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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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I hereby also declare that PvP'ers make up 98% of the entire playerbase, thus BioWare need to seriously start focusing on PvP content. I have about as much data to back up that claim as you.


But according to my analysis, 95% of players are those that only play the pve space missions on rails. The fact that Bioware has not addressed those in so long will surely lead to the loss of 95% of players and the end of the game.:D

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I tried to look up actual number of subscribers, but they haven't been vocal about that in sometime, but the last number I could find was over 1 million. So I'll go with that.


So out of 1 million subscribers you polled 400. That's 0.04%. So yeah based on your extremely tiny poll I'm positive that your numbers are accurate. :rolleyes:


BTW what poll are you even talking about, I don't see any links to a poll in the thread so it sounds like your just making stuff up anyway, which is what most stats are anyway.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


Incorrect. Subscribers spend significantly more than F2P on cartel coins, taken from BWs own amazing metrics.

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No it shows that 10% of the people that responded to the poll support the change, until you can ask and get an answer from every person playing the game all these posts are just hot air, do not presume to know what anyone thinks until you have actually got an answer from them.


As for myself, do I think they went to far - probably, is it a game breaker - no.


All polls/surveys are not an entirely accurate view of something.


However, they are still empirical data against a cross section on this community, there do represent the accurate views of the cross section.


Given that both sides of the argument, as actual forum posters, have been somewhat fanatical in their views, you could I am sure, add or subtract maybe 10% from the results.

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those are a lot of percentages being thrown around there.


care to back any of it up?


Dont bother asking for proof,everyone in the forums is a magician,they pull numbers out of their magic hats and expect that we should accept them as facts *shrug* deluded minds think like that.

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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


You said it.. For me, this is the final issue and the list is long for all the years playing..And do they fix bugs..nope..

The Nerf thing is just the final nail in the coffin.

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But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf


This has made my day!

Post of the year contender.

Apparently, based on the 10% of the SWTOR community that bother with forums and the like, 80% are ready to quit over the latest patch.

Bravo sir - you are a genius.

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Also there is literally zero difference between the 2 types, if we exclude ganking.


That's why I like PvP servers, generally there's less ganking going on than on PvE servers judging by the complaints that get generated here. Plus you actually get help instead of a bunch of blue names standing around watching you die.

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You mean, out of the probably 1% of the players who post on forums, only 10% supported the change. You do realise, how little does this mean.


Out of all those players who post on the forum - 1% by your account - only 400 responded to the poll. If, for a million players (there are 14 million accounts I think), 10.000 post, then 400 is really an insignificant number.

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It doesn't matter if it's 5% or 80%, the fact is, there is ZERO good about this nerf. There's not one positive thing that came from it...all it's done is build resentment and frustration with an already lackluster Dev team.


4.0 had been going extremely well and the mood has never been more positive around here...until this nerf...this was one of the most foolish things I've ever seen a development team do. Who gives a flip if they were OP? The players are having FUN and enjoying the game in numbers we haven't seen in a long time. Those who thought they were OP had the tools available to them to increase their own difficulty, but they lacked the self control to do so. It was the best of both worlds.


Bioware will reap what they sow.

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Out of all those players who post on the forum - 1% by your account - only 400 responded to the poll. If, for a million players (there are 14 million accounts I think), 10.000 post, then 400 is really an insignificant number.


Moreover, it's not even a randomized sample but taken from a pool of highly motivated individuals. And if it's like most Internet polls, multiple votes are possible. These numbers cannot lead to any reliable conclusion.

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That's why I like PvP servers, generally there's less ganking going on than on PvE servers judging by the complaints that get generated here. Plus you actually get help instead of a bunch of blue names standing around watching you die.


Maybe because the PvP servers are dead...or at least Jung Ma is/was. I leveled 2 characters on Jung Ma through the main story with 12x xp, and 1 character saw 2 (yes two) enemies in PvP zones, and the other saw ZERO up until Voss, where there was a group of 60s camping a quest hub, and never saw an enemy player after that. I don't think there was ever more than one instance of the fleet, and it barely broke 40 people whenever I was there.

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Maybe because the PvP servers are dead...or at least Jung Ma is/was. I leveled 2 characters on Jung Ma through the main story with 12x xp, and 1 character saw 2 (yes two) enemies in PvP zones, and the other saw ZERO up until Voss, where there was a group of 60s camping a quest hub, and never saw an enemy player after that. I don't think there was ever more than one instance of the fleet, and it barely broke 40 people whenever I was there.


Jung Ma never had ganking problems, if one side or the other started ganking all the max levels in PvP gear sitting bored on the fleet would take a trip down planet side.


In almost 4 years, I can count the number of times I've been ganked on one hand, and only one time was AFTER the first 3 months. I've never played on any other server but PvP, maybe some people just make themselves targets for whatever reason, but I've never experienced that and I usually go out of my way to poke around in the enemy's area to get the map unlocked, datacrons and what not.


PS. Also, if that was that group of 60s on Voss a few months ago... yeah they didn't stay there too long after my guild went down and cleaned them out. They didn't even bother to come back and try to take a whack at us.

Edited by Draqsko
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Who gives a flip if they were OP? The players are having FUN and enjoying the game in numbers we haven't seen in a long time. .

Many people gave a flip, mind you. Just because you didn't doesn't mean you can generalize to "no one cared". I, for one, wasn't finding OP comp "fun" at all. It killed all challenge and had more fun with them being not as strong. It was boring.

(inb4 "you could just make them passive" : While it's true, it's not very fun either).


Then again, I won't pretend that I can speak in everyone's name, I'm sure a bunch of people were glad that the comp were so OP you were able to cook cupcake at the same time you played without dying.

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The patching thing on Tuesday really irritated me, however in the scheme of things it was one day and not that big of a deal. It did, however, make me realize that I need to delete the game and do a clean install from my original CDs to get rid of that bitraider crap. I am not a fan of torrent systems to begin with and from what I understand that is what bitraider is. When I saw people posting who weren't using bitraider versions of the game had gotten in much more easily, that was the final straw...so to speak.


Regarding the companion nerfs, what I can't figure out is this...what exactly was the problem with them?


When I PVE with my companions it doesn't affect ANYONE ELSE in any way. When I group to do Flashpoints, if it's a full group, no one has companions out. If it's a partial group, someone uses a companion to fill the empty spot and it's one less person to fight over loot with.


There's no PVE downside to having an OP companion at all.


If there is, please enlighten me on how my playing the game with my companion the way it was affects your gameplay.


The ONLY argument I could see is on PVP servers if someone had a 50 affection/influence companion just slaughtered a player who had a 10 affection/influence. At that point it's just a grind the same way it was/is a grind to get a pvp suit. Once the grind is over you're back on 'equal' ground.

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I have yet to vote on the poll. I tend to avoid silly polls. A. From what I've heard, most gamers don't bother with forums or other related websites on a regular basis. They only play the game. B. Resistance to a change is always going to be louder than acceptance. Along the same lines, people are more likely to vote in polls, or voice an opinion on formums, etc., when they are dissatisfied. Those that are ok with it typically don't bother. Even scientific polls can be misleading. Polls such as this are very little indication of whats actually going on or how the nerf is being received.


As far as the game shutting down by next Summer, we will only know next summer. The track record of doomsayers is not so good... only .02% are ever correct unless they leave it open ended such as "the game will die or is dying." in which case the % flips to 99.98% to be precise. Source? I don't need no stinking source. :p

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It doesn't matter if it's 5% or 80%, the fact is, there is ZERO good about this nerf. There's not one positive thing that came from it...all it's done is build resentment and frustration with an already lackluster Dev team.


4.0 had been going extremely well and the mood has never been more positive around here...until this nerf...this was one of the most foolish things I've ever seen a development team do. Who gives a flip if they were OP? The players are having FUN and enjoying the game in numbers we haven't seen in a long time. Those who thought they were OP had the tools available to them to increase their own difficulty, but they lacked the self control to do so. It was the best of both worlds.


Bioware will reap what they sow.

from a business standpoint, they likely felt that content was too easy and while people enjoyed it (well, the people that were still left after all the people that quit after one month as usual) they would burn out on the small amount of content left to do based on the very easy difficulty.


too easy, too hard...both roads to the same destination: loss of subs.


at this point, they probably nerfed the companions too hard.


only aspect that is improved now is owpvp is now possible again without superhealer companions. then again, pvp servers are ghost towns so another strike against it.

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Many people gave a flip, mind you. Just because you didn't doesn't mean you can generalize to "no one cared". I, for one, wasn't finding OP comp "fun" at all. It killed all challenge and had more fun with them being not as strong. It was boring.

(inb4 "you could just make them passive" : While it's true, it's not very fun either).


Then again, I won't pretend that I can speak in everyone's name, I'm sure a bunch of people were glad that the comp were so OP you were able to cook cupcake at the same time you played without dying.

You HAD the ability to change it, YOU didn't. Instead, you support a change that does nothing but harm the playerbase and lose us subs. MMOs depend on people...I'd rather have 100 people who liked the companions OP for whatever reason than to have one player who lacks the will to improve his own "boring" experience.

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I'm not leaving SWTOR.


But I was pretty determined to level Lana to 50. And I was being kept pretty busy doing the heroics and the SF weeklies in between my guild's progression raids.


What incentive is there to "Build an Alliance" now? Zero.


An Alliance of useless companions? You may as well be collecting playing cards.


What conceivable reason is there to plough through all those World Heroics now? Zero.


In fact, what's the idea with this secret base you're supposed to be building up? The one tangible benefit that had any real meaning was companion influence? And making that meaning tangible and impactful. Companions that had no meaning prior to the expansion other than for missions and crafting suddenly became meaningful. And Fun!


I think BioWare just KO'd their expansion with this nerf.

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There's no PVE downside to having an OP companion at all.

If there is, please enlighten me on how my playing the game with my companion the way it was affects your gameplay.

There's a lot of fight during leveling, as in any MMO. leveling in solo with comp mean you have to go through a lot of PVE encounter with random mob.The game, while having some nice aspect, also have some weak point : Its combat system is somewhat dull and overall already pretty easy.


Having completely OP companion absolutely kill all interest in solo PVE combat. You end up sleeping during the already not-that hard H2. You don't have to think about rotation, cooldown and defensive abilities anymore. Nothing keep you on your toes and nothing feels rewarding. Killing bosses don't make you feel somewhat proud if you can just idle while comp do the job.


That's a pretty good downside if you ask me.


Now, I understand very well some people were fine we OP comp and I respect that opinion. But saying there's no downside to it or that "it doesn't affect anybody's gameplay" is simply wrong.

Edited by Jaedelyia
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You HAD the ability to change it, YOU didn't. Instead, you support a change that does nothing but harm the playerbase and lose us subs. MMOs depend on people...I'd rather have 100 people who liked the companions OP for whatever reason than to have one player who lacks the will to improve his own "boring" experience.

I had the ability to change what ? And I didn't do what ?


And I don't support anything. Please, read correctly my post on the subject. I say I think the pre-nerf was boring because comp were too OP. I say that they needed to be nerfed. I never said anything about the actual nerf. I nerver said I was OK with this level or nerfing or anything. I didn't gave my opinion on the nerf that happened, I just said that pre-nerf, companion were way too strong and "a" nerf was needed. Maybe not "this" nerf, I don't know.

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