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Dark vs. Light Event


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If they give veterans retroactive credit.. the event is largely a nonstarter right out the gate.


It's not even about retroactive credit (to me). The thing is that they expect everyone to start new characters to run the event.


I, like many others, have my character slots filled already. I won't buy new ones just to do the event. Especially since the entire event is just, "Do all the stuff you're already doing, but please forget about your progress and start over."


Many of us have partially-levelled characters and would be happy to partake in the event if we could just use those characters and gain event rewards by finishing with the ones we started.


I'm not deleting lvl 20-something or lvl 40-something characters just to start over. Which, by the way, is BW just telling me that my time is worthless.


BW made a miscalculation by not taking into account what their customers actually want. I'm sure they didn't even bother to ask (focus group) any current players what they may think of this. No way they wouldn't have made concessions if they actually talked to the community about it.


As I've stated already, I'm not leaving the game or anything. I'm just disappointed that BW is alienating a huge portion of the population with this event. How can they reasonably say to their most loyal customers, "Hey, you know all that stuff you've been doing for the past 4.5 years? Don't keep doing it. In fact, stop what you're doing and start all over again."



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I won't be paying any additional real money for this event. My max character count on a server is 32 and I have extra slot tokens in storage (always, just in case). Personally, I learned years ago to never max out character slots on a server in an MMO.


So you do admit that what I am describing is literally happening? Those character slots are paid for with real money - yours or someone else's. They don't appear out of thin air. The slot tokens average 5,000,000 on the Progenitor. That's 10 million for both slots, and that doesn't even account for any demand that might arise due to the maximum limit. Not everyone has a simple ten million lying around on top of other finances.


It's also kind of funny to suggest I can't max out characters in this game for the purpose of playing the story again. That is precisely what Bioware is focusing on, and what Bioware wants us to do.


If you want to be productive about discussing this... make a case for raising the slot max count from 40-42. I'm sure the devs could do that with little complication, and it would solve the small minority of cases where someone is capped at 40.. refuses to delete any of those 40 characters, and does not want to play the event on a different server.


You have no idea what kind of limitation the current server and game code has in store for the current character limit. Raising the character limit might not be just this easy. This is also about people who are capped below the cap, but don't have any free slots. Spending money - any real money - on participating in this event is ridiculous. It's an artificial barrier. An artificial barrier that blocks people from easily entering something that is supposed to keep them subscribed and playing while we are waiting for the next season.

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If they wanted us to re-level characters how about let us have an option to re-level our current characters to 65 again? I'd do that to be honest. But that seems a bit farfetched and difficult to pull off. Replaying the story with my main would be fun to me.
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Will we get separate achievements for event? I'm somewhat ok with leveling (even if i hate BWA for ignoring retroactive stuff)


But i'm not going on other server to start from scratch.

I just started my life again after transfer. :mad:

Edited by unibim
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I tried the Eternal Championship on my main who is in 208 gear ( some 216 ) fully augmented, Sith warrior, level 44 comp and could not get past level 6 or 7 of the 10 fights. I spent over 300k in repair bills trying to beat it. It is to hard for me. I can not get the mechanics down to do this solo. I don't cry about not being able to beat it. I just leave it to those who can. But to tell people like me it is impossible to complete this event because they won't accept solo+ is just not right.


P.S. I have no problem, redoing everything in the event, I just hope they allow the group Eternal championship solo+ to get the achievement or I am not going to be able to complete this event.

That's not actually true though.

You will be able to participate in the event, you'll be able to earn the Eternal reward, you just won't be able to get Legendary.

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If they wanted us to re-level characters how about let us have an option to re-level our current characters to 65 again? I'd do that to be honest. But that seems a bit farfetched and difficult to pull off. Replaying the story with my main would be fun to me.

Because that involves more than reading metrics.

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This event should have retroactively include ANY character on any level and doing all those activities again like playing through flashpoints, ops and events. While ONE character needed to complete all story chapters. Then i would understand this event to make sense if you choose dark or light side and get rewards based on that.

But as it is now who the hell is going to level another 8 characters and do ALL those activties in just 4 months?


It would be physically impossible unless you spend each day 20h behind your pc.

Edited by Divona
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That's not actually true though.

You will be able to participate in the event, you'll be able to earn the Eternal reward, you just won't be able to get Legendary.

I did not say I could not compete in the event. I said I could not complete or finish the event without solo+ being acceptable to get EC achievement .

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Dont worry. You do new 8 character and they increasing level cap to, 70, 75, 80 and repeat this event again with new items, titles etc. (new server -> 8 character -> lvl cap -> event) over and over again. This is bioware new content:)
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How unfortunate that it has come to this.


I can only imagine how insulting it is for those who have been subscribed since day 1. Granted, I have not been playing since launch, yet I absolutely understand and sympathize with where the veteran players are coming from -- the same players who have dedicated countless hours to levelling dozens of characters to 65, along with companion affection, crew skills, datacrons, lore, gearing, PvE and PvP achievements, and all the rest. I have too.


I don't think I have ever seen such unanimously negative feedback. In my view this event goes against everything the veteran players have worked to achieve, effectively rendering all of it pointless.


I love Star Wars. And I loved this game, but with the turn of overall direction it has taken over the past year, I can support it no longer. I am not upset so much as I am just sad. This game is an MMO and should remain such.


I hope that whatever new PvE content that gets released in the future -- if any -- is well worth the wait. If not, I fear this game is doomed.

Edited by Darth_Raxis
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Because they don't solo simple fact. They don't play the game to solo things. They like doing things with their friends. Not everyone wants to solo every blasted thing in the game.


It's not "every blasted thing" though. It's a short simple arena, and the only solo required bit.


Also, you can easily do it like I did: At the same time as my friend, talking about it as we go. The time will go fast, and you can go right back to doing the things you enjoy more. Hardly end of the world. We all will have things we dislike in the list, be glad yours is short.

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Now that I've also read the blog, it does appear that that is the case: EVERYONE will get the same companion. Does make me wonder what will happen to the "losing" companion. Surely they won't just write them off and be done with it? Maybe they'll get sold later in the Cartel Market. It's too bad, I think the event would have been a lot more fun if there was a way to win both companions.


No doubt it will end up in a cartel pack or a recruitment mission down the road, Just have to play the waiting game

Edited by RepublicDiplomat
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There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)



That's me not participating then. I'm sure my guild would be delighted to have their guild leader disappear off to another server for several months! :rolleyes:

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To me, this is kinda the nail in the coffin for playing SWTOR.


I do realise that I don't have to participate in the event, but having 16 characters above level 50, I do not see myself adding any more. Forcing me to replay old content not to enjoy it, but as some kind of speed run challenge, is not the way I like to play games. KotFE already made playing alts a real pain, because replayability is pretty much nonexistent to me (at least not to a degree where I would play the same story 16 times). This event is the final proof to me that the content you develop doesn't cater to my preferences anymore.


Changes to the cartel market made me stop buying packs.

Changes to the way the story is presented made me stop playing through the game with 16 characters - I only use 2 now.

Changes to companions made me stop caring for them.

This event will most likely make me stop playing at all.


This is not supposed to be a threat, merely to expresy my disappointment with the only running Star Wars MMO being no longer of interest to me. This has happened to SWG, so I guess it was bound to happen to this game, too.


I have a really bad feeling about this.


Sad Wookiee out.

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Since you can add character slots really easily and stay on your current server, this complaint is weak sauce IMO. And no.. you don't have to spend CC for character slots.... though I do expect this will drive the GTN prices up on character slots during the event. But it also means people looking to convert CCs to credits will be flooding the GTN with character slot tokens. A few million credits and you can buy a character slot. If you are already at the server cap, nobody can reasonably tell me there are not two characters they can delete to make room.


I, personally, have 6 pub, 3 Imp chars. I'm going to reroll one of the pubs and kick off a new imp. I'm not affected.


It's still a chintzy thing to do to someone who has filled up their character allotment, particularly if they've filled 40 slots.

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2 concerns:


First the new companions: More information is needed here. Does the companion only unlock on the character that earns the achievement? Can they be unlocked in collections so existing characters can have access to the new companions? Is it possible to unlock the both companions on the same account? The same Legacy? The same character? Is the companion you get based on DS/LS choices that the unlocking character made? DS/LS choices legacy/server wide? Account wide?


Also the new legacy XP boosting armor set: Going legacy bound on this is a good first step on making this reward reusable and worthwhile. However a single set of legacy armor would naturally have some issues trying to use it as a reusable leveling set. Since the stats needed from armor at level 5 and level 49 or 65 are widely different making this armor set a fixed stat set would cause problems somewhere along the level spectrum depending on stats. However having it an empty orange shell can have re-usability issues. If for example you put mods in with that are restricted to level 41 and up the armor is then restricted to that level. The problem is removing the mods from orange items generally doesn't remove the level restriction. So even if you take the level 41 mods out before sending it to your level 20 alt the alt can't use it due to the level restrictions. Is this issue going to be addressed and how?

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I've posted this before and will post it again...


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

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I tried the Eternal Championship on my main who is in 208 gear ( some 216 ) fully augmented, Sith warrior, level 44 comp and could not get past level 6 or 7 of the 10 fights. I spent over 300k in repair bills trying to beat it. It is to hard for me. I can not get the mechanics down to do this solo. I don't cry about not being able to beat it. I just leave it to those who can. But to tell people like me it is impossible to complete this event because they won't accept solo+ is just not right.


P.S. I have no problem, redoing everything in the event, I just hope they allow the group Eternal championship solo+ to get the achievement or I am not going to be able to complete this event.


Hmm, it should have been decently easy with that gear and companion, though you should really turn in more crystals for 216 and 220 gear. Were you in dps spec?


If you're on shadowlands I could help you learn it. Have you tried any other classes? Different people will find different classes easier. Sorc might be a good choice: Ranged and self heals.

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Since you can add character slots really easily and stay on your current server, this complaint is weak sauce IMO. And no.. you don't have to spend CC for character slots.... though I do expect this will drive the GTN prices up on character slots during the event. But it also means people looking to convert CCs to credits will be flooding the GTN with character slot tokens. A few million credits and you can buy a character slot. If you are already at the server cap, nobody can reasonably tell me there are not two characters they can delete to make room.


You really are a piece of work.


Yes, we know we can buy a slot on the GTN. And who will be forced to do that? -Yes, that's right - The players that spent most time in game on their toons aka the most loyal subscribers. < These are the people that gets to pay several million extra....and you fail to see how that's a slap in the face.


Noone, absolutly No One - should have to Pay anything, move servers or delete a toon - to participate in any event. This is BW calling bad shots once again, and everyone sees it for what it is except a chosen few who are either trolling or just outright ignorant.


Well im not surprised you are among them, allthough I am tired of your arrogance and trolling....so you'll be my first on ignore here on the forum. Good riddence.

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This shouldn't really be an event but a mainstay.


For someone just starting out the thing is really really sweet tbh.


For a sub of X years it's the achievements introduction all over again. It's absolutely too much to do again, no matter how epic the rewards. I'm even having trouble picturing myself running 2 to level cap for the new companion. It's already a pain in the arse just to get that 10th or 11th 60 to 65 via kotfe.


Christ I alrady hate myself for the life I wasted on this game since before launch, I can't go throught that again lol. :p

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