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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stealth nerf or unintended?


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So I logged in and with no warning treasure hunting lock boxes are no longer dropping credits.


Since this wasn't in the patch notes I was just wondering if this was intended (I would lay money it was) or not. Either way if it was intended that was a pretty messed up thing to do with no warning. :mad:

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So I logged in and with no warning treasure hunting lock boxes are no longer dropping credits.


Since this wasn't in the patch notes I was just wondering if this was intended (I would lay money it was) or not. Either way if it was intended that was a pretty messed up thing to do with no warning. :mad:


After what happened last time with Heroics... the only character I have with Treasure Hunting isn't very high but I feel for you, it's underhanded to do things by stealth (see: heroics) and unless people have a host of level 50 companions, it's hurting legitimate credit earning means instead of the credit sellers, who just latch onto whatever they think works easiest/best.

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I wouldn't be surprised that it was another stealth nerf, but maybe it's a bug. If it was a nerf I wish they be honest and not try to slip it past us. Like were not going to figure it out. I know there was a big forum, with people complaining that the credits dropping from treasure chest was causing inflation, be used by credit farmers, and demanding a nerf. I feel like these nerf just hurt honest players who want to make credits. When it come to bots they aren't hurt all that much, as they will just keep gridning credits at a lower ratio since they can do it 24 hours a day, unlike players who have to actual play the game. Edited by SithEmpress
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my money is on stealth nerf (I thought about making a new thread, but ended up posting in that 55 page one instead)


while they weren't as profitable compared to time needed to invest as people were yelling? they WERE still profitable, so I'm not surprised bioware took credits out of them.


oh well


P.S. they are not profitable anymore btw, those items you get tend to vendor for less than what you spent, and getting companion gifts in them is a bit of a crapshoot.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I wouldn't be surprised that it was another stealth nerf, but maybe it's a bug. If it was a nerf I wish they be honest and not try to slip it past us. Like were not going to figure it out. I know there was a big forum, with people complaining that the credits dropping from treasure chest was causing inflation, be used by credit farmers, and demanding a nerf. I feel like these nerf just hurt honest players who want to make credits. When it come to bots they aren't hurt all that much, as they will just keep gridning credits at a lower ratio since they can do it 24 hours a day, unlike players who have to actual play the game.


Isn't that just one guy who kept spamming his little agenda? The majority of the time I don't pay any attention to usenames, but in that one topic and in a few others I put together the pieces that some kid was just obsessed with treasure hunting lockboxes, I don't know if more joined his crusade or not though.

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I don't see how this is a "stealth nerf". It was pretty clear that in their current state they were being easily exploited by cheaters and credits sellers with macros. Bioware was going to do something at some point, it was just a matter of when.
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I don't see how this is a "stealth nerf".


"Stealth Nerf" because it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes. If they want to nerf the TH boxes, fine, but they're supposed to mention it in the patch notes. By not mentioning it, it just makes them look sneaky.

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I wouldn't be surprised that it was another stealth nerf, but maybe it's a bug. If it was a nerf I wish they be honest and not try to slip it past us. Like were not going to figure it out. I know there was a big forum, with people complaining that the credits dropping from treasure chest was causing inflation, be used by credit farmers, and demanding a nerf. I feel like these nerf just hurt honest players who want to make credits. When it come to bots they aren't hurt all that much, as they will just keep gridning credits at a lower ratio since they can do it 24 hours a day, unlike players who have to actual play the game.


the sickening thing is the people pushing for the nerf were gold sellers trying to bring their profits back to where they once were.

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*slow claps* Yes. Just when I thought my motivation to play this game couldn't sink any lower. All the interesting things on GTN cost millions now...with the nerf to heroics, and now this one, it's no longer worth the time to even try and get credits.


Seriously, are they deliberately trying to piss off their customers? If so, great success.

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Too bad they try to sort out the cause for inflation 3-4 months too late.

*slow claps* Yes. Just when I thought my motivation to play this game couldn't sink any lower. All the interesting things on GTN cost millions now...with the nerf to heroics, and now this one, it's no longer worth the time to even try and get credits.


Seriously, are they deliberately trying to piss off their customers? If so, great success.


Maybe they'll go down over time.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Isn't that just one guy who kept spamming his little agenda? The majority of the time I don't pay any attention to usenames, but in that one topic and in a few others I put together the pieces that some kid was just obsessed with treasure hunting lockboxes, I don't know if more joined his crusade or not though.


His crusade was to stop his competition. He is a farmer who was jealous of his rivals, and he did everything he could to get them to nerf it.

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"Stealth Nerf" because it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes. If they want to nerf the TH boxes, fine, but they're supposed to mention it in the patch notes. By not mentioning it, it just makes them look sneaky.


As I said in the other thread, I never understood why they gave credits in the first place. They still give items, including models that are no longer obtainable in any other way, and the occasional artifact item. If you want money from crew missions, go get Slicing, (Which ought to be mildly net-positive, and that it's not is annoying).


Note, I never thought the amount of money you could get from botting TH was enough to matter in the grand economy; was not one of the ones crying for a nerf on economic grounds. I mildly approve on game design grounds, is all.

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You could only get rich by constantly farming the TH lock-boxes, but for low level characters it definitely helped get you to the point where you could buy a few nice things off the exchange.


Very disappointed that they decided to nerf this, especially in such a sneaky way...


Hello Bioware, you've let the exchange get out of hand with the super rare cartel packs items that people have a hard time getting their hands on... Don't screw up one of the few ways that people could actually afford to get some of those nice things off of it. You are NEVER going to get rid of gold farmers... It's been a problem in every MMO ever made... Stop cutting off your nose to spite your face... Heroics and TH lock-boxes helped your legitimate players. Stop screwing the people that play your game.

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As I said in the other thread, I never understood why they gave credits in the first place. They still give items, including models that are no longer obtainable in any other way, and the occasional artifact item. If you want money from crew missions, go get Slicing, (Which ought to be mildly net-positive, and that it's not is annoying).


My point is that it should have been mentioned. It wasn't. Hence, "Sneaky stealth nerf." Whether or not TH boxes SHOULD be nerfed isn't my point (I personally don't care as I know how to make money in this game without resorting to macros or buying gold from gold sellers).


Nerf = Fine

Stealth Nerf = Sneaky bad. Especially since this is RIGHT after their attempted stealth nerf of the Heroics in 4.6.

Edited by AngFour
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Isn't that just one guy who kept spamming his little agenda? The majority of the time I don't pay any attention to usenames, but in that one topic and in a few others I put together the pieces that some kid was just obsessed with treasure hunting lockboxes, I don't know if more joined his crusade or not though.


Yes and his math was proven wrong.


The majority of the thread were people telling him he was wrong but it looks like bioware read the first post then looked at how long the thread got and decided to nerf it without any further reading.

Edited by rklontz
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credit spammer bots would have a host of people just bot farming treasure hunting with 6 level 50 companions to make something like 8 million credits a day off of one bot, so ya they boxes needed to be nerfed because the credit spammers were using it to amass credits and hike prices up, same with when they nerfed slicing boxes.
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credit spammer bots would have a host of people just bot farming treasure hunting with 6 level 50 companions to make something like 8 million credits a day off of one bot, so ya they boxes needed to be nerfed because the credit spammers were using it to amass credits and hike prices up, same with when they nerfed slicing boxes.


And when they decided to nerf the Slicing boxes, they mentioned it in the patch notes. TH nerf was not. Stealth nerfs are bad, m'kay?

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The economy needs credit sinks and unfortunately, the game doesn't have that anymore.


Ways to have credit sinks:

Costs to level - gone

Desirable items in game - all through CM (or gtn, but that isn't a sink since it just transfers money t layers minus ~6%)

Unlocks (SH/ Perks)- available through CC for character/legacy and account. Through credits, only on character.



now, if they made cartel market items available via credits for a short span (make bind to player to prevent selling) that could take a chunk out of the economy. Of course, there will be those who would be up in arms against this, but it's the best idea of a sink I can think of.

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So, I haven't tried lockboxes post-patch. Did they really nerf them without mentioning it in the patch notes, after being so apologetic about nerfing heroics and leaving that out of the patch notes? Do they have some random guy delegated to making inflation fixes who doesn't communicate with the rest of the team?


Or are we being played like a fiddle, w/ regards to this whole "oops, we left it out of the patch notes" stuff?


I'm thinking I must be misreading the situation. That there's some patch note that mentions it, or I'm imagining the talk of it being nerfed. I don't want to believe that they honestly made the same exact mistake twice in a row, after being so overt about saying they messed up.


My BS Detector is going crazy and my Benefit-of-the-Doubt-O-Meter is malfunctioning.

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What I don't get: making a little money out of TH should not be that much of an issue, since a "regular" user will not make a fortune of it, and while the companions are away they can't craft or anything... why not just limit the numbers of TH missions run daily on an account or similar to avoid misuse?

Same with the Slot Machine - they just kill it completely. This is not solving the problem and mostly hurting "regular players".

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So, I haven't tried lockboxes post-patch. Did they really nerf them without mentioning it in the patch notes, after being so apologetic about nerfing heroics and leaving that out of the patch notes? Do they have some random guy delegated to making inflation fixes who doesn't communicate with the rest of the team?


Or are we being played like a fiddle, w/ regards to this whole "oops, we left it out of the patch notes" stuff?


I'm thinking I must be misreading the situation. That there's some patch note that mentions it, or I'm imagining the talk of it being nerfed. I don't want to believe that they honestly made the same exact mistake twice in a row, after being so overt about saying they messed up.


My BS Detector is going crazy and my Benefit-of-the-Doubt-O-Meter is malfunctioning.


Yes they really did nerf them and they more than likely are going to say "oops we forgot". Even though it's been a couple of days and numerous threads some time later this week they will say they "forgot" and be surprised at the outcry.

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This is... Very annoying and unprofessional - if you need to nerf something - nerf it. But DO ADD IT TO PATCH NOTES! That's what patch notes are there for, not just informing people of "new features" but about all changes in the game so we know what was intended and what is a bug, and which bugs got fixed or not. Bioware barely communicates as it is, accurate and complete patch notes is the least they can do!
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I'm pretty much fuming about this, it's honestly enough to make me consider unsubbing.


I'm not a credit farmer, just a solo player who doesn't much like grinding the same heroics over and over again. TH was my main source of income.


How are we even supposed to make money anymore?

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