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Another server rollback on Harbinger??!!!!!


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Hey everyone,


The Harbinger is now back online. We will be investigating the cause of the issue and taking steps to avoid it in the future. If there is any further information I can provide, I will let you know!






Wait, that's it? Take steps to avoid it in the future? What about all the items and levels and XP and cartel market purchases lost? Your response is not good enough. Your company needs to pay back the items and xp levels lost back to your players. I can't wait to hear your stupid comments during the live stream that don't address your upset customers.

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great that the server is back but you dont know why it happened ? so unless you find it out it might as well happen tomorrow again ? and yea btw its still not fully fine, there is a que now Edited by LadyHF
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Hey everyone,


The Harbinger is now back online. We will be investigating the cause of the issue and taking steps to avoid it in the future. If there is any further information I can provide, I will let you know!






Some more details on what happened, please? Not sure if you can restore anything lost except maybe cartel coins since those transactions might be recorded elsewhere but attempts might be helpful. Won't mollify the usual, but it would be nice.


Otherwise, I think I'll avoid logging in for a day or so just in case this happens again or if you provide more information on what happened.

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Hey everyone,


The Harbinger is now back online. We will be investigating the cause of the issue and taking steps to avoid it in the future. If there is any further information I can provide, I will let you know!






You haven't even explained what the "issue" was yet... More information would be appreciated, as this cost many of us hours of playtime

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Wait, that's it? Take steps to avoid it in the future? What about all the items and levels and XP and cartel market purchases lost? Your response is not good enough. Your company needs to pay back the items and xp levels lost back to your players. I can't wait to hear your stupid comments during the live stream that don't address your upset customers.


I don't think they can restore the levels. I think its been wiped. I don't know how it works, but that's always been my understanding. They can't take everyone's word for it. They should be able to restore ccs though by looking at player payments and the itemization of where their coins went, and should do this. However, they also really should do something in the form of compensation.

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How about this for "further information that you can provide": what are you going to do for your players who just lost half a day's progress, the command XP levels, the crate contents including gear, etc.?


What are you going to do to make this up to all the subscribers on Harbinger whose time was wasted because you rolled back your server and didn't have a backup of what had been happening since yesterday?


I used to love this game so much, but I am just so sick to death of the apathy your public interface people show the people who keep you employed.


More this.


I'm still waiting on a reply for information regarding the content creator support system. The public face of your customer support needs a makeover Bioware

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Hey everyone,


The Harbinger is now back online. We will be investigating the cause of the issue and taking steps to avoid it in the future. If there is any further information I can provide, I will let you know!






Any chance of getting some form of compensation as a way to apologise to players on the Harbinger who lost items, credits, CXP progress etc. over the last 12+ hours?

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I didn't


I just logged on. My OH is still there.


Looks like I have good karama. I'd say I'm a nice and sweet person, so it makes sense.


More on topic: I wasn't affected by the last rollback either. Strange.

Edited by Radzkie
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You are over-reacting

Or maybe I am under-reacting ?


ya at first i thought i was over reacting but when i loggeg on and all my stuff i had worked hard on 3 toons yesterday for are gone whats the point?... this isnt the first time its happend and i am sure it will not be the last time.. credits i dont care about but my time is more important to me i am not gonna redo everything i spent hours on last night doing agin...so good luck to all of you for sticking around

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I just logged on. My OH is still there.


Looks like I have good karama. I'd say I'm a nice and sweet person, so it makes sense.


More on topic: I wasn't effected by the last rollback either. Strange.


So in other words you started complaining about something and bashing the quality of the game based on that before you even knew if it happened or not.

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So in other words you started complaining about something and bashing the quality of the game based on that before you even knew if it happened or not.


Nah brah


Other people were affected by this. I actually care about them not just myself, so I chimed in.

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Are they really gonna just move on like nothing meaningful happened and not talk about what we lost? HOLY ****, what a horrible support, BW you're just making a whole new level of WORTHLESS. Why do we even have you guys if you don't do **** for us?


I seriously can't believe i PAY for this! LOL glad to see my decision to not renew my sub wasn't misjudged.

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i don't know if its safe to even play will all my time spent be lost don't want to have random game play on top of all the other rng in the game now

Welcome to 5.0...where RNG server rollbacks are now a feature of the entire RNG based looting system!!!

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Wait, that's it? Take steps to avoid it in the future? What about all the items and levels and XP and cartel market purchases lost? Your response is not good enough. Your company needs to pay back the items and xp levels lost back to your players. I can't wait to hear your stupid comments during the live stream that don't address your upset customers.


Something tells me this guy may be standing behind him telling him what to write.



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