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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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You identified a pretty big the issue here and i give you huge props for that.....however, this post is the most self indulgent crap i have ever read.....


The guy should get props for starting a thread that.... if ANY developer came along and read would have a better understanding of the fundamentals of MMO success.

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It doesn't say anything....honestly, what difference does it make where it got said. The point is apparently voices were heard, which was the end goal.....if the had put it in the thread I am guessing someone would have complained it should have gotten it's own thread...FFS relax, they responded...who cares about the vehicle used...


Responding on reddit is like having an interview with NBC and then having a follow-up at six flags while riding a roller coaster.

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What's sad is that the future MMOs already got that right, I'm not even going to bring in the name but having tried it out last year it had it down packed on the pre alpha.


That is exciting to read!!

Well due to the clunkiness I have actually agreed to a date tonight.:p

Read you guys later.:)

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The OP is spot on. I couldn't put my finger on it until he explained it, but he is definitely without a doubt right. Responsiveness in this game is lacking. Half a second is an eternity when you are trying to connect with your character and respond to the game world around you. I've noticed this most often in PVP, and it's probably why I have stayed away from it.


Let's face it, both sides of the game (PVE & PVP) need to be strong in order for this game to survive. Bioware, please don't ignore this post or this poster. He knows what he is talking about.


By the way, I commend you for the amount of thought and effort you put into your post and all the replies. You read over 3000 replies? That is crazy but I salute you! Much respect, Sir! :eek:

Edited by Segundus
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That is exciting to read!!

Well due to the clunkiness I have actually agreed to a date tonight.:p

Read you guys later.:)


Off-Topic but Have Fun!


Also yes, GW2 and ArenaNet people seem to have put Gameplay at their forefront and I believe are a step ahead of us here in that they are aware of all this... "I believe"...

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Veevito, I agree with your position and believe the person you quoted was not expressing themselves correctly perhaps.


I am not in game currently but the Charged Burst example (issue) is displayed in one of the videos on the OP. However I should mention that this entire unresponsive feeling and Avatar disconnect is multi-layered, it is affected by the GCD being incorrect, it is affected by the favoring of animation vs. input (letting animation finish etc.), it is affected by stuttery animation and delayed response when "spamming" an ability to catch it the millisecond it comes off of the GCD for example... etc.


So again, your position in regards to charge burst is correct I believe but the overall problem persists and in the case of Charge Burst the video in the OP displays it well.


Ok, I'll add an interesting layer to this.


I tried what was posted in that smuggler charged burst video. My results were identical. My thermal grenade did not go off until my Charged Burst animation completed.


I'll compare that to the opposite effect on my Quick Shot.


My QS interrupted the CB animation always, Thermal Grenade did not. Both Thermal Grenade and Quickshot are labelled instant abilities. However, only one interrupts the animation.


I stand half corrected in that respect. It is certainly an interesting thing though. Why one instant WILL interrupt Charged Burst and is usable on demand, but another will not.


I tested it with both a single target and switching targets. Same result...Quick shot interrupted Charged Burst regardless and Thermal Grenade waited until the end of the animation regardless of target.


Certainly needs to be the same for both. Either way. This is one of the reasons why I think this topic needs much more specific evidence to discuss other than "I agree". Because it is not universal across all abilities.


As I mentioned earlier, my only concern is that a fix for this not interfere with the animations. I really like them and it just adds an element of enjoyment for me at least.


But, make things consistent certainly and tighten it up reasonably.

Edited by veevito
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The OP is spot on. I couldn't put my finger on it until he explained it, but he is definitely without a doubt right. Responsiveness in this game is lacking. Half a second is an eternity when you are trying to connect with your character and respond to the game world around you. I've noticed this most often in PVP, and it's probably why I have stayed away from it.


Let's face it, both sides of the game (PVE & PVP) need to be strong in order for this game to survive. Bioware, please don't ignore this post or this poster. He knows what he is talking about.


By the way, I commend you for the amount of thought and effort you put into your post and all the replies. You read over 3000 replies? That is crazy but I salute you! Much respect, Sir! :eek:


Tyvm, yes I have... I don't even know what to say to that either...

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Off-Topic but Have Fun!


Also yes, GW2 and ArenaNet people seem to have put Gameplay at their forefront and I believe are a step ahead of us here in that they are aware of all this... "I believe"...


Yea they are but luckily I'll enjoy both or just one(if this issue isn't fixed.)


I like star wars lore and what not, and new this wasn't a "groundbreaking" mmo but a good mmo, just wasn't expecting delays you know?


I'll keep some faith in Bioware though :D

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I have noticed this issue too. And I am very glad Bioware has taken notice of this.


I am a healer and I have had people die because I could not get my heal or bubble to activate in time because of this issue. Lag I can understand, it happens. But having my skill animation, my skill cast bar, and my cooldown timer not in sync is quite frustrating and makes things seem so much harder than it has to be. I come from other MMO's one of which is WoW, and TOR feels like I am fighting with the game to get my character to fight within the game properly.


By no means is it enough to make me stop playing this game just yet. I LOVE the game. But it is new and has it's kinks that need to be ironed out. Other MMO's have just as many issues when they come out. So long as these types of issues are addressed in a timely manner I will stay subscribed.

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I've experienced all you have described on my Jedi Sentinel. I thought I was losing the plot and that my hardware/connection was maybe at fault (even though both are awesome, generally). Then I found your post while trolling a bit...


I notice when I Force Leap, the targets health bar drops before the animation has completed i.e. before I land the mob has its hp adjusted to reflect the incoming damage. So in some areas of the game BW seem to be countering animation duration with an advance appliance of RNG events, while with other abilities the RNG events are applied at the end of the animation. There is no continuity, and it's a tad frustrating!

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As an addon to my post, i'm thinking that this could very well be a conscious design decision for some skills given the skill queue and when damage is applied.


If you use the Q, then you wouldn't want Thermal Grenade to interrupt Charged Burst all the time. And you have to let the CB animation play out for full effect. But, then why allow Quick Shot to interrupt?


It is somewhat similar to casting a fireball in wow. You don't actually throw the fireball until the cast timer plays out, correct? This is similar except that firing a blaster repeatedly takes more time than extending your arm to throw a fireball, so you have to accept the animation.


Unless you want the damage front loaded (applied in total at the beginning of animation so interrupts don't affect damage). Which I could have sworn it was in a past beta by the way.


I don't know, I get what you are saying but I still like the cinematic animations. I'm weird I guess. And I don't have a problem with damage being applied throughout the animation.


Maybe i'm just getting more into an enjoyment mode rather than a twitch mode these days.

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This thread has carried on beyond my ability to even read through it all. I just wanted to bring up two odd points in the off chance that they had not already.



Firstly, the system as it is now creates some odd situations. As a Vanguard, I can use Full Auto on a Normal or Weak enemy which holds them 'stunned' and in a vulnerable state for the duration of the animation. The important thing here is that they are held for the duration of the animation, not the duration of the channel.


I can use the end of this animation to then pop High Impact Bolt, which requires something to be in a vulnerable state, even though I completed the entirety of the cast time and received all the damage from Full Auto. While this benefits me, I'm not sure this is intended.



Secondly, it is my belief that the Alacrity statistic is the basis for all of the problems here, or rather trying to make the Alacrity statistic work, as I am not sure that there has been a statistic that uniformly decreased the 'activation' of abilities in the past. I understand Haste in other games, but Haste did not directly affect non-channeled / non-cast time abilities, as far as I understand.


Is the fact that the Global Cooldown time itself is flexible resulting in a system in which true responsiveness is impossible?

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As an addon to my post, i'm thinking that this could very well be a conscious design decision for some skills given the skill queue and when damage is applied.


If you use the Q, then you wouldn't want Thermal Grenade to interrupt Charged Burst all the time. And you have to let the CB animation play out for full effect. But, then why allow Quick Shot to interrupt?


It is somewhat similar to casting a fireball in wow. You don't actually throw the fireball until the cast timer plays out, correct? This is similar except that firing a blaster repeatedly takes more time than extending your arm to throw a fireball, so you have to accept the animation.


Unless you want the damage front loaded (applied in total at the beginning of animation so interrupts don't affect damage). Which I could have sworn it was in a past beta by the way.


I don't know, I get what you are saying but I still like the cinematic animations. I'm weird I guess. And I don't have a problem with damage being applied throughout the animation.


Maybe i'm just getting more into an enjoyment mode rather than a twitch mode these days.


I am all for it being built in to have the animation take priority, just change the cast timers/bar to reflect this.

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The current issues are indeed game breaking. Sometimes the abilities don't even work unless pressed many, many times and by then it may be too late to execute your rotation properly.


The UI lag is atrocious, it seems very amateur for a company like BW to not have this fixed already. It's been like this for weeks and was even like this in the beta since August (when I first entered closed testing).

Edited by Matteis
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I really hope BW will make an announcement about this. If they got plans to fix it, this game will be amazing for years to come.


Unfortunately, if they don't fix this within a couple of months I think they will cut they're subscribers in half, Including me.


Great game, I love it.. This is not a short-term issue for anyone I think, but it needs to be fixed.

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