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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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I've decided to post a lengthy reply regarding this system and the change that came with today's patch rather than just leave the salty un-constructive post I made earlier in this thread.




I religiously followed SWTOR since the day it was announced as I was a massive KOTOR fan. I consumed all the media content that you put out on a weekly basis every Friday before the game launched. It was an amazing time, waiting eagerly for the Star Wars game I've always wanted. I even purchased the collector's edition the day Pre-Orders were made available.


And then launch came. The game had it's issues but I decided to stick around because I saw the Potential for this game to be great if the developers applied the correct changes and updates. Eventually you gave us an amazing expansion in the form of ROTHC which in my opinion was the peak of this game.


Unfortunately as the years passed it became clear that you started to care less and less, the game only went downhill from here onward. However I still decided to stick around and stay subbed to the game in the hopes of it getting the redeeming expansion that it deserved.


Now here we are, KOTET has launched and you have honestly blown my mind with the stupidity of your design choices. Never before have I seen such and out of touch design decision to get rid of a system that has worked perfectly for the past 15 years and replace it with utter garbage.


If SWTOR were a mobile game I'd congratulate you on implementing the Command System because such a system works perfectly fine in Pay To Win mobile games. But unfortunately for you SWTOR is not a mobile game and you've implemented a system that no one in their right minds could possibly defend.


The only reason that I even decided to give this expansion a chance was because I was certain that someone would eventually find a way of getting around this ridiculous RNG gearing system. And lo and behold, someone did find a way. Sure this new method meant I had to grind mobs for a couple of hours each day but it was better than the alternative.


And now in all your glory and genius design decisions you have decided to get rid of the only thing keeping me playing with this awful system in place.


SWTOR will always have a special place in my heart, but enough is enough. After 5 years I will finally be cancelling my subscription until you get rid of the Galactic Command System.

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you can thank the people who farmed Bestia adds 18 hours a day


Wrong, this wasn't it. Bestia adds only give regular XP which is popular for quickly grinding to 70. What the OP is talking about is Command XP, there was a fella who grinded to the weekly cap (rank 100) within 3 days by farming elites in a heroic area on Tatooine. Not only did he make sure he hit weekly cap before reporting it and thus leading it to being nerfed, I bet he get to keep all the rewards to. Scummy right? Bioware seriously needs to reconsider the GC XP rates it is far too low, re-grinding old content more times than ever is not fun. I shall not be subbing again after this, also RNG gear crates is digusting far too much junk. The story wasn't even that good.

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Even putting aside the issues for me as a casual player, since early access I have done the story (which I enjoyed) and got as far as command level 5 through heroics, which will now take maybe 5 times as long per level, the thing that is staring everyone in the face but not being mentioned:


They put a cap in place to keep progress at a level they are comfortable with. If someone hit the cap, they are being gated already, at the level bioware decided was right.


Now they want to further gate things. Why not just lower the cap if the guy had too much xp, that would not affect the rest of us who get nowhere near it.


Balancing the game on shut ins will just drive everyone else away.

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Even putting aside the issues for me as a casual player, since early access I have done the story (which I enjoyed) and got as far as command level 5 through heroics, which will now take maybe 5 times as long per level, the thing that is staring everyone in the face but not being mentioned:


They put a cap in place to keep progress at a level they are comfortable with. If someone hit the cap, they are being gated already, at the level bioware decided was right.


Now they want to further gate things. Why not just lower the cap if the guy had too much xp, that would not affect the rest of us who get nowhere near it.


Balancing the game on shut ins will just drive everyone else away.




If they lowered the weekly cap to 50,000 most of us would never reach it.


Why did they take the this option?

Edited by AshlaBoga
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The nerf was needed, though I feel CXP still should be increased from the other rewards.


That depends on what you feel should be a sweet spot for completing the GCXP grind on a single character.


Keep in mind that the player in question farmed three days straight, and for close to fourteen hours a day. He had 42 hours /played since early access began. To put that into perspective: My university course and part-time job as an IT technician only add up to a total of 25 hours per week. He played this game like a job for three days. 42 /played hours is much more than the average player can do in a week. It's even more than some of the dedicated players can do.


With that in mind - do you think it is reasonable to nerf the GCXP from mobs to 1(!). That essentially makes grinding useless, and it puts a hard cap on a system that shouldn't need a hard cap to begin with.


If we apply any sort of mathematics or logic to the proposed problem (someone reached the GCXP cap in three days), and the variabel is set (he played 15 hours a day for three days), the logical conclusion would be to set the GCXP gain to four or five. Why? Because that would enable someone who plays this game like a workaholic to complete the grind in three weeks - he would have his first character equipped to raid NiM in a month time. Even for a person who hated the 4.0 system, I can see that as a reasonable amount of time /played to obtain BiS gear for a single character. The amount of work necessary to break 300 in a month wouldn't make the system obsolete either, seeing that most people in this game can't bring up enough free time to play twelve hours a day for an entire month.


The solution they used was more simple: Annihilate the possibility of reaching the GCXP limit - even if you are a hardcore and dedicated player. They slashed it to one not because it is balanced or makes sense, but because it is the solution that stick to their goal (provide a grind), but at the same time makes it impossible to complete in four weeks.


I wasn't really hit hard by the GC system - my sage already got two epics and a set helmet at level eight, and my Sith will follow behind soon enough. I really can't complain in terms of the system screwing me over. However, I'd love to know Bioware's design decision behind annihilating the legacy system. There were ways to introduce a legacy component into the GC system. Either make the stash legacy wide, provide a GCXP bonus per legacy level (2% per level, stacking up to 100% bonus CXP for a maxed out legacy system), or providing a 20% bonus for every level 70 character in your legacy. There was no implementation for any of it though. The legacy was a pretty big deal up to 5.0.


In conclusion, this new change doesn't bode well at all. It feels as if this was a "let's just put it to 1 per mob..." solution. Which, surprisingly, it kind of is.

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As some of you said above - the game just started to be as intended - clear the instance with all the gold and elits. I did Taral five yesterday in solo mode(without the damn droid)and I have killed stuff that i didn't know it's even exist.

We did Cademimu and in the "run area" someone says "run", and the rest of us was like - "are you insane, there are two gold turrets in our way, it's 64 CXP" :D

I did Nar Shadaa blood sport and i had no second thought when i saw a elite - leap. And this was no farming - i never kill one of them twice.

For a sum of 15-16 hours gameplay, i have reached lvl 13 and i still think it was slow.

Not to mention that from 13 packs i have only one 230 relic that it's really worth.

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Lowering the weekly cap would probably have been a better idea.


Cutting the per-mob reward hurts the folks who don't have time to farm for hours on end, while bots will probably still be doing it. It also makes heroics and chapter replays much less satisfying.


I was running heroics yesterday and not skipping past golds; or even actually hunting for them to clear the area instead of just sliding by everything. Now I'll be right back to skipping content to move on to the next mission. I don't think that's an ideal solution.


Please at least compensate by raising the end-of-mission rewards on planetaries and chapter replays to make up for it.

Edited by Taramayne
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I actually enjoyed doing the Nar Shaddaa heroics for the umpteenth time yesterday because they were rewarding. Not outrageously rewarding, but somewhat rewarding.


Now they will return to being no more than a grind.


Rather than damage the enjoyment of the many, why not either just acknowledge that not many people are compulsive enough to grind to cap for 17 hours a day, and that you are catering to the vast majority here--or should be.


Downgrade some of those elite NPCs to strong in those mobs even if you don't change the character's abilities. This will make farming less rewarding without spoiling the rewards for others.


If you absolutely *must* nerf, why not down to 5? 1 is just insulting.


Remember, removing rewards is a form of punishment and punishment decreases the activity--when you do that, you drive away players. Once again, I urge you to please, please, please learn a bit about operant conditioning! You don't want to drive your players away by punishing them!

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This is a horrible decision. They should have just lowered the weekly cap if they didn't want this to get out of hand, but left it as is to let people do a little bit of farming.


It was the first time in years that I actually went out of my way to kill golds while doing heroics. It made the normal combat against mobs actually fun again.

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I am normally a Bioware fanboy, but this knee-jerk nerf is absolutely clueless. I was hoping that they would come to their senses and make the CXP grind legacy-wide before it killed their subscriber numbers. Now this nerf makes an already unacceptable grind much worse, and for the first time I'm considering quitting.
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Lowering the weekly cap would probably have been a better idea.


Cutting the per-mob reward hurts the folks who don't have time to farm for hours on end, while bots will probably still be doing it. It also makes heroics and chapter replays much less satisfying.


I was running heroics yesterday and not skipping past golds; or even actually hunting for them to clear the area instead of just sliding by everything. Now I'll be right back to skipping content to move on to the next mission. I don't think that's an ideal solution.


Please at least compensate by raising the end-of-mission rewards on planetaries and chapter replays to make up for it.


Yeah, lowering the cap would have been the obvious decision.

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If you absolutely *must* nerf, why not down to 5? 1 is just insulting.


No nerf. Slash the cap to half of what it was before and change half or more of the golds in areas like the one that was farmed to silvers. The majority of PvE and solo CXP available came from killing golds playing "normally" and it was already slow. Now it's PVP or go home. I like PVP but not ALL the time.

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I really want to be able to have a conversation with musco and the devs and find out why they decided to implement this random loot, senseless grind as a way of doing end game content. There better be about 10 NEW operations coming out in January that all grant thousands of cxp if they want people to actually play nim and master mode stuff.
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