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  1. Thanks Kal. You are the best. Kal #1 backstabber Canada.
  2. Thing is, these "actions" Bioware is going to take isn't going to fix anything. People can make fake accounts to exploit and launder their credits easily in a matter of TWO MONTHS, especially now with level 60 tokens for quick access to endgame. What would it cost? $15 for a months sub + a couple mil for a character 60 token to make an infinite amount of profit? Any other reputable MMO would have shut the servers down immediately and hotfixed the exploit within a matter of hours before bringing them back online so no one could abuse it. This.....this is just dumb. It only took 2 months before they decided to fix it. Shows how much they actually care for this game. You would think people would notice when gold spammers on fleet drop from almost $3 per million to $1 that SOMETHING might be going on.
  3. Naaa, they will just release a new cartel pack and nerf some more classes while ignoring broken exploits.
  4. Sad thing is, even the mount drop is broken in one of the nightmare ops (DP). Like I don't even know how the hell you f***ed that up.
  5. Considering its been around since 4.0 launch (2 months) I highly doubt it. Its more important to nerf Powertechs, Snipers, and absolutely wreck Assassin's before fixing this or nightmare loot.
  6. Nope, that's still here. Just in another form. Every Christmas it seems they like to do this.
  7. The problem is, they won't add any more nightmare modes. Right now, all the metrics they are seeing is that 99% of the raiding population is running priority HM operations because of simple logic: it drops guaranteed better loot. So when they go to look at their metrics when making new operations and difficulties, they wont see reason to make a harder difficulty. Its just a way for them to skew metrics in their own favor so they don't have to make nightmare operations anymore.
  8. Instead of giving raiders an incentive to do nightmare, this is just one of their tactics to get skewed metrics in the future. They have HM drop better gear so barely anyone will bother wanting to do nightmare and just farm Priority HMs for better gear, and then claim not enough players are doing nightmare content to warrant more nightmare modes.
  9. Is this a f****** joke? A percent chance to drop? Do the devs not see the flawed logic with this system? "Hi we are Bioware and we will give you better loot for doing easier stuff." F****** retarded.
  10. If you had any reading comprehension skills you would actually look at what I wrote instead of going "blah blah I suck Bioware's c*** and I don't care what anyone writes." Everything I stated is factual. Whether you want to see that or not is up to you. Then by definition, MMO does not mean "story content only" or "recycling old content and calling it new" either. MMO's were inherently designed to be just that, Massively Multiplayer Online games. Well, if no one played online together in an MMO, it would turn into what, a single player game? You can argue that as much as you want. But they wouldn't make a game an MMO design if it was not intended to be played with other players in group type content. Tell me one thing I listed that was not factual: 1. 4 year old recycled content in the game. Fairly certain that is a fact. If its not then EV, KP, EC, TFB, etc are all apparently new operations. And apparently all these heroics that people are running that are on the leveling planets are all new as well. They certainly haven't been around since the game has been launched or anything....../sarcasm 2. You can take this as an opinion. But just because its an opinion does not mean it isn't true. I would like to see you get max affection and rep on each and every single advanced class and not tell me you don't feel it is a massive grind. 3. Considering it took 4 hours to get through the story (9 chapters) then I fail to see how each additional chapter would be anything greater than 30 minutes a piece, if that. Unless your view on time is vastly different than the majority population and it takes you a week to finish the story, then tell me I'm wrong. 4. Tell me what the subscriber rewards are for then? What is the purpose that they are releasing monthly subscriber rewards now (after 4 years of the game being out) if it was not to try and retain subscribers with "exclusive" items? 5. You have no leg to stand here. If you don't PAY a sub, you don't GET content. So by simple logic, you are paying for the content. Again, fact. And instead of trying to disprove anything I said, you throw out weightless words, because you know I am right. Yes, Bioware did release content. Yes, they added story. But, was this justified for the amount of time it took for them to do vs. the amount of time it took for players to finish it and for the amount we are spending? If it at least had replayability (e.x. meaning choices mattered, which they absolutely don't) then I may see more reasoning. However, that isn't the case here. If you want an example, go take a look at Guild Wars 2's latest expansion. The amount of things they added compared to the "expansion" for SWTOR was astronomical. And it costs about $50 with no monthly sub fee. Compare that to the amount you are spending here per month for the amount of content you are getting, and you can see why so many players here are disappointed with this expansion. Other games do it way better for the money.
  11. 1. For an MMO, this is by no means an expansion. This is recycled content with a marginal amount of story content added. I had way more content to do in 1 expansion in The Witcher 3 compared to this game which is supposedly an MMO. If you look at any other MMO that is worthy of mentioning, their expacs trump what was released here ten fold for the money spent. 2. The Alliance system is a grind fest of doing old heroics that have been in the game for 4 years now (recycled content). Not to mention, I would /wrists doing it on more than one character to get alliance maxed out. 3. So, you are saying that per month, while we pay $15 to get each new chapter, we will be getting what, maybe a total of 5 hours more of story content while they release the remaining chapters? Spending an extra $90+ in subs on the new chapters for maybe 4-5 hours of content? That seems like a great investment. If they at least released group content, that would take more than an afternoon to complete and doesn't get old doing it once over. 4. Those "subscriber rewards" are merely a carrot to keep people subbed until they release their short content patches each month. It makes the sheltered people like you feel as though they are getting their money's worth. 5. It is by no means free. I don't know what "paying anything MORE THAN NORMAL" means to you but that sentence demonstrates there is a cost somewhere, whether its direct(paying for the content) or indirect(via sub cost). And at least when I spend $40-50 on a new expac for a different MMO, there is more than 5 hours of story and a ton of recycled content to do. If you think about it, this is more expensive. Trickling the tiny amount of content little by little and eating your money every month. 6. There is no self entitlement or whining. People are voicing their opinions (which are completely valid). The problem is that the die hard fans like you that will stand by this game and behind Bioware for every stupid decision they make don't want to see the truth. Whether you want to see the truth or not is up to you. No one is forcing you to see it, just like no one is forcing us to pay or play the game. But eventually when more and more people realize the truth and you have dead servers maybe it might start to flicker a lightbulb. You have proved absolutely nothing. On the other hand, lets all go to the next MMO and cry about more solo content and ruin that game further too. /sarcasm
  12. Its true. We have to bend to his will. Next he will tell me I can't play Annihilation because I'm healing part of the raid. Love you Kal.
  13. I have done this fight as all 3 tanks, and I will say powertech tanks can be slightly more difficult when it comes to dealing with orbs due to the type of CDs they have. However, ideally no matter the tank classes, you definitely need to have the tank on the far hand clear their stacks and switch with the other tank when the first shield goes up, that is a must. You should be doing A, B and C all together, not just one of them. I have done both roles (as the free tank and the one slamming orbs with the remaining hand). If I am the free tank, I will normally taunt Brontes up against the red wall so DPS can rip her apart. But as I do this, I am keeping my eye on that 1 corner that the other tank cannot slam (corner to the front right with your back to the red wall) since the raid is near. If I see an orb appear from that "dirty corner" I will stop taunting the boss and go deal with that. At the same time, its a group effort. If I am in the middle of taunting brontes while that orb is coming, I will call for a sniper to leg shot it for me, or depending on which DPS it is on, they will eat that orb with a proper CD (like a marauder with Undying Rage, Sniper with Evasion/roll, Assassin with Shroud, Concealment Op with roll, Jugg with saber reflect, etc). The other tank should be slamming the remaining 3 corners until it comes time to push for a shield again. After the last hand goes down, tanks are pretty much just holding orbs away from the raid as long as possible and eating them until the DPS kill the boss, using whatever you have to stun, slow, (carbonize, electro dart) and taunt to eat the orbs at decent stacks until you can no longer do so. You should really get either a Sniper or Marauder in the group to make things easier, or even an Assassin tank. All 3 of them can apply the Trauma (heal debuff) to the boss, and each can give a bit of raid utility (Sniper shield, Bloodthirst and Predation, and excellent CDs for eating orbs). Powertech tanks apply Trauma with Flame Burst but it does not work while she is in the shield. But an Assassin tanks Thrash can apply it while she is shielded. Assassin's also make swapping on the hands easy with Phase Walk.
  14. Don't waste your breath. I know, you know, and everyone that posted in this thread knows. OP would have a lot of fun wiping in GW2 where your level scales to everything. This game is already easy as it is.
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