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Everything posted by EightiesMonkey

  1. They look like parts from the Silent Warden set. https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/silent-warden/ Hope this helps.
  2. I'll start by saying, I don't mind a challenge. But saying that I prefer to play at my own pace, and I tend to take the game as it comes. Some stuff is harder yes. Some stuff I won't touch. PVP and OPs for example, had my fair share not fun for me, but I won't begrudge those who love them. I'd be happy if Bioware worked on being more inclusive for the different player groups. It annoys me that the community is so divided about the latest level sync changes and everything. Everyone here is making good and bad points. But lets be honest, no matter what the devs change somebody is going to be motivated to argue the heck out it for it to be changed again. I think the best course of action would be to find a middle ground and modify what they have already done. Level Sync at the moment is okay for me and others like me, others find it too easy or too hard, you are who you are, can't be changed really. They don't necessarily need to change the sync again, just bring things more in line. E.g: match most Heroics to existing story instances, the higher level ones bring them down slightly to be more in line, or have a difficulty based on group size, 1 player its story mode, 3-4 vet mode. My point is, enough requests have been made for drastic changes by all parties and this causes issues like this, us vs them. What's the point, we all play the same game, we all want to have fun in our way. In my opinion they just need to work on how it all balances out and not create a totally new system that will just annoy us all again.
  3. First as an RPer, i start with a little bit of fun: Baron Deathmark: Greetings Frogdogs and Rotworms! The Hutt Cartel has decided to invest a great deal of credits into galactic conflict! Not only do they have more Huttball planned, You will be forced to adapt and play with your enemies! All in the name of Giradda's entertainment! Say goodbye to Rotworms and Frogdogs and welcome the Rotdogs and Frogworms! From the Pit to Alderaan you will provide Hutt Entertainment for your sponsors! Second, I can see where people are coming from, personally I think its a good idea to fix the faction imbalance. But that's just my opinion.
  4. It looks cool. Maybe this new superweapon Zildrog is after, is actually some form of terra-forming device. Except it cannot differentiate between living and dead and destroys everything in path when it "rebuilds". If so that could also explain why Nathema is green. Maybe this is an isolated pocket created by the presence of the weapon and the rest of the world is still barren.
  5. While I don't want the option as I like Lana. I agree the option should be there. BW should just not make her or Theron a walking mannequin/set decoration. All the companions who are "dead" should be active in the story. Hell for those who don't want Theron or Lana as their advisors allow us to replace them. Quinn for Theron, Kira for Lana (just an example). I know that this is probably pie in the sky or that ever so rare flying pig (force pushing Gamorreans into the sarlacc out in Tattooine doesn't count) but those are just my ideas on how to resolve the situation. I would hate to be forced to kill Lana, but the option should be their for fairness if anything considering other companions and love interests have it. I hope Theron doesn't become a cosmetic companion just like I hope the same for Lana, and that all the cosmetic companions are brought back into the fold.
  6. I like Arcaan for nostalgia reasons. # Fallout3 #ThreeDog I'm just a Fallout nerd and part of me even hopes for some form of Alliance "Radio" where Arcaan acts like Three Dog for the lols I just like imagining it. Arcaan however does have some cool moments too. Given the potential for a redemption arc as the story continues is also of interest to me, such as how he comes to terms with everything he's done. But that's just me.
  7. The only way this makes sense in my head is if the technically limitations or whatever they called it benefited us in some way, my thought is: They applied it to characters and tested it, following these tests they realized they had no way for the system to recognize when four random characters had been leveled and it rewarded the buff on the fifth so we got 125% bonus CXP and so on. So instead of fixing that issue, they implemented it the way they did, possibly without telling Keith or Eric. It's annoying... Especially considering given the lack of time I actually have to play given my work hours and the fact I like to play alts (I'm sure others share my pain in one of these cases if not both), I have yet to get one character to level 300, I had a glimmer of hope that I could continue to play any alt I wanted and be rewarded with the CXP buffs when I eventually reached level 300. But now if I wanted that I can't play between my Juggernaut and Marauder, it has to be separate classes and it can't even be a mirror, I mean I would understand if it were restricted to one type of warrior but you could level a knight as well. I hope they fix this and make it applicable to any of our characters and not the ancient no longer relevant base classes. Or even leave it as it is but give us the option to buy it once we have one level 300, like its original. It just sucks!
  8. Well after watching Progenitor population decline and rise in an odd fashion for ages before dropping lower than I've seen it ever be. I am looking forward to been around when there are more people. I know numbers will not be the same as they once were or what not. But I am looking forward to meeting new people, I love RP and I don't want it effected, I know other players don't want their chosen content to be effected too. As other people have posted, we (everyone not just RPers) won't be alone and I'm sure there are people across all existing content that hate trolls as much as we do and that will help us push them back under the metaphorical bridge they call home. They choose to be the way they are, we can choose to be better. It's not perfect by any means, the game isn't what it once was and most likely never will be again, but if we pull together as a community we could make the new servers a place for our characters to call home regardless of what our playing preferences are. All jokes aside we are in this together whether we like it or not, we will get further together than as us and them.
  9. I can't help but imagine Senyas reaction to it xD If they make this and add a reaction from her I want an option to say something like : Senya: You better not break his heart, Commander! Player: "I won't.... Mother" *character winks and walks away leaving Senya flabbergasted*
  10. However unlikely it may be. Given his character, it would be cool if he made the first move.
  11. Well, She is an illegitimate child and a Twi'lek at that. The only thing she knows about her parents is that her father was a Sith Lord of some description. Over the years she has learned to look past the bigotry in the Empire and based on this she has decided that she will pay it no need. Over the years she has studied both the light and dark sides of the force believing that for the Empire to truely win some understanding of the light is required, her thought is "How can you defeat an enemy you don't understand?". If anyone insults her based on her race, skin color or other insults of that nature she will not waste her time on them, as they are in her eyes dismissing not only her but any alien that potentially could benefit the Empire. Over time she will be growing her knowledge of various force rituals and will always be interested in researching more and looking for those that have been forgotten. That's as far as I gotten with her as this one is a relatively new character of mine, I think about two weeks old. So I am prepared to potentially lose her name
  12. I am aware, I RP on Progenitor as I mentioned in a previous post, I was just making a joke in response to what it seems people who don't RP see RP as. I actually have a character similar to the one you describe too. Nice to see backgrounds of peoples characters
  13. I for one can say I do group content the same as everyone else But as to what they imagine RPers doing in group content I imagine it goes something like this: Imagine if you will Black Talon - Yadira Ban fight. [Raider1] [Group]: Lets go, we are nearly there, last boss. [Roleplayer] [say]: I must say for a Jedi your attitude is not really appropriate... [Raider2] [Group]: Dude! Are you serious right now. [Roleplayer] [say]: Your light saber technique could do with some work my dear, but your manipulation of the force is exceptional. [Raider1] [Group]: Seriously are you gonna help or not? [Roleplayer] [say]: You do not have to die Yadira, you could become my apprentice... *squad wipes and a series of rage quits follow* [Edit]: In response to those who don't want to see RP/the text involved, you could do what some RPers do and hide the chats you don't want to see. For example when I am RPing I change the chat box settings to hide General Trade and PVP by creating a new chat tab, called "RP". Problem solved., when I am done or during a break or what not I can switch back to the General tab or quickly turn them back on.
  14. Aside from a few valid concerns this thread seems to have derailed. I RP (not so much lately) on The Progenitor. Outside of a the obvious trolls who take it to the next level (one person has already been mentioned and does not only target ERP) most can be easily ignored and will eventually go away, I am not saying it is right, it is down right frustrating that they take the time to troll us. Given I know that some RPers have already migrated to TRE, I look forward to potentially running into them again. I am not a fan of forced server merges but I am choosing to view these mergers from a glass half full perspective. Two of my thoughts below: * Bigger community might mean people who haven't RPed before might give it a shot. * RPers who migrated previously for whatever reason might be run into again. I am not a fan of potentially losing my characters names. But I am already trying to think of alternatives in the worst case scenario, and I know knowing my luck I will lose a few. I love the names of my characters and I don't want to have to change them but unfortunately its the hand we have been dealt. But this is just one RPers perspective. We are all different and entitled to our opinion. I agree with the stance of don't quit before testing the waters. But as I said everyone is entitled to their own opinions and has to make their choice.
  15. "Alliance can you hear me! This is A-Dog and you are listening to the Alliance Public Holo bringing you the truth no matter how bad it hurts. Given the bad news that surrounds us lately, it is time for a lighter side. Let's begin with rumors. Some say that our Commander has feelings for yours truly.Haha! I can neither confirm nor deny. However I think it is clear to all that they are a firm believer in redemption. Without that I would not be here, with you, fighting the good fight. On an unrelated note, Vette will be taking over APH duties over the next few days. Why? Wouldn't you like to know! And now. Some Music." Sorry I just love Fallout and everytime I hear Arcann I'm reminded of Three Dog. Glad you guys are finally getting your Arcannmance. Enjoy!
  16. Lets see: Inquisitor - RL: Hunt down my bosses and murder with force lightning! SW: Try to get a hug off Khem Val. Go to Korriban and kill any weak Sith who believe they are all powerful! (seen some really bad RP lately) Smuggler - RL: Use my skills and tech to amass a fortune so when the day is over i'm rich. SW: Use my stealth generator to sneak up and stealth hug Lana and torment her all day with butt squeezes and the like and then make her jump and mention how cute she is when sees scared and... you can see where this is going. Warrior - RL: Force choke my bosses. SW: Spend the day with Vette and see if i can convince her accept female warrior loving as they are so cute together! As that is unikely go adventuring and have a fun day with my favorite Twi'lek. Provide Quinn with various books and hire him out as a reader for those who love his voice.
  17. I am thinking that he a double/triple/quad agent (whichever applies). My most out there theory is he was hacked! I know it sounds mad (refer to my forum sig) but think about it, we had Scorpio who could interface with almost anything and then these machine "gods" and Theron has implants. This is more a joke thought i had and I thought it would be fun to share. I would hate it if Lana was in this situation as I am one of the few who seem to actually like Lana. Plus i understand where people are coming from with the "decoration" companions. Vette was one of my favs and now she seems to be on the sidelines courtesy of KOTET. I agree the potencial loss of a romance option sucks! So I drop my vote in for Theron not been killable. Plus i had recently made a knight to do his romance and now this! but time away could be good for story if he remains a loyal companion and is undercover (which is my hope as I don't want decoration companions). P.S: I shall just leave this
  18. Lana/F!JediKnight. To: Lana Cc: Theron From: Me Subject: I will find you. Lana, I know you are not dead, you can't be. When Marrs ship exploded I cried. Kira dragged me away. She told me that you wouldn't be dead. We checked every pod we found and nothing. I felt his death like everyone else but it was different. It was then I doubted you were still with us, but that was wrong of me and I apologize. I can see you in my head laughing at that. Your idiot Jedi. I can sense you, but it's not you. It's driving me insane. Where are you Lana? I need you. You were the only person aside from Kira who didn't see a broken Jedi. I can feel your pain. Hold on my love. I will find you because I realise now that the Jedi are wrong. Emotion is needed as through my passion I will find you and then I will be at peace. Until we meet my love, may the Force ever serve you. Sathyan P.S: Theron I know you read my mail, so I saved you the trouble of slicing.
  19. I'll drop a few I have seen in my time. Bator (Used the Master title) Cannonball (Fat Trooper) Isee'dead'people (Inquisitor) Republic Spy (I assume he's a agent) Harry'ball (Legacy name Locks) Darth'Vaaider (Also used the Darth title) The'red'one (Zabrak Inquisitor) Blo'me (Warrior with Broonmark as a comp)
  20. /signed. I was inactive when the event was last on so I missed so I would love to be able to try it!
  21. You can spare Tremel on Korriban and Lord Rathari on Nar Shaddaa and they reappear, you can forgive Quinn. That's three off the top of my head, so not all bad I guess, but yeah some of the options for dark and light are bad.
  22. I'll drop one. Female Human Inquisitor. Short hair. Rest I'll leave with you. As I am based on a RP Server have a free RP background xD She was a Mandalorian but was found out to be force sensitive when she exploded (not literally) in anger upon the death of her clan mates murdering everyone with uncontrollable lightning , a Sith saw this and offered the power to avenge her clan. On your note of the Male Chiss: I'd say BH, I would say Agent but I hate the male voice actor.
  23. I always viewed it as his master plan. Based on our first meeting with Valky. Marr: Your silence throughout our history? This was your distraction. Valkorian: This was my focus... To me the Eternal Throne and fleet were his way of subjugating the Republic and Empire so he was in control and could do his master ritual. The way I saw it was, Marr was dead. Empire now without a leader. Leaving the collection of Imps and Reps with only the Outlander and Satele at its head. Valky then makes his offer. Whether you bow or he kills you (assuming Arcann didn't act) that leaves just Satele. I doubt Satele would have been able to maintain control over the allied imps leaving it as it was before. Reps v Imps. Valky would probs have been able to better control his conquered enemies better than Arcann and his ritual would be ready to plan. I imagine if Arcann did betray his father later he would have either passed into him or Vaylin. But then again that was just my view of Valkorian or whichever name you prefer to use.
  24. It's pretty even on Prog too, at least when I'm on, last night was a light win and then dark was winning upto level 3 then it got weaker down to two. At that point I went to bed so I don't know who won in the end, but it was a fight which is better than the constant light wins that were happening before. So so far since it was patched when I've been online it has been pretty even, light still seems to win more but at least the dark is scoring some victories now.
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