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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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The nerf was needed, though I feel CXP still should be increased from the other rewards. Heroics only giving 20 feels weak in comparison to the biggest mobs. Perhaps 40 would do better, or 50. Something that feels bigger then just one simple mob.
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The nerf was needed, though I feel CXP still should be increased from the other rewards. Heroics only giving 20 feels weak in comparison to the biggest mobs. Perhaps 40 would do better, or 50. Something that feels bigger then just one simple mob.


It really wasn't needed. Once you get past the first few levels, it slows way, way down. This change rewards bots, though.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Pretty sure it's their solution to keep people from ONLY farming Golds and not doing any of the other content. There's a thread where someone farmed golds somewhere for three days and max'd out the weekly CXP.


I've done every kind of so called content in this game 16 times over - this mob farming was comparable fun for a change again. Now its gone as well.


Now the easiest way is to grief in Ranked Matches where you get a few medals and then die on purpose to make it go quick, cause winning takes longer if your teams people suck and you lose CXP / hour otherwise. Great move Bioware.

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This is a joke surely. The majority of the CXP you earn from Heroics is from gold mobs. The 20cxp for the mission is nothing. The chapters pay very little for the time invested and the handful of golds bumped that up. I'm out. All my characters will have to make do with crafted 228s, no-set bonus and be done with it. It will be story mode everything all the time and bolster will just have to do. I can forget about ranked PVP which I wanted to try this season. Unless you are committed to doing group content on your MAIN ONLY all day everyday, you have no chance of moving up the ranks in any sort of reasonable time period.


May as well unsub and just play the class stories and chapters every now and then. Can you still go into FPs and WZs as part of a group through the normal entryways? I'm not committing my life to this. The credit cap will be brutal but I'll probably learn to cope. I have all the other unlocks.

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I almost never complain about bioware, but this was so stupid, for the first time I wasn't ignoring golds and killed them as well. How many damn years does this add to the grind? I'm not a fan of this in the slightest, maybe bioware REALLY is trying to drive the long time subscribers away. So I went from being ok with the cxp system to hating it. I know there must be another game out there I will like, must be.
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I've done every kind of so called content in this game 16 times over - this mob farming was comparable fun for a change again. Now its gone as well.


Now the easiest way is to grief in Ranked Matches where you get a few medals and then die on purpose to make it go quick, cause winning takes longer if your teams people suck and you lose CXP / hour otherwise. Great move Bioware.



I was actually looking forward to farming mobs for a couple hours in between GSF pops. That sounded fun. The other stuff? Not so much. Not for the time investment required vs reward.

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This is getting stupid now IF this was Legacy wide I might have some patience for it but per toon it's plain crazy. Playing the same content over and over again... for casual players like me playing with family/friends (most of whom came back for 2 days and left again already).


With limited time to play this update only takes and gives nothing in return. I won't be forced into group play or pvp through group finder... listening to bullcrap from other "players" is not something I'm willing to waste time on been there done that eaten the pie. And grinding the same content over and over and over and over now for 1 CXP per gold mob hahahaha take a hike poking needles in my eyes would be a more fun game :p


And yes I'm a casual who enjoys solo play and play with real life friends not imaginary friends. SWOTOR and the "if you don't like it leave" crowd would do well to note it's filthy casuals that actually pay the bills, they sub, work, are more likely to spend money in the cartel market we're fluff crazy :p and don't do much in the way of forum posting.

Edited by Snowred
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I can agree. Is abit insane I mean like 5 I would understand due to farming issues but 1 is ridiculous.


My votes would be:


1. Make it Legacy Wide.

2. Start earning at lvl 60-65 (when KOTFE actually starts)

3. Up the XP some considering how many levels there is, if you won't make it Legacy wide.


But those are my opinions.

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One of the few things I was actually enjoying about this expansion was that I no longer felt like all the mobs being thrown at me were just boring obstacles used to keep me away from the enjoyable stuff. They were actually rewarding to kill and I found myself looking for new ways of getting around areas i could navigate in my sleep. Doing bonus missions i would have never considered otherwise. It opened up a completely new way to play for me and now i feel like I've just had a door slammed in my face.


Well i guess its right back to stealthing through as much content as possible.

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Fine. Nerf this. I get it. But raise the gosh darn rewards in other areas then. This grind is already INSANE for ONE character.


Have to agree and while there at it adjust the RNG on the command creates 15 boxes so fare and no one piece of usable gear it all been skins, rep, jawa junk and pets if i wanted that stuff in my command creates i get cartel packs.........:mad:

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They obviously hate their jobs and are trying to get out of it.


NOTHING else can explain this retardation.


I will sit back and wait till you fix the GAME BW. Then I will play again.


Till then see ya.


Not a penny transfers from me to you till its sorted.





Edited by Smuglebunny
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I can agree. Is abit insane I mean like 5 I would understand due to farming issues but 1 is ridiculous.


My votes would be:


1. Make it Legacy Wide.

2. Start earning at lvl 60-65 (when KOTFE actually starts)

3. Up the XP some considering how many levels there is, if you won't make it Legacy wide.


But those are my opinions.


I agree it was maybe nerfed a bit to much, would like to hear the reason why so much

On the 3 suggestion they it would get my votes also and especial point 2 beacuse it is after all KotFE that the subscriber only starts of the swtor game so would make sense imo.

Edited by Wolfiry
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This was from people mob farming inside raid instances....Nerf that....not CXP gains from all gold mobs. Honestly this system is already bad don't make it worse with sweeping nerfs.....


We are at a critical point in this game and its time for surgical adjustments...People are looking for a positive re-tune of CXP already and BioWare Knee Jerk nerfs all Gold mobs in the game?


Not wise....


I'm losing faith faster then ever and I tried to stay open minded and defend 5.0 prior to launch....I was wrong 5.0 is as bad as people were speculating.

Edited by Soljin
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Nerf it for everyone just because of a few people. Who cares if others want to grind mobs for cxp. My thought is let them.


I haven't been actively grinding cxp but when I saw a gold mob I would kill it since it gave me some cxp. Now there is no point. Great way to encourage new and casual players.

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It becomes legacy wide or they scrap the WHOLE system and replace it.




SWTOR turns off the servers in 6mo


I think whoever is responsible for this IDEA of GC in the first place needs to be out of BW.


Hear that guy? Your Idea is bad and you should feel bad.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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