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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I was playing today and something like this happened: was casting force stasis and when the cast bar was full(didn't cancel) I started running so I didn't wait for the effect and it never came, so I had to cast again, and I waited for the effect and of course then it came.


What good is a cast bar if it's not reliable? as far as I know you can't turn cast bars off.

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If PvP in WoW is widely regarded as a joke, how come WoW is the only fantasy MMORPG that has a substantial following among professional competitive gamers, including tournaments with quite a lot of money for the winners? Care to elaborate?


because wow is simply a joke in pvp :p **** attracts flies

its only played competitive because blizz always talks about 10mil subs (but we all know that its much less)

wow pvp has a real patchdepending pvp. one patch this charcombination is imba the next patch its another. thats not competitive thats a joke

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To everyone disagreeing with the OP, look at the first post in this topic:

Hello all!


Since the previous version of this thread has hit, and gone passed the 1k mark, we have recreated it here.


When participating in the discussion, please make sure to keep your posts constructive and respectful toward others and their opinions.


Thank you!



Now seriously, be quiet.


You may not think it that major of an issue, but you are quite evidently wrong.

Why? Just open that link, and see the staggering amount of support.


If you feel like you need to express you opinion against the op, read the first 10 pages of that other thread, and see how many already expressed your opinion, and how the vast majority shut them down.


This may very well be a be-all-end-all scenario. If it isn't fixed, I know at least I will just roll and level and alt or two, and then leave the game.


Also, it's funny how so many users arguing here have been registered on the forums for so long, while the one of the more vocal disagreeing users had his account registered this month.


Don't give us crap about "go back to wow" and "doesn't seem like this game is for you".


The game is either not working as intended, or intentionally born with what can only be contrued as embarrasingly bad game mechanics. I have been following this project for years, as have just about everyone else here. We want the game to succeed, but it isn't going to, unless this is fixed.

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there needs to be a command queue showing 'current' and 3-4 queued commands waiting to run. Just like in other games I could mention.


for now though, there just seems to be a small pause between commands, even if I've got it set to 1 sec. This may be intentional? If I set the ''window" down to 0 sec, then I just have to wait for "off cooldown" to be registered by the UI, then registered by ME, then move the finger... which necessarily introduces a delay. If I could just queue things up (with a key to clear the queue) it would be so much better... because then immediately as one "power" finished, the next starts.


the game could even then plan and use connecting animations to join them more fluidly.


Please, a visible command queue would really help

Edited by britane
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I understand that is how you feel. I feel differently is all. Again, i've yet to have my characters not get something done when I want it. But, I don't jump all over the screen or hit my movement key the millisecond the mount cast bar is up.


What really gets on my nerve as a Bounty Hunter, is essentially every time a trash mob is on low health, I think "Well, I'll just kill you off with this instant and I'll be done with your annoying pew pew" then I click the ability and it's all tick... tock... tick... tock.. tick then finally the Bounty Hunter is done with raising its hand in slow motion and finally fires the 'instant' ability.


Instant my ***... that's a bloody 1 second cast with an invisible cast bar <.<

Edited by Zironic
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i've been browsing in torhead checking out abilities and most of the abilities i have a personal problem with seem to be lacking one line of code :

"SetDuration: MaxDuration=>500, Duration=>500, "


While all the abilities that does have this line i have absolutely no problem with .... maybe someone somewhere forgot to code some line here and there :)


Mortar volley is actually the dumbest ability i've seen it clearly state in the codeline :

"SetTickRate: Interval=>1000"

if 1000 = 1 second and cast time = 2.5 second then we are short 500 for simply executing the skill in a perfect world...

Edited by myrmexaw
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Im gonna keep posting this until it is fully understood by everyone!!!




1. Damage corresponding with the animations


2. Bugged execution where abilities are not instantly starting after hitting the button or not activating at all.


Now to elaborate a little bit:


1. This is a slightly different mechanic then WoW which calls for more visual appeal and will take some getting used to for sure. I personally like it and I do not want it removed..But thats just my personal preference.


2. Which is the real issue and I am sure it can be fixed with some effort from devs and I dont believe it to be a core problem. I completely agree that the attack/animation should start immediately and since its not, its causing the animations to last longer then the GCD and making some skills to not happen at all upon pressing the button...Its a bug situation and I am most positive it can be fixed!!! I dont experience this delay or no response much at all, but I would be lying if I said it never happens...



To me number 2 is effecting number 1 but they are still 2 different situations which are being combined in to 1 problem. Even if number 2 is resolved, its still going to take a little adjustment on your part to get used to but I think EVERYONE will enjoy it that much more if the abilities start imeediately and work flawlessly...I AM VERY CONFIDENT TO SAY THIS CAN/WILL BE FIX but its probably not extremely easy and there for takes some time...



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i've been browsing in torhead checking out abilities and most of the abilities i have a personal problem with seem to be lacking one line of code :

"SetDuration: MaxDuration=>500, Duration=>500, "


While all the abilities that does have this line i have absolutely no problem with .... maybe someone somewhere forgot to code some line here and there :)


Care to explain what the impact of that line of code is in terms of game play? You might be on to something here. (I don't understand the first thing about coding.) >.<

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This thread was restarted now as it exceeded limitation. I am the OP and deeply passionate about this subject as I believe it is not only the reason why the general MMO Gamer is so frustrated coming Into any new MMO from WoW but by proxy it is also the reason we have WoW remain so strong and hold such a stranglehold on the genre.


It is beyond unbelievable that no developer to date has been successful in achieving and emulating. Perhaps even more bizarre is that no developer seemingly has even realized this obvious truth... whichever does will be cashing in "big time" as everyone is tired of WoW.



Lastly, i am at work until 6 EST but I am going to prepare a very long and detailed as well as thorough post of my thoughts in regards to the past 2000+ posts. I should mention that i have read every single post in the last thread as well as this one.



I only urge you to please:


a) Read the original thread, the key to "everything" is there and you can see the evolving understanding.


b) do not deviate the discussion. Stop the WoW bashing, comparisons etc. Stay focused on the subject at hand.

Edited by Xcore
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I have been playing my Sith Marauder mostly and have noticed that I have adapted to the delay in character response. I read this thread yesterday and paid closer attention and sure enough had already adapted.


Basically, there is a 1/2 second response time between me pressing any hot-keyed ability and the start of the execution. I find I am pressing the keys before the previous is completed execution and causing some to not fire out of combined impatience and anticipation of the delay, which causes me to button mash until I see an execution.


The melee combat is totally not fluid, and while we may be adapting to this, it is something that will eventually take it's toll once the "new car smell" has worn off.


Bioware need to seriously take an interest into this.

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Problem with this thread is it isnt clear. Yes there are some issues with flickering animations, but saying the combat is clunky and unresponsive as a generalization just leads me to believe people havent changed their ability delay in the options to 0.0.


Yes, there are bugs that are annoying and need fixing. No, the combat is not unresponsive as a whole.


Guy above my post try that as i think that is your problem. Go to preferances>controls>scroll down and set ability delay from 0.5 to 0.0 and then see how it feels.

Edited by Nemmar
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i've been browsing in torhead checking out abilities and most of the abilities i have a personal problem with seem to be lacking one line of code :

"SetDuration: MaxDuration=>500, Duration=>500, "


While all the abilities that does have this line i have absolutely no problem with .... maybe someone somewhere forgot to code some line here and there :)


Mortar volley is actually the dumbest ability i've seen it clearly state in the codeline :

"SetTickRate: Interval=>1000"

if 1000 = 1 second and cast time = 2.5 second then we are short 500 for simply executing the skill in a perfect world...


Please do the Community a favor if you haven't already and report this as an in-game bug - Devs/QA are *much* more likely to see a bug report than a forum thread ;)

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Care to explain what the impact of that line of code is in terms of game play? You might be on to something here. (I don't understand the first thing about coding.) >.<


basically it state if you click on that ability you will be locked for 500 micro second ( 0.5 second )


if an ability state tikrate=1000 and tikcount =3 it mean it will fire 3 time at 1 second intervals .... you clearly see there is a problem there when the ability has a 2.5 second cast time.

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As someone said in the first version of this thread: The space mini-game, however flawed, is the kind of responsiveness a game should have. Follows my every move at an instant. No waiting, no hiccups.


I wanna multi-tank several targets and utilize focus target to the full extent without feeling frustration. Constantly have to second guess if an ability landed or not (I gotta look at the action bar alot more than I should. SWTOR should fix what WoW was lacking: the possibility of not having to stare at bars when healing or


And to all the wow-haters/whatever you wanna call it: people use it as a reference point to describe what they want instead of trying to go the fuzzy way and describe it with sensations that are hard to describe. Its a bit like trying to describe a colour without using the name of the colour.

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I agree and it gets worse if you play on a bad system because it appears to have a delay with the client to ensure it plays the animation.


The reaction gets worse. It leads to me key mashing more, which is counter, but seems to overwhelm the animation lag at times and gets my toon to get off the instances on time when latency stinks.


Animations in this game are problems. Now I know why my laptop seems so inferior at combat.


The best post was the hidden cast time. Instant with a hidden cast time is garbage.


The instant animation.


The gc posts on the animation lag is so obvious to me know.


thanks op. When is this getting fixed?

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Please do the Community a favor if you haven't already and report this as an in-game bug - Devs/QA are *much* more likely to see a bug report than a forum thread ;)


So far the only ingame response i've had about mortar volley is we are aware of the problem kind of automated message....

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So far the only ingame response i've had about mortar volley is we are aware of the problem kind of automated message....


Our guild got a proper GM to help us with loot! One of our raid items got assigned to a player who couldn't use it (heavy armour went to Sith Assassin) and the GM told us to trade it. We told him the item was BoP and he asked "BoP?"


These GMs are intelligent.


I think automated messages are better.

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Um....so you can't cast 35 abilities in a span of 1.5 seconds?


I will now spam buttons for 1.5 seconds.




OK, 22 abilities in 1.5 seconds, unless my counting is wrong.


Let me put it the other way seems you don't get it. If you have to watch the animation (> 0 seconds) why do you have a gcd in place?


It seems you should give that idea some thought, with a cool head, just sayin'

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I'm sorry to say but you are so consistently wrong that its getting tiresome.


'Popular' is not just good for an MMO. It is essential. Without 'popular', you have dead servers, empty game zones and most importantly no budget to continue serious development of the game. Without 'popular' in an MMO, eventually you die. Its a long slow death but its a death nonetheless. All the recent challengers to wow are shrinking and basically dying.


Your comment on WOW pvp is horribly misguided but I also suspect, deliberately flippant. What other game of this genre is so close to having PVP as an actual e-sport? None of them. They are all country miles away from it, and SWTOR is, at present further away than most. WOW pvp is highly skilled and if you had played arenas at any serious level, you would know this. The people who constantly deride WOW pvp are, in my experience, people who just don't do pvp for whatever reason. WOW pvp is dramatically superior to every other MMO on earth, despite its constant balancing issues, and the reason for this is very closely linked to the focus of this thread. The gameplay is exceptional and you are never of the impression that you are fighting against the game or its mechanics. You fight your opponents and the best players win 98% of the time.


I have played several warzones since I bought this game, and my reaction was basically /facepalm. Its the aspect of the game where the clunkiness of combat becomes most acute. The finer aspects of the game mechanics are seen through a magnifying lens in PVP, and what I, and many others have seen was very ugly indeed. Hopefully not permanently ugly, but ugly nonetheless.


We all benefit if Bioware get this right. Let me emphasise, I love this game. However, when I level cap, I cannot see myself continuing as the problems articulated through this thread and others make everything too difficult and unpleasant. Its just that as you level, you don't see the problem as much as questing is basically mindless and easy from a technical sense.


I am hoping that Bioware have their finest minds on this as we speak, and I hope that it gets fixed. If they nail it I will subscribe and play for a long time to come and I will be delighted to never have to return to Azeroth.


You wrote this essay and didn't even understand what my point was.


Nice. I was saying that stating something is automatically better because it is more popular is foolish. You did a great job of proving my point.


If you are saying WoW had great PvP you don't know what good PvP is. There is no way you can argue yourself out of this hole. Sorry. WoW players will tell you this. Honestly...


Good post, said the things I don't have the patience to.


Latching on to people who agree with you without thinking is cool I hear.

Edited by Gohlar
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basically it state if you click on that ability you will be locked for 500 micro second ( 0.5 second )


if an ability state tikrate=1000 and tikcount =3 it mean it will fire 3 time at 1 second intervals .... you clearly see there is a problem there when the ability has a 2.5 second cast time.


Ah indeed, thanks for explaining. :)

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Problem with this thread is it isnt clear. Yes there are some issues with flickering animations, but saying the combat is clunky and unresponsive as a generalization just leads me to believe people havent changed their ability delay in the options to 0.0.


Yes, there are bugs that are annoying and need fixing. No, the combat is not unresponsive as a whole.


Guy above my post try that as i think that is your problem. Go to preferances>controls>scroll down and set ability delay from 0.5 to 0.0 and then see how it feels.


When people refer to the game being unresponsive in general, they refer to the fact that several abilities listed as 'instant' are nothing but instant, but rather have hidden cast-times that you're forced to wait through before you get your ability effect.


Then there's also that those that have actual cast times, seem to often suffer from animations longer then the cast making them drag out.

Edited by Zironic
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Our guild got a proper GM to help us with loot! One of our raid items got assigned to a player who couldn't use it (heavy armour went to Sith Assassin) and the GM told us to trade it. We told him the item was BoP and he asked "BoP?"


These GMs are intelligent.


I think automated messages are better.


Your GM is the target audience for this game.

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