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Everything posted by rayneneverwind

  1. This is what I'm hoping and praying for. Like if a shadow picked up some guardian tank abilities to add to their own. Otherwise this makes no sense.
  2. Guys. I don't understand. Help me, please, understand what you're trying to do here. To answer your questions: 1) No, this does not feel like a guardian. This feels like... a joke. A cruel joke. Like I've been kicked to the ground, stomped on, and laughed at. This class is gutted to a fragile shell of what it is on live. 2) Everything feels missing. I feel like I've lost 3/4ths of what made this class so much fun to learn and play. With this iteration, the hardest content I can probably do? Hammer Station Solo Mode with the Jesus bot. 3) I'm a wet paper towel when I used to be invincible. 4) This class is not enjoyable by any means. If this goes live, I won't be playing the game. Not that anyone cares. Disclaimer: I know this is very early PTS. I know that it's a static set of abilities. I know everything going in what to look for in this cycle. I'm hardcore praying and hoping that a lot of this is simply PTS shenanigans and bugs. [Defense/Immortal Guardian/Juggernaut] But. That aside. W H Y. Why would you: 1) Remove 2/3rds of a juggernaut/guardian tank's defensives and force a "choice" when it's imperative to have all three for the most difficult content in the game? (this absolutely boggles my mind.) Not having Saber Reflect (!!!), Enure/Endure Pain (!!) or Blade Blitz/Mad Dash (!) ... why would you take these things away? I understand pruning and helping with ability bloat ... but... why these? 2) Remove things such as Awe/Intimidating Roar, Saber Throw, Interrupt, Threatening Scream (Aoe Taunt), and some hugely necessary abilities in both the dps and tank specs? 3) Give a weird combination of things - ie, Force Sweep and Vigilant Thrust while at the same time removing things much more imperative to the class? I'm just... sad. I'm sad that this might legitimately be what you're planning for 7.0. And I'm legitimately worried about what your plans are for the other classes. If I wanted to play SW:Galaxies, I'd go play on the legends server where my fiancé is a staff member. If I wanted a 5 button top bar rotation, I'd go play Neverwinter. If I wanted to constantly be reminded that my class is a joke, I'd go play WoW. Please. Do not. Go through. With this Iteration. For the love of all things good about this game.
  3. Afternoon, Thank you for putting this up as quickly as you did; I'm sure this entire thing has been rough on you all as well. Here's a list of some of the more serious and spec/class/game breaking issues that have either already been reported or I'm just reiterating for visibility's sake. (Some Republic names may be incorrect) 1. Kolto Shells grant 6 charges instead of 7; this is compensated with by double applications but it messes up heat management. 2. Ward of the Continuum tactical doesn't grant additional Dark Ward/Kinetic Ward charges. 3. Audacity utility doesn't grant an additional Recklessness/Force Potency charge in all three assassin and shadow specs. 4. Berserk/Zen doesn't grant an additional Ferocity charge in the Carnage/Combat spec. 5. Carnage Marauders/Combat Sentinels are allegedly losing Hyper stacks when taking damage. 6. AP Powertechs/Tactics Vanguards still suffer from the Phantom Energy Lode bug. 7. Engineering Snipers/Sabo Gunslingers are not having their additional explosive charges applied to their targets. 8. The sorcerer/sage healer tactical One For All does not bounce Roaming/Wandering Mend to its 5th target as intended. 9. In Nightmare/MM Dxun, on Apex Vanguard, in the case you stay at a distance of below 30 meters from the droid adds that spawn, they do not appear to pull in the case that the Stim Serum is active. However, if you increase your distance to more than 30 meters, the target is instantly pulled, even with active Stim Serum. 10. Reports of launcher issues as well, though to what detail, I don't know. 11. The Phase menu when right-clicking on yourself is very messy and unintuitive, leading to a lot more confusion than prior patches. Would recommend perhaps moving the Phase options back to its own dropdown menu rather than leaving it in the Additional Commands dropdown. 12. As everyone has stated, the amplifiers menu not being closeable is very distracting and messy. I'll continue to update this post the more I see and hear. Thank you once again for being on top of this and I'm pretty sure everyone is looking forward to the fixes. EDIT: Added One For All known issue.
  4. Just finished a round of parsing myself. Can confirm the changes to Gathering Storm have a noticeable nerf and makes the rotation feel completely clunky and awkward. Several rotational blocks had GCDs of "well my PS isn't off CD for another 8 seconds and force speed is up but that means I'm 3 seconds behind and welp rip there goes that parse". BUT I did notice some weirdness with Force Speed and Polarity Shift - mainly that when I used FS it didn't seem like the proc to PS actually was showing up. But that could just be PTS weirdness. I'm not happy.
  5. I don't ranked PVP myself but I really couldn't have said this any better. Both sides of the field in endgame should be looked at for this issue. Balancing is delicate process and often it's either to one side or the other.
  6. [iNC Wall of Text warning] Can we at least get the spelling of the 6 piece on Gathering Storm through a spell check please? [EDIT: Spellcheck has been run, thank you!] On a more serious note, I'm very concerned about these changes. I'm downloading the PTS now to do some personal testing, but as a lightning sorc, I'm fearful that the 50% nerf to the PS proc will be more harm than good. Granted, for the last, Lord knows however long, we've done a lot more with a lot less, but 6.0 finally put sorc dps on the map as a solid choice for DPS. I'm not going to continue further, as I haven't tested it for myself, but I'm concerned that this will drop sorcs back into the middle tier of "Why bring a sorc when you can bring xx". Which leads into my second point of concern: Sorc/Sage healers. I've had the privilege to speak privately to some of the best sorc healers in the game and there is a general consensus that these changes, while in a decent direction, have some serious issues. I'm going to quote something sent to me in a conversation by one of those sorc healers, who now mains a merc: So, the TLDR for both roles for sorc with these changes is: Will these changes once more have the community asking the question "Why bring a sorc?" Also, it's imperative to note that it's not a direct call to nerf merc/op healers. I know sorc healers out shined literally everyone for a while in 5.x and it's good to let mercs/ops have their time in the sun. However, we (and I mostly mean the NiM community and I think the Ranked PVP community, but please correct me if I'm wrong) already don't bring a sorc healer into a group if we can or if their co-healer isn't strong enough to fill in the gaps, and with these changes, sorc healers will be hurting even more. I think the percentile changes are too drastic and the change of the 4p of Revitalized Mystics hurts too much. But again, this is all speculation and personal opinion. Hopefully when I manage to get on the PTS I will be able to either change or reiterate these concerns.
  7. Yep, I saw that empty renown crate and the empty green shell renown reward myself too. Multiple times on my 6 hours of testing the other day. Great feedback, thanks for bringing that up!
  8. Eric, thank you for these changes and thank you for posting them. This communication is amazing and it's highly appreciated. THANK YOU. Just, thank you for listening to the cries of No RNG. It's not perfect, but it's so much better than the first iterations. Something I would like to bring attention to is that the tech fragments, being a legacy currency, is too low at 3k max. Also, the amount of tech fragments dropping in master mode flashpoints felt very low. I cannot really give detailed thoughts without trying the PTS, but do expect another post on this thread regarding the gear acquisition changes when this goes live. But, once again, THANK YOU.
  9. Adding my voice to the chorus: Please provide a direct route for specific tokens and pieces. RNG only gearing is not fun. Please do not return us to "The Thrill of the Hunt"TM.
  10. OP, I believe many, many, many players - both vocal and non - feel the same way you do. This entire expansion seems nothing more than a sham. For people who use this game to unwind and/or connect in ways no longer accessible to them, it's a travesty. It's always sad to see a veteran sign off for the last time. Even more so as the raiding community that was once incredibly strong dwindles down to probably single digits. The days of Hatred, Zorz, 4/5, Ex-Dalborran Elitists, Paramount, hell, even Invictus back in its heyday ... they are long gone. With them goes the presence of a thriving community that looked forward to conquering challenges set in front of them by the developers. Give your WoW friends the best. With this latest release, you might find yourself reconnecting with old SWTOR friends as more and more people flee from BWA in droves. All the best wishes and happy gaming.
  11. I'm furious. This farce of an "event" is complete and utter stupidity and let me just give you all a little background on why, from a long time player's standpoint, it is. I've been a subscriber since April of 2012. That's over 4 years now. My subscription has NEVER lapsed. Even when I was unemployed. I have -40- character slots on Harbinger. Every single one of those 40 slots are full. I have: 4 Knights 8 Consulars 5 Smugglers 3 Troopers 3 Warriors 8 Inquisitors 6 Imperial Agents 3 Bounty Hunters All but 5 of those characters are at max level. I have a shadow, two assassins, a merc, and a smuggler not at cap, and only the smuggler isn't in the 60s, because he was going to be a gunslinger until they got nerfed into oblivion. Only two of those characters, a sniper and a gunslinger, were made using the Insta-60 token. The rest were leveled by vanilla game standards. Yes, I have sentimentality to them -all-. I'm the type of person that makes a character for a specific reason. My legacy tree is a total clusterbomb but EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is linked to another, each with backstories for them all. I have done KOTFE at least 6 times, including a dark side run and a light side run. I'm missing only a couple of classes for the stupid Eternal Championship thing, and I'm considering taking my PVP geared infiltration shadow into one of those runs, just because it's easy. I've also gotten every single achievement for the Star Fortresses. On multiple characters. I have started legacies on two other servers, Begeren Colony and Jedi Covenant. So, been there, done that. Not really interested on starting ANOTHER legacy on ANOTHER, deader server. I have participated in -every- event, including the Chevin Conglomerate event WAAAAAAY back when things were actually cool in SWTOR. I have killed almost every boss in the game on the hardest difficulty. I'm missing two: Dread Council NiM and Colossal Monolith HM. Only reason I don't have those kills? I don't have a guild or a raid team any more because they have all left. I'm missing only three things in my legacy advancement tab: Valor Level 80, 90, and 100. I have every single datacron in the game. I am a Galactic Hero (complete every heroic in the game on both Factions), Galactic Explorer (uncover every portion of every map on every planet in both factions), and Loremaster (unlock every single lore item in the game on both factions.) I have an absolutely maxed legacy. Companions? 92%. Operations? 90%. Classes? 100%. Light side/dark side? 100%. Out of my -40-, again, -40- characters on Harbinger alone, I have 6 Pure Dark Side characters and 5 Total Neutral Characters. I don't mention these things because I like to show off how much of an amazing player I'm not. Instead, I implore you, BioWare Dev Team, see what you're putting your players through. Sure, I don't mind leveling ANOTHER -8- characters because God knows I'm so stinking bored of Odessan Proving Grounds and Orbital Station Arena and failing at Story Mode Dread Master Brontes because nobody knows what they're doing any more. I'd really like to not have to move to another server to do it though. Or maybe just, I don't know, acknowledge the work a majority of your remaining player base has done? Sure, I don't have to participate, and if this keeps going the way it's slated to, I absolutely will not participate. Not because I'm not its targeted demographic, but because this mockery of everything we did punishes us for sticking around. If anything, can you at least increase the bloody server cap if you're going to force us to do this retarded grind yet AGAIN? Or don't. Which is more likely, because all our cries fall on such deaf ears it's more than probable we've all developed a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.
  12. [Deleted by account holder and moved to a different thread.]
  13. Hey all. Have another little update for you! Firstly, I just want to personally thank everyone who has contacted/ran with/or recommended players to Infinite and Inquisition. It has been a true pleasure running with everyone and we're excited to have helped the community at large prepare for end-game raiding. Unfortunately, I have just been laid off from my job. With that being said, my game time will be incredibly short as I look to find other employment in about the two-week span I was given to find it. One potential opening has me moving to another city an hour and a half away. So, if you are interested in running or scheduling runs, please contact the following person: Zaina is his username here on the forums. He's our top raid lead, decorated officer, and dedicated SWTOR player since beta. In game, he can be contacted under the characters: Aluth: Republic Lam'me: Imperial Beta: Republic (alt code 0232 on the e) Suton: Imperial Headstrong: Republic Na'je: Imperial Once things settle down, I will once more be in contact regarding these runs. And to those who have scheduled runs with us, we still look forward to hosting you. Regards, Daie/Vasilii
  14. Thank you for your understanding. So sorry about that mishap and I appreciate your patience. We'll be in touch.
  15. Good morning everyone! I apologize for the delay in communication; Real Life enraged and caused a wipe. Please check your inboxes for responses. Cheers!
  16. Hey all! Due to some unforeseen issues, we are currently on break from offering vanity runs. I will update this post when we are offering them once again. SM TOS and Rav are still being offered. Cheers.
  17. The main appeal for TOR, for me, was originally because how wonderfully I felt all the stories were written. Every single character of mine is linked directly to a class for reasons, and doing that helps me enjoy the stories even moreso. My list is as follows: 1. Inquisitor. Hands down, the best story - I feel - in the game. I've played LS, DS, and neutral and they're all so much fun. The male voice actor is amazing and the female actress is just as good! I hate one of the companions, but I think everyone does. It's an amazing story and I highly recommend it. I have four of them, if that says anything. 2. Consular. I know nearly everyone hates this story due to it being but it was the exact opposite for me. Sure, the few parts that were slow? Yeah, a bit. But it was the subtleness of the story and the characters inside the story that really made it connect. I also have four Consulars. 3. Smuggler. God, this story's just funny. Personally I would've gone for a female voice actress who isn't -quite- as silly sounding, but that's such small potatoes. The smugglers have some great one liners that made me ESC out just to hear them again. And who doesn't like back blasting people with a sawed off shotgun or duel-wielding some BAMFing blasters? 4. Agent. I'm actually not too fond of this story, but the voice actors just really make it worth playing. Yes, Chapters 1 and 2 were really "edge of your seat" kind of thing, but afterwards, I felt a little lost and I lost interest in the class for a long time. But I resurrected it for my male DS sniper and oh my lord, the lol's are real. Personally I prefer the LS agent, but I would recommend rolling a DS agent (male, for reals) for the "50 shades of 404 not found" attitude they have. My friends and I tend to joke with it, calling the class a bit like but that's just our opinion. 5. Knight. I personally found this story trite. I know people say it's a classic Jedi/KOTOR/Star Wars story, but goodness. The Mary/Gary Sue is real. Maybe because I played my first knight light side, lol. My guardian's fun to play as a DPS, mostly because one just can't get enough of the karate-yells in the Vigilance discipline. 6. Warrior. Honestly, I'd probably rate this higher than the Knight, except the fact that ooooh my lord the Mary/Gary Sue is even worse, I think. Great voice acting, I actually really enjoyed the companions with the exception of one, and I did enjoy Chapter 3. But those were the only highlights for me. 7. Trooper. I'm going to have to agree, the trooper was just plain boring for me. And the fact that they're the current FOTM doesn't help either. 8. Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunter = Fast and Furious. In space. Not for me. Made a powertech and a merc and I'm totally done. One of the best things I can recommend when creating a character is to know what you're wanting out of that character. Make a character that -fits- the voice and the story. If you do that, your leveling and playing experience will be that much better. And you'll be more inclined to see the ins and outs of all of the wonderful story-lines, as you are invested in your character and therefore more invested in the story.
  18. 6/4/2015: Dat Special Goodie Tho As promised, a little special something I wrote regarding my favorite protagonist, Vasilii. Disclaimer: I -hate- writing poetry. I really stinkin' do. Stupid freaking creative writing classes, grumble grumble grumble. But I liked this one! and I hope you all do too.
  19. Thank you so much for the kind words! It was a pleasure running with you and we look forward to having you again.
  20. 5/27/2015 Thank you all for your reading and kind words. I'd like to apologize for the lack of an update this week. I've been extraordinarily busy - both in game and at work - and have not yet found the time to sit down to finish the end of the Styrak chapter. But I do promise to have that updated and a special goodie next week as an apology. <3 Thank you again!
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