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Everything posted by Hamstaxo

  1. with 649exp its hard for me to die. i do a lot of solo pvp in illum and i'm 31/10/0 i just heal, supercharge and trinket -> 3,5k crits to burst him away (repeat until win) at the beginning i would have joinded your opinion, but with full pvp gear a good played commando is just a m1a2 or better .... a leopard 2
  2. Hamstaxo

    PvP is Dead

    its not low pop its "i'm rolling empire cuz i am a baaaaaaaaaad kid" ...
  3. step 1: remove resolve system step 2: put stun, knockback and knockdown on a 1min cc immunity timer step 3: put snare, root, silence on a 1min cc immunity timer step 4: put 10 second ccs on a 1min cc immunity timer step 5: set cc breaker cooldown on 3min done
  4. new pvp PLANET of the size of hoth. much different outpost to capture illum hmm .... don't know how to fix this mess
  5. so you skipped the storyline did you?
  6. simply wrong there are much better ways to do this kick expertise out, make the raids doable for everybody and connect the valorranks to an skillsystem so the only thing left for complaining is "thats unfair they play much more pvp than i do and have higher valorranks. how am i supposed to win" the crying will never stop
  7. das ist wahr dafür musste man das alt-ehrwürdige 4flamers besuchen um nur den ansatz davon zu bekommen aber leider erzieht sich die community selbst. was in daoc noch geklappt hat geht in den wowzeiten nichtmehr. manchmal komm ich mir wirklich so vor, als würde ich wow nur mit anderer grafik spielen wenn ich mir den allgemeinen chat so ansehe und was teilweise rausgehauen wird. als beispiel wurde sich letztens in einer warzone beschwert das sowas wie ich eigentlich vergast werden sollte. sagt viel über die qualität der menschen dahinter aus
  8. no its called crowd control spam party at the moment
  9. doing 800k dmg against a team with 2 healers near to 400k heal isn that good..... its like shooting a dummie over and over again
  10. after this logic we should play dps and help the friend killing the enemy instead of healing him for a lower amount..... gz
  11. yeah because at this point 2 people drop so they don't need to target you they just burn down your tank and kill you after it tanks in pvp are nothing but meattanks atm.
  12. i think i missed the part where they actually did dmg to him instead of doing no dmg to the other partymembers.... stupid vid is stupid....
  13. the simple question is. why heal for 2k when you can hurt for 4k? you're turn
  14. resolve bar rocks! stun - stun - cd - 10 seconds immun - stun - stun - 10 sec - stun - stun - ... awesome system! ......
  15. i dont see the difference between AFKers with champ gear and AFKers with Battlemaster gear they still will be afk
  16. problem daran sehe ich nur das jeder ddler weiterhin heilen kann wie doof dieses hybridgemische hatten wir ja schon in rift und da wars auch eher ne qual als ne erlösung. das wow system funktioniert ja wenigstens noch einigermaßen aber das hier sieht eher nach zu wenig beschränkungen aus
  17. or even better. make a valor based skillsystem so even the shiny geared pve guys will be crushed because they have a lack of "skills"
  18. remove the soulbindsystem and we can remove expertise. its just as simple as that
  19. Can anyone explain me why skills don't scale with the amount of points we put into the connected skilltree? would fix this hybrid dmg/heal crap for example. i spend 35points into my healing tree. so lets say that every point spend results in stronger heals same for damage warhammer and daoc did this too argh das sollte ins englische forum P: naja egal ihr wisst worums geht /discuss
  20. you mean every patch new fotm setups even hotfixes
  21. as soon as killing people gives valor in illum i will build my 8man group and farm as many imps as possible. ok before this i will do may warzone daily hopefully patch comes soon
  22. /signed .... makes me scream on teamspeak every time
  23. every time my 1,8second bigheal hits for extremly awesome and imbalanced 1,9k.... i want to delete my char the trauma debuff just sucks.
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