is not developed to be "fair" 2) This game is no developed to be "skill oriented" This game is designed to keep people playing it, so how do they do it? 1) Ask players to grind multiple sets of gear. About this they know two things: a) people will complain about it, but b) people will do it. 2) Reward players for investing time into the game. Offering small incremental upgrades for investing tens or hundreds of hours makes people think "why bother?". Offering larger, more significant upgrades gives people much more incentive to grind them out - and remain subbed. What most people who don't think beyond their own keyboard miss is this: their are one million plus people playing this game, and among them there are probably thousands of different playstyles - BW (or any other developer) needs to ask themselves: how do appeal to the greatest amount of people to keep them subbed. After playing MMO's for going on 12 years now (and of course this is opinion), I believe an extremely, extremely small number of players would attempt to resort to the "lower PVP time sink by shifting it to a skill based not gear based system" if they were sitting in the developers chair.
  11. Clearly he was trying to make a case for PVP being skill oriented. Good work replying to a point he wasn't even trying to make. /highfive
  12. Quote where Blizzard said it was a mistake?
  13. Actually, they never said they were wrong to introduce resilience. The OP is correct on his point, but there are more reasons than he gave for resilence being necessary. Anyone who thinks it is not necessary isn't looking at the issue from a design standpoint, they are only looking at it from the "I get owned in PVP and think I am a PVP God, therefore there must be a reason and that reason must be resilience".
  14. Yeah, the OP has some great ideas, huh?
  15. The point I am trying to make, my thick headed friend, is that incentivizing people to play as individuals in a team game is a very poor mechanic and leads to people gaming the system to inflate their "score" as seen with the current SWTOR medal system. I'm sorry you failed to make the simple connection on your own, I will try to dumb my posts down for you.
  16. Oh hey, lookie there. Sounds just like the current system. Don't mind me though, I'll just be standing over here in the green goo spamming heals on myself for extra medals. Any other retarded posts you wanna make?
  17. If the current SWTOR medal system hasn't taught you that attempting to rank individuals on specific triggers in a Warzone isn't a bad idea you are either not paying attention, or not playing the game.
  18. So there I was, surrounded by an immense force, mashing my keys in the heat of battle - and my abilites were responding with lighting reflex. One heal after another I bombed onto my allies as we clashed with the enemy; the crippling lag and delay which normally plague my effectiveness are nothing but a distant memory. Tonight we stood toe to toe against an equal numbered force and with seemingly unprecedented fluid combat we fought for - and earned - our win. For a few glorious moments it seemed as though class balance issues had waned and the egregious CC system had loosened its white-knuckled stranglehold on my throat. I found myself a stranger in a strange land. "How did I get here?", I asked aloud to no one in particular. And it was then that it came to me: I logged into WoW by accident : ( Now before the BW fanboi's (and people who just don't know any better) get on my case, I have to ask why did they choose inferior mechanics when Blizzard did their homework for them?
  19. Having no expertise will cause far more problems than having it.
  20. I guess it's a good thing thats not what the PVP stat is there for.
  21. Would you consider "doing it wrong" somewhere along the lines of asking someone who has clearly stated they were pre-50 to use level 50 abilities to "do it right"?
  22. Yeah, if we conveniently forget that this leads to massive stat inflation which can break the game. I'm glad you aren't a developer.
  23. Yeah, I mean all of the balance issues which can stem from severe population imbalances with the potential to cripple the game are certainly not worth BW putting any forethought into.
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