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Everything posted by Vaestmannaeyjar

  1. Honestly, PvE soloing ? Commando is the best PvE soloing class without ANY talents anyway. You can oneshot pack of normal mobs with mortar...
  2. Le fait qu'il n'y aie pas d'évolution technologique n'est pas choquant en soi. Les évolutions technologiques majeures dérivent de plusieurs facteurs: -Un mec qui a une idée de génie. C'est le cas le plus fréquent. Rentrent dans cette catégorie les améliorations "techniques": roue, joug d'épaule pour labourer, ordinateurs etc. Mais ces avancées sont dépendantes de la technologie pré-existante. -L'apparition d'une nouvelle source d'énergie primaire. Historiquement, chez nous, on en est restés à la puissance biomécanique jusqu'à la découverte de la vapeur. Il a fallu ensuite attendre l'atome. (L'électricité est une énérgie secondaire, ca ne compte pas) Quand on regarde starwars, on constate que cet univers dispose d'une énergie portable, perpétuelle et apparamment bon marché. Difficile d'évoluer la dessus. Pour rappel la "société" neanderthal n'a pas évolué pendant plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'années.
  3. Je sais pas, tuer les boss et passer une soirée à s'amuser par exemple ? T'es représentatif du mec qui joue que pour une carotte qui ont fait tant de mal aux MMOs en débarquant ces dernières années.
  4. Well if they use invis hacks and such, they can likely just port the character here too.
  5. This is it, had the issue with my first 50 which was a sith assassin, I skipped mobs like crazy and likely missed a lot of bonus quests. I had to PvP a lot to catch up
  6. I don't understand what the fuss is it all about. Anyone can have a modded armor full set in a few hours of PvP. Is it a case of "bwaaaah If I can't have it, others shouldn't either" ?
  7. WoW Kept 10m+ subscribers after 8 years. That's a pretty big innovation.
  8. In that Other Game, the LFG isn't so much a problem, the fact that it is cross server is, leading to people acting like morons since their groupmates are basically NPCs they'll never see again to them.
  9. Renomme toi darkcoltofzedeath, même sur RP ca passe tu seras tranquille
  10. Le pire dans tout ca, c'est que personne ne relève que le fait marquant de la bataille est un gamin qui fait un mouleshot dans une station orbitale en ayant auparavant a peu pres appuyé sur tous les boutons au pif. Une fois que t'as vu ca, la tactique au sol passe pour une merveille d'ingéniérie militaire...
  11. avec le patch d'aujourd'hui j'ai changé d'avis: c'est non.
  12. Lucasarts, please sell the SW licence to Blizzard, while you're at it. that's the second starwars MMO fail and I'd like to see a good one.
  13. Patch 1.1 killed the game and they don't want people to know it as end of box month is tomorrow for a lot of people. they are at the point of fearing for their jobs now I think. This is not the game you're looking for, move along. Please Lucasarts give tie SW licence to someone competent.
  14. They likely killed their game today, I agree.
  15. I'm not sure it's only the PvP that will be dying. This patch is a demonstration of bioware's ability to balance a game and foresee what can happen. The internet is full of "lolz they really did this ??? lmao". They're screwed. Rollbacks in an AAA MMO have been unheard of for years, they won't reset valor or lose all credibility, meanwhile angering: -republic players -empire players that farmed their rank in a legit manner prior to patch. They're in a lose/lose situation.
  16. Je viens juste de rentrer du boulot, donc je suis pas impacté pour mon avant dernier jour de jeu, mais ca montre bien le mépris qu'a Bioware pour sa clientèle européenne, en y ajoutant le customer support inepte juste bon a fermer les tickets.
  17. Not raiding. I didn't quit WoW to go raid elsewhere.
  18. Companions are part of the game and are still used at 50 for, say, dailies. Gering them is the sensible option. I'm not saying you should gear all of them, but the one you need for your dailies certainly is a valid reason. I've been gearing Khem Val and Talos Drellik as a DPS assassin so I'm covered for my solo missions. Since you're a nobody, who cares ?
  19. biochems won't sell anything, you don't need their stuff to complete normal mode instances which are what 95% of the player base will do.
  20. If the job was to make me stop PvPing because I didn't get drops and am now getting owned by people more lucky than me, yes, it did. 3 non duplicate pieces in 34 bags. Yay. I stopped then and proceeded to just level characters before my sub runs out.
  21. I'm mixed, really. I do want to finish leveling other characters so I get the story, but the fee is awfully stiff for a few special quests and all the rest being shared content between all characters.
  22. The problem is, people liking the post 50 game will subscribe...back to world of warcraft. I think capitalising on what they do well is better in the long run for Bioware. WoW clones are just a fad and people go back to the original. If I want mindless bashing I'll have diablo III coop mode soon, thank you.
  23. Hello. I'm not going to rant or whatever here, just going to say that, I enjoyed my leveling but do not feel leveling up other characters is worth paying a monthly fee. I'm of the "been there, done that" crowd, I have played classic MMOs and if I quit playing them, it's not to AGAIN get daily farming and instance crawling as the only post leveling activity. I would want, to pay a recurring fee, that the content updates for the solo player be meaningful enough, I don't care about loot or items, I just want story line quests, that is why I bought the box. They can give no items, no money, I don't care, as long as I get NPC interaction, companion storyline. Bascially, I use this game as a KOTOR III and need enough story content to occupy say 2 or 3 cgaracters for a whole month if I'm to pay a recurring fee. For now, the smart plan seems to be "quit, and come back in six months for one month, quit again" etc. Instances, raids and PvP won't make me stay: I quit other MMOs because I got bored with that kind of gameplay. I enjoyed it for 10 years but now I'm over it. I came here with the hope of story and the "Bioware touch". Recurring payment ? Recurring story. All the rest I can get in any other game, play on your specific strengths instead of trying to ape WoW, which I'm bored of and don't want to find clones of at every corner.
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