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Why do you subscribe?


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Just wondering why you guys choose to subscribe. I will be honest, I have barely taken advantage of such bonus' like playing operations, and unlimited warzones. (high-level missions?! don't know what those are). I seem to honestly stick to the great storyline and just earn as many credits as i can and use that to my advantage on the GTN.

Why did you subscribe?

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Character slots. Full rewards options. I dont have to pay mroe to unlock all three crew skill slots. Hide Helmet. Display Titles. Specie option expansion (PB Sith, Twi'lek, Miraluka, Mirialan, Ratataki, Chiss). More character slots. Now PvP, I can run solomode FPs or group up if I want to for DvL and because I like the FP story. Credit limit that is enough for me to buy things at higher prices. Unify colors. More emotes (not that I use them oustide of my stronghold, but still). 610 CC a month with my security key app.


Forum privilege and unrestricted Chat. That's a major one for me.


Yeah, cosmetic fluff, chat, and forums are my main reasons. Also the fact that it is my money and my parents can't say -bleep- about it when I am doing fine managing my own funds and still attending college while working. This game is my escape from outside world expectations, so I try to support it when I can.


And now PvP. I really like PvP, even though I pretty much suck at it, but I can call out when needed.

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Took me nearly 3 years before i subscribed but here's why i did in no particular order

1. avoid credit cap - i can now have how ever many credits i can earn, no more stupid escrow

2. unlimited warzones - used to only get 5 per week

3. more character slots

4. increased exp boost

5. so i could get the latest expansion and level to 65

6. unify colours, artifact equipment, and all that fancy cosmetic stuff

7. crew skills - this is really awesome cause i love doing crew skills and now i finally have 3 slots. i used to have to transfer back and forth between characters for mats and crafting


that's about it for me. the only thing i haven't taken advantage of is ops. i'm only at 208 gear so probably not geared enough for ops, plus i've been in queues for hours and no pops.


However, you're reason to play the gtn alone should be enough to subscribe. without subscription, you can't exactly play the gtn with a credit cap of 350. well you could but it wouldn't be any fun, you would be playing around with a bunch of junk bronze items.

Edited by wiseread
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I've played since launch. The game has always been a subscription game to me. I subscribe for the convenience of having full and unrestricted access to everything: my characters, their credits, their gear, the freedom to do anything I want and go anywhere I want. Plus, I am guildmaster. Plus, I believe in paying for the services that I choose to use. I pay for utilities, I pay for cable, I pay for Netflix, I pay for my bus ticket and I pay for postage on my parcels. There is no free lunch, free stuff always has a catch.
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I don't know that I could get much out of this game without a sub. 1-50 story I guess and that's about it. Which is why, when my sub dies at the end of the month, I'll probably just drift away.


There's just too much "talk to the hand" in this game for non-subs. And the thought of going through some complex earning process to unlock a bunch of restrictions that I don't have to worry about as a sub sounds like turning the game into a job, just to get baseline levels of enjoyment out of it. Screw that, I got better things to do with my time.


I think the one that really kills me is the escrow nonsense. For F2P and gold farmers, I get it, but come on yo. What happened to having access to what you earned? Stop with the hints, just kick me out of the game if I'm not subscribed. If you're gonna do **** like that, just go all the way.


In fact, the more I think about it, the whole dynamic of preferred (with unlocks) and sub (with not needing the unlocks) actually discourages people from switching up to sub after having been preferred for a while and nabbing every unlock they can get their hands on through credits... I mean, think about it, once you've invested all that time into unlocks, you've cut out a lot of motivation for ponying up the money for a sub. Oh, self-defeating systems...


In re-reading, some of this probably sounds angry. It's just me being blunt, how I react to things that I think are ludicrous. Take it with a grain of salt and a jar of pepper.

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  • Credit cap
  • Access to KotFE (OK, yes, sub then unsub still lets me access it, but ... credit cap)
  • Credit cap
  • Queuing multiple items for companions to craft
  • Credit cap
  • More XP while levelling
  • Credit cap
  • More credits from quest rewards
  • Credit cap


Did I mention the credit cap?

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  • Credit cap
  • Access to KotFE (OK, yes, sub then unsub still lets me access it, but ... credit cap)
  • Credit cap
  • Queuing multiple items for companions to craft
  • Credit cap
  • More XP while levelling
  • Credit cap
  • More credits from quest rewards
  • Credit cap


Did I mention the credit cap?

I have a weird hunch. I'm a bit of a Sherlock Holmes, you know. Have this instinct that credit cap is a motivator for you.


I know I know, how could I possibly figure that out? It's elementary, my dear watson. I'm just that good. :rak_03:

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Because it isn't that expensive and I enjoy the product.


I also don't consume it at the rate some other players do, so I get a lot out of it.


Also, if you haven't tried it yet, I suggest going to a RP server. A brand new way to play the game.

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My two or three main reasons to subscribe are that I don't want to be restricted with the number of characters i'm able to play. Even if there are some that aren't played regularly, there are times when i just want to play them.


Then there is this restriction about operations, not that there is something new to do in that category, but in the end playing with my guild and raid group is what keeps me here. Without them i would be long gone for good probably.


Being a guild leader is another reason, although it is tied to my second reason. Even if there was someone who would take over the guildmaster rank, i still would be an officer, but without access to the guild bank that isn't really working. Don't know if there is more that would keep me from doing officer stuff if I'm down to preferred.

Edited by Khaleijo
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Just wondering why you guys choose to subscribe. I will be honest, I have barely taken advantage of such bonus' like playing operations, and unlimited warzones. (high-level missions?! don't know what those are). I seem to honestly stick to the great storyline and just earn as many credits as i can and use that to my advantage on the GTN.

Why did you subscribe?


I do it to support BW as i have always done and they have been kind to me over the years. i also do it to enjoy the game they created as well with everything it has to offer without penalty. additionally i hate heavy grinding so being a pref after level 20 was never an option for me anyway,


Those are my reasons, if BW ever managed to setup personalized model statues of player characters so i can keep something with me long after the game is gone, i would happily pay some money to have my signature character on the desk. So for me, i don't mind paying 2 months non recurring every other month.

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Why do I subscribe? Because I enjoy the game, the art style, the companions, the worlds, and the brilliant story. Plus, it's bioware. I've never disliked anything they've put out entirely.... (Dragon Age 2 doesn't exsist!). O yeah, and apparently it beign Star Wars has something to do with it.


And because F2P is crap.

Edited by Codedrago
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Been a subscriber since late 2012, did almost everything in this game with exception of operations.

Now not much to do for me besides KOTFE, so I sub to get the whole story, then I'll probably un-sub. Only to be back for a month or two when new KOTET is released.


I feel like I've supported this game enough, and playing as sub was worth it.

But with recent changes to game play I'm just not enjoying the game like I used to.


I played as preferred this spring and it was ok. In-between the expansions whenever I feel like playing SWTOR I can do it as preferred.

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I had a similar conversation with one of my workmates about a year ago. He was quite condescending as to why I would waste money on a subscription based game. I pointed out that a days subscription was about the same price as one of the cancer sticks he liked to puff his way through at break.


I'm in that age range where quite a few of my friends are golfers so I point out that for a single round of golf I get about 3 months subscription.


Or, maybe for my cinema going friends a comparison would be a bus fare to the pictures, an evening showing and a bucket of popcorn is about 2 months subscription.


At the end of the day it's a judgement call on whether you feel you are getting a valuable return on your investment.


Among the many subscriber benefits I would actively miss is forum access, credit transfer between characters and the potential to have 50 characters (just crossed the halfway point ;) )

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Plain and simple: the convenience of not having to worry about access to anything. $13 a month (for six months at a time) is not an imposition for me to pay, and I would rather pay that $13/month than have to deal with the unlocks.
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