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Everything posted by BlueSloth

  1. Indicates how bad the Pvp and number of players there-in is if a company is forcing PVE players to do it if they want to progress the quest line. I got to that point, looked it up and went "Nah Beer Bot is not worth having to do PVP for". The Whole Build "alliance" thing just reeks of boring half planed slop that wants to try and do what WoW did (and wow did it better). I don't care for half the new "companions" and then there is the slipshod crew of other classes companions forced down your throat. Makes me not want to play any more of my classes past 60. Have done my Knight and i can see where this all just tumbles into a horrid mess and i lose access to my favored companions for who knows how long.
  2. The Prospect of the coat was lead me to keep going but in the end it turned out to be a real disappointment. Not some new and unique coat but a rehashed version of a coat i have in a couple of other colours already.
  3. You get what you ordered then with a Ewok. Less of them around the better.
  4. Its bloody stupid that none of them who could use Electrostaves can anymore. My Jaesa, Kira and Nadia have all used the Warstaff since it came out and now get stuck with a double saber and nothing else. They made a big show of listing all the companions who got to use rifles and nary a mention that others would lose the ability to use the staves or blades
  5. Really annoyed that Force using companions have lost the ability to use Electrostaves. All mine who could used the Cathar Warstaff and now cant
  6. Happens to me every time there is a patch, on this occasion it got to 50% reasonably fast and since then has managed to go 5% in a couple of hours
  7. Would be nice to play it but as is typical the Patch is moving a pace that leaves Glaciers wondering where they went past it at
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