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Everything posted by Luroc

  1. It goes beyond pvp...I got called an "f'n cun...." (I think you can complete the female body part word) because my companion tapped a heroic mob on accident. Who would say that to someone in real life?? I know if someone told that to me in real life they would have a broken face. As for the pvp, there are bound to be less experienced players, or more casual pvp'ers. That is fine...the problem is a-holes would rather ridicule them and call them bad players and all, then actually try and help. First thing I do when going into huttball is ask if everyone knows how to pass...if not, I explain to them how to pass. It goes a long way to help someone instead of being a d-head...unfortunately most gamers seem to have some sort of superiority complex and it must make them feel better to belittle other gamers that are not as extra special as they are...
  2. 1. Camera panning option that doesn't snap back to center when you let off mouse button. 2. UI scaling, moving, true paged main bar (not one that replicates your 2nd hotbar and side bars) 3. Basic macros (for emotes, talking to specific channel) 4. Combat log 5. Tebowing emote ( /tebow )
  3. Does Gronking exist in the dictionary, or have its own website? I don't think so!! Tebowing does! /tebow /tebow /tebow
  4. /kneel doesn't quite cut it, need the /tebow!
  5. Cannot believe the devs didn't get this right...there is no emote for "Tebowing". With Huttball, this is paramount to the games success. I need to /tebow when I rush for a score or steamroll some defenders as I run with the ball! /tebow /tebow /tebow /tebow
  6. Agree on avoiding the forums. Most of the complainers are going to find something to ***** about regardless of how good the game is. Nothing will ever be good enough, and there will always be something wrong...feel sorry those people that can't just enjoy the game for what it is. Sure some things can be done better, or fixed, or whatever...but I ain't gonna lose any sleep over it and get all irritated. I play games to have fun, if I'm not having fun and find myself ************ and complaining, I stop playing.
  7. Yes, just a simple hardware transplant from one case to the other. Label any wires/connectors/power cables if it helps, but it is all pretty straight forward. The only thing different might be the power/reset/hdd led/etc connectors on the new case that connect to the mainboard, but they are all labeled as to where they go.
  8. The amount of QQ over this is mind boggling...
  9. You could be like me, and pre-ordered months ago. But did not know you had to enter your key into your SWtor account profile until...last Friday...sigh.
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