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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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Yep, they can't/won't punish win-traders in ranked, but they're totally gonna do something about me occasionally shooting someone every now and again to keep from getting vote-kicked in unranked WZs.


Face it, the PVP community is going to carry me to my 10 wins or I'll drag them down to 20 losses. And I have 5 max level toons to do this on, so all you PVPers better get used to carrying my useless self or get used to losing. As I said before, if I have to be miserable in PVP, so do the rest of my team.

That's a very entitled attitude.

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15 pages, Eric responded, Hmm obviously somebody cares :mon_tongue:


Oh? I didn't see anywhere in there that he recognizes any of your frustrations with being "forced" to PVP or are they altering those systems. I think the one thing people seem to gloss over in their nerd outrage over PVP in a game is "That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it." regarding PVP gained companions.


My point stands.

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I think that at this point it will be very difficult to pursued PvP players that this is a bad idea otherwise. PvP players have been so neglected over the years that now they have their "special reward" they want to keep it.


Either give us another way to get these companions or let us say no chance to them and just get rid of the quest, you will find half the "bads" will disappear almost overnight from warzones unless they specifically want these said companions will just be glad to see the back of the quest alert.

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You're being asked to compete in group content, much like everything else rewarding in this game. It sucks that you dislike PvP, but suck it up and branch out. MMOs consist of a variety of activities...developers are wise to reward those who engage in most of them. If you want M1-4X bad enough, you'll try it. Having exclusive items for PvP, GSF or PvE is not a bad thing at all.


Having a variety of activities and being rewarded for it is a good thing, as having choices is a good thing. But I see no choice here, do pvp or get lost is the only choice.


Secondly, companions are not cosmetics, or gear. I'm ok with gear being locked behind ops or pvp. Companions, not so much. They are story content, and story content being locked is never a good thing. You want to expand the game and provide different options? Letting people get them by doing pvp, an op or gsf? As long as it is an option, I'd say, awesome! Having content you can use in gsf/pvp being locked in gsf/pvp? Sure that also makes sense. Companions locked behind pvp? Nope that doesn't make sense to me...


Finally, to answer the "suck it up" line: if I do as you say and just shut up and suck it up, Bioware will just look at the stats, will see that they are way more players in warzones and conclude that everything goes swimmingly, and consider it a resounding success. But the fact that I, and many others, are doing it while having zero fun and hating it is not even going to be taken into consideration. I'd rather say something and do something about it now, thanks.

It will be up for them to choose to listen or not to us. If they don't, then that's too bad for me and I'll have to consider how much it hampers my enjoyment of the game and hope that the idea won't get expanded to a point where the enjoyable sides of the game trump the not so-enjoyable sides, as I do for every new feature that gets introduced.

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Oh? I didn't see anywhere in there that he recognizes any of your frustrations with being "forced" to PVP or are they altering those systems. I think the one thing people seem to gloss over in their nerd outrage over PVP in a game is "That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it." regarding PVP gained companions.


My point stands.


Well ours apparently did too.

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I took some time to think about the situation and I came to an idea.


Different paths to Pierce/M1-4X....and different versions of Pierce/M1-4X.


Let's use Pierce because Imperial is best, rah rah rah, because I said so. You get the mission alert, go talk to him and you get two options, much like Qyzen or however you spell it. You can go do HM FPs with a Republic vs Empire vibe. Black Talon/Esselles, Foundry, go kill Conquest Commanders as a group, etc etc etc. Whatever. PVE stuff.


Or you can go do 20 WZs. I might add that in those WZs, on many servers, you're going to be killing fellow Imperials instead of Republic players, but whatever.


Now, here's the other part. If you do the PVE path, you get the standard look for Pierce. If you do the PVP path, you get the standard look for Pierce.....and 2-3 exclusive customizations that are BtL and exclusive, can't get them anywhere else.


There. Now you have a reward that'll coax players into doing PVP without being railroaded into it.

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Not as much as you seem to think no matter how many times you type it.


You are given an alert by doing the story and not completing it has a rather high chance of you missing out on story content and/or more story alerts.


You are indeed forced to do PVP to continue in the PVE story part of the game, that story is a rather huge point of playing SWTOR. The PVP portion should have been a separate side thing and entirely optional. As of now, it's not really optional.




Go back a few posts and read some of the things I did to not go AFK. There was nothing more exciting than seeing some other PVP players say my name before the match started and go, "Well this is a loss." I even think I caused some to leave with a few of my antics.


We had 16 straight losses. How we won 2 is beyond me.


Yeah, that kinda sucks:D


But I played a lot of LoL and other FPS games, PVP players in this game are carebears compared to toxicity I've seen there.Who cares if some PVP scrub is calling you names, right click/ignore/alt-tab/continue with hearthstobe/netflix/ whatever you were doing. Who cares about them anyway, they are tiny part of community, that rarely do PvE content, odds of geting grouped with them again is really low.

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You're being asked to compete in group content, much like everything else rewarding in this game. It sucks that you dislike PvP, but suck it up and branch out.


You might have a valid point if I hadn't already tried pvp in SWTOR and found uninteresting in every conceivable way. So I already tried to suck it up and branch out. That lead to where I am now. My dislike for SWTOR PVP.


MMOs consist of a variety of activities...developers are wise to reward those who engage in most of them. If you want M1-4X bad enough, you'll try it. Having exclusive items for PvP, GSF or PvE is not a bad thing at all.


Then let me drop that garbage never to be bothered by it again. Don't attach it to the PVE story. Let it be something you can pick up on teh side if you want to see that part of the mission and get that particular reward.


As it stands, I cannot drop it or remove it. Nor can it be avoided because it attached to the story. When you try to force PVP on PVE it never really works out well and as long as BW continues to do that, PVP'er will continue to suffer as my main goes into PVP matches.


But I wont lie. I do like knowing this is BWs path for the future. I'll stick to just my main and avoid the PVP problem on all my other toons now. As not doing the story at all is the only way to avoid it. My alts simply wont touch the story. I like knowing that going forward. So much time saved.

Edited by Quraswren
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Not even a little, but you sure are. How is that pouting in PVP going for you?





This is quite a bit of projection, something I see you do pretty often when you get worked up in a thread. I don't actually PVP at all, really. But in the event that I want Pierce or 4X on a character that can't get them naturally? I'll do the 10-20 warzones and try to help my team. I'm not going to pout or cry in a corner while the big bad PCs run around killing eachother. I'll join in the mayhem. What have I got to lose?


That is a lot of projection. When I feel the need to PvP, I play Aion. I rolled Asmodian at preselect, and currently reside on a server where, the last time I logged in, we were outnumbered 10 to 1 on a good day. In other words, plenty of PvP to be found, that actually means something. My sub was still active when it went F2P. I'm not allergic to PvP, I'm allergic to 4 on 4 or 8 on 8 (if they even still have those) duels. My assassin has 200 comms, and has never set foot in a WZ. How? Pvping on Ilum during a Gree event.


So you don't PvP at all, but care what others do? You see, I took the "high road", and just don't go into WZs, they're not my thing, and I won't do them. If that means I can't get a comp I want, then that means I'm done. No drama required, they chose to gate stuff that I may want behind something I don't care for, or about, and I'm not going to do it at all. This means that, when it comes down to it, and I can't progress any more, I'm done. It's not "I don't want to do the same things over and over" endgame complaint, I understand perfectly well how that works. It's being gated behind an aspect of the game that brings absolutely nothing to my characters. "Oh hey, you might get a mount", I've got more than I can use already. Some of my characters could lag the server trying to pick a random mount.


It does nothing for me, so I don't do it. You'll notice too: I'm not complaining about people being in WZs doing nothing. I am, however, wondering why it is that some of these crème de la crème PvPers are salivating over players that don't want to PvP at all being forced to do it if they want a specific comp. Actually, I'm not wondering at all: They finally see a chance to wrack up some wins, so long as they don't get on their team...

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I really feel that you guys should reevaluate the forced pvp for future companions. The players that are complaining about it are definitely not having fun. This is IMO NOT encouraging any of these players to continue to pvp in the future. Many enter the warzone map and find a corner to hide in until the match is over. I don't mind the quests, as I enjoy pvp. If you guys want to see more participation in pvp do something to balance class performance inside wz's. A lot of these players don't do pvp with any regularity, and tossing them into an end game (65) warzone where they can't kill anything because certain classes are over performing, or get killed in 5-7 seconds because certain dps specs are broken can't be fun for them.

TLDR: either exclude pvp from story mode pve progression or balance class performance inside warzones.


While I think it is good that you have to go to different areas of the game to "recruit" companions, you raise very valid points about making it fun to do so, currently PvP is a mess due to lack of balance.


Equally said though, to "recruit" companions, other players are gated behind Level Sync or other stuff. So until they address all of it, I don't see why BioWare should do anything at all about the PvP requirement. That would just be "pandering" to one type of player.


You do know, you don't have to have everything, right?

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I barely play battlefield 4 nower days because of the fact that the matches are fairly mindless eg protect this flag attack this flag etc, plus I am not very good at it either that is pretty much the reason I say I don't want to PvP, I want to do things in the game that have a little more narrative in it.


But as I have said before BW's comments are worrying as ok even if they give a refuse option on this quest, they have not exactly ruled out putting companions behind the PvP wall again, what happens next time if the companions they choose are "fan favourites" when quite clearly there is a greater majority of people who don't want to PvP ever and yes PvP is a minority area of the game along with hard core "raiders" you can't deny otherwise.


I know exactly what I want in a game and PvP is not it, if Bioware continue to not listen to player who actually pay their wages I feel as if this is no longer the game for me.


And no you cant have my stuff if I go anything I have will be donated to my imperial guild as there are some ok guys there.

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While I think it is good that you have to go to different areas of the game to "recruit" companions, you raise very valid points about making it fun to do so, currently PvP is a mess due to lack of balance.


Equally said though, to "recruit" companions, other players are gated behind Level Sync or other stuff. So until they address all of it, I don't see why BioWare should do anything at all about the PvP requirement. That would just be "pandering" to one type of player.


You do know, you don't have to have everything, right?


You don't understand basic human psychology, it seems.

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Good on the devs for not backing down from PVP missions for companions, and I hope they do introduce more. If you want the companion that requires PVP, then you PVP. If you don't want to PVP, you don't get the companion.


How is it any different from anything else in the game?


If you want the PVP gear for looks for outfits, you have to PVP.

If you want the shiny purples, you have to raid.


If you don't do these then you don't get the reward. Why shouldn't this be similar? None of these companions requiring PVP are -required-. You don't NEED them. They're not tied to PVE progression, and because of the new choice of companion spec, they're interchangeable. There is nothing so unique and life altering about these companions that they should make them more available.


I agree, so long as they aren't locking other content out, such as having Lokin locked behind Qyzen. Unless the whole chain is PvP oriented, that is. Then, I hope they aren't locking say Jaesa behind a PvP window, because that's a comp that I could get behind having. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I won't get Pierce or 4X on toons that didn't get them natively, and I'm fine with that. I just don't want to find out that there's a whole chain of PvE content that I'm locked out of due to that requirement.

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That is a lot of projection. When I feel the need to PvP, I play Aion. I rolled Asmodian at preselect, and currently reside on a server where, the last time I logged in, we were outnumbered 10 to 1 on a good day. In other words, plenty of PvP to be found, that actually means something. My sub was still active when it went F2P. I'm not allergic to PvP, I'm allergic to 4 on 4 or 8 on 8 (if they even still have those) duels. My assassin has 200 comms, and has never set foot in a WZ. How? Pvping on Ilum during a Gree event.


So you don't PvP at all, but care what others do? You see, I took the "high road", and just don't go into WZs, they're not my thing, and I won't do them. If that means I can't get a comp I want, then that means I'm done. No drama required, they chose to gate stuff that I may want behind something I don't care for, or about, and I'm not going to do it at all. This means that, when it comes down to it, and I can't progress any more, I'm done. It's not "I don't want to do the same things over and over" endgame complaint, I understand perfectly well how that works. It's being gated behind an aspect of the game that brings absolutely nothing to my characters. "Oh hey, you might get a mount", I've got more than I can use already. Some of my characters could lag the server trying to pick a random mount.


It does nothing for me, so I don't do it. You'll notice too: I'm not complaining about people being in WZs doing nothing. I am, however, wondering why it is that some of these crème de la crème PvPers are salivating over players that don't want to PvP at all being forced to do it if they want a specific comp. Actually, I'm not wondering at all: They finally see a chance to wrack up some wins, so long as they don't get on their team...


Well thanks for that story, I guess. But now I'm completely baffled as to why you're even replying to me in the first place. I guess just looking for an argument? I lost the desire to have any kind of functional conversation with you when you mentioned Aion for PVP. That pretty much shut my brain down.

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I think it is important to note that it's the Alliance story that parts of become inaccessible due to not completing the PvP objective. Not getting M1-4X will not prevent you from doing any of the new chapters. From what Eric posted it also looks like you'll still be able to recruit other allies, just not any more from that alliance leader until it's done, so whoever M1-4X is classified as (I'm guessing he's military, I don't remember off hand)will not give you any further alerts until you acquire M1. So while some of the story does get blocked, not all of it does.


The good news is, as Eric mentioned they are discussing this and changes to it for story purposes. I don't mind doing the PvP, I like the variety in the quests, but I understand it's not for everyone and locking PvE content behind PvP Warzones doesn't appear to have been the best idea. Maybe a fewer number of WZ'z or completing certain Op's as another option to finish it would be a good idea.


The 4x quest is from Theron and Pierce is from Lana. And anybody who actually reads what Musco said will realize that unless you recruit them, you're blocked from any other companions that will have an alert from them. Getting companions is a quest chain with these people. One leads to another.


So no, to all the people that are dead wrong about only missing out on "1 companion". If you don't do PvP to get 4x and Pierce, you're also going to be missing out on the other companions that Theron and Lana offer. And as it stands right now, you can't pass on 4x and Pierce to move on in the chain.


I'm not asking bioware to change the requirements for these companions. But the least they could do is give us the option to say no and move on to the next companion in the chain.

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Having a variety of activities and being rewarded for it is a good thing, as having choices is a good thing. But I see no choice here, do pvp or get lost is the only choice.

The choice is - if you want M1-4X, PvP for him. If you don't want to PvP, skip him. You have no "need" for him as a companion...you just "want" him. If you want him badly enough, you'll do what is necessary to get him...or whine on the forums like other people do.


SWTOR isn't just about PvE...it's had PvP in from launch.

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Indicates how bad the Pvp and number of players there-in is if a company is forcing PVE players to do it if they want to progress the quest line.


I got to that point, looked it up and went "Nah Beer Bot is not worth having to do PVP for". The Whole Build "alliance" thing just reeks of boring half planed slop that wants to try and do what WoW did (and wow did it better).


I don't care for half the new "companions" and then there is the slipshod crew of other classes companions forced down your throat. Makes me not want to play any more of my classes past 60. Have done my Knight and i can see where this all just tumbles into a horrid mess and i lose access to my favored companions for who knows how long.

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you do realise that that one type of player will make up a majority? PvP have been neglected in this game so much that it is a minority.

The PvE only folk are the "minority". People who participate in most things are the majority.

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Indicates how bad the Pvp and number of players there-in is if a company is forcing PVE players to do it if they want to progress the quest line.

How are you "forced" exactly? Oh...that's right...you AREN'T!


Why the hell do you think you're entitled to skip a part of the game just because you want something? PvP or don't...nobody is "forced" to do anything...you all just feel like you're entitled to M1-4X because you dislike PvP...well you aren't. So suck it up and PvP or don't...if you want him badly enough you'll do it.

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The choice is - if you want M1-4X, PvP for him. If you don't want to PvP, skip him. You have no "need" for him as a companion...you just "want" him. If you want him badly enough, you'll do what is necessary to get him...or whine on the forums like other people do.


SWTOR isn't just about PvE...it's had PvP in from launch.


The problem with this Tux is even if you don't want them you may still have to do the pvp to progress to the next part of the companions and this may not be a problem for you, if you like to pvp, but for me it is. I don't necessary care about those two but if they are going to gate the next ones behind this then it becomes a problem.

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Personally I'm much more annoyed by the Qyzen's quest. PvP goal is clear at the very least, its 10-20 matches (depending on how lucky you are), and you achieve it no matter what. Also , PVP vendors have nice relics that can be used in PvE. I'm not a hardcore PvPer, and I realize why people dislike the idea, but it's not that different from PvE - you don't stand in fire, you interrupt, CC heal and focus fire. It's just your opponent is smarter than AI. Most of the times. :)


Qyzen takes tedious farming of the random spawns, which are very few and impossible to locate without a dulfy's guide. Ah yes, WBs! It's pretty much the same random spawn hunting, but one has to get the raiding party first. And make sure that their party makes it fast. I can't say I need Lokin that much, but that design is anything but good. There should be no such totally unrelated requirements. Next thing they ask is farming 100 bio-compounds for a random guy to get an alert for one's LI.

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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!





Thank you for the answers but I am not about this. If you gate companions behind pvp missions then it may cause a problem for those that hate pvp. I understand you want to encompass all range of play but gating companions behind a pvp mission or two before you can progress can create a problem. I would like to skip these two companions but not if it is going to lock me out of any future ones just because I chose not to do pvp to get these two.

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The problem with this Tux is even if you don't want them you may still have to do the pvp to progress to the next part of the companions and this may not be a problem for you, if you like to pvp, but for me it is. I don't necessary care about those two but if they are going to gate the next ones behind this then it becomes a problem.

Then consider Doc part of the PvP reward as well - 2 companions. Point is, it's OKAY for Bioware to promote companions that encourage PvP. If you want either one, you know what you need to do...if you dislike PvP that much, don't get them...or perhaps people should play a game that has no PvP to start with...PvP has been a popular part of SWTOR since launch.

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