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Everything posted by RebelWeasel

  1. I watched the subject of chat bubbles come up in the live stream of the Guild Summit Meeting. The devs were truly embarrassed and apologetic. They admitted that the chat bubbles were causing huge bugs in the game, and that they are having a hard time trying to find ways to fix the bugs. It's not matter of priority in this instance, I think hey just bollixed up their coding pretty bad and are in over their heads on it. Seriously, if you watched the video, all the visual cues of shame and embarrassment are there. They put their hands on the back of their necks, they looked sheepish, one person slightly blushed, they traded glances, the shuffled feet, etc etc. Sometimes, I get the impression these guys really did try to bite more than they could chew in making SWTOR. Do I think they just wasted a huge amount of time on "balancing" classes when they should have done something else? Yeah, I agree with that. The combat in the game is not the focus of the game, they repeatedly said this game was a content story-based game, therefore the "imbalance" in PvP should have been put on a back-burner, not be their main priority. I agree with the main point, they are shafting social and RP players with their attention, and they directly lied to us telling us it would be a social game, then ignored social and casual players in favor or the power-gamers (loyalty, anyone?) but in the case of the chat bubbles, that's not quite the issue here.
  2. It's been explained at the Guild Summit that the same-gender companion romance content was not finished in time to make it to the game launch and that it will become available in the future. It's my opinion they didn't intend to insult people, it's just another section of the game they simply could not finish and have bug-free fast enough for the launch of the game. I thought about it and realized they can't really put it in only in pieces, like just one class at a time or just half of the romance at a time because people would be even more angry and frustrated about it being incomplete rather than missing entirely. So, I'm sad that it's not here for the people who desire it, and having it later sort of invalidates a lot of stuff you already RP'd or played through if you have to start relationships all over again at level 50 or something, but at least I feel comforted knowing it's coming. People who are unhappy with the game have some fair logic in grumbling about content/features which were promised but are not available. This has become the rule rather than the exception for every MMO I've been involved with. And for the record, as an Ethics philosopher, just because "all the other guys are doing it" that doesn't mean it's OK.
  3. OP, your post comes across as if it's nothing more than a selfish rant based on what you want specifically. I feel your pain, and understand the anger, but spewing it like cosmic space monkey poo at random passersby in a forum isn't really helping your case Let's try to paraphrase what you're trying to get across: I feel the Legacy System relationships are too limited. There are only 5 options, and many of them are too strict in definition to be suitable for the many many other types of relationships I could have. I'd like to see an ability to custom-name the types of relationships my character has within those 5 options. For instance, re-name a 'spouse' option to be 'mistress' or rename an 'ally' option to be 'student'. If we had this ability, it woudl help us to have a much broader scope of relationships in our Role Play. In addition I will add my own comment about the Legacy system: I am having a hard time connecting my characters together, because it seems like it limits how many of each type of relationship I can have? For instance, I have a main character with 2 siblings. I wanted to add some allies and enemies to that main character, but those slots are now grayed out and I'm only allowed to add a child or an adopted child. I can't even add a spouse now that I have two siblings. I'm concerned that the system actually is telling me I can only be related to three other characters at a time. this doesn't make a lot of sense to me, there's tons of people out there in the real world with more than 2 siblings, so I would like to see if they can expand the actual relationship mechanics to allow more connections to a single character without the limitations and graying out on how many I'm "allowed".
  4. I am not, and didn't think I ever said anything to give the impression that I was one of those people. I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. I have 1 main character who is level 33. I have a heavy personal schedule, and consider myself to be a casual social player. Insofar as RP goes, I count myself a "medium" rper. I do not generally RP in character while questing in the game, but I do stop to RP for random encounters met in the field. I also am an event RPer, outside of the usual Cantina lounging, I like to participate in known events when my schedule permits me to attend. I am actively RPing as I level, and since my highest level is 33 I don't think anyone could doubt that I have spent more time in social engagements in game than in leveling up. This is exactly what I was trying to say in my example of why I RP a sound engineer. I certainly don't ignore all background aspects of the story and game. I RP the major stories of the planets which affect all players, while ignoring the 'heroic' elements. Anyone could have helped limit the rakghoul population but really, I doubt Skavik stole hundreds of other Smuggler ships. When I play the game OOC, I'm the hero of the game. When I RP with other people, I take out that 'special snowflake' element because any person who insisted their character was the only savior of a world would possess a huge ego to pull that off; and I'm not that person. \ I really like what you said here, and I think that pretty much describes me too. I RP that my character's job is a sound engineer, but she definitely has smuggling elements, for instance she blockade runs planets in order to do a radio show to boost troop morale. I RP my character's level appropriately. I know she's not all-powerful and she displays that correctly by not picking fights with people when she has no idea what weapons or power they may have. If a conflict occurs, I always use duel as first choice option. I feel people who leveled and geared their characters deserve to RP their power appropriately, as their effort is worth acknowledgment and honor. I RP the clothes I wear. If I'm forced by game mechanics to have mismatched messy clothes, I RP those clothes and have reasons and background why I wear them. I RP my craft choices. She does cybertech because she herself is a cyborg with a particular fondness for droids. When she sees other people's droids and pets she tries to offer them cybertech enhancement "treats". So I'm right there with you, I'm more 100% lightly in character at all times, rather than hard core strict canon 10% of the time. That's a really lovely way to look at it, by the way. I appreciate you sharing that viewpoint.
  5. I'm going to start by saying I despise BioWare for two reasons: they have very poor communication skills and rapport with their customers, and they play PR marketing games rather than being honest and open with their clients. That being said, I am not a fanboi type, and I see many flaws and issues with SWTOR, but let's be honest, that's not what this post is about. This post is about people who only play the game one way who are angry and intolerant of a game that does not cater to their play-style: competitive end-game raiding and pvping. This game, since years before launch, has been marketed as a casual story-driven game. There's famous quotes all over the forums from devs saying things like: if you only want to pvp you're not going to like our game, and that's tough because that's not what we're here for. SWTOR was purposely set up to appeal to a casual player who takes their time leveling up, exploring the worlds around them to find lore and hidden or hard to get items, and people who want to fully enjoy all the content in a game. And by "content" I don't mean that you finished all the end game ops and "violated" all your opponents on a PvP war-zone. People who are "the best" players in a game don't enjoy the story. They power-leveled their way through this game, space-barred through a huge amount of it, because they wanted to "beat" the game. They rushed through zones and didn't discover codex entries or items on their own, and why bother looking since they can just look it up on a guide later anyway rather than play the game as intended without outside guides and tutorials to skip through the real issue of playing the game: achieving something yourself, not just following a play-guide. I'm not sorry to see this guild go. I'm not sorry about ANY PvP/End Game competitive jerk who has literally made my play time in this game miserable. They complain, they whine, they snivel, they harass other players. I have had other players follow me around in the PVE environment as I tootled along taking my time and actually harass me telling me how much I was a terrible loser person because I wasn't level 50 and I was too slow and they were better than me. We weren't grouped or anything, they simply had nothing better to do with their time because those poor widdle babies were bored. Tough bantha poodoo. They can get the heck outta Dodge as far as I'm concerned. Their aggressive nasty attitudes were nothing but negativity and annoyance and they surely won't be missed by a casual player like me. Well congratulations, they beat the game. Please DO let the door smack them on the behinds nice and hard on way out. I surely don't want them here.
  6. I wrote this for my guild last week, and will share it here. I noticed 2 new graphics controls. Character Texture Atlasing = "Adjust the texture atlasing of your characteryour character model. Reducing this will increase your performance." Visible Character Limit = "Controls how many characters are rendered in the vicinity of the player." I have them both set to high or Very High. I noticed no noticable changes in appearance quality except for slightly less blurring and better skin detail on the PTS. As you can see by the Fraps FPS indicator in the lower left corner, my FPS drops from the Live server at an average of 80FPS down by about 15 frames per second to an average of 55 FPS on the Public Test Server. The population on both servers when I took these shots were close to the same, less than 10 people logged in. I would say the FPS drop was completely due to the second setting, Visible Character Limit, not so much the first one. Here are some comparison shots. LIVE Long Distance View PTS Long Distance View LIVE Character Bust PTS Character Bust
  7. I love those! It's great for ice-breaking and meeting new people who also RP.
  8. No, I think if everyone RP'd only their class that means there would be a pretty boring conversation when every Jedi tries to out-Jedi each other on Jedi-ness. My main is a Smuggler and she RP's a sound engineer who got shoved on stage to be a performer despite her insanely shy and private personality. My alt is a Sage who up til now has been an accident insurance broker who is totally against being trained in the force, hates it, and has a horrible superstitious fear of accidents and health issues so she goes around warning people to cover their heads, wear their sweaters and be sure to clean those cuts and walk AROUND the ladder not under it.
  9. Well because there are only 8 classes in the game. That means at every party you're going to meet tons of other people just like you. It's boring. Why ignore the entire range and scope of limitless professions you can incorporate in your role play? Honestly, the most boring RP I am forced to watch are the groups of 10 Jedi arguing over Jedi Code, or the myriads of Smugglers who all try to out-character each other with wink-wink-nudge-nudges. One or two Smugglers in a room is nice. 30 of them gets boring and dull fast. Diversity is important in RP just as it is in the real world. Without individual personalities and characters in our lives, the world is a boring dull pedantic place.
  10. Smuggler Dark Side --- I wanted to try playing a dark side smuggler during one of my many re-plays on that series for beta, and I went all dark for kicks and did the deed and I actually had tears in my eyes afterwards. It was the worst dark side choice I think I'd ever done, it really struck me how horrifyingly mean and nasty my character was being. There are certain things now, that I don't care how many force points it costs me light or dark, I won't do them simply because there has to be some limits darn it! That's one of them. Other stuff so far hasn't bugged me nearly as much as that one.
  11. Many people subscribed to the game with 3-month and 6-month packages. Game Release: 12-21 Earliest 3-month Renewal: April 21st Earliest 6-month Renewal: July 21st Because of this, the first fall-off of the jerks who hate the game will be April 21, and the second fall-off will be July 21st. So really, a lot of the worst jerks who have stopped playing or hate the game and plan to quit, might not be gone yet. These are the ones deliberately trolling and causing issues on the forums, according to my best guess. So I sort of knew coming in, that the forums would not improve until about July. I'm pretty much just hunkering down mostly here and in other side forums until then. I expect it will get a lot better then.
  12. I'm quite happy with any of the available options. When I first started this game I thought 3D space combat would be a killer important issue for me, but it really isn't anymore. It's the one I consider least important to my playstyle. I do all three playstyles, PvP, PvE and RP. There are two choices that I feel would appeal to all types of play styles, and they are the racing/vehicle combat options. 3D space combat and capital ship battles would really only appeal to the end-game achiever type and killer type players and would leave RPers pretty much out in the cold if they are only RPers. However, the speeder races and the vehicle combat would give RPers a chance to use a game mechanic incorporated in their RP events, such as seasonal festivals with races, or duels and territory disputes which involve combat machines. Both of these type vehicles, crafting, repairing, and modifying them would help crafters in the game with new items to make and sell. In addition the PvE ers who can compete against NPC style competition for bragging rights and titles will enjoy both types of activities, and the PvPers could even have entire war zones with either one of those two mechanics, speeders or comab vehicles. This is why I would vote for those two things. It is balanced toward the game play needs of all players rather than only the pvp/end-game players.
  13. I will play the guessing game. This is just a guessing game. Yes, I agree that we won't see significant drop in subscriptions until the end of the 3- and 6-month plans. The last report of 1.7 million was as of which date, does anyone know? This next report will reflect the change between the last one, and March 31st. That's probably about 30-40 days difference, depending what the last report based its dates on. In general, I expect a report at March 31st to show a stable 1.6 to 1.7 million subscribers. I then expect them to drop down a drastic stair-step to a rough equivalent of 1.2 to 1.3 subscribers by June 31st. This report frame would reflect the 3-month subscribers but perhaps not the 6-monthers just yet if you figure the earliest 6-month available was January 21st, 6 months from then would be July 21st and not included in this date frame. Finally, by September 31st, we will have finally caught up with the earliest of the 6-month subscribers and I expect a dramatic drop in subs to about a 800,00 - 1 Million active subscribers. I then expect the game to float around the 1 million mark for several years as people come in to it to try it then leave, or returned 1-month subs of previous customers to review new content then leave if it isn't drastic enough game changing to contain them past that 1-month check-in.
  14. My statement was written in the context of game play style within role play interactions with other players, insofar as how our interactions with each other should be kept fairly divided between healthy psychological boundaries of where you end and I begin. If you wish to complain about the game story content, it has nothing to do with my statement. I stand by what I said, your gaming style within your role play is completely within your control, and healthy people should not be trying to control other's personal spheres of personality and self-expression. You are not being forced to include the companions, class quest, or other game features in your role play. Here is an example: My character is a smuggler but I do not role play that I am a smuggler. I role play that I am a sound engineer who by unhappy coincidence ended up being an entertainer. This has absolutely nothing to do with the game mechanics. Nothing about the class quest prevents me from role playing as a sound engineer forced to perform on a stage when the original performer stomped off and refused to do his show. When I perform the class missions I do them OOCly to level my character and nothing more. One time I did RP through the entire storyline and I simply ignored the script, and made my own excuses for my character's actions. Did Skavik steal my ship? No, I have a roque droid who stole my ship. I can dismiss my companions and completely ignore them in my role play. I am not limited in any way in how I RP my character except by the boundaries of my own sense of good taste and imagination. I completely feel your pain about the linear environment. I agree that this game is horrifyingly oppressive to people with imaginations and creativity. However, your complaint has absolutely no bearing whatsoever with my statements. It's about the game play itself. I agree with you, but again, bringing it up now is nothing more than a straw-man topic. It's not relevant to what I said. I believe I have already, by example of my smuggler character, proven how the linearity of the story line does not have to influence your RP in any way. Therefore, your answer to my statement, while valid for people who wish to RP through the class content is perhaps, another topic to discuss in regards to obstacles BioWare places for role players, I don't believe it is an accurate reply to my assertions, that people should keep their control issues within their own characters and leave other people's characters alone.
  15. Game mechanics handed us a great tool to deal with immersion problems in RP. We have the ability to turn name plates off. I have that power. No one is preventing me from using that power. People are even trying to support a mechanic that turns off name plates by individual basis for people/legacies I put on my ignore list. So I have to ask this: Why are these people blaming others for something that is completely in their power to control? Oh... I get it, because they won't take active responsibility for their own happiness. It's so much easier to blame other people for something than to take care of it yourself. These people don't really want to stop seeing names that offend them, because if they did, they'd turn that feature off. No, what they really want is to boss other people around. Here they are with a perfectly good control to avoid this issue, but they decline to use it. The argument about character names as a reason to support strict RP policies is completely invalid. There's a fix for it, yet complainers refuse to use the tools given to them. They have no one but themselves to blame. It is also hypocrisy to use blatant meta-game techniques of game mechanic statistics for the use of your Role Play. Control your own game environment, not other people.
  16. On our server, there's a small group that has a weekly RP event I'm supposed to be at every Thursday night. Last night I was sick. I thought about it pretty seriously while laying in bed. How important is this to me anyway? Sometimes I think that getting the RP events rolling doesn't matter if I miss one or two who cares I don't feel like it tonight. Then I remember that the community events are like a snowball effect. If we don't push it regularly and keep building on it with a certain level of reliability, it will all collapse again. But I made a promise to be there. So I groaned, rolled out of bed and got my pixellated butt there. People had a good time. Some RPers met who didn't know each other before. A couple more people actually RP'd with me a tiny bit when I was able to slow down. So it was worth it.
  17. I have a couple RPers who are 'stalking' my character. They write her creepy love letters, follow her around, spy on her, the usual stuff. Technically this is considered a harassment type role play, I guess. The way that we handle it and make sure our dividing line between fantasy and reality is that we talk OOC whenever possible to be sure we're both in step with each other. Simple OOC ((was that ok or did it go too far?)) questions and responses or even a pre-check of stuff that might be considered really permanent like ((what about if I want to kidnap or even kill one of your droid pets, how could we do that)) is really nice. He asks ahead before he does any super catastrophic things to my character and we work it out together in OOC so that the IC stuff doesn't cross than line between RP and literally griefing my character too much. I had another stalker who didn't coordinate with me OOC about stuff and it became annoying because he was doing really drastic things like "I put a bomb on your ship" well I was given no advanced warning, and no escape route from the bomb, just bam... me and everything I owned was dead. It was too much.
  18. LOL It's really quite simple. Flirt with everything that gives you an opportunity. This is not like Mass Effect, if the option to flirt with an NPC is available, it will pop up eventually regardless of your previous choices. I've literally called one character stupid or ugly then the next conversation option gave me a chance to flirt with him again, that seemed a bit strange to me lol. I play the female smuggler and I only ran across about three npc characters so far total that I remember being able to flirt with. The options really just aren't there as much as you'd think they would be. You're better off putting your harem together from real live players I know one guy who is an amazing playboy, he strings them in all the time on the Shien server, and he's so smooth at it, almost never ends up with an unhappy jilted lover because he's so clear to them that he's just in it for fun not to get tied down.
  19. I agree with the OP's post. In addition, I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but in the last entire week I am completely unable to view the server group thread for the RP servers. I keep clearing cookies and trying again, but no matter when or how often I try I am redirected to a post that says those forums have too high traffic. I sent in a ticket about it. They told me to play on a different server. Because, well gee, all the RP servers are on the same forum thread group... they just told me in essence to stop supporting RP. This is just one example of how I feel really poor customer service, PR, and attitudes have made any effort to foster community a ridiculously obstacle-ridden course. I give them til the end of this year to fix two things. If they don't start fostering community growth through server forums and by allowing cross faction communications outside a single /say channel, I will be leaving this game. The only reason I am still in this game at all is because I see how hard the community is trying to work around and over all the pointless blocks that BioWare is putting in their way. My loyalty is to the community itself, but I can't keep financially supporting a game that won't support its community. My job as a radio DJ is to build community spirit and be a part of it. If the game company itself seems so determined to block me from doing my job then I can support a different game.
  20. As I said, 1.2 does seem to be focused mostly toward actual game mechanic issues. I will start with the biggest one for me personally that literally makes me feel like I'm playing a completely different game. The UI customization issue is a huge deal in both my game play and my RP. Much of the RP I do involves rather large groups of people, and I hate how the UI system kills your screen territory so that you can barely see the people around you, unless you want to zoom maxed out and zooming maxed out really takes away the immersion feeling in RP for me. Original UI: Here's a standard pic of my UI in the live game Changed UI: Here's a pic of a size-reduced and slightly cleaned up UI to get more viewable space on my monitor. But here's the coolest thing ever, you can save and load multiple UI setups. So for instance, I can have my combat UI but with about three button clicks, I can clean it out entirely to a saved RP preferred UI setup. Original UI RPing: Here I am pretending to RP with an NPC crowd. Loading RP UI Setup: Here I am in the interface editor, loading up my RP UI with almost nothing on the screen so I can focus pretty much only on the chat windows I set up for RP. RP UI: And now, a clean RP UI with less garbage all over my screen: As you can see, I decided to get rid of my targeting window, and instead use the mouse-over pop-up window to view the 'person' I am talking to if needed. Also I usually separate out two chat tabs for RP, one that keeps me up to date in general chat/guild chat/party chat etc, and a RP only chat window for say, emote, and whispers only. If I really want to streamline it, I could toss that RP tab up with the rest of them and either move back and forth in the tabs, or just ignore everything else but the RP if I want to. This of course, has nothing to do with 1.2. Emote animations no longer loop I actually don't know all the animations that loop endlessly in live game. I'll have to go in live, test them all, then write down the ones that endlessly loop and then test them in the PTS system when I get time. I think it might be fun to do a quick Fraps YouTube video showing original loops, and new cut-off versions of the emotes. So far I've tested Wave, Bow, and Laugh. Color Matching I'm a slow leveler. My characters don't have the pretty pre-matched high level sets of armor. So for me, my characters always look like a totally mismatched clown that got high on rainbow dust then rolled around in melted Skittles. So here's a few test examples of the colour-matching thing. This is my first test of it while power-leveling on Ord Mantell. I looted some trousers that have better stats, but they are a medium gray colour that doesn't really match stuff. So I did the "match to chestpiece" option and they turned into an olive green which goes best with the leather jacket. Grey Trousers Colour-Matched Here's a second example I just did, most noticeable are the nasty clown-red gloves *shudder*. This time I matched every single item to the chest. Unmatched Clothes Character Colour Match UI Fully Matched Outfit In my second example, you won't see a huge noticeable change because that particular set of clothes actually is a "smuggler" set. The bracers are a nasty brown changed to the slate blue but they're hidden by the gloves. The most noticeable changes in this one is the gloves and boots. I've had only two helms so far to test and neither of them changed at all for the colour matching option, and not sure if that's intended, something they're still working on, or they really do think that nasty burgundy matches the chest? Not sure. These are small things, tiny details really. However they do make RP more enjoyable. Are they specific big huge issues? No. I don't think we can expect to see the biggest RP issues handled for quite a while, but these simple things really do give me the hopeful optimistic feeling that improvements will come, are being worked on and that RP concerns are not totally being ignored.
  21. To be fair, once you've heard the same conversation through three alts, do you really want to waste your precious gaming time listening to it all over again just to level up? For my first and usually second time in a quest series, I listen to the voice acted parts and read it and get into it and go with the rpg flow of the game. By the time I leveled my 8th character through Ord Mantell, the repeated long-winded conversations, and even worse the parts where my character says the exact same lines they say in a third of ALL conversations it starts to feel like nails on a chalkboard to me. The voice acting is great first couple play through's in each planet but after that it just bores me to tears. I'm so sick of "so where do I come into this" and a few other lines that my smuggler repeats nauseatingly often, and after leveling 8 Smugglers over beta and ega through Ord Mantel, well, I gotta skip it because it really isn't that great. When I get in a group with other players I let them set the pace. I've gone through the entire Esseles with people who RP'd the entire way with long pauses and breaks and I was cool with that, then I've gone through on power runs to get social points or light/dark points or gear, and I'm OK with that too. So the biggest shame really is people who can't be flexible or compromise. For me having people to team with is more important. If I'm power leveling I do that alone at my pace. Otherwise it's totally different ballgame. I think the "professional gamers" previous posters refer to are power levelers who skip content in order to reach the challenging end game stuff or to pvp. I'm ok with that playstyle, and with them sharing my server, but it's another reason I don't team up too often because my explorer type playstyle that searches behind every rock for a chest or lore item tends to frustrate the heck out of most people rofl. This is also why I stick to only 2 main mirrored characters at a time to level up and my highest level character is still only level 32. But I can tell you, I have left no flower unexamined on Balmorra!!
  22. I disagree with that. Dumb people who can't figure out personalized auto gain control in vent use Mumble. Smart people who actually need/want to have full control over their software still stick with Ventrilo's equalization and compression features because they maintain control over the software, not the other way around. Last I checked, Mumble does not allow you to have control over your auto normalization. You are literally not allowed to shut it off or adjust it if you need to for any reason. Auto normalization, otherwise known as Auto Gain Control or AGC Gateways are not infallible. They still make mistakes and mis-judge a person's voice patterns as being too soft or too loud and will mis-compensate those things. Lag is a personal issue and has nothing to do with Vent or Mumble as software. Lag will vary depending on whether you house the server application on your own server or pay for remote servers. Lag will also vary based on where your Mumble/Vent server is housed versus where each single person connected to it is housed. Johnny in Chicago will have more or less lag to my Atlanta, Georgia Mumble server than Frank in Florida because Frank has a slower internet connection and in in the middle of a rain storm and the connection nodes between his house and my server might be geographically closer, but has higher latency and ping because the cable companies there don't maintain their lines as nicely as Johnny's do. So... um.... I dunno. I think a blanket comment that Mumble users are smarter then following that up with a very generic and totally unsubstantiated claim that lag is controlled by the client software and ignoring all the other things that cause lag in a VOIP is kinda... not making your point for you.
  23. I love the legacy so far, but I am 100% with the rest of you that I want the Legacy name separated from Surnames in the game system. So far this is the list of RP-centric things I'd like improved. 1) Separate the Surname. ---They have not responded to this yet that I know of. 2) Add fictional character spots into the Legacy tree which are not actual played characters ---No idea if this has been suggested to the Devs directly. 3) More character slots to make use of the unlocked stuff ---They say they are 100% working on options for how we can get more character slots. 4) Ability to include other player characters in your Legacy ---I recall the devs said they are looking into ways to make this happen. That makes it sound like something that would not happen for a pretty long time. 5) Implement a Legacy Biography --- Like a character Biography, it would be nice to have a shareable in-game page that people can inspect with our descriptions and backgrounds for our Legacy names and heritage. 6) Unmarried Partners --- Lots of people have sex relationships outside of marriage. I'd like to see a "lover" spot replace the outdated and closed-minded "spouse" spot. I'd also like to see it available to work with same genders, and player characters. I'd also like to see the playboy/swinger types able to have more than one lover they are related to in their Legacy. I feel that in general, BioWare is playing too conservative about the variety of love relationships that really exist and should be reflected in the game. 7) Slave Relationships ---- I don't RP slavery and don't like it personally but I support people who do and feel that many of the Sith lords and masters who accumulate slaves should be able to list their property under their legacies. Again, this would be a much greater feature for adding in live players rather than your own alts.
  24. A huge amount of the stuff people are complaining about are simply game mechanic bug issues that are on the table and being worked out. For instance, the emote loop thing is mostly fixed in the Public Test Servers for patch 1.2, but it's still a tiny bit buggy. If you want more specific questions, I can answer them. I spent 15 minutes testing emotes last night for friends for the heck of it. The stuff is coming, just give it time. Just like Kharnis said, they are aware of the issues, and were in fact aware of them before the game even launched. However, let's be realistic: sitting in a chair is not nearly as important as some major end game issues. We have a seriously imbalanced game credit economy, bugs where major named spawns disappear or insta-heal themselves, or a myriad other game mechanic issues that really are game breaking. Let us not lose sight of some realities. MMORPG's do not exist exclusively for RPers. We are a minority of the gaming base, and the game mechanics have to have a higher priority. They certainly do for me. I love RP, but that's not really the main course of a video game, it's an enjoyable desert or side dish. The real question here is not "will they address our issues". The real question is "will they address our issues in a timely manner." Personally, I'm not willing to continue to invest $15 a month into something for longer than 6-12 months for features that were promised at launch or are standard in other MMO's. I was pretty scared for a while that RP issues would be delayed or ignored for indefinate time, but I've playing extensively the last 2 weeks on the new patch, and patch 1.2 is going to be like how the game should have been at launch. Not all our RP concerns will be addressed, but it improved the game so drastically for me, that I actually stopped playing the live servers til it comes out. It's that amazing, folks.
  25. To find out what a person's agenda is, all you have to do is look at their end-goal result which would occur if they got what they were pushing for. The result (if they got their way) of policed RP is to control the behavior of other people. That is their agenda: to control what other people do. This is a dangerous slippery slope of power and domination. It starts with "I want to tell you how to name your character" and moves forward to "I'm going to tell you how you can customize your character", "I'm going to tell you how to dress your character", all the way down to "I'm going to tell you what your character can do". Not a single person in this discussion who supports RP policing has proven satisfactorily that there is a valid excuse to police other people's RP. They simply lack the willingness to take personal responsibility for their own choices to voluntarily take offense at things inside their own heads based on nothing more than imagination and arbitrary assumptions. These people who laughably call themselves RPers break the greatest important rule about RP. They lack the ability to separate their fantasy from reality. By trying to impose real life standards outside of what is reasonably there to protect actual provable hurt to other players, these people become nothing more than petty, insecure meta-gamers. They want to RP that they are God-like beings in their fantasy, so they are pushing to have God-like control over other players in the reality.
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