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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


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From Eric's comments today and from the information released, it tells us that unless we start a fresh Legacy on a different server or delete a bunch of toons and re-roll, the long-term subs will never achieve the completed Legendary Reward level -- if this is how it truly will work, then it really isn't fair to the long-term subscribers.


Dude, you nailed it. Everyone is getting distracted but that is the real issue. If our new legacy cannot allow us to share accomplishments and titles with our 'Original' legacy then it is all for naught.

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I agree with everything OP stated. Was going to post a rant on my distaste and first and only huge disappointment with this game. I can over look the lack of OPS and MMO content lately, but as a veteran, and having 8-65's and 25+ lower level toons that are banks, (I do not want to delete cause I am a whale) this has me really flustered. Sure I can use a few more Character slots, but WHY WOULD I WANT TO WASTE MY TIME LEVELING ANOTHER 2 TO 8 CHARACTERS for rewards that are cosmetic at best and 1 more of my 35+ companions that are all the same. If this included a new Operation or even a Flashpoint I might be a bit more excited. So I guess I ranted..........


I think I can represent the "Veteran Crowd" of the playerbase in spirit.

I bought the game when it was launched for 60$, paid my monthly subs and came back over and over each time paying for subscriptions and purchasing the expansions.

I played through everything in the game and did most of the raids (missing few nightmares) with my guilds, ventured through PVP and explored the game thoroughly.

I got 8 level 65 each one of different class and legacy 50, I got also dark\light V.

In the past I had over 50 characters which I've deleted once I've settled on the 8 I want so you can be sure I played A LOT and did most of what this game had to offer.


I really love the game at its core of what it was pre-4.0 and I am big fan of bioware for many years but,


For long time since 4.0 you, bioware, as developer keep acting in strange alienating way. I'm not trying to hurt anyone but that's my personal feeling.


First you turned the game in pure single player experience, most of the "new" content you gave us was horrible heroics, which broke the economy with loads of cash flowing around.

KOTFE Chapters are 1 time through and you can't even visit same place again after that like yavin 4 or makeb.

No new meaningful quests or raids, PVP and GSF are sad story by itself.


Even though you made that HK shenanigan with the bonus chapter for being subscriber for few months and made all those HK'gasm remarks on your twitch I wanted to support you as a fan and try to do my best to give you a chance.


Now coming to the end of KOTFE season 1, most of the guilds I was member in moved to a greener pastures with more raids and group content, lonely with pugs I keep doing same old quests waiting month each time for the 40 minutes 'fix' of new story.


But today...

oh boy...

That felt like slap to my face.

The new Dark\Light event. It's wonderful for new player just starting the game but as someone who already done everything in the game multiple time its same as saying "We don't want the veteran playerbase anymore, from now we cater only new players!".


seriously, who's bright idea was not to retroactively count everyone's achievements and history in the game like when legacy system came out? For me and I'm sure many others this is just an utter joke.





Bottom line,

As big fan and supporter of Bioware and SWTOR I just ask you, be honest.

you don't want us here? just ask - no need for all of those insulting actions and choices you make along the way.

its disrespectful toward us as players and lesser you as gaming company.

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Dude, you nailed it. Everyone is getting distracted but that is the real issue. If our new legacy cannot allow us to share accomplishments and titles with our 'Original' legacy then it is all for naught.

I think what they're going for is long time subscribers will buy a transfer to a new server to activate their current legacy there. They will then somehow complete all the requirements. Then they will maybe buy a new slot on their original server and pay again to transfer back at least one character to bring the achievements and pay for unlocks to bring items back. And perhaps they're relying on guild peer pressure to push people to do it together to get that top tier grouped stuff done.


That's a lot of cartel coins that would get hoovered out of the system or new purchases made. Not only does this entire thing keep people who take part busy, but also opens their wallets. Of course the price on transfers having gone back up again was totally unconnected to this event and it never crossed the pointy haired managers minds I'm sure.


All my friends have already gone to Overwatch. I suck at FPS but this is making Overwatch look more like its worth trying. That purchase price is a big stumbling block but I dunno... this event is ... infuriating.

Edited by Rantank
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I didnt even see the event yet but from what I gathered they want me to level a whole bunch of stuff again to go thru content that I most likely run daily... I already have 17 65s, I am sorry, if you dont wanna consider my past progress I wont take your events seriously.
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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


The thread title says it all. As much effort as they've made to communicate and be more transparent with the player base, which is appreciated, you'd think they could just tell us if BW's focus is on new players vs. end game players.

Edited by LonelyWookiee
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I didnt even see the event yet but from what I gathered they want me to level a whole bunch of stuff again to go thru content that I most likely run daily... I already have 17 65s, I am sorry, if you dont wanna consider my past progress I wont take your events seriously.


part of the challenge is to level from scratch 1 of each of the 8 classes to 55 again.

Another one is play through FP and OP all over again.

and many other grindy ones.

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The word on the street is that this 3rd iteration of repeating old content yet again has all the ear markings of the rumored SWTOR 2. Since no content normal for any other mmo is in the works they have most of their development staff working on an entirely new game due in around 1.5 years. Those tasked with keeping the old game alive are doing insane re-grinds like we've seen in 4.0 with heroics and operations and the inane Light vs. Dark gauntlet of 4 years worth of accomplishments rushed into 4 months of speed grinding.


I cringe thinking how much I've purchased in this game thinking I was investing in new content but that new content will be for an entirely different game with nothing in this one to carry over. I had taken these rumors with a grain of salt but with the absence of real content which seemed pretty consistent up until Ziost it seems more and more plausible.


If any of you frequent the forums you may have seen someone post a movie promo for E3 which talked about all the companies developing Star Wars games. In it was a senior developer for Bioware discussing what they had in store for the future. The thread was quickly whisked away to an inaccessible part of the forums which was strange but in hindsight it probably revealed in an indirect way swtor is no longer a SW project on Bioware's main plate. If they can keep us distracted for 1 more year then they can slowly announce it and prepare people.


Again, take with a grain of salt...

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I agree totally with the OP.


Now i think their event could have include two versions in ONE ;


For example :


- for those new to the game, just the way it is

- for the Veteran, it could have been different with a kind a Tutor reward for helping the new ones


And for each reward we help, we receive something very special, different and totally NEW.

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I have been here since launch and played swtor on and off. Overall I am not happy with this "event" I really do not want to restart a new legacy and relevel all 8 classes again.....parts of it seem fine, the pvp requirements are not as harsh as I thought they would be (wz, star fighter etc). Other parts require groups which I have trouble getting these days due to the direction swtor has gone right now, people log on for the new chapters and events that is it. Now hopefully this "event" will bring more people back but who knows....


I feel like they really dropped the ball on this one, I might participate but I highly doubt I will get all of the "Levels" done. I am not one to complain and rarely voice it on the forums but I feel we need to voice our opinions on this otherwise nothing will change.

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Ok, I did not expected much and was planning to hang out with my awesome guild and replay the game and all that. But at the same time... Somehow, this event do not sit well with me. Maybe because I think that this is how it will be: Season, event encouraging to replay 4 years old content, Season 2, event encouraging to replay old content again, Season 3.


To think that I was annoyed at the need to delete HK rewards. Give me my HK underwear or shoelaces!


On a brighter side, developers do listen to community! People saying that there is no need to subscribe for 6 months for HK rewards and that they will return in June to get all chapters at once? Here is a shiny event that just pulls at “gotta catch them all” strings. You can not do it fast and you will have to be a subscriber for some of achievements ^^ And the stuff what's going on now on forums? Developers know that players are dissatisfied left already and players who like this game too much will fume and stay.


P.S. What is it with BW and female force user companions? Ladies: Ashara, Kira, Nadia, Jaessa, Temple, Lana, Senia, Nautolan from Nar Shaddaa SF and now this new Chiss or Zabrak. Gentleman: Xalek, Scourge, Guss and that Jedi from Alderaan. Huh.

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I think what they're going for is long time subscribers will buy a transfer to a new server to activate their current legacy there. They will then somehow complete all the requirements. Then they will maybe buy a new slot on their original server and pay again to transfer back at least one character to bring the achievements and pay for unlocks to bring items back. And perhaps they're relying on guild peer pressure to push people to do it together to get that top tier grouped stuff done.


That's a lot of cartel coins that would get hoovered out of the system or new purchases made. Not only does this entire thing keep people who take part busy, but also opens their wallets. Of course the price on transfers having gone back up again was totally unconnected to this event and it never crossed the pointy haired managers minds I'm sure.


This sounds like a very likely scenario. It's what a McKinsey-type of manager who is in charge of this game would do. I have said it before: The management of this game has made very smart decisions for one year in a row now. It's not what (most?) players like, but it works out for them.


I had thought about what to do in order to get those achievements and stuff to my main legacy and I came to the conclusion that I would have to do exactly that: move the legacy to the new server, do the event, move back and merge (I assume it works like that? I would worry that something goes wrong and I would lose things during the merge). I don't even want to think about how much this would cost me.

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I spruced up your statement a bit Max...I hope you don't mind.


Just like those folks complain they have only so many slots. They did it many times. Really? How many times have you completed all 8 class stories. Two per class 3 or 4 ?

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Just like those folks complain they have only so many slots. They did it many times. Really? How many times have you completed all 8 class stories. Two per class 3 or 4 ?


Once or twice each isn't enough? Just twice on each AC is 32 playthroughs, from level 1 to whatever, then all the non-class content after the original stories, over and over and over again.

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there is no point in trying to achieve Legendary because you can fall short for any number of reasons beyond your control, and all the effort put into it amounts to nothing, you can grind up eight characters and all the crafting etc., but if you can't find a group to take down just one operations or world boss, then you get nothing more than anyone who completed the first five tiers and just stopped.


Here's a radical idea - do not do the leveling grind until you complete the other steps. That way, no time will be wasted.

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I have been here since launch and played swtor on and off. Overall I am not happy with this "event" I really do not want to restart a new legacy and relevel all 8 classes again.....parts of it seem fine, the pvp requirements are not as harsh as I thought they would be (wz, star fighter etc). Other parts require groups which I have trouble getting these days due to the direction swtor has gone right now, people log on for the new chapters and events that is it. Now hopefully this "event" will bring more people back but who knows....


I feel like they really dropped the ball on this one, I might participate but I highly doubt I will get all of the "Levels" done. I am not one to complain and rarely voice it on the forums but I feel we need to voice our opinions on this otherwise nothing will change.


You do not have to restart your legacy. The entire event can be done with a single character slot.


And I am sure there will be people LFG for the event things.

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- for the Veteran, it could have been different with a kind a Tutor reward for helping the new ones


I can already see the chat if that happened - will pay 20 million for letting me tag along and kill stuff for you...

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I think I can represent the "Veteran Crowd" of the playerbase in spirit.

I bought the game when it was launched for 60$, paid my monthly subs and came back over and over each time paying for subscriptions and purchasing the expansions.

I played through everything in the game and did most of the raids (missing few nightmares) with my guilds, ventured through PVP and explored the game thoroughly.

I got 8 level 65 each one of different class and legacy 50, I got also dark\light V.

In the past I had over 50 characters which I've deleted once I've settled on the 8 I want so you can be sure I played A LOT and did most of what this game had to offer.


I really love the game at its core of what it was pre-4.0 and I am big fan of bioware for many years but,


For long time since 4.0 you, bioware, as developer keep acting in strange alienating way. I'm not trying to hurt anyone but that's my personal feeling.


First you turned the game in pure single player experience, most of the "new" content you gave us was horrible heroics, which broke the economy with loads of cash flowing around.

KOTFE Chapters are 1 time through and you can't even visit same place again after that like yavin 4 or makeb.

No new meaningful quests or raids, PVP and GSF are sad story by itself.


Even though you made that HK shenanigan with the bonus chapter for being subscriber for few months and made all those HK'gasm remarks on your twitch I wanted to support you as a fan and try to do my best to give you a chance.


Now coming to the end of KOTFE season 1, most of the guilds I was member in moved to a greener pastures with more raids and group content, lonely with pugs I keep doing same old quests waiting month each time for the 40 minutes 'fix' of new story.


But today...

oh boy...

That felt like slap to my face.

The new Dark\Light event. It's wonderful for new player just starting the game but as someone who already done everything in the game multiple time its same as saying "We don't want the veteran playerbase anymore, from now we cater only new players!".


seriously, who's bright idea was not to retroactively count everyone's achievements and history in the game like when legacy system came out? For me and I'm sure many others this is just an utter joke.





Bottom line,

As big fan and supporter of Bioware and SWTOR I just ask you, be honest.

you don't want us here? just ask - no need for all of those insulting actions and choices you make along the way.

its disrespectful toward us as players and lesser you as gaming company.


Agreed. As soon as I read up on the event I came here to see if anyone felt the same. Clearly I'm not alone. It is BS though. I leveled all 16 possible advanced classes(I know I'm not alone in this). Why would I want to do any of them a second time? They really should make this retroactive as a reward for people who have played the game loyally for these 5 years.

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oh look another please hand it to me thread.


they are running a business, they want your money. dont like it then leave along with everyone else who likes to complain about everything.

You are Bioware's ideal customer Daniell. I bet they wish they had 1-million more just like you. I, however, am not content to be read metrics and be told it was an "event".


Be careful what you wish for too...even Harbinger is seeing drastic declines in players. If you keep wishing everyone gone who has the courage to demand better, you'll soon find how few people there are like you.

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Sorry EA/Bioware but this is absurd. On two separate servers I ground out one of each character. I'm sure as heck not doing it with 8 again. I *was* looking forward to the event but now having read it in detail, not anymore. I'll run one character though some of it just to get the packs, That's it though.


For people whom have been here since Day 1, this is a slap in the face and lazy beyond belief. Recycling all old content in a shiny new wrapper to give the impression of a funky new event is pathetic.


My play hours have been rapidly decreasing and this 'event' well, it's not really an event as outlined above, is not going to make me play more or spend more.


At least the Gree, Rakghoul etc, were all new content at the time, this isn't.


Many a time I have defended BW / EA, but here there is no defense. Only new or those that love to grind will get much from it. This game needs new Operations and a total overhaul of PvP.

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It does appear that vets are the players they want.


Equally encouraging players to play the 1 to 50 game surely they will see how bad the writing in Kofte is and encourage them to leave as they can't take it any more.

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The devs are counting on the completionist urge of many to reach for that Legendary level, maybe try content they wouldn't usually engage in or go back through some speed runs. Only 1 of the characters actually has to participate in expansion content all the others just have to reach a level (don't have to finish story or chapters just run them through flashpoints and get those achievements out of the way at the same time ;) )


I hate to break it to you as you've been around for so long but the release schedule and content for SWTOR has always been slow and under supported (it's a shame as I honestly think GSF is deserving of more development) since launch, and players pointed to going back and trying out class stories they may not have already done, or if they have trying different choices.


I'm sure you're not alone, I guess you're one of many that had built up expectations that somehow BW would conjour up some meaningful end game PvE content for the season gap and summer slump.


THIS x 1,000,000!

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