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NiM Loot Issue / Update


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The hardest content should drop the best gear. How can that not be super obvoius? I understand that 224 should be hard to get and I could almost agree with having only a chance to get it but then the same should apply to the hightlighted hardmode.


Please reconsider this.

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Oh boy. This is going to go down even worse than the companion debuff fiasco. This is probably the worst thing the devs have done in the 4 years of the game. Not only the decision to not have NiM drop 224, but not even bothering to fix the current drop rate until February?




Almost as good as removing ranked in the special PvP patch 2.4 :mad:

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I am assuming you want to gate people from gearing up too fast. The only problem is you are inadvertently killing off hardcore progression.


Most people that do operations do it for gear progression. Which you have tied to quite easy operations. I would be fine with this if we could actually do NiM for the same guaranteed gear. Instead I have to waste 2-3 nights a week planning 4-5 runs of KP HM for BiS gear. This is completely absurd. I appeal that whoever is behind this design choice rethinks this decision.


If you are not going to change your stance on this. I hope that you have a new operation planned that gives out a higher tier of gear and that it is coming fairly soon because......... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but quite a lot of people who raid hardcore progression are already questioning their time invested here and its only a matter of time before they come to a conclusion.

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Seriously? That would be hilarious if it weren't so depressing. Progression raiding isn't about achievement points and e-peen contests, it's about learning to work as a team and overcoming challenges with your friends. Without a clear progression though, there is no "progression raiding". It's the difference between taking a road trip with friends to the mountains (or wherever) and taking a road trip with friends around the neighborhood. I really do appreciate the new story and all the hard work yall have done in 4.0, but if the complete lack of attention to progression raiding wasn't destructive enough, this announcement just adds insult to injury.


Please reconsider - not just eliminating progression from Nightmare Mode, but also your apparent complete disregard for group content as a whole. It really is more important to us than you (seem to) think - and if your metrics show that not many people participate in progression raiding, that's because they've all given up. Some are gone for good - you've burned some bridges, frankly - but many will come back if the content is there.

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After running highlighted OPs for 4 weeks, my main character is fully 224 BiS geared and i have 5 more classes with a mix of 220/224 gear.

It's so stupidly easy to farm 224 gear by running highlighted OPs that all my toons will be BiS by the time they fix NiM drop rates...


Ok, but to be fair, that's after 4 weeks. If all NiM operations dropped 224 at all times, you would have something like 7 or 8 different opportunities at 4-7 pieces of 224 gear on each character per week. Highlighted HM limits you to 1 opportunity per week.


That said, it would be easy enough to do a potential drop in all NiM raids with a guaranteed drop in a highlighted NiM each week. Gives players willing to do NiM content the potential of 224 all the time and 2 guaranteed ways to obtain it each week rather than the 1 that HM raiders get.


But gear becomes obsolete at some point for top tier raiders. I don't think they wanted NiM to drop gear because they expect you to have it. I'm not sure BW is capable of delivering a mode hard enough to run just for the challenge, but I imagine that was their plan.

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Ok, but to be fair, that's after 4 weeks. If all NiM operations dropped 224 at all times, you would have something like 7 or 8 different opportunities at 4-7 pieces of 224 gear on each character per week. Highlighted HM limits you to 1 opportunity per week.


NiM is significantly harder than HM and it would take much longer to get the same amount of gear (assuming every Boss would drop 224 gear)

On the other hand, HM is so brain dead easy that most bosses can be 8-manned in 16m mode to get double loot.


I've got 5!!! 224 rating mainhands within 2 weeks, just by running highlighted! This would've impossible with NiM.

Edited by Sindariel
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Wow...just wow...here i thought the typo was going to be nim shouldn't drop same as highlighted but just 224s...instead its just a chance for 224s...i seriously think the devs want to kill off the hardcore/nim raiders so they can justify no more nim ops... Edited by masstershake
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Look, I get that you want players to have to grind to get the best gear, but then you should have had some new 228 gear in NiMs be the carrot instead of 224 gear. I don't even do OPs, but I can understand why those who do the hardest content would feel more than a little slighted by Highlighted HMs giving a guaranteed 224 drop when NiMs only get a chance at it.


This should be fixed in February, but it should be fixed correctly. Give NiMs a reason to play them and let progression raiders actually progress.

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While I certainly don't agree with the decision to have highlighted HMs drop better gear than NiM content, I'd imagine enough uproar from the community would get this policy changed in time for the next operation to come out. It is definitely counter-intuitive to have better gear drop from easier content. Honestly though, the best question I've ever seen in a guild application was "Do you raid to get loot or do you get loot to raid?" It might not be a relevant distinction for most, but I don't enjoy raids because I get loot from them, I enjoy them for all the other aspects, both intangible and tangible. There will always be a loot treadmill, making previously BiS gear obsolete within a few months. For me loot is a means to an end, a way to make DPS/healing/mitigation checks easier and to further the goal of clearing current NiM content. Right now, most of my toons are still in their 192/198 mixed gear that I cleared the last tier of content with, with my main still sporting some 204 PVP set bonus pieces in place of 220s/224s since there isn't actually any new content to rush to clear.
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Finally, the official nail in the coffin for all progression raiding guilds.


There's absolutely ZERO incentive to run any NiM content with this utterly stupid loot system. :mad:


Except if you still need to get those mounts of course...but you're right. I think this is the final nail in the coffin for the hardcore progression raiders and the births of the more casual progression raiders, which, if my guess is right, is the target audience and a much larger part of the current player community...but hey, what do I know about numbers? I am just going by what BW are doing and what that implies.


I'm thinking hardcore progression raiding is a thing of the past, at least in SWTOR. Personally, I am in between. I've done progression raiding but can also work with this. I just get something else out of it now.


But I do agree and was expecting this when they said they wouldn't make anymore new NiM ops that hardcore progression raiding was just moving off their radar because too few people were actually doing that.

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Next thing we'll see in Feb is that Wings will be dropping from story mode. I simply do not get Bioware at all. I guess the whole "Our operation cadence is important", and "we aren't forgetting about our mmo features" bits were just complete farces.


So let me get this straight: At launch players burned through your story mode content, and quit because there wasn't a fully fleshed out end game available (among other reasons for quitting but this was a cited big one). Instead of figuring out a way to keep the end game pve portion of this game relevant, you put a band aids over the wounds and said that'll do and you go back to what failed this game in the beginning i.e an over reliance on content that's not inherently repeatable? But, it's all good cause you all say that the mmo portion of this game is not to be forgotten, and that your operations cadence is important.


What are you all smoking? I want to make sure I stay far far away from it since it lowers expected IQ by a dramatic amount.


Apparently obvious things aren't so obvious anymore.

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Hey folks,



I have a few updates to pass on regarding the current issues with Nightmare Loot Drops. First, we discovered there is a bug with the percentage chance of a 224 rated item dropping in any of our Nightmare Operations. We plan to address this when we release Chapter 10 (Game Update 4.1) scheduled in February. If we are able to address it sooner, I’ll pass along an update.


Aside from that, we realized that we need to make a correction to our Operations and Flashpoints in Fallen Empire blog. Currently it states the following:

Nightmare Mode will also be available for all the Operations that had it previously, and will reward the same as the highlighted Hard Mode, as well as the unique mounts and titles available currently.

This statement is in error and needs to be corrected.

When running a Nightmare Operation, there is a chance that a 224 item can drop, but it is not a guaranteed drop like the highlighted Hard Mode is.

Nightmare Mode Operations will still drop their unique mounts and titles, and once fixed there is a chance to get 224 gear from them. It is by design that the best and most consistent way to gear up in Operations is to run the highlighted Hard Mode each week. Although they did certainly want to make sure there was a chance for greater reward from Nightmare!


We apologize for any confusion and will make sure that the blog is updated to reflect the correct information. I will pass on any further updates as I have them.







As someone who simply hasn't bothered walking into an operation at all in 4.0, I can understand wanting to reward HM operations in groupfinder, with the gear to take those players into NiM operations potentially. What I'm not quite understanding is the logic that going into NiM operations, rewards you with a smaller chance at having top tier gear.


Could that one be explained a little bit in more detail please?


Previously NiM operations have rewarded the top tier gear, so why has that changed in 4.0?

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