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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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People that respond to criticism with 'if you don't like it, go back to X'.


I'm a kind soul, but I have absolutely no respect for the myriad of people that use that argument in a debate.


Oh.... and the presence of a LFG tool if there was one :).

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My biggest complaint is the server lag. I have played on max and min and either way it makes no difference, despite the fact my computer more than passes the system requirements by a longshot.


Funny thing is that when I don't get any lag, the flow, fluidity, and speed of the game really shows. Then the lag returns when I leave that area or face the other direction.

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server queues is obviously #1...especially for established players on a server...this is really bad!!!


A close second is the mini map rotation....really makes navigating through the game world cumbersome. mini-map needs to rotate around the player...this is a must!!!

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The fact that this is not an MMO. It's mainly a single player game.


For god's sake, you can't even TALK in the game world, there's no speech bubbles. Every connection with the avatar and the other players is lost.


There is no incentive to join in a group. Most people are doing their class quests and YOU CAN'T DO THEM WITH A FRIEND. Each one has to do it on his or her own, so why group, except when it's about flashpoints?


There's just no proper incentive to communicate with others (and the tools are not there as well).


No one is going to pay a fee for a single player game. BioWare and EA have dropped the ball and it will be evident down the line.


1. This game is only a single player MMO if you choose to play it that way.


2. Just because a quest is soloable doesn't mean you HAVE to solo it. Whether quests are easy or not. It's always more fun with friends. And guess what? You can play with friends in SWTOR because this is an MMO. Can't do that in a single player game lol.


3. Try soloing all Balamara quests(at the appropriate lvl) then tell me you don't have to group lol. That pace is tough. Lots of group quests.



The "single player" argument is ridiculous.

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Lack of flexible appearance customization and gear color options.


Same for me ;)

To be precise the lack of a "hood down" option for jedi robes (or the lack of a good amount of robes with a default hood down).

Something like a "what I wear" and a "what I look like" set of armor.

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The fact that this is not an MMO. It's mainly a single player game.


For god's sake, you can't even TALK in the game world, there's no speech bubbles. Every connection with the avatar and the other players is lost.


There is no incentive to join in a group. Most people are doing their class quests and YOU CAN'T DO THEM WITH A FRIEND. Each one has to do it on his or her own, so why group, except when it's about flashpoints?


There's just no proper incentive to communicate with others (and the tools are not there as well).


No one is going to pay a fee for a single player game. BioWare and EA have dropped the ball and it will be evident down the line.


You can totally help out with a friend's class quest. My friend and I duo all the time, and that's like 50% of our gameplay - running around, watching the other person's cutscenes, helping them with their instances, etc..


It makes sense that we can't actually be on the class-specific quest, but we can definitely help them with it, as well as for most of it, watch all the cutscenes associated with it. I would like it to be 100% in terms of watching the other player's cutscenes if you're in a group, but anyways...

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1) The community. I've never come across a group of people who have dedicated themselves in such a pathetic, servile way to fanboyism. Mindlessly defending the flaws and faults of this game does nothing but stymie its improvement. Whining can be annoying, but valid complaints remain valid and they are numerous right now. Fanboys, on the other hand, are a cancer that serve no purpose other than to be argumentative, pretentious, and damaging to progress.


2) The unresponsiveness of the controls. This is detailed in a much longer thread (which has since had to be recreated due to volume of discussion). The game lacks the fluidity of other MMOs such as World of Warcraft. This was also a problem in Warhammer Online and I understand that many of the developers working on TOR also worked on WAR--I hope they don't doom TOR to the same fate.

Edited by DannyInternets
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My #1 complaint is the trolls on the forums, just like every other MMO forums, just a bunch of spoiled brats who want why they want and could give a rats *** about the actual creators of the game and if the game is actually fun. All they care about is whining and ***ching about how they think the game should be rather than voting with their feet and getting out...


It's the same trolling idiots in every other MMO forums. A loud abnoxious and irrational minority you might say...

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People like you who want an LFG tool.


The funny thing is we already have a LFG tool. It's just not a well known fact. so those who are dead set against it are out of luck.


Hit "O" goto who and set your MSG for what you are looking for.


Looking For more? /who and see if anyone has listed themselves as LFG


It's there. Already. Use it.

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two things actually.


1. The GTN it makes me cry.


2. Gathering Companions returning and crashing into what ever i am doing. IF i have a window open or am in combat they should give me a little voice over to let me knw they are back, and when i close the windows or leave combat then i should get the pop up.

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1.) The 50% loading bug

2.) The Enter lock / Channel bug.

3.) People asking for WoW features.

4.) The Slicing nerf overkill.

5.) Jedi Guardian poor ability spread.

6.) Double Cast Times.

7.) Fake nodes the patch did not get.

8.) Force Lightning spam.

9.) Only 3 RP/PVP servers.

10.) People racing to 50 and ************ about content.

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Me an thousands of other people in the same boat find the game unplayable due to broken network infrastructure at Biowares end, judging by the support forum this is the most common issue people are having. That isn't my number 1 complaint though.


Bioware in all their infinite wisdom haven't been able to fix it or have ignored it for well over a week. No ETA of a fix, no mention of compensation in missed free playtime, no nothing.


So my complaint is Bioware support staff are incompetent.

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