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How many are looking forward to KOTET?


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Jokes aside, I think BioWare will be looking to improve subscriber rewards in order to bolster subscriber retention. That is ultimately BioWare's goal: Maintain subscribers for longer periods of time. Whether that means offering more exclusive companions or more bonus chapters, I'm not sure how BioWare will tackle this obstacle. I'm curious to see what BioWare does as it's confirmed subscriber rewards are definitely coming back.


You know what, the only subscriber "reward" I would even deem worthwhile to maintain a subscription through the whole of KotET is this.


More developer interation with the community on these forums.


Certainly not numerous HK themed rewards and stuff like that.

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My predictions


1) Level cap raise to 70 - somewhat confirmed at comic con

2) Similar episode like things to kotfe but with certain chapters being converted into an operation

3) Returned of ranked gear with maybe 1 or 2 more pvp maps.

4) something that makes us play old content

- Unlikely

5) They expand on the alliance thing + conquest to make actual end game content.

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My predictions


1) Level cap raise to 70 - somewhat confirmed at comic con

2) Similar episode like things to kotfe but with certain chapters being converted into an operation

3) Returned of ranked gear with maybe 1 or 2 more pvp maps.

4) something that makes us play old content

- Unlikely

5) They expand on the alliance thing + conquest to make actual end game content.


I think it's safe to assume that the level cap will increase by five like every previous expansion.


I seriously doubt any of the chapters will have an operation variant. BioWare wants the story to be about the player (Outlander). More than likely, an operation would be some side story to the main events of KOTET.


If you mean new sets of gear to go along with the new level cap, then yes. I don't know if we'll get new PvP maps, but I'm not against that idea.


Making all previous story content replayable would be awesome, but I doubt that's going to happen.


I assume the Alliance system will be expanded on. I'm hoping leveling all the specialists to 20 wasn't a complete waste of time.

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I'm sorta looking forward to it, and sorta not looking forward to it.

The first season (which by the way I hate, I don't like it being in episodes and seasons, I much rather want a full game), was okay, but there was more "eh" than wow.


It focuses too much on force users which didn't make any sense when you were a BH or IA or Smuggler or Trooper (basically half of the classes in the game).

They rushed way too much through chapters, not giving the allies room to breathe and grow as characters.


Though I am looking forward to seeing more of the old companions return, so I'm in a way looking forward to season 2

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I think it's safe to assume that the level cap will increase by five like every previous expansion.


Why it's safe to assume? Technically, increasing the level cap with 5 levels now is cannot be justified. It has exactly zero sense to add 5 levels. Will they add? Probably. Will it make sense? No.

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I have a prediction for Group content. I was thinking long and hard at why it hadn't been announced, surely we have new flashpoints or operations in the works would quell a lot of the unhappiness group content players are feeling. They don't have to say where it would be set or the mechanics or the story behind it just that it was in the works. Sure there may be problems but they have released enough group content in the past that its not new territory that they may not be able to deliver upon. If they are working on new group content they must know from experience if its going to happen and if it is they could mention it. So give the silence I think I know what it will be


Tactical Operations rescaled to level 70 for the new cap offering the best gear! No longer will people need to wait for tanks or healers for hours or when you do get them find they don't know what they are doing now operations can be completed with any combination of 8 or 16 people.


But then I thought Kolto stations aren't going to be enough, a few heals does not make the mechanics do able when you have to move the boss or focus healing on the tank. They will have to half the damage through out to make the Kolto stations which are a group wide heal keep the poor person tanking up. But even then without taunts and the like you may find your squishiest member is getting all the heavy attacks or swipes and such hit the middle of the group cause that is where the dps is standing. The it hit me, providing GSI support droids for all. These droids would be able to focus heal and tank for the group.


Of course this wouldn't be new content as its just rescaled ops that people have played before, but these aren't the key demographic for this. This would allow people that had no idea what they are doing to be carried through by their GSI support droid. And for these people the content would all be new. But if the DvL event has taught the devs anything its that if you offer goodies people will ignore that they are repeating content and applaud the new content... So put the best gear maybe purple 400 gear from this (available one piece a week so you have to play at least 11 weeks to get it all) and best of all as no new raids have been put in most the people that would be unhappy with this plan have already left.


Before anyone says its a stupid idea, maybe from a players point of view but it adds lots of new group content, it could be said that every op has been opened to every player even if they don't know how to play. It requires 11 weeks of operation passes or 3 months of subs if you want the gear and aside from coding everythings damage and health by a half and maybe removing any mechanics that require thinking it wont take much work. From a dev point of view thats got to be up there with providing a list of achievements offering Cartel Market rewards and calling it a new event.

Edited by Costello
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Jokes aside, I think BioWare will be looking to improve subscriber rewards in order to bolster subscriber retention. That is ultimately BioWare's goal: Maintain subscribers for longer periods of time. Whether that means offering more exclusive companions or more bonus chapters, I'm not sure how BioWare will tackle this obstacle. I'm curious to see what BioWare does as it's confirmed subscriber rewards are definitely coming back.


Well, one of them did say that they're aware of players not really enjoying the HK theme they had going for like six months. Hopefully the KoTET rewards will have some more variance, and not revolve around any one particular character in the game.


I'm curious to know if another companion will be a reward, though. I think the HK re-release was a knee-jerk reaction to the outrage of that character's unavoidable death in the story - not something they originally had planned as a reward. Nico was a subscriber reward from the beginning, of course, but had significantly less content written for him than even HK's reintroduction gameplay. (Of course, I never forget that little umbrella!)


Overall, I'm kinda looking forward to KoTET, hoping BioWare learned from more of their mistakes than just releasing everything except HK-themed bed sheets and actually put more into the game that players are asking for. KotFE brought us Star Fortresses, a new warzone type, and The Eternal Championship. Like any of those things or hate them, they are a new type of content, and I'd be interested to see what they come up with next.


I also hope the subscriber rewards are better :cool:

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Companions have been broken and underpowered since launch. Much of the content in the early game was pointless and deserted. BioWare revitalized starter worlds while getting rid of the ridiculous gear grind for companions and built their stats purely on presence and influence. I see this as quality changes rather than a removal of systems. The only design decision I did not agree with from BioWare was taking out Ilum World PvP. To this day I think that was a major mistake. I'm not really concerned about what KOTET will "remove" next as I'm sure it will be blown out of proportion.


Ilum world PvP wasn't removed in a major expac. But I agree no matter what they do in KOTET, you're going to be singing BW's praises.

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actually with some servers so light in population that getting into pvp matches can take hours and hours - I'd say bringing back Ilum OWPVP and the valor missions would be a good way to allow these players to still have a chance to earn valor (esp with DvL event requiring valor for a tiered reward)
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actually with some servers so light in population that getting into pvp matches can take hours and hours - I'd say bringing back Ilum OWPVP and the valor missions would be a good way to allow these players to still have a chance to earn valor (esp with DvL event requiring valor for a tiered reward)


I'd be fully on board with this idea. Ilum World PvP was amazing and far better than the underwhelming FFA zone that the Gree Event created. I don't even care if its a slideshow. It's just nice to have variety in PvP instead of doing wzs and arenas 24/7.

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I'd be fully on board with this idea. Ilum World PvP was amazing and far better than the underwhelming FFA zone that the Gree Event created. I don't even care if its a slideshow. It's just nice to have variety in PvP instead of doing wzs and arenas 24/7.

Could. Not. Agree. More.


It may have sucked at times, but it beats what we have now! BRING IT BACK!!! :D

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Could. Not. Agree. More.


It may have sucked at times, but it beats what we have now! BRING IT BACK!!! :D


Absolutely. Just think about how much more group content could be generated especially with Ilum World PvP coming back. All sorts of repeatables could be done for it whether based on objectives or just killing. There are a lot of possibilities and it wouldn't necessarily require a lot of work as I'm assuming BioWare still has the code for old Ilum. Studios rarely just delete features and never have a backup somewhere in case they decide to revisit them. Open World PvP has just always been my favorite PvP in MMOs and it's a shame SWTOR just doesn't offer that experience anymore.


Not that this has anything to do with KOTET necessarily, but it would be nice if BioWare had a few major surprises to go along with the new expansion.

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What i am looking forward is play the game, kotet or no. I haven't even finished Kotfe with a single character.


The joy of doing mostly PvP is that you are always satisfied with the pve content you have and you never run out.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I won't speak for anybody else, but the reason I enjoyed it is simple. I wanted a single player RPG anyway. When they first announced SWTOR, I wanted something I could play on my PS3 or PS4 after it launched. I NEVER wanted an mmo, and since launch I've been playing this like a single player game. :D


That said...


I'm "kinda" looking forward to KotET just to see where the story is going, but I've learned over the years to keep my expectations in check. ;)


I'm NOT looking forward to another season of being stunned/tossed around like a rag doll by every random enemy in the chapter. I'm the FREAKING WRATH! :mad: "I" should be able to interrupt random knight #798.


I'm NOT looking forward to another season of companion clones who can't be customized in any way. :mad:


I'm NOT looking forward to another long drawn out season waiting for my OG companions/ LI to come back.... have one 30 sec scene half explaining their absence, then never get to take them on any missions or have any more conversations again. :mad:




TL;DR version.... on a scale of 1-10 my anticipation level is about a 3.5

You speak for me! Saved me many seconds of typing :D I have little interest in group content and have also played as a single player RPG since launch. There was a lot of KOTFE that I enjoyed and I'm hoping for some improvements in KOTET including what you mention above, plus more consistency in the story. Companions-used-only-for-crafting should not have suddenly become more awesome than our characters who earned titles like Wrath/Darth/Barsenthor/Champion etc. And why has Lana got so much power?

I really don't want them to over-hype content that will end up being a let down OR being annoyingly predictable. Big showdown with Arcann my bottom!

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What i am looking forward is play the game, kotet or no. I haven't even finished Kotfe with a single character.


The joy of doing mostly PvP is that you are always satisfied with the pve content you have and you never run out.


I'd probably agree with you more if not for the fact that half the people who queue don't play objectives or aren't wearing PvP gear. WZs and arenas get tiring dealing with bad players half of the time. It's nice to have variety where you aren't just relying on terrible players that can't play the game.

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I'd probably agree with you more if not for the fact that half the people who queue don't play objectives or aren't wearing PvP gear. WZs and arenas get tiring dealing with bad players half of the time. It's nice to have variety where you aren't just relying on terrible players that can't play the game.


The no gear isn't bad if you're wearing the right greens for Bolster at 65 while you earn a full set. Try anything else and it's torture. I finally have a set, am slowly working my way to the full 208 and can actually deal out damage- the other nightmare is unbalanced warzones. Sorcerer healers are insane- I won a warzone yesterday (versus deathmatch) because I kept gunning for the sorcerer healer and depriving them the chance to heal their teammates, killing them and I swear I spent five minutes each round grinding them, and they weren't as good as most. I say that because usually unless I have others with me, I can't kill a sorcerer. Any other healer would have been roadkill last night without me coming out of that warzone with sore finger muscles.


But stick to all 190 greens with all slots filled until you have a PvP set otherwise it's pure agony...

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I'd probably agree with you more if not for the fact that half the people who queue don't play objectives or aren't wearing PvP gear. WZs and arenas get tiring dealing with bad players half of the time. It's nice to have variety where you aren't just relying on terrible players that can't play the game.


That's the best part though- it's the ultimate player vs player. I pretend my character is a double agent, sabotaging the Republic to help the Imperials score a victory.

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Let me help wrap KoTeT for everyone. Probably 12 boring chapters or maybe 16, stretching those last reclaimable companions as long as they can. In the end, Senya will return with Arkann, they will join your rebellion against Vaylin, then with the help of the new...softer and kinder father figure of Valkorian you will defeat Vaylin, and then PUT ARKANN back on the throne.


Who learning his lesson, and settling his daddy issues, rules in peace.

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If I had any confidence left in Bioware or heck, even information from them, maybe, but with only KotFE to go on, no. In fact, KotFE so thoroughly destroyed my interest in all things swtor, they would have to do something earth shattering for me to care again.


Spent countless hours playing and enjoying my characters. After KotFE, they all just seem irrelevant and going through it again, is so annoying that even spacebarring everything can't save me from the pain of repeated "surprise" ambushes by skytroopers EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER, or save my Lightside toon who never took Valkorion's power from having the script broken and suddenly Valkorion assumes power in a certain place or says the dialogue for it in another. Complete nonsense.


It's bizarre to watch the "spectacle" of a team of writers and devs just piece meal destroy the plot, characters, and relevance of so many things they themselves created and the players cultivated only to have the devs pat themselves on the back and players rush to post how "amazing" it was while the forum mods bury any critical threads in subforums.


Sorry folks, the Emperor has no clothes on, pun intended.

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Let me help wrap KoTeT for everyone. Probably 12 boring chapters or maybe 16, stretching those last reclaimable companions as long as they can. In the end, Senya will return with Arkann, they will join your rebellion against Vaylin, then with the help of the new...softer and kinder father figure of Valkorian you will defeat Vaylin, and then PUT ARKANN back on the throne.


Who learning his lesson, and settling his daddy issues, rules in peace.


You forgot to shoehorn in 'not actually dead' twin brother, whatever his name was.

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Can't say I'm looking forward to it after playing season 1.


kotet....? Not excited at all. kotfe was just not good and knowing we're getting the exact same garbage is a bit disheartening.


Worse yet, there probably going ot MAKE and FORCE you to forgive and actually group up with Arcann and his mother instead of ridding the universe from a tyrant child and his blind supportive mother. Just that thought alone of BW doing that makes the whole concept of kotet a terrible idea.

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